HomeMy WebLinkAbout050 - 05/21/1996 - ADDING DIVISION 5 TO CHAPTER 24 EASTABLISHING A TRANSPORTATION MAINTENANCE FEE (FAILED TO PASS) ORDINANCE NO. 50, 1996 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS ADDING DIVISION 5 TO CHAPTER 24 ESTABLISHING A TRANSPORTATION MAINTENANCE FEE WHEREAS, the maintenance of city streets is a matter of critical import ce to the citizens of the City; and WHEREAS, as the governing body of a home rule municipality, th City Council has broad legislative discretion in determining the appropriate funding mechanisms or maintaining city streets; and WHEREAS, on January 17, 1984, the City Council a opted Ordinance No. 6, 1984, establishing a Transportation Utility Fee for the purpose of fun mg such maintenance; and WHEREAS, the validity of the Transportation Util' Fee was subsequently upheld by the Colorado Supreme Court on December 18, 1989; and WHEREAS, on March 7, 1989, the registered ectors of the city approved, at a regular city election, the imposition of a one-quarter cent sales nd use tax, the proceeds of which were to be used for the purpose of street maintenance; and WHEREAS, in view of the voters' proval of the foregoing sales and use tax, the City Council repealed the Transportation Utilit Fee by the adoption of Ordinance No. 13, 1992 on February 4, 1992; and WHEREAS, it has become in asingly evident that the amount of revenue generated by the quarter-cent sales and use tax is in fficient to properly maintain city streets; and WHEREAS, the City uncil believes it to be in the best interests of the city and necessary for the safety and general we are of the citizens of the city that a street maintenance fee be reenacted by the City Council to ovide supplemental funding to defray that portion of the city street maintenance costs that ' not funded by the quarter-cent sales and use tax; and WHEREA , City staff has recommended reinstating the Transportation Utility Fee, to be hereinafter kno as the Transportation Maintenance Fee, with certain changes in the method by which the am nt of the fee is calculated, so as to more closely reflect the actual traffic generated by the prop ies paying the fee; and HEREAS, the City Council has determined that the adoption of the Transportation Mai enance Fee, as recommended by City staff, is in the best interests of the City. �GZi led f ass NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Council of the City of Fort Collins as follows: Section 1. That Chapter 24, Article II. of the City Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new Division 4 which shall read in its entirety as follows: DIVI9ION'4.nE9TABLISHMENT OF TRANSPORTAITON NIA=14kNCE.FEE Sec.24-171.Definitions. When used in this Division,.the following words, terms and"ph'rases shall have the meanrng,ascribed to them in-this.section: Street-oI city street shall mean the.entire wrdt],between Ihe"cedtcateil or deeded boundary]rues of eery way,whether inside or otitstde die etfy_fimit§ th has bee- accepted by thet ttyrfor maintenance,twen any part thered{ts open to the use of the dblic,forthe:` „ " '" ,a y, P , putplisespf:vita°culat la oyole,grrP4SlpA.kn tra tel rn •.cMu","• Sri ,spa. xI, j "Uiie=wa..it?M}vgbtitltttbpf.Ket G } bicycle,Dt;petlest iai� #rave Tri nerd i nshad e ieA_m' y" :' " ,- � Q�'�diictton;q '`scaas"d"liry a un tYi3 � �at� 9Pn 4I2r E. `f igr,'eWEEai;ia„ ;est'bli -T.-Mtatt�R,�f�#�.!l�a° a gm_nn�" r r a .�ne . n R x�nwepx , owners or oceitpartts ofTo alb develop I pr0Per`WNw4 Gaw', rp rate iiutg, i tQ city; 5ucti fee shall lle established ut antoiifi 9 tyi,�'p4014igh9ftmoitt WWA properly operate;adniiitisteri. 3timamtaiicatystreetssse$§mentagatds,'t individual properties shall be basetipon4 estimated tripti�ronprani], ectipazro6l Of pioperiy, ' olladtioniyfltl fe ° `atnstc `rc3 I?a lsr . 1 rS all Ue ma8e b ,a tittintli, y j+. 211, charge to,be'added,to the.Cltye7@c;tic,utii fybtll fofstich pfopoty. Th Clty nuq��l p Tr. .f, Yam' i'1....r. EIRR t„ may; froin time to tune, by ordinance, change the arnbunf of the'ee based `upon revised estimates �of the, cost"of"properly,maintaining=wily streets,;ieyi ed trip getieration factdrs or otmr f actors: Sec:.24-173:Monies to be;paid.into�Transpo>•tation,Servxces:Fund;-T�se,ol�,ieg. ro�eeds All revenues generated_by,, e;collection of the Transportation;Maintenance Fee . _ - shall be paid into the Transportation Maintenance 1 ee division of the Tiansp:_,,o .rtatiori Fund ("Fund"). Such revenues shall be used for the purposes of the operation, administration and maintenance of the street network of the city. It shah not be 2 necessary that the operation, administration and maintenance.expenditures.from the Fund specifically relate to any particular property from which the fees for said purposes were collected. To the extent that the fees collected are insufficient to properly maintain city streets, the cost of the same may be paid from such other city funds as may be determined by the City Council,but the City Council may order the reimbursement of such funds if additional fees are thereafter collected. All amounts on hand in the Transportation Maintenance Fee division of the Fund shall be invested by the Financial Officer in investments proper for city"funds. All funds collected pursuant to the provisions of this Division for operation, administration and maintenance shall be separately designated as such and shall be used solely for those purposes. Sec.24-174.A;dniinistrat p ;off0t,designated; the transportation Sgntices DuecxoL:r I7iieetar; shall,k�_:fesponsible.for tha admimstzahoq of this Division .Te,I?�reetor sliallbe irspdnsrble for ev loping administrative'procedures for the Fund,`adtnmi$txalron of fees, constderation'of variances,, developing maintenance .programs, estallLshmg,.standaids for the maintenance;of-'streets and" all other:..acttvit�es telatcd..to°'the ;p;ovrsrops;qi this ,Ll1V1S'),f�Il3 Sge�;iaXss�.,etermu,ato � s4x mai�tt anc �cest or d]L s reetgt g,lr , un ` h�e n egumatu pl�,tb adeg �ttip.generattgn`if ei,de �opt cfai tif"ptertY 17, �a estimates gall be based upon the most cu�ent North prn #Rapg ii bouseili� sa �Siuey fpicry residen#s ,The fee shall hezestaUished t'urv�aciY,pafcel_uf deggecl pertyi t Jj Vii imd' nia n�tenenc 4 _.t. psi' n a i7t4 shl1 � ._ �r� t1�1�C dc�vepp"ec pieesithinithacly represents that pq#ttii"ofthe City's streetaintenance GQsts,tq bq„funded by the, tanspoi'tatiail' in n (27 Ttcsiileiiti v:Not Resileiitial' .T i Q,ia1"es i ate n d Zf bas +"i s t1 P.. within the city perpear s iallbe"a11"dcated on the basis Bt`"d�; to e x�endid _ .. properties and 58 4% tgnop.residential"properties,.whrclt"peicehtages are based upon the estimated number of trips to and"from residential properties in the city as compared to the number of trips ao and fropi non-residential properties. 3 (3) Trip Generation Factor. Each parcel of developed property in the city shall be placed by the Director in one of the following categories, depending upon the developed use of the property and the estimated.trip generation of such property: a. Single Family„'Residential. b `.,Ivlult farnily`Reside itiaL �... • c. Noirresidetitial. Estimated Daijy Trins 1. I ow 6^to,1d0 2: IW-'Medium 1017to 2p0 3. Medium �O��to�50t) The.__UI.ula�t-tnp generation` adlo}`,td us an�.c u a �pg;i�9-a itftt4 f the°�e���PP�deye�aPe��roPe '� i�'�iase�.ripi#i1:�? '�, a rase Catgo, ie ,fig; ra a to i � x TOO qutliily rsi No��side}i�iaC :1 LbV(� 5Q Lai= arum ;s 3; 3vlec�iuin �5 4 4. Medium-Righ 750 5. High %500, (b) Feecalculation. The foregoing fact6rs"shall"b''e"-u"ti'lized'-i in the following fashion to determine themonthly fee for each.parcel ofdeveloped.pro'perty: (1) Sin i ­­Residential- "" ' - , , ""' - — Single- .Family Re. sidenti- Monthly Fee #`�o,' annulal- single-family resic6itial trips ("nj-a'vera'g'e'of 10 dail'y',tlrlpi-s"P"6t's'i'p'k-t'e'��'fimily residence) x 0.2267 #of,single-fan iiy,,reside-ntiiil',f-66 ...... months (2j M@iF ,y, eside;itialMout ly,Fee=.#of;.ann,ui4-tSiJlf -family residential trips' using average o multi- =6 :'6 6 daily,trips per' f yr60ence) i .2267' - #of,multi-? li."re'sid'ent'ial"fe epayqs,.:. , month WNon dsidentiW o aniival;non-resideh�ial trips,(using average of"SO'daily',iri' "'b"' ­f enilfli�T x'0.2267��', of low non trips, of o -3 e i a al, s ti ..,,feg p4yerA,+j gllth N low;medium "VIAE N QMIN'� 4 _(u,s 2 n- 76dium.1iT tr nXII, L in ��Ithigk averageZEY36(f&alff 'J7 non, or parceis'utdiiing the city electric utiffify-, Irt'tihie­ id'a­s"e...of those"lots or parcels whjch are not occupied by the owner^ihe'reofi- the feeishall bb',,bjAp'd wi th 0,monthly`City electric utility bill;which is'billed-to the reside' rit-of the .properly. Allsuch i i -- isshil be rendered monthly by the Utility Billing Office and shad become due ahid-payable in accordance with the rule's and regulations of the' btili billi ' Offi ""'i " ty lig ce pertaining 5 to the collection of utility fees, and the Financial Office r..shall place all such fees.so collected into the Fund to be deposited and separately kept to be used only for the purposes,provided:herein. Sec. - -ery ofu._n pp aaid.i-]a.r"g',e_.s,;�-.un..p.ai.d7c h_.,_...._. argesm_ to bealien. •. (a)Any charge due hereuttdet which is not paid when due.maybi.recovered in an action at law by the city. Additionally,all fees imposed pursuant to this chapter shall be a lien upon-the property against which such fee is assessed froui'the:date`said fee becomes due until:paid.- The owner of every subject lbtor parcel'shall be obligated to pay.the fee for.his.or her property, which obligation maybe enforced:by the city by action at law or suit to enforce the lien. In the event that a tenant in possession of any premises shall pay said fee, such payment,shall relieve the owner Tffori such obligation sand hen, but the•city shall not be,Jequired; to look -to;any person whoatgoeyer otlie than the awnap f br"tbe;'.paymen ;of suc} $ es 11. �(l�Nocltan a bf�",i ..:2�,.n• ..,.. �. •-„••.... ._. gsmP ?ec�patol> E t�e�applatr , tlri chapter, and ttie farinre;rti,liny b}yne fi `ieat tiiatrefruncasecl pi4petty against}�hrclialreh#bYisporta[tb �ntntenaiice fee exi?fs sl? ,ttedlus or her reSponsrlrility for such payment �,n ,flelingup'ti{$rrto tnt"rzla 11eEntlldb`d'b assessment upon. the ptoperty so sew n}td bert�catrori tlier�ot„p�,�'C'i�rµrty Treasurerfot.c� lctron undefaud*tj pdrsnce..dthe aubfilt}; ntlgfgce_dure prvidetin 0 F073 � 2' faltto 0 ts'... . P .v.:(a) , .icy°a�neifA'W„'b rlisp _ sttlie.,a ounto.'th'�.'Jkeiitadg�'a�st;'�uc�o"wne*.s property or cLs "any'tietermiriatrbn"inaeby or oiee cirsiiank"fo and%b the authbnt of thi chi te�lna Y ��_ R ` .y j�etrtfih tie �� r atang n revision or'tnod{figatron o> such fee ofdet ;mrliaho� s 11� u,. 1 Gaeta iuj5 generahori of,the blvner' s pr9perty;_Tie I7�reetorriayoldu�l7 heat ins himseorev'sP'n % at his of her, ien sole disctefroni may .iie�rgn�te o�'ficer<�'rir�ernpld}te�,q�,t�ie Transportation Services Area,as a hearing officer wthutto{ity"'to hold saaki tieafaiig, ( Y:petit pp Flg l itl! ? flti :1 Fpvigiari,oi tt(►is 5+et.Strr?aY:tia Fled Ij'b ceft :. "� -: �� :�W cr in connection with any 'such bhargb of determmarx ci upona s [6wri�g:of changed.cucumstances sgfficient to justifp`the filing'of,aq'40 tion6 peat oni (c) All'suclrpetitions shall be;in;vtYtng, ilei 'itti_the, ]irbctbr;ancl.tt)ects,nd figures shall be subinitted under bath, erfher m- svrttitig or orally at;ai. caring scheduled by the Director or the designated hearing officdf,.,The hearing,if any;s6,all take place in the City of Fort Collins, and notice' heteof and the proceedin'gs'sltall otherwise be in accordance with the rules and regulations issued by the Director. The 6 petifloper shall have,the burden of proving,by suhstahtia,eompetent.gY,iden....... Iat the actual trip generation of the progertyvaries, by a factor of"inore than ken,percent (10%), different from the;average"trip-generation.f�ctor"uscd in calculating the Transportation Maintenance Fee"fof the:property. (d) Wd ihin.thirty'(30),'dayS of:filing of the petition, the Director`bf,"�edsignated;tieai ng officer shall :make findings of fact based-"upon aif relevant inforriiat ffi oil; shalfmake .a determination based upon,such findings and,ifappropriaie modify sucb*" e' or:determination accordingly. Every decision or deterrri�natioq,.of the.Diire-'cior or the pated.hearing officer shall be xn venting,and notc@ thereof shall.be mazled.to or served nponahe petitioner within a reasonable_time from',th _. e late.of such action.' Service by certified -iaii,"return receipt requested,shall be conclusive'evidence of service farthe purpose;of this dhapter. The decision or determination of the Director or designated hearing officer`shall.be'final. Se ;`.24 ?9 ;RftldD4tfg ?>iYah1d: 'alsFl}+igt�e app�c nis d�d�t�t�gt vlston�o��f}apte s 2�turd 2tii pi•the;rf�4�e sii�il `DTI vex "f •?:8+fY sirs x o`be eltgtble foi<"refuirtl the{�'ranspdrta"t>i'gn"Iyl�ntenance_�ee urtder the dame Y PrF..1is 1PPs:?!s}.tb e3&fnPk al3kgr Section 2. That the Transportation Maintenance Fee shall be imposed as provided in this Ordinance as of July 1, 1996. Section 3. That in the event that any sentence, section, clause, part or provision of this Ordinance is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole, or any part thereof, other than the part declared to be invalid. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 16th day of April, A.D. 1996, and to be presented for final passage on the 21st day of May, A.D. 1996. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 7 Passed and adopted on final reading this 21 st day of May, A.D. 1996. Mayor ATTEST: •• City Clerk 8