HomeMy WebLinkAbout150 - 11/16/2021 - AMENDING CITY CODE TO REVISE WATER PLANT INVESTMENT FEES ORDINANCE NO. 150, 2021 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS TO REVISE WATER PLANT INVESTMENT FEES WHEREAS, the City Council is empowered and directed by Article XII, Section 6 of the Charter of the City of Fort Collins, to by ordinance from time to time fix, establish, maintain, and provide for the collection of such rates, fees or charges for water and for other utility services furnished by the City as will produce revenues sufficient to pay the costs, expenses, and other obligations as set forth therein; and WHEREAS, Article III, Chapter 26 of the City Code establishes and sets forth the water utility as a utility service furnished by and an enterprise of the City; and WHEREAS, City Code Sections 26-120 and 26-128 provide for water plant investment fees("WPIFs")to be based on and used for growth-related capital expansion costs of water supply, storage, transmission, treatment and distribution, and administrative facilities that are reasonably related to the overall costs of and required in providing water services to serve new development; and WHEREAS, City Code Section 26-120 further requires that the City Manager annually review the parameters and rates of the WPIFs and also requires that the City Manager present such fees to the City Council for approval no less frequently than biennially; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and City staff have also recommended to the City Council adjustment of the WPIFs, as set forth herein; and WHEREAS, the Water Commission considered the proposed WPIFs adjustments at its meeting on October 21, 2021 and recommended approval of the proposed adjustments; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing, City Council desires to amend Chapter 26 of the City Code to adjust the WPIFs as set forth herein. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes any and all determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That Section 26-128 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 26-128. Schedule C, water plant investment fees. The water plant investment fee prescribed in § 26-120 shall be payable by users both inside and outside of the City, as follows: -1- (1) Single-family residential buildings. For a single-family residential lot greater than one-half('r2) acre in size, the lot size shall be deemed to be one-half(1/z) acre for the purpose of this fee calculation. For each additional tap or meters larger than three-fourths (3/a) inch, the nonresidential rate shall apply . a. For the first three-fourths-inch water tap or meter $781.00 b. For the first one-inch water tap or meter to accommodate $1,322.00 residential fire suppression systems based upon the criteria established in the International Building Code as adopted and amended pursuant to Chapter 5 of this Code. c. Plus, for each square foot of lot area $0.42 (2) Residential buildings of two (2) or more dwelling units (including fraternity and sorority multi-famil housing) The fee will provide for one (1) tap per residential building and an adequate number of additional taps to serve common irrigable areas, if any. The number and size of taps shall be determined by the Utilities Executive Director based upon the criteria established in the Uniform Plumbin Code as amended pursuant to Chapter 5 of this Code. a. For each residential building unit $589.00 (3) Mobile home parks The size of the tap shall be determined by the Utilities Executive Director based upon the criteria established in the Uniform Plumbing Code as amended pursuant to Chapter 5 of this Code. a. For each residential building unit $589.00 b. Plus, for each square foot of lot area to be irrigated with the tap $0.31 serving the residential building unit (4) Hotels, fraternity and sorority dormitory housing, and similar uses. The nonresidential rate shall apply. (5) Nonresidential service a. Service to all nonresidential taps other than irrigation-only taps in subsection b shall be charged according to the size of the meter pursuant to the following schedule: Meter Size (inches) Non- residential Non-Irrigation- Only WPIF 3/a $4,584.00 1 $11,493.00 1'h $21,180.00 2 $41,624.00 The fee for such meters larger than two (2) inches shall be calculated $5.59 by multiplying the estimated peak daily demand, as determined by the Utilities Executive Director, by the following charge per gallon, but shall not be less than the charge for a two-inch meter. b. Service to all irrigation-only taps shall be charged according to the size of the meter pursuant to the following schedule: Meter Size (inches) Non- residential Irrigation Only Plant WPIF 3a $14,861.00 l $33,959.00 11•z $84,459.00 2 $129,080.00 The fee for meters larger than two (2) inches shall be calculated by $5.59 multiplying the estimated peak daily demand approved by the Utilities Executive Director by the following charge per gallon, but shall not be less than the charge for a two-inch meter. Section 3. That the modifications set forth above shall be effective for all fees paid on or after January 1, 2022. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 2nd day of November, A.D. 2021, and to be presented for final passage on the 16th day of November, A.D. 2021. yor ATTEST: Interim City Clerk e -3- Passed and adopted on final reading on the 16th day of November, A.D. 21. r ATTEST: Interim City Clerk 0! T CQ� �QLOR4' Account#: FTC-003160 FORT-COLLINS J ' Invoice Text �� J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City Coun( ASTATE OF COLORADO ) )ss:AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF LARIMER ) CITY OF FC-CLERK-LEGALS 300 LAPORTE AVE FORT COLLINS CO 80521 I,being duly sworn,deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of the Fort Collins Coloradoan;that the same is a daily newspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Fort Collins,in said county and state;that the notice or advertisement,of which the annexed is a true copy,has been published in said daily newspaper and that the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said newspaper during the period and time of publication of said notice,and in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof, that the publication of said notice was contained in the issues of said newspaper dated on 11/07/21 that said Fort Collins Coloradoan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the period of at least six months next prior to the first publication of said notice or advertisement above referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof; and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado, Legal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me,within the County of Brown,State of Wisconsin this 7th of November 2021. Notary Publie 1 Notary Expires �. VICKY FELTY Notary Public Legal No.0004989324 State of Wisconsin Ad#:000�4989324 Affidavit Prepared P O : Sunday,Noveinber 7,202 3:34 ain This is not an invoice #of Affidavits 1 NOTICE JS HER EBYI GIVEN tl at the,' -TION AND:COLLECTION OF Fort Collins Clty Council on Tuesday, DEVELOPMENT FEES IMPOSED November 2 ,2021 passed and;adap#ed FOR THE CONSTRUCTION the ;following;' ard[naeces oni first:= OF:NEW OR MODIFIED ELECTRIC reading These ordinances will-be pre SERVICE CONNECTIONS sented�forfingtpassage".'onTtsesdaY "No'. vember 16,2021i ORDINANCE NO.148,2021 ORDINANCE NO 134,2021 OF THE COUNCIL or-THE CITY OF DF THE COUNCIL OF TyE CITY OF PORT COLLINS FORT COLLINS AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE APPROPRIATING PHILANTHROPIC CODE OF THE CITY.OF FORT REVENUE„RECEIVES)THROUGH COLLINSTO:REVISE SEWER PLANT CITY GI.E,"F,OR`RECREATIONII N INVESTMENT:FEES COME-QUAL[FIED YOUTH SPORTS ORDINANCE NO.Y49,2021 PROGRAMMING ANE7 SERVICES OF THE COUNCIL OF THE`CITY OF ORDINANCE NO .140,2021 '= FORT.COLL I NS DF.THE,COUNCIL OF,THE CITY OF AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE f.ORT GOLLI:NS CODE.OF:THE CITY OF FORT APPROPRIATING P.RlOR YEARiRE- COLCINS_TOREVISE THE SERVES:AND:AUTHORIZING STORMWATER PLANT INVESTMENT TRANSFERSDF APPROPRIATEONS FEES FOR THE':RENOVATEON OF THE ORDINANCE NO. 150,2021 HE5TORIC CARNEGIE`:LIBP .R ANb OF TH COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF RELATED ART IN PUBLIC PLACES:::, FORTIL ORDINANCE N0:141,2021 AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE OF THE COUNCIL OP.THE CITY CW CODE OF THE CITY OF PORT:. ""FORT COLLINS COLLINS TO REVISE WATER PLANT::. BEING THE ANNUAL APPROP..RIA INVESTMENT.FEES TIONORDINANCE:FOR THE FORT ORDINANCE NO :I51 2021 COLL[NS,DOWNTOWN DEVELOP OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF:. MENT'AUTHORIT.Y RELATING TO UNCI OLLINS THE'ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR' AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE ,TPIF?FISCAL YEAR 2022 AND I IXING THt - CODE OF,THE.CITYOF FORT.. GOLLINS TO REVISE N115CELLANE MILL LEVY FOR THE'.00WNTOWN OUS..WATE?R'FEES AND CHARGES, DEVEL FISCALAUTH20U INCLUDING THE WATER SUPPLY FOR.FISCAL YEAR 2022 REQUIREMENTS FEE,`, ORDINANCE NO.142,2021' OF THE COUNCIL Or-THE CITY OF The following ordinance was adopted as FORT COLLINS on Emergency..Ordinance on November ADOPTING:THE 2022 BUDGET AND 2 2021; APPROPRIATING THE FORT COLLI.� ., NS d: EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO.144, SHARE OF THE 2422 FISCAL YEAR 2021 - OP..ERATING:AND,CAPITAL IM-,- ;, OF THE'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PROVEMENT FUNDSFOR THE I FORT;COLLIN5 NORTHERN COLORADO REGIONAL SUSPENDING CERTAIN PROVISIONS AIRPORT.".:' OF.THE CITY'S LAND:USE CODE AND BUILDING.CODE;:AND TEMPO-: ORDINANCE NO'743 ?021.,.,: RARILYADOPT:INGSECTION.108'OF OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY."OF .' THE'INTERNATIONALBUILDING.... FORT COLLiNS CODE,TO PERMIT TEMPORARY AMENDING CHAPTER:75'6F:THE USE—:.'OF CITY PROPERTY:AT 212 CODE OE THE CITY.;OF FORT WEST;MOUNTAIN AVENUE'AS A COLLINS TO'.EOR;INFLA.T,ION THE- "HOMELESS SHELTER. . CAPITAL EXPANSION,FEES AND 7HE:TRANSPOR FEEION EXPANSION,: The full text of these ordlr�pnces can be found at.: http l/fcgpv corri(pu$Ilcnotices::' or by calling the City Clerk's Office at ORDINANCE NO.145�2021. .: 970.221.6515 OF THE COUNCIL.OF THE CITY'OF FORT COLLINS:— 0004989324:, BEINGTHE:ANNUALAPPROPRIA Colaradoan TEON ORDINANCE Nov.7;2027 RELATING TO.THE ANNUAL APPRO? PRIAT=IONS. ' FOR F ISCAL,:YEAR:2022t ADOPTING n: .THEtBUDGETFOI2 ,: ,> ;,. THE FISCALYEAR:.BEGI.NNING JAN- UARY 1;2022 AND'INDING i DECEMBER Mt 2022;AND.'FIXING I THE MILL LEVY FOR: PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE IN 2022 . ORDINANCE NM46,2021 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF THE CODE OF:THE CITYOF,FORT COLLiNSTOREVISI=ELECTRIC i RATES FEES AND CHARGES ANb UPDATING RELATED,PROVISIONS ;ORDINANCE NO ,',W 2021 OF'THE COUNCIL OF.THE CITYOF , I FORT COLLINS AMENDING CHAPTER 26 OF'THE CODE OF:THE CITY:OF FORT COLLINS.REGARDING,CALGUE:A- Account#. FTC-003160 1 FORT-COLLINS Invoice Text � � r NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort—� ---- H Collins City Coun- STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss:AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF LARIMER ) CITY OF FC-CLERK-LEGALS 300 LAPORTE AVE FORT COLLINS CO 80521 I,being duly sworn,deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of the Fort Collins Coloradoan;that the same is a daily newspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Fort Collins,in said countyand state;that the notice or advertisement,of which the annexed is a true" copy,has been published in said daily newspaper and that the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said newspaper during the period and time of publication of said notice,and in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof;that the publication of said notice was contained in the issues of said newspaper dated on 11/21/21 that said Fort Collins Coloradoan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the period of at least six months next prior to the first publication of said notice or advertisement above referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof; and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. Legal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me,within the County of Brown,State of Wisconsin this 21 st of November 2021. Notary Public Notary Expires 3 VICKY FELTY Notary PUbIIc Legal No.0005009658 ; Ad#:0005009658 State O f V�/f S C O rl s I n P O; Affidavit Prepared Sunday,Novembcr 21,20 3:35 ant This is not an invoice #of Affidavits 1 NOTICE 1S`HEREBY GIVEN ,that the. Fort Collins`Cily..Coijhcil 'on"Tuesday;l November 16, 2021,:passed,dnd adovted "the following :ordinances - on "secondr. reading. ORDINANCE NO.128,2021 . OF THE:.COUNCIL OF .THE'CITY :OF. FORT COLLINS >AMENOIN.G, CHAP TER 26 OF.THE.CODE,OF THE CITY:; OF, FORT`COLLINS'TO:IMAKE`VAR[- OUS :UPDATES--;REGARDING THE, WASTEWATER:`UTILITY'PRETREAT-'. :MENT PROGRAM +rl s ORDINANCE NO..139,2021 OF THE.COUNCIL.OF THE:.CITY "OF FORT" COLL]NS. 'APPROPRIA:TING ''PHILANTHROPIC REVENUE, -RE- ':CEIVED ;THROUGH`:CITY..GIVE FOR RECREATION °µINCOME-QU.A< IFIED: YOUTH SPORTS ef7PROGRAMMING 'AND`SERVICES,' ORbI.NANCE:NO.140,2021 `OF,.THE.'COUNCIL ,OF THE CITY'OF�. FORT .COLLINS APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RESERVES AND AU THORIZING TRANSFERS OF APPRO OF FORT' COLLINS TO. REVISE.. PRIATIONS'FOR THE RENOVATION ELECTRIC RATES, FEES, AND OF THE HISTORIC CARNEGIE Ll- CHARGES AND UPDATING RELATED BRARY AND RELATED ART IN PUB- PROVISIONS LIC PLACES ORDINANCE"NOi 147,2021[ 'ORDINANCE NO.:141,2021 OF"THE'COl]:NCIL OF:THE"CITY OF OF .THE,COUNCIL;OF THE:'CITY'OF" FORT COL'LINS AMENDING"CHAP FORT COLLINS BEING THE"ANNUAL TER '26 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY. APPROPRIATION ..ORDINANCE FOR OF FORT THE REGARDING CAL `rTHE FORT COLLINS:DOWNTOWN DE- CULAT'ON AND COLLECTION OF DE- , `VELOPMENT =AUTHORITY RELAT- VELOPMENT FEES IMPOSED FOR ING TO`:THE :'ANNUAL APPROPRIA . THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW OR'', TIONS'FOR THE FISCAL"YEAR;2022 MODIFIED `: ELECTRIC 'SERVICE AND FIXING THE MILL LEVY FOR CONNECTIONS :T.HE DOWNTOWN: DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY FORFISCAL YEAR 2022i, "..ORDINANCE NO.148,2021 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF, OROINANCE NO.142,2021" FORT COLLINS AMENDING. CHAP- OF THE. COUNCIL'OF THE: CITY:OF TER 26 OF THE CODE .OF THE CITY FORT COLLINS'ADOPTING THE,2022 OF FORT COLLINS TO REVISE SEW- BUDGET AND.APPROPRIATING :THE ER PLANT INVESTMENT FEES FORT COLLINS SHARE OF.. THE'2022 FISCAL YEAR = OPERATING "AND ORDINANCE NQ 14. 2027 CAPITAL:; IMP.ROVEMEN.. FUNOS OF, :THE COUNCIL>OF,THE" CITY OF'. ;FOR -TH> NORTHERN '.,COLORADO FORT COLDINS;AMENDING CHAP- REGIONALAIRPORT TER 26 OF:�THECODE OF." THE.CITY,;' OF;'.FORT COLLINS TO REVISE THE;' ORd1NANCE N0 143,2021 STORMWATER PLANT"INVESTMENT,:' OF.THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FEES FORT....."COLLINS`:AMENDING CHAP ;TER 75 OF THE;CODE OF:THE CITY ORDINANCE NO 150,2021 OF FORT:'COLLINS TO"FOR,INFLA OF":THE.COUNCIL OF THE.:CITY OF TION. THE" CAPITAL °EXPANSION FORT COLLINS :AMENDING. CHAP-,:. FEE5;;AND -TH.E TRANSPORTATION TER 26 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY':' EXPANSION FEE OF'I> FORT- COLLINS" TO .REVISE WATER PLANT,INVESTMENTrFEES ORDINANCE NO 145,261 OF THE;COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ORDINANCE NO"151,2D21 FORT:COLLINS`BEING THE ANNUAL OF`THE COUNCIL'.or THE.CITY OF , ;APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE'. RE- FORT COLLINS =AMENDING CHAP:: LATING.'TOI.THE- ANNUAL "APP..RO TER 26 OF THE CODE,OF THE CITY: PRIAT:ION5FOR,FISCAL"YEAR2022 OF'FORT..COLLINS%TO°REV.ISE "MIS=:, ADOPTING -THE BUDGET.,FOR THE , CELLANEOUS WATER 'FEES AND.': :FISCAL.YEAWBEGINNING JANUARY CHARGES. `INCLUDING THE WATER; �I`, 2022 ,AND?ENDING DECEMBER=31 SUPPLY-REQUIREMENTS FE'E ;2fl22 AND. FIXING THE:'::`M1LL•-"LEVY these ordinances can be FOR PROPERTY TAXES PAYPBLE ul text t found at http.jjfcgov.cbm/pubIicnotices IN 2022 or.by tailing the City Clerk's Office at ORDINANCE NO.7A6,2021 970.221.6515, OF THE COUNCIL OF THE:'CITY,.bF:j.0005009658 r FORT COLLINS:; AMENDING :CHAP- Coloradoan TER 26 OF THE'.CODE:OF THE:.CITY 'Nov.21,2021