HomeMy WebLinkAbout139 - 11/16/1993 - RELATING TO ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND ADOPTING BUDGET AND FIXING MILL LEVY FOR 1994 ORDINANCE NO. 139, 1993 BEING THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1994, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1994, AND FIXING THE MILL LEVY FOR SAID FISCAL YEAR WHEREAS, the City Manager has, prior to the first Monday in September, 1993, submitted to the Council a proposed budget for the next ensuing budget year, along with an explanatory and complete financial plan for each fund of the City, pursuant to the provisions of Article V, Section 2, of the City Charter; and WHEREAS, within ten (10) days after the filing of said budget estimate, the Council set September 21 and October 5, 1993, as the dates for public hearings thereon and caused notice of such public hearings to be given by publication pursuant to Article V, Section 3, of the City Charter; and WHEREAS, the public hearings were held on said dates and all persons were then afforded an opportunity to appear and object to any or all items and estimates in the proposed budget; and WHEREAS, Article V, Section 4, of the City Charter requires that, prior to the last day of November of each year, the City Council by passage of the Annual Appropriation Ordinance shall adopt the budget for the ensuing fiscal year and appropriate such sums of money as the Council deems necessary to defray all expenditures of the City during the ensuing budget year; and WHEREAS, Article V, Section 5, of the City Charter provides that the Annual Appropriation Ordinance shall also fix the tax levy upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the City, such levy representing the amount of taxes for City purposes necessary to provide for payment during the ensuing budget year of all properly authorized expenditures to be incurred by the City, including interest and principal of general obligation bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS: Section 1. Budget a. That the City Council has reviewed the City Manager's 1994 Recommended Budget, a copy of which is on file with the office of the City Clerk, and hereby approves certain amendments thereto, as shown in Section 2 below. b. That the City Manager's 1994 Recommended Budget, as amended by the Council , is hereby adopted in accordance with the provisions of Article V, Section 4, of the City Charter and incorporated herein by reference; provided, however, that the comparative figures contained in the adopted budget may be subsequently revised as deemed necessary by the City Manager to reflect actual revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year 1993 and/or revised projections for the fiscal years 1995 through 1998. c. That the adopted budget, as amended, shall be maintained in the office of the City Clerk and identified as The Budget for the City of Fort Collins for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 1994, as Adopted by the City Council on November 16, 1993. " Section 2. Appropriations. That there be, and hereby is, appropriated out of the revenues of the City of Fort Collins, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1994, and ending December 31, 1994, the sum of TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-TWO MILLION, SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY-ONE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE DOLLARS ($232,741,995) to be raised by taxation and otherwise, which sum is deemed by Council to be necessary to defray all expenditures of the City during said budget year, to be divided and appropriated in the following fashion; provided, however, that TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT DOLLARS ($264,998) of said sum, which represents the amount necessary to provide compensation and staff support for a period of six (6) months for the positions of Director of Administrative Services; Director of Community Planning and Environmental Services; Director of Cultural , Library, and Recreational Services; and Director of Utility Services, shall not be expended without subsequent approval by the Council by ordinance: TOTAL GENERAL FUND $ 48,114,540 Enterprise Funds Golf $ 1 ,579,219 Light & Power 50,423,042 Storm Drainage 2,569,181 Capital : Canal Importation Basin 53,700 Dry Creek Basin 43,000 Evergreen/Greenbrier Basin 57,000 Foothills Basin 396,000 Fossil Creek Basin 72,500 Poudre River Master Plan 40,000 Spring Creek Basin 220,000 Wastewater 13,646,070 Capital : Automated Mapping 20,000 Mulberry WRF Improvements 940,000 Sludge Disposal Improvements 400,000 WWTP (WRF #3) Expansion 100,000 Water 16,087,801 Capital : Automated Mapping 20,000 Harmony Transmission Line 120,000 Meter Conversion Program 495,000 Southwest System Improvements 30,000 Treated Water Reservoir 930,000 Water Supply Development 100,000 Water Treatment Expansion 230,000 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS $ 88,572,513 Internal Service Funds Benefits $ 5,717,043 Communications 2,206,053 Equipment 3,230,315 Self Insurance 2,881,513 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS $ 14,034,924 Special Revenue and Debt Service Funds Cemeteries $ 418,671 Cultural Services and Facilities 2,033,906 Debt Service 4,605, 184 General Employees' Retirement 827,100 Perpetual Care 67,450 Recreation 4,021,095 Rockwell Ranch 1,600 Sales & Use Tax 39,238,904 Special Assessment Debt Service 4,084,541 Street Oversizing 1,480,000 Transit 3,024,257 Transportation Services 7,445, 123 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE AND DEBT SERVICE FUNDS $ 67,247,831 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDS General City Caoital Administration $ 18,970 Minor Street Capital 222,085 Concrete Program 107,460 Pedestrian Access Ramps 28,656 ADA Compliance/Disabled Accessibility 100,000 Major Building Maintenance 450,000 Streets Facility 350,000 Airport Maintenance 60,000 TOTAL GENERAL CITY CAPITAL $ 1,337,171 General City Capital -1/4 Cent Choices 95 Administration $ 43,528 Prospect/College Intersection 258,000 Prospect/Shields Intersection 75,000 Shields, Laurel to Prospect 1,734,000 Eastside Neighborhood Intersection 40,000 Drake/Taft Hill Intersection 623,000 Drake, Canterbury to Taft Hill 252,000 Older Adult Center 329,800 TOTAL GENERAL CITY CAPITAL- 1/4 CENT CHOICES 95 $ 3,255,328 General City Capital - Street Maintenance Administration $ 42,155 Street Overlays & Sealcoats 3,439,086 TOTAL GENERAL CITY CAPITAL- STREET MAINTENANCE $ 3,481,241 1/4 Cent Natural Areas Administration $ 21,620 Natural Areas 2,699,802 TOTAL 1/4 CENT NATURAL AREAS $ 2,721,422 Conservation Trust Fund Administration $ 109,465 Fossil Creek Trail 50,000 Open Space & Trails Maintenance 37,456 Other Open Space 100,000 Trail Acquisition, Development, & Repair 380,000 Tri-City Trails 20,000 TOTAL CONSERVATION TRUST FUND $ 696,921 Parkland Fund Administration $ 125,373 Master Plan Update 25,000 New Park Site Acquisition 250,000 New Park Site Development 350,000 Park Site Equipment & Plantings 50,000 Stewart Case Park 135,000 TOTAL PARKLAND FUND $ 935,373 TOTAL CITY FUNDS $230,497,264 Fire Fighter's Pension $ 2,244,731 TOTAL ALL FUNDS $232,741,995 Section 3. Mill levy. a. That the 1994 mill levy rate for the taxation upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of all the taxable property within the City of Fort Collins as of December 31, 1993, shall be 9.797 mills, which levy represents the amount of taxes for City purposes necessary to provide for payment during the aforementioned budget year of all properly authorized expenditures to be incurred by the City, including interest and principal of general obligation bonds. Said mill levy shall be distributed as follows: General Fund 0 & M 1.541 Parks 0 & M .967 Poudre Fire Authority Contribution 5.077 Fire Pension Fund (General Fund Unfunded Liability) .132 Parks Debt Service 1.080 Poudre Fire Authority - Capital 1.000 TOTAL 9.797 b. The City Clerk shall certify this levy of 9.797 mills to the County Assessor and the Board of Commissioners of Larimer County, Colorado, in accordance with the applicable provisions of law, as required by Article V, Section 5, of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 19th day of October, A.D. 1993, and to be presented for final passage on the 16th day of November, A.D. 1993. a or ATTEST: �QS2hA&) City Cle U Passed and adopted on final reading this 1 da f Nove r, D. 1993. -ZKyor ATTEST: �L,' City Clerk