HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 - 09/02/2003 - AMENDING THE LAND USE CODE TO IMPLEMENT THE I-25 SUBAREA PLAN, WHICH IS AN ELEMENT OF THE CITYS COMP ORDINANCE NO. 120, 2003 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING THE CITY'S LAND USE CODE TO IMPLEMENT THE I-25 SUBAREA PLAN, WHICH IS AN ELEMENT OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN WHEREAS, by Resolution 2003-095, of the Council of the City of Fort Collins, the Council adopted the I-25 Subarea Plan as an element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City; and WHEREAS, in order to implement the 1-25 Subarea Plan the Council has determined that the Land Use Code of the City of Fort Collins ("Land Use Code") should be amended by the addition of a new Division 3.9 for the purpose of establishing "Development Standards for the I- 25 Corridor" and that the Land Use Code should further be amended as it pertains to the urban estate, commercial, employment and industrial zone districts to make cross-references in the regulations for such districts to the I-25 corridor regulations and should be amended by adding a definition in the Land Use Code to define the term 1-25 Activity Center"; and WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the foregoing amendments to the City's Land Use Code are in the best interest of the protection of the health, safety and welfare of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS that the Land Use Code of the City is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. That Section 3.1.1 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows: 3.1.1 Applicability All development applications and building permit applications shall comply with the applicable standards contained in Divisions 3.1 through 3.9 inclusive, except that single-family dwellings and accessory buildings and structures and accessory uses that are permitted subject only to basic development review as allowed in Article 4 need to comply only with the standards contained in Article 4 for the zone district in which such uses are located and the standards contained in Division 3.4.7 and Division 3.8. In addition to the foregoing, this Land Use Code shall also apply to the use of land following development to the extent that the provisions of this Land Use Code can be reasonably and logically interpreted as having such ongoing application. Section 2. That the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new Division 3.9 which reads in its entirety as follows: DIVISION 3.9 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS FOR THE I-25 CORRIDOR Sections: 3.9.1 Development Standards for the I-25 Corridor 3.9.1 Development Standards for the I-25 Corridor (A) Applicability. These standards apply to applications for development within the boundary of the I-25 Subarea Plan. (B) Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide standards to implement the model standards outlined in the "Development Standards for the I-25 Corridor" and the "Fort Collins I-25 Corridor Sub Area Plan," in addition to the standards contained elsewhere in this Land Use Code. (C) Location of Single Family Residential Lots From I-25. (1) Development of new single family residential lots within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one- quarter [1/4] mile of the centerline of Interstate Highway 25 (I-25) shall be prohibited. (2) In the Urban Estate zone district, development that creates new single-family residential lots located between one- quarter (1/4) and one-half (1/2) mile from the centerline of I-25 shall utilize the clustering technique (as provided for in Section 4.1(E)(2) of this Land Use Code for the Urban Estate District) in order to concentrate densities away from 1-25, maximize views, and preserve landscape features or open space. (D) Commercial Building Placement Standards. (1) The placement of a commercial building on a lot, tract or parcel of land adjoining the I-25 right-of-way where the building is located closer than two hundred forty five (245) feet from the centerline of I-25 shall be restricted so that no more than fifty (50) percent of the total frontage of the lot, tract or parcel of land is occupied by the building. (2) The placement of a commercial building on a lot, tract or parcel of land adjoining the I-25 right-of-way where the building is located a minimum of two hundred forty five (245) feet from the centerline of I-25, shall be restricted so that no more than sixty (60) percent of the total frontage of the lot, tract or parcel of land is occupied by the building. (E) Landscaping Standards. (1) Parking Lot Perimeter Landscaping. At least seventy five (75) percent of the perimeter of all parking areas shall be screened from nearby streets, public rights-of-way, public open space, and nearby uses by at least one of the following methods: (a) A berm at least three (3) feet high with a maximum slope of 3:1 in combination with evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs; (b) A hedge at least three (3) feet high, consisting of a double row of shrubs readily capable of growing to form a hedge, planted three (3) feet on center in a triangular pattern; (c) A decorative fence or wall between three (3) and four (4) feet in height in combination with landscaping including, without limitation, evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. (2) Site Perimeter Landscaping Adjacent to the I-25 Right-of- Way. (a) Buffers adjacent to I-25. Developments with a site perimeter which is adjoining the 1-25 right-of-way shall provide a landscaped buffer of at least eighty (80) feet between the building or parking lot edge and the I-25 right-of-way. The buffer shall consist of informal clusters of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs planted in an offset pattern and shall consist of one (1) tree and ten (10) shrubs per twenty-five (25) lineal feet of frontage. (b) Berms. Berms greater than three (3) feet in height shall not be permitted adjoining the I-25 right-of- way if they block long-range views of mountains and open lands for motorists on I-25 (not including motorists on frontage roads or ramps). (F) Commercial Building Design Standards. (1) Roof Form. (a) Roofs on principal structures with a building footprint of less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall: 1. be pitched with a minimum slope of at least 5:12, 2. incorporate the 5:12 pitch by use a modified Mansard roof, covering a sufficient area of the roof so as to create the appearance that the Mansard roof covers the entire structure, and 3. incorporate at least one of the following elements into the design for each fifty (50) lineal feet of roof: a. Projecting gables/dormers, b. Hips, c. Horizontal or vertical breaks, d. three (3) or more roof planes. (b) Roofs on structures with a footprint of greater than ten thousand (10,000) square feet shall have at least two (2) of the following features: 1. Parapet walls featuring three-dimensional cornice treatment that at no point exceeds one-third (1/3) of the height of the supporting wall. 2. Overhanging eaves, extending at least three (3) feet beyond the supporting walls. 3. Sloping roofs not exceeding the average height of the supporting walls, with an average slope greater than or equal to one (1) foot of vertical rise for every one (1) foot of horizontal run. 4. Three (3) or more roof slope planes. (2) Building Form/Facade Treatment. (a) Buildings that face public streets, adjoining developments, or connecting pedestrian frontage shall be articulated, fenestrated and proportioned to human scale along at least sixty (60) percent of the fapade using features such as windows, entrances, arcades, arbors, or awnings. (b) Building facades facing a primary access street shall have clearly defined, highly visible customer entrances that feature at least two (2) of the following: 1. Canopies or porticos, 2. Overhangs, 3. Recesses or projections of at least three (3) percent of wall length, 4. Arcades, 5. Distinctive roof forms, 6. Arches, 7. Outdoor patios, 8. Display windows, 9. Planters or wing walls that incorporate landscaped areas and/or places for sitting. (3) Materials and Colors. (a) One or more of the following building materials shall be incorporated into the design of a structure and used to provide visual interest at the sidewalk level for pedestrians: 1. Stucco, 2. Brick, 3. Stone, or 4. Tinted, textured masonry block. (b) Smooth faced gray concrete block and tilt-up concrete panels are prohibited. (c) Metal is prohibited as a primary exterior surface material. It may be used as trim material covering no more than ten (10) percent of the fagade or as a roof material. (d) Fagade colors shall only be earth tone colors with a low reflectance. (e) High-intensity primary colors are prohibited on any roof area visible from a public or private right-of- way or public open space. (G) Block Pattern for Activity Centers. (1) To the maximum extent feasible, larger sites containing multiple buildings and uses shall be composed of a series of urban-scale blocks of development defined and formed by streets or drives that provide links to nearby streets along the perimeter of the site. (2) Block sizes shall not exceed ten (10) acres for commercial development. (3) In addition to a network streets and drives, blocks shall be connected by a system of parallel tree-lined sidewalks that adjoin the streets and drives combined with off-street connecting walkways so that there is a fully integrated and continuous pedestrian network. (4) To the maximum extent feasible, remote or independent pad sites, separated by their own parking lots and service drives, shall be minimized. Such buildings shall be directly connected to the pedestrian sidewalk network. (H) Service Areas, Outdoor Storage and Mechanical Equipment. (1) Location. Loading docks, outdoor storage yards, and all other service areas shall be located to the sides and/or rear of a building, except when a site abuts I-25, in which event said areas shall be located to the sides of the building that do not face I-25. (2) Screening. (a) All outdoor storage yards, loading docks, service areas, and mechanical equipment or vents larger than eight (8) inches in diameter shall be concealed by screens at least as high as the equipment they hide, of a color and material matching or compatible with the dominant colors and materials found on the facades of the principal building. Chain link, with or without slats, shall not be used to satisfy this requirement. (b) Equipment that would remain visible despite screening, due to differences in topography (i.e., a site that is at a lower grade than surrounding roadways) shall be completely enclosed except for vents needed for air flow, in which event such vents shall occupy no more than twenty-five (25)percent of the enclosure facade. (I) Fencing and Walls. (1) Materials. Walls and fences shall be constructed of high-quality materials, such as, tinted, textured blocks; brick; stone; treated wood; or ornamental metal and shall complement the design of an overall development and its surroundings. The use of chain link fencing or exposed cinder block walls shall be prohibited. (2) Location. Fences and walls shall be set back at least six (6) feet from the back edge of an adjoining public sidewalk, and such setback area shall be landscaped with turf, shrubs, and/or trees, using a variety of species to provide seasonal color and plant variety. (3) Maximum Length. The maximum length of continuous, unbroken, and uninterrupted fence or wall plane shall be forty (40) feet. Breaks shall be provided through the use of columns, landscaping pockets, transparent sections, and/or a change to different materials. (J) Wireless Telecommunication. (1) Location. Wireless telecommunication facilities shall not be permitted within one thousand four hundred forty five (1,445) feet of the centerline of I-25. (2) Height. Wireless telecommunication facilities shall not exceed the maximum height allowed for a structure as specified in the Land Use Standards of the underlying zone district. (K) Height. (1) Outside the I-25 activity centers, non-residential building heights shall not exceed twenty (20) feet within two hundred twenty five (225) feet of the centerline of I-25. (2) Outside the I-25 activity centers, non-residential and residential building heights shall not exceed forty (40) feet between two hundred twenty six (226) feet and seven hundred twenty five (725) feet of the centerline of 1-25. (3) Where existing site topography (whether natural or man-made) blocks views of the mountains or open lands from I-25, these height restrictions shall not apply. (L) Minimum Residential Density in Activity Centers. (1) Minimum residential density in activity centers shall be twelve (12) dwelling units per gross acre. Section 3. That Section 4.1of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new subparagraph (F) which reads in its entirety as follows: (F) Development Standards for the I-25 Corridor. Development located within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter [1/4] mile) of either side of the centerline of I-25 shall be subject to the requirements of Section 3.9. Section 4. That Section 4.17(13)(3)(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new subparagraph 14 which reads in its entirety as follows: 14. I-25 activity centers. Section 5. That Section 4.17 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new subparagraph (F) which reads in its entirety as follows: (F) Development Standards for the I-25 Corridor. Development located within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter [1/4] mile) of either side of the centerline of I-25 shall be subject to the requirements of Section 3.9. Section 6. That Section 4.22(D)(3) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows: (3) Locational Standards along I-25. Along I-25, any secondary uses shall be located at least one thousand four hundred forty five (1,445) feet from the centerline of I-25 . Such secondary uses shall be located so that they have direct access from a collector or local street. Section 7. That Section 4.22 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new subparagraph (F) which reads in its entirety as follows: (F) Development Standards for the I-25 Corridor. Development located within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter [1/4] mile) of the centerline of I-25 shall be subject to the requirements of Section 3.9. Section 8. That Section 4.23(D) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new subparagraph (2) which reads in its entirety as follows: (2) Locational Standards along 1-25. Along I-25, any use listed under 4.23(B)(3)(c) shall be located at least one thousand four hundred forty five (1,445) feet from the centerline of I-25. Such uses shall be located so that they have direct access from a collector or local street. Section 9. That Section 4.23 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new subparagraph (F) which reads in its entirety as follows: (F) Development Standards for the I-25 Corridor. Development located within one thousand three hundred twenty (1,320) feet (one-quarter [1/4] mile) of the centerline of I-25 shall be subject to the requirements of Section 3.9. Section 10. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition of a new definition "I-25 activity center" which reads in its entirety as follows: I-25 activity center (located as described in the I-25 Subarea Plan) shall mean an area of concentrated development containing more than one (1) principal land use type and generally served by high frequency transit. Such land uses may include office, retail, residential, or service uses such as hotels, motels and personal and business services. In an I-25 activity center, the different types of land uses are in close proximity, planned as a unified complementary whole, and functionally integrated to the use of vehicular and pedestrian access and parking areas. Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this 19th day of August, A.D. 2003, and to be presented for final passage on the 2nd day of September, A.D. 2003. Mayor TTEST: UA I" % City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 2nd day of September, A.D. 2003. Mayor �- TTEST: City Clerk