HomeMy WebLinkAbout190 - 01/02/2001 - AMENDING CITY CODE RELATING TO STREET OVERSIZING CAPITAL EXPANSION FEES ORDINANCE NO. 190, 2000 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING CHAPTER 7.5 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS RELATING TO STREET OVERSIZING CAPITAL EXPANSION FEES WHEREAS, the most recent modifications to the City's street oversizing program were adopted in 1998, and subsequent to said time, a significant amount of transportation improvements have been constructed in the city; and WHEREAS,the adoption of the Mountain Vista Subarea Plan and the Fossil Creek Reservoir Area Plan have added more arterial and collector streets in the city to serve new developments; and WHEREAS, inflation has increased construction costs by approximately 3.1%over the past two years; and WHEREAS, additional funds are necessary to recover costs for outparcel right-of-way needed for roadway widenings; and WHEREAS,for the foregoing reasons,the Council has determined that it is necessary,in the interests of the protection of the public health, safety and welfare, that the street oversizing fee be increased. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That Section 7.5-16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins shall be amended to read as follows: See. 7.5-16. Intent. The provisions of this Article are intended to impose certain fees to be collected at the time of building permit issuance in an amount calculated as shown herein for the purpose of funding the provisions of additional capital improvements as the city's popul ati on increases.The imposition of said fees is intended to regulate the use and development of land by ensuring that new growth and development in the city bear a proportionate share of the costs of capital expenditures necessary to provide community park, library, police, fire and general government and trans- portation capital improvements. Said fees shall not be used to collect more than is necessary to fund such capital improvements. The fees provided for in this Article are based on the city's Capital Improvement Expansion Cost Study, dated May 21, 1996,as amended;the city'sStreet Oversizing Impact Fee Study,dated July 15, 1997, and Street Oversizing Impact Fee Study Update, dated November 28, 2000, as amended; and The ITE Trip Generation Manual,6th Edition, 1997,published by the Institute of Traffic Engineers, as amended, which establish a fair and equitable allocation of costs and recognize past and future payments for new development, as well as credits for construction, dedication of land or cash contributions. Funds collected from said fees shall not be used to remedy existing deficiencies, but only to provide new capital improvements which are necessitated by new development. The amount of revenue generated by said fees shall not exceed the cost of providing the capital improvements for which they are imposed, and the same shall be expended solely to provide the specified capital improvements. Section 2. That Section 7.5-19 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins be amended to read as follows: Sec. 7.5-19. Imposition, computation and collection of fees. Payment of the fees imposed under the provisions of this Article shall be required as a condition of approval of all development in the city for which a building permit is required. The amount of such fees has been calculated using current levels of service and the data and methodologies described in Capital Im- provement Expansion Cost Study,dated May 21, 1996, as amended;the city'sStreet Oversizing Impact Fee Study,dated July 15, 1997,and Street Oversizing Impact Fee Study Update,dated November 28,2000,as amended;and The ITE Trip Generation Manual, 6th Edition, 1997, published by the Institute of Traffic Engineers, as amended.The fees due for such development shall be payable by the feepayer to the Building Permits and Inspector Division Director prior to or at the time of issuance of the first building permit for the property to be developed,unless an agreement has been executed by the city which provides for a different time of payment. If the building permit for which a fee has been paid has expired, and an application for a new building permit is thereafter filed, any amount previously paid for a capital im- provement expansion fee and not refunded by the city shall be credited against any additional amount due under the provisions of this Article at the time of application for the new building permit. Section 3. That Section 7.5-32 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins shall be amended as follows: Sec. 7.5-32. Street oversizing capital improvement expansion fee. (a) There is hereby established a street oversizing capital improvement expansion fee which shall be imposed pursuant to the provisions of this Article for the purpose of funding street oversizing improvements related to the provision of transportation services. Such fees shall be payable prior to the issuance of any building permit for a residential, commercial or industrial structure. The amount of such fee shall be determined as follows: 2 STREET OVERSIZING CAPITAL EXPANSION FEE SCHEDULE Average Weekday Transportation Vehicle Trips Impact Fee Rate Residential (Per Housine Unit) SF Detached 9.55 $1,624 per D.U. MF and Other Housing 6.59 $1,120 per D.U. Hotel/Motel 8.70 $1,479 per Room Apartment 6.12 $1,041 per D.U. Retirement Community 3.30 $561 per D.U. Assisted Living 4.52 $769 per D.U. Congregate Care Facility 2.15 $366 per D.U. Residential Condominium 5.86 $996 per D.U. Duplex 7.18 $1,221 per D.U. Townhome 5.86 $996 per D.U. Mobile Home 4.92 $837 per D.U. Average Weekday Vehicle Trips Non-Residential Per 1,000 Sa,Ft. Comm/Shopping Center 1000K GLA 32.09 $3.18 Per Sq. Ft. 500K GLA 38.65 $3.83 Per Sq. Ft. 200K GLA 54.50 $5.40 Per Sq. Ft. 50K GLA 91.65 $6.24 Per Sq. Ft. Movie Theater 77.79 $7.70 Per Sq.Ft. Fitness/Racquet Club 17.14 $1.83 Per Sq. Ft. Day Care 79.26 $3.30 Per Sq.Ft. Government Office 68.93 $7.34 Per Sq.Ft. Post Office 86.78 $9.24 Per Sq.Ft. Building Materials/Lumber 39.71 $3.93 Per Sq.Ft. Specialty Retail 40.68 $4.03 Per Sq.Ft. Discount Store 41.80 $4.14 Per Sq.Ft. Nursery(Garden Center) 36.08 $3.84 Per Sq.Ft. Sit Down Restaurant 130.34 $8.87 Per Sq.Ft. Fast Food Restaurant w/Driveup 496.12 $20.63 Per Sq.Ft. Car Sales 37.50 $3.99 Per Sq.Ft. Service Station 168.56/pump $7,010.83 Per Pump Wholesale Tire Store 20.36 $2.17 Per Sq.Ft. Self Service Car Wash 5.79 /stall $240.82 Per Stall Supermarket 111.51 $7.59 Per Sq.Ft. Convenience Market 737.99 $30.69 Per Sq.Ft. Furniture Store 5.06 $0.84 Per Sq.Ft. Bank 189.95 $7.35 Per Sq.Ft. 3 Drive-In Bank 265.21 $11.03 Per Sq. Ft. Insurance Building 11.45 $1.22 Per Sq.Ft. Manufacturing 3.85 $0.64 Per Sq.Ft. Warehousing 4.96 $0.83 Per Sq.Ft. Light Industrial 6.97 $1.16 Per Sq.Ft. Mini-Warehouse 2.50 $0.42 Per Sq.Ft. Business Park 14.37 $2.39 Per Sq.Ft. General Office 200K GFA 11.54 $1.92 Per Sq.Ft. GFA 50K GFA 16.31 $2.71 Per Sq.Ft.GFA 1 OK GFA 24.39 $4.06 Per Sq.Ft.GFA Recreational 3.64/ac $605.59 Per Acre City Park 3.66/ac $608.91 Per Acre Golf Course 5.04/ac $838.50 Per Acre Elementary School 1.02/student $169.70 Per Student Church/Synagogue 9.11 $1.52 Per Sq.Ft. Library 54.00 $8.98 Per Sq.Ft. Hospital 16.78 $2.79 Per Sq.Ft. Nursing Home 2.60/bed $432.06 Per Bed Medical Clinic 31.45 $5.23 Per Sq.Ft. *Notes: 1. Rate calculation for each item based on the product of Number of Weekday Trips, Trip Adjustment Factor, and Cost Per Unit of Trip. 2. Italicized building types indicate that high pass-by trip adjustment factor is used when calculating SOS Rate. Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordered published this l9th of December, 2000, and to be presented for final passage on the 2nd -of January, A.D. 2001. Mayor -ate ATTEST: ` N�"I. City Clerk 4 Passed and adopted on final reading this 2nd day of January, A.D. 2001. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk 5