HomeMy WebLinkAbout161 - 12/07/2021 - AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 097, 2021, ESTABLISHING THE FORT COLLINS TOURISM IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ORDINANCE NO. 161, 2021 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 097, 2021, ESTABLISHING THE FORT COLLINS TOURISM IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, on August 4, 2021, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 097, 2021 ("Ordinance No. 097") establishing the Fort Collins Tourism Improvement District (the "District"); and WHEREAS, Section 10 of Ordinance No. 097 also approved the District's Initial Plan (the "Initial Plan"); and WHEREAS, Section 14 of Ordinance No. 097 and Section VI. of the Initial Plan set the initial term of the District to be 10 years and four months to begin on September 1, 2021, and end on December 31, 2031; and WHEREAS, Section 11 of Ordinance No. 097 and Section XI. of the Initial Plan authorize the District to assess a lodging fee on the lodging businesses within the District during the District's initial term; and WHEREAS, while Section XI of the Initial Plan set the term for the lodging fee to begin on September 1, 2021, and end on December 31, 2031, Section 11 of Ordinance No. 097 incorrectly set the term for the lodging fee to end on December 31,2021; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance amends Section 11 of Ordinance No. 097 to correct this error; and WHEREAS, adoption of this Ordinance is in the best interest of the City and necessary for the District's effective operation in the future. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS as follows: Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and findings contained in the recitals set forth above. Section 2. That Section l 1 of the Ordinance No. 097 is hereby amended to read in full as follows: Section 11. Assessment and Collection of District Fee. Beginning September 1,2021, and continuing through December 31, 2031, the District may assess and collect a fee from the Lodging Businesses within the District at the rate of three percent (3%) of a Lodging Business's "lodging price" as this term is defined in Lodging Tax Ordinance (the "Fee"). However, the Fee shall not be assessed and collected on those transactions that are exempt from the City's Lodging Tax as provided in Lodging Tax Ordinance. The revenue from the Fee shall only be used by the District to fund those Tourism Services and Tourism -1- Improvements authorized in the Initial Plan. The District may use its own legal authority to collect the Fee or it may enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the City under which the City would collect the Fee in a manner similar to how the City collects its Lodging Tax under the Lodging Tax Ordinance. Under such agreement,the City would be responsible for collecting the Fee(including any delinquencies,penalties and interest)from each assessed Lodging Business within the District and the City would remit such Fee revenues collected to the District no later than the end of the month following the month the Fee revenues were collected by the City. The other specific details of such collection, enforcement and disbursement process will be as outlined in the intergovernmental agreement between the City and the District. Section 3. That except as amended in Section 2 above,Ordinance No. 097 shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect. Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 16th day of November, A.D. 2021, and to be presented for final passage on the 7th day of December, A.D. 2021. Mayor ATTEST: * 1 e7tecember, Interim City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading on thi A.D. 2021. - (I 2or ATTEST: FQRT Interim City Clerk " SEAL oLOIR -2- Account#: FTC-003160 FORT-COLLINS O ` Invoice Text —� A� NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City Courn STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss:AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF LARIMER ) CITY OF FC-CLERK-LEGALS 300 LAPORTE AVE FORT COLLINS CO 80521 1,being duly sworn,deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of the Fort Collins Coloradoan;that the same is a daily newspaper'of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Fort _ -Collins,-in-said-county and state;that the.notice or advertisement,of which the annexed is a true copy,has been published in said daily newspaper and that the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said newspaper during the period and time of publication of said notice,and in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof;that the publication of said notice was contained in the issues of said newspaper dated on 12/12/21 that said Fort Collins Coloradoan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the period of at least six months next prior to the first publication of said notice or advertisement above referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof; and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. Legal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me,within the County of Brown,State of Wisconsin this 12th of December 2 02 1. Notary Public Notary Expires FNotary Y F E LTY Legal No.0005038963 Public Ad#:0005038963 Wisconsin Affidavit Prep.ared P 0 :Reading Ordinances adopted Sunday,December 12.20:3:34 am This is not an invoice #of Affidavits 1 NOTICE:' HSI EREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City CounciIL 61 TvesdaY, ' Dece'' 7,2021Z:Aassed and admf&d the€�, ing ordinances on second ORQINANCE NO.152 2021 O.F7 HR,COUNCIL OF Th§E CITY Q FffRT.COLLINS,, APPROPRIATING PHiLANTHROPIC REVENUE RCEIVED;BY CITY GAVE FOf�:FOPT COLLINS POLICE SRVQ . ICSS`TO PURCHASE PERSC.NAL PROTECTIVE:EQUIPMENT FOP ALL SWORN bFFICERS TO SHOW APPRE- CIATION FOR THEIR SACRIFICE AND SERV- ICE ORDINANCE N0.153 2021, OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT.COI.LINS APPROPRIATING PHILANTHROPIC .REVENUE RECEIVED'BY CITY GIVE FOR:PARK PLANNING ANQ DEVEL OPMENT;FOR THE 9AI MEMPOARRI AL AT SPRING ORDINANCE NO:..Is5q,2621 COUiVCIL OF 7 i[ ITk^YT ��F FORT COLLIhTS APPROPRIATING PHI�'f�,NTI'fI op. C REVENUE RECEIVED BY CITY GIVE "3 FOR FC MOVES FOR THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL 6k6iNIANCE:NO.155,2621:' OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS MATING SUPPLEMENTAL APPRO FTtI TI41N5>APP.RO(sRIAT.FNS� ' PRIG Y1EA1a+:RESERVES,AND AZ_3 -n-IaRIZING"TRANSFERS OF'APPRO- "PRIATIONS FOR THE LAPORTE AVENUE MULTIMODAL IMPROVE- MENT PROJECT AND.RELATERART IN PUBLIC PLA- CES ORDINANCE'NO:'156,2021 OF THE'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS N44KY�IG'SUPPLEMENTAL APPRO- PRIATiONS AND APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RESERVES TO PUR- CHQ¢ E FIGHT ELECTRIC BUSES AN0'ASSOC IAT E D'C HA RGI N G EQUIPMENT ORDMANCE NO:157,2021 Ot �t.HE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLL€NS APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RE- SERVES FROM THE.GENERAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL EXPAN- SION F`EE"'ACCOUNT IN THE CAPE TAL-EXPANSION FEE FUND FORTHE`P.URCHASE OF THE CON DOMINIUMS IN THE CIVIC CENTER PARKING STRUC- TURE ... O}2DINANCE NO.158,2021 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS AMENDING SECTION 2-146OF THE, :CODE OF.,THE:CITY OF:PORT COLLINS. R RD.ING-THE HUMAN SERVICES t301JSING FUNDING BOARD OF'THE C06NCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS A NG CONVEYANCE OF NO T4+ E5 OF.ENVIRONMENTAL USE RESTf �CTfONS TO THE COLORADO ;DEPARTME14T:OF,'PUBLIC`.HEALTH A3lp ENVIRONMENT ON.PORTIONS OF.GATHY FROMME.PRAIRIE NATURAL;AREA IN CONNECTION WITH'REMEDIATION OF CiRflU1yDV4fA,TER CONTAMINATION FROM THE,LARIMER COUNTY LANDFILL ORDINANCE'No.160,2021 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FbRt COLL-INS APPROVING A CON- TRACT TERM OF UP TO TEN YEARS F,..OT, B IIT' ERFLYHOUSEOPERA- TI'ONS,BY.ROCKY MOUNTAIN BUT TERFLYCONSORTIUM,DBA BUT- ..,.t5RFLY.PAVILION ORDINANCE NO.161,2021 OP HE COUNCIL OF THE.CITY OF IR a" OPT:COLLINSl AMENIJI,FSGORDINANCE NO.097, 21 ESTABLISHING THE P$3fvTi,OLLINS,TOURISM IMPROVE- MENT DISTRICT Th 'Tu(C text.o these`ordinanceS can be four3d at:Iif ij/fcgov.com/pu3 IImotices ' or,I>y calling the City Clerk's Office at 970i22Lb5I5: 0005038963,.,- '�:Colorodiadn_;= Deceml3er.12.,2021 Account#: 1+TC-003160 J FORT-COLLINS 0I Invoice Text — NOTICE, 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the Fort Collins City Count STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss:AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION COUNTY OF LARIMER ) CITY OF FC-CLERK-LEGALS 300 LAPORTE AVE FORT COLLINS CO 80521 1, being duly sworn,deposes and says that said is the legal clerk of the Fort Collins Coloradoan;that the same is a daily newspaper of general circulation and printed and published in the City of Fort Collins,-in said countyand state;-that-the notice or advertisement,ofwhich'the amlexcd is a-true copy,has been published in said daily newspaper and that the notice was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said newspaper during the period and time of publication of said notice,and in the newspaper proper and not in a supplement thereof;that the publication of said notice was contained in the issues of said newspaper dated on 11/21/21 that said Fort Collins Coloradoan has been published continuously and uninterruptedly during the period of at least six months next prior to the first publication of said notice or advertisement above referred to; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as second-class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof; and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. R Legal Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before tne,within the County of Brown,State of Wisconsin this 21 st of November 202I. Notary Public Notary Expires FNotary KY F E i_TY Legal No.0005009628 PLiblic of Wisconsin Ad#:0005009628 .,,�,.,,, � Affidavit Prepared P O : Sunday,Novcrnber 21,20 3:35 ain This is not an invoice #of Affidavits 1 CEIVED BY.'CITY 'GIVE FOR FC ORDINANCE NO 161i2g21 MOVES FOR;.TIiE SAFE ROUTES TO •OF'THE;.COUNCIL OF':THE, CITY OF :SCHOOL::. FORT-i.COLLINS. AMENDING ORD[- ORDINANCE NO 1'S5 2027.,1 NANCE-'NO '097,2021, ESTABLISHING ., THE FORT:.COLLINS TOURISM.IM OF THE"-COU.NCIL OF1.THE CITY OF, ,PROVEMENT'DISTRICT FORT =COLL€NS;`MAKING ;SUPPLE . MENTAL APPROPRIATIONS, :APPRO The fUEE text of these ordinances can be, PRIATING PRIOR .YEAk RESERVES; found.at: `. AND.:AUTHORIZING„TRANSFERS OF" ',or by,calling the;City Clerks Office).,at. `; APPROPRIATIONS -FOR;.THES:LA= '970.2216515 PORTE;AVENUE.MULTI MODAL' IM ' 0005009626:: PROVEMENT PROJECT';AND RELAT 'Coloradoan.' ED,ART IN PUBLIC PLACES.. Nov.21,2021.'. .. ORDINANCE N0.756;2021. OP".TH.E„COUNCIL OF,tTHE CITY-OF.S': FORT.;:.COLLINS >MAKING. 'SUPP.LE=0. MENTAL AP P..ROP RIATIONS rAND AP-:i: P.ROPR.IATING. :PRIORr YEAR': RE- SERVES. TO :PURCHASE "EIGHT ELECTR€C':BUSES AND:;'AskdATED s< CHARGING EQUIPMENT:.:'::' ORDINANCE NO.157,2021 OF THE COUNCIL OF'THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS, APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RESERVES FROM THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT CAPITAL EXPANSION FEE ACCOUNT IN THE CAPITAL EXPANSION FEE FUND FOR THE PURCHASE OF THE.CON DOM.INIUMS,IN' THE CEVIC CENTER NOTICE IS R, HEEBY GIVEW'that the' PARKING STRUCTURE,- Fort Collins .C€tV.Council on'..Tuesday, November 16f;:2021, passed and'"adopted: ORDINANCE NO.158,2021' ' the. following ordinances on first' OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 1 reading. These`ordinances.will.be Are- FORT COLLINS AMENpING`SECTION> sensed for fingl.Passage,on Tuesdays De 27146'OF THE CODE OF.;THE'.CITY OF camber 7,2D21: FORT :COLLINS :RECyARDING.IzThlEii HUMAN SERVICES .,:AND :HOUSING ORDINANCE`NO:152,.2021 a.:+FUNDING'BOARD OF THE COUNCIL OF:THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING ORDINANCE NO: 59 2021 PHILANTHROPIC "REVENUE RE- OF THE COUNCIL OF THE'CITY OF: CEIVED BY CITY GIVE FOR FORT FORT COLL€NSF AUTHORIZING.CON.... -. COLLINS POLICE SERVICES TO PUR- VEYANCE -pFi`NOTICES' OF:,':ENVI- CHASE PERSONAL PROTECTIVE RONMENTAL USE;,RESTRICTIONS-TOi EQUIPMENT:.FOR,ALL SWORN'OFFI-. THE.:COLORADO ;DEPARTMENT OF.: `CERS TO SHOW APPRECIATION FOR. 'PUBLIC HEALTH AND ,,ENVIRON-: THEIR SACRIFICE AND SERVICE MENT . ON. ;:PORTIONS' OF CATHY:. F ROMME.,PRAIRIE;'.NATURAL':AREA ORDINANCE NO,153,2021 'IN..CONNECTION :WITH ;'REMEDIA OF THE.COUNCIL'OF;THE CITY :OF:: TION:OF'.GROUNDWATER CONTAMI ':FORT "COLLINS APPROPRIATING;< NATION FROM'THE LARIMER.COUN- PHILANTHROPIC : REVENUE RE TY LANDFILL, CEIVED :BY CITY.GIVE_FOR PARK PLANNING AND:.: DEVELOPMENT' ORDINANCE NO.'160,2021 FOR THE 9/11 MEMORIAL AT SPRING . OF THE COUNCIL OF THE'CITY OF PARK FORT:'COLLINS'7,APPROVING. A?:CON- TRACT TERM"OF UP TO TEN:YEARS ORDINANCE NO.154,20M FOR BUTTERFLY 'HOUSE OPERA- OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF . TIONS BY"-ROCKY `MOUNTAIN 'BUT- FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING` TERFLY "CONSORTIUM; OBA. BUT=: PHILANTHROPIC REVENUE RE TERFLY'PAVILION