HomeMy WebLinkAbout026 - 03/05/2019 - AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, AND/OR ORDINANCE NO. 026, 2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES, PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, AND/OR CONSTRUCTION IN EXCESS OF FIVE YEARS FOR THE PROPOSED ENLARGEMENT OF HALLIGAN RESERVOIR WHEREAS,City Code Section 8-186(a) states that no contract for services or professional services, including all renewals, shall be made by the City for a period longer than five years, unless authorized by ordinance, which ordinance shall not be passed as an emergency ordinance; and WHEREAS, City is pursuing the Halligan Water Supply Project ("Project"), which includes the City's preferred alternative of the enlargement of Halligan Reservoir, an existing reservoir located on the North Fork of the Cache la Poudre River; and WHEREAS, the enlargement of Halligan Reservoir will be a substantial undertaking that will require significant design and construction work, the specifics of which depend on various. investigations that are planned to be completed; and WHEREAS, the work associated with the enlargement of Halligan Reservoir, including design and construction work,will Iikely take more than five years due to various factors,including the scope of the Project and legal and regulatory requirements; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City and the citizens of Fort Collins, including ratepayers of Fort Collins Utilities, that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to enter into contracts for services, professional services, and/or construction in excess of five years for the proposed enlargement of Halligan Reservoir in order to,.among other things,receive better proposals for the design and construction work,maintain continuity of the design and construction work throughout the Project,and therefore avoid costs related to transitions of project team members due to contract expiration. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to enter into contracts for services, professional services, and/or construction in excess of five years for the proposed enlargement of Halligan Reservoir,but not to extend beyond the completion of the project and any associated warranty periods. -1- Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 19th day of February, A.D. 2019, and to be presented for finial passage on the 5th day of March, A.D. 2019. !ay or ATTEST: SEAL J city cl ••�- . .••ro QL,ORP Passed and adopted on final reading-on the 5th day of March, A.D. 2019. (: � Dvor ATTEST: OR FORT CO �* •'Li " SEAL City C �oLoft -2- r.,/ Account r: FTC-003160 FORT•COLLINS / Invoice Text - - DO)-W_ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City Council,on"I STATE OF COLORADO ) ss: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF LARIMER ) CITY OF FC-CLERK-LEGALS 300 LAPORTE AVE FORT COLLINS CO 80521 I, being duly swom, deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of the Fort Collins Coloradoan; that the same is a daily newspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City_of_Fort Collins, in said county and state; that the notice or advertisement, of which the annexed is a true copy, has been published in said daily newspaper and that the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said newspaper during the period and time of publication of said notice, and in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof; that the publication of said notice was contained in the issue of said newspaper on 03/10/19 that said Fort Collins Coloradoan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the period of at least six months next prior to the first publication of said notice or advertisement above referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof; and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. t Leal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me,within the County ofL/"State of Wisconsin this I I th of March 2019. Notary Public C�� Notary Expires t It FtEt��ii J �� legal No.0003426404 Ad#:0003426404 _ Affidavit Prepared P O:SR 3/5 PUBL\G ? Monday,March 11.2019 9:27 am #of Affidavits:1 �t ORDINANCE NO.0312019 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Fort Collins City Council, on Tuesday, FORT COLLINS March 5, 2019, Passed and adopted the APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED following ordinances on second reading: REVENUE IN THE GENERAL FUND ORDINANCE NO.022,2019 FOR THE POLICE REGIONAL OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TRAINING CAMPUS AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF FORT CO APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED ICIPATED GENERAL FUND TO THE CULTURAL GRANT REVENUE FROM THE SERVICES AND FACILITIES FUND FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRA- FOR THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES TION (FTA) IN THE TRANSIT SERV- PROGRAM ICES FUND AND APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RESERVES IN THE ORDINANCE NO.032,2019 TRANSIT SERVICES FUND AND AU- OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF THORIZING THE TRANSFER OF AP- FORT COLLINS PROPRIATIONS FROM THE TRANSIT AMENDING ARTICLE IV OF SERVICES FUND TO THE CAPITAL CHAPTER 3 OF THE CODE OF THE PROJECT FUND FOR THE ACCESSI- CITY OF FORT COLLINS TO CREATE BLE INFRASTRUCTURE ENHANCE- ENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT NO.1 MENT PROJECT AND TRANSFER- RING APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE ORDINANCE NO. 034,2019 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND TO THE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CULTURAL SERVICES AND FACILI- FORT COLLINS TIES FUND FOR THE ART IN PUB- AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE LIC PLACES PROGRAM CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS REGARDING ORDINANCE NO.023,2019 LANDMARK PRESERVATION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS ORDINANCE NO.035,2019 APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GRANT REVENUE IN THE FORT COLLINS GENERAL FUND TO PURCHASE AMENDING LAND USE CODE ELECTRIC LAWN AND GARDEN SECTIONS 3.4.7 AND 5.1.2 EQUIPMENT FOR THE PARKS DEPARTMENT AND The full text of these ordinances con be AUTHORIZING THE found at http://fcgov.com/pubIicnotices TRANSFER OF MATCHING FUNDS or by calling the City Clerk's Office at PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIATED 970-221-6515. IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 3426404 OPERATING BUDGET Coloradoan ORDINANCE NO.024,2019 Mar.10,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROVING A NON-EXCLUSIVE UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR CITY STORM SEWER LINES ON COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY PROPERTY,INCLUDING VACATION OF EASEMENTS GRANTED IN 1966 RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT ORDINANCE NO.025,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROVING A NON-EXCLUSIVE UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT FOR CITY STORM SEWER LINES ON COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY RESEARCH FOUNDATION PROPERTY, INCLUDING VACATION OF EASEMENTS GRANTED IN 1966 RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT ORDINANCE NO.026,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING AGENT TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS FOR SERVICES,PROFESSIONAL SERVICES,AND/OR CONSTRUCTION IN EXCESS OF FIVE YEARS FOR THE PROPOSED ENLARGEMENT OF HALLIGAN RESERVOIR ORDINANCE NO.027,019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS DESIGNATING THE FARRINGTON PROPERTY,322 EDWARDS STREET, FORT COLLINS,COLORADO,AS A FORT COLLINS LANDMARK PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 14 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS ORDINANCE NO.030,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN THE GENERAL FUND FOR THE 1-25/PROSPECT INTER- CHANGE AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND,AND AP- PROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RE- SERVES IN THE TRANSPORTATION CAPITAL EXPANSION FUND FOR THE 1-25 AND PROSPECT INTER- CHANGE AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE TRANSPORTATION CAPI- TAL EXPANSION FUND TO THE CAP- ITAL PROJECTS FUND,AND AU- THORIZING THE TRANSFER OF AP- PROPRIATIONS FROM THE CAPITAL PROECTS FUND TO THE CULTURAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES FUND FOR THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM Account#: F7'C-003160 `" FORT•COLLINS Invoice Text 0—L__0—)M_ _ Ox, — NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City Council,on 1 STAI'E OF COLORADO ) ss: AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF LARIMER ) CITY OF FC-CLERK-LEGALS 300 LAPORTE AVE FORT COLLINS CO 80521 1. being duly sworn, deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of the Fort Collins Coloradoan; that the same is a daily newspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Fort Collins, in said county and state: that the notice or advertisemeni, of which the annexed is a true copy, has been published in said daily newspaper and that the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said newspaper during the period and time of publication of said notice, and in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof; that the publication of said notice was contained in the issue of said newspaper on 02/2.1/19 that said Fort Collins Coloradoan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the period of at least six months next prior to the first publication of said notice or advertisement above referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3. 1879, or any amendments thereof; and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. C_ Legal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me,within the County of Brown. St of Wisconsin this 25th of February 2019. Notan•Public Notary Expires \oTAR Y _ Legal\o.0003402335 PUBOC Ad#:0003402335 Affidavit Prepared P O:FIR2119 ��i�T�'' •....•' C.��'Z` Ktonday.Fcbnjwv 24.20l9 Q 32 am #of Affidavits:1 �'�i��i/,O Ft W 1c"\���� NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT Fort Collins City Council, on Tuesday, COLLINS February 19, 2019, passed and adopted the following ordinances on first ORDINANCE NO.028,2019 reading. These ordinances will be pre- OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF sented for final passage on March 5, FORT COLLINS 2019: AMENDING CHAPTER 24 OF THE ORDINANCE NO.022,2019 CODE OF THE CITY OF OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINSTO ADD A NEW ARTI- FORT COLLINS CLE VI RELATED TO APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED THE PARKING OF SHAREDD MOBILI- GRANT REVENUE FROM THE TY DEVICES FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRA- ORDINANCE NO.029,2019 TION(FTA) IN THE TRANSIT SERV- OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ICES FUND AND APPROPRIATING FORT COLLINS PRIOR YEAR RESERVES IN THE AMENDING SECTIONS)410 AND 2106 TRANSIT SERVICES FUND AND AU. OF THE FORT COLLINS THORIZING THE TRANSFER OF AP- TRAFFIC CODE TO ALLOW FOR PROPRIATIONS FROM THE TRANSIT SIGNAGE DESIGNATING AN AREA SERVICES FUND TO THE CAPITAL IN PROJECT FUND FOR THE ACCESSI. THE CITY AS A"DISMOUNT ZONE" BLE INFRASTRUCTURE ENHANCE- FOR ANY FORM OF CONVEYANCE MENT PROJECT AND TRANSFER. RING APPROPRIATIONS FROM THE ORDINANCE NO.030,2019 CAPITAL PROJECT FUND TO THE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CULTURAL SERVICES AND FACILI- FORT COLLINS TIES FUND FOR THE ART IN PUB- APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED LIC PLACES PROGRAM REVENUE IN THE GENERAL FUND ORDINANCE NO.023,2019 FOR THE 1-25/PROSPECT INTER- OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHANGE AND AUTHORIZING THE FORT O TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED FROM THE GENERAL FUND TO THE GRANT REVENUE THE CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND,AND AP- GENERAL FUND TO PURCHASE PROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RE- ELECTRIC LAWN AND GARDEN SERVES IN THE TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT FOR THE PARKS DE- CAPITAL EXPANSION FUND FOR PARTMENT AND AUTHORIZING THE THE AND PROSPECT INTER- TRANSFER OF MATCHING FUNDS CHANGGEE AND AUTHORIZING THE PREVIOUSLY APPROPRIATED TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATIONS IN THE ENVIRONMENTAL SERV. FROM THE TRANSPORTATION CAPI- TAL EXPANSION FUND , THE CAP- ICES DEPARTMENT OPERATING BUDGET I PROJECTS FUND,AND THORIORIZING THE TRANSFER OFF AP- ORDINANCE NO.024,2019 PROPRIATIONS FROM THE CAPITAL OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PROECTS FUND TO THE CULTURAL FORTCOLLINSSERVICES AND FACILITIES FUND APPROVING A NON-EXCLUSIVE FOR THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT PROGRAM FOR CITY STORM SEWER LINES ON ORDINANCE NO.031,2019 COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PROPERTY,INCLUDING VACATION FORT COLLINS OF EASEMENTS GRANTED IN 1966 APPROPRIATING UNANTICIPATED RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT REVENUE IN THE GENERAL FUND ORDINANCE NO.025,2019 FOR THE POLICE REGIONAL TRAIN- OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ING CAMPUS AND AUTHORIZING FORTCOLLINSTHE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIA- APPROVING A NON-EXCLUSIVE TIONS FROM THE GENERAL FUND UTILITY EASEMENT AGREEMENT THE CULTURAL SERVICES AND A FOR CITY STORM SEWER LINES ON FACILITIES FUND FOR THE ART IN COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY PUBLIC PLACES PROGRAM RESEARCH FOUNDATION PROPER- ORDINANCE NO.032,2019 TY,INCLUDING VACATION OF OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EASEMENTS GRANTED IN 1966 FORT COLLINS RIGHT-OF-WAY AGREEMENT AMENDING ARTICLE IV OF CHAP- ORDINANCE NO.026,2019 TER 3 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OF FORT COLLINS TO CREATE EN- FORT COLLINS TERTAINMENT DISTRICT N0.1 AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASING ORDINANCE NO. 034,2019 AGENT TO ENTER INTO CONTRACTS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FOR SERVICES,PROFESSIONAL FORT COLLINS SERVICES,AND/OR CONSTRUCTION AMENDING CHAPTER 14 OF THE IN EXCESS OF FIVE YEARS FOR CODE OF THE CITY OF THE PROPOSED ENLARGEMENT OF FORT COLLINS REGARDING LAND- HALLIGAN RESERVOIR MARK PRESERVATION ORDINANCE NO.027,019 ORDINANCE NO.035,2019 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS FORT COLLINS DESIGNATING THE FARRINGTON AMENDING LAND USE CODE SEC. PROPERTY,322 EDWARDS STREET, TIONS 3.4.7 AND 5.1.2 FORT COLLINS,COLORADO,AS A PERTAINING TO HISTORIC AND FORT COLLINS LANDMARK PUR- CULTURAL RESOURCES SUANT TO CHAPTER 14 OF THE The full text of these ordinances con be found at http://fcgov.com/publicnotices er + or by calling the City Clks Office at 970-221-6515. 3402335 Coloradoan Feb 24,2019