HomeMy WebLinkAbout134 - 08/18/1998 - AMENDING THE CITY CODE TO REVISE WATER AND WASTEWATER PLANT INVESTMENT FEES ORDINANCE NO. 134, 1998 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS TO REVISE WATER AND WASTEWATER PLANT INVESTMENT FEES WHEREAS,the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 147, 1990,on January 15, 1991,which established plant investment fees payable by water users both inside and outside of the City; and WHEREAS,the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 8, 1991, on February 5, 1991, which established plant investment fees payable by wastewater system users; and WHEREAS, improvements have been added to the City' s water and wastewater system resulting in significant equity that existing customers have established in certain major water and wastewater capital facilities; and WHEREAS, the City' s Capital Improvement Program contemplates additional improvements to the water and wastewater system which will result in additional significant equity that existing customers have established in the such facilities; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that future growth and new development should contribute its proportionate share of providing capital improvements; and WHEREAS, staff recommends that existing water and wastewater plant investment fees be adjusted,based on the current replacement cost of the major capital facilities that will be needed to serve new development, as measured by the above-referenced equity and by existing system capacity; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing, it is the desire of the City Council to amend Chapter 26 of the City Code to revise water and wastewater plant investment fees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, that effective January 1, 1999, Sections 28-128 and 26-284(a)(d))f) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins establishing water and wastewater plant investment fees, shall be amended to read as follows, with the existing provisions of said sections to remain in effect prior to such date: Sec. 26-128. Schedule C,water plant investment fees. The water plant investment fee prescribed in Sec. 26-120 shall be payable by users both inside and outside of the city, as follows: (1) Single-family residential buildings: For the first three-fourths (3/4) inch water tap or meter, a fee of six hundred ten dollars ($610) for a single-family residence plus thirty-two cents($0.32) for each square foot of lot area. For each additional tap or meters larger than three-fourths (3/4) inch, the nonresidential rate shall apply. (2) Residential buildings of two (2) or more dwelling units: For each residential dwelling unit a fee of four-hundred ninety dollars($490),plus twenty-seven cents($0.27)for each square foot of lot area. The fee will provide for one(1) tap per residential building and an adequate number of additional taps to serve common irrigable areas, if any. The number and size of taps shall be determined by the Director based upon the criteria established in the Uniform Plumbing Code as amended pursuant to Chapter 5 of the Code. (3) Mobile home parks: For each mobile home park, a fee of four-hundred ninety dollars ($490) for each mobile home space in the park plus twenty- seven cents($0.27) for each square foot of lot area. The fee will provide for one(1)tap per mobile home park. The size of the tap shall be determined by the Director based upon the criteria established in the Uniform Plumbing Code as amended pursuant to Chapter 5 of the Code. (4) Hotels, roominghouses, sororities, fraternities and similar uses: The nonresidential rate shall apply. (5) Nonresidential service: a. Service to all nonresidential taps,including but not limited to taps for commercial and industrial service. shall be charged according to the size of the meter pursuant to the following schedule: Meter Size Nonresidential (inches) Plant Investment Fee 3/4 $ 4,600 1 15,300 1 `/z 31,200 2 53,600 3 103,100 b. The fee for all meters larger than three (3) inches shall be negotiated with the Director and shall be based on estimated peak day demand. Sec. 26-284. Sewer plant investment fees and surcharges established. (a) The schedule of sewer plant investment fees (not including surcharges) for users who are not subject to a monthly surcharge as set forth in Sec. 26-281 of the Article,or who are not expected to generate greater than the average daily flow in the month of maximum discharge for the applicable category, is as follows: Category SPIF A $1,030 B and C $830 for each dwelling unit or mobile home space Water meter size Category (inches) Fee D,E,F 3/4 $2,500 1 6,500 1 % 12,900 2 18,900 3 39,600 4 and above Calculated based on estimated average wastewater flow G Same as equivalent category, plus any special sanitation district fees. H and I Determined pursuant to paragraph (d) of this Section. (d) The amount of the plant investment fee and surcharge for each nonresidential surcharged user, users in categories H and I and those users who are expected to generate greater than the average daily flow in the month of maximum discharge for the applicable category, shall be calculated utilizing the following formula: SPIF =Flow x [Flow$ + (BOD x BOD$) + (TSS x TSS$)] Where: SPIF = Plant investment fee for category H users and users discharging wastewater with average concentrations of BOD and/or TSS which exceed those average concentrations which are set forth in Sec. 26-282(b) under Category E-34. Flow = The user's average daily flow in the month of maximum discharge as measured in gallons per day. Flow$ _ $3.13 per gallon(unit cost of facilities attributable to treating wastewater flow). BOD = Average BOD concentration for user category or measured BOD concentration for the user as determined in accordance with subparagraph (c) of this Section. BOD$_ $0.0045 per mg/l(unit cost of facilities attributable to treating BOD). TSS= Average TSS concentration for user category or measured TSS concentration for the user as determined in accordance with subparagraph (c) of this section. TSS$_ $0.0047 per mg/l(unit cost of facilities attributable to treating TSS). (f) For purposes of this Sec. 26-284, the average daily flow in the month of maximum discharge for users in categories D, F,, and F shall be deemed to be: Water meter size Average daily flow (inches) (gallons per day) 3/4 430 1 1,130 1 '/2 2,250 2 3,300 3 6,900 Introduced and considered favorably on first reading and ordwd.published this 4"ay of August, A.D. 1998, and to be presented for final passage on the 18th;day of Augusf,"A.D. 98. C May or ATTEST: via& City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading this 18th day of August, A.D. 1998. Mayor ATTEST: QLML7A & 'k%*O-Q City Clerk