HomeMy WebLinkAbout052 - 04/21/2020 - AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE OF A PERMANENT SANITARY SEWER LINE EASEMENT AND A TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTIONLegal Description Soaring Vista Natural Area The W1/2 of the SW1/4 and the SW1/4 of the NW1/4 of Section 22, Township 6 North, Range 68 West of the 6th P.M., County of Larimer, State of Colorado EXCEPTING THEREFROM the right of way for County Road as established and/or used; ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM those parcels described in Deeds recorded December 11, 1985, at Reception No. 85062821 and August 20, 1991, at Reception No. 91039306. (Street Address: 4200 East County Road 30, Fort Collins, Colorado) EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EASEMENT EXHIBIT 22, Wl/4 T6N, COR. R68W SEC EXHIBIT B PAGE 2 OF 2 20· GRANT OF EASEMENT [ REC 90007579 ---- __ _,_ __ __ �rrts='!! ·=·=-� :.:.---_-_ -_ - g: '°' ' g .... , I() �, '3: '°' I() . ,. . fil �, �, f ,� h I f � · I I ' , , 'I " .... ,:.', 3: :" � � 8 g z ;, � I 'I SPECIAL REC 20150065994 WARRANTY DEED SWl/4, SEC. 22, T6N, R68W 200 100 0 F'kd SCALE IN FEET SCALE: 1''=200' 200 I I 1-30' .1 : PERMANENT EASEMENT 49,368 S.F. 1.133ACRES Colorado Poul B. Groves Licensed - On Professional Behalf Of King Surveyors ir, I'° � ,� ::l I :g Land Surveyor #38209 3: .. I � ,� !-'-' � j � N89'28'33"W 30.00' g I g {< TEMPORARY z •; I Ul -- / : ONSTRUCTION EASEMENT - - - - - - , r---------------- , --, I N N 0 z NT OF I I BEGINNING I \ EXHIBIT C EASEMENT EXHIBIT EXHIBIT C PAGE 2 OF 2 20' GRANT OF EASEMENT r ___ REC _,_90007579 ______ _ 11\,:::.� ------- io(::J. 30.04' cit]� :;/fj ti }"l::), a:il,:.:.:, !') ......l . a:i II) cof:::J<O P 8tJ8 ··::· o Zf/f V> tll 1 l:::J, I.:::::· Ii I io :-,:· io '°f:\·f � ait:;;i; .:::::::: :::, � II) .):d� r--[nr-- �f::1� I� s1:o ···Jo tls SPEClAL REC 20150065994 WARRANTY DEED SWl/4, SEC. 22, T6N, R68W 200 100 0 F-\d SCALE: SCALE IN 1"=FEET 200' 200 I �L:1:8 �l/1 "" IOt:::.,}" TEMPORARY Colorado Poul B. Groves Licensed - On Professional Behalf Of King Surveyors �J:�r:t,ft� � CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Land Surveyor #38209 --......1�j:or-b({J : :J ;IL. 0 vi - S87"2.56'32" 94,175ACRES 764 S.F. [ 40, E 708.51' , �f"'"-6"s"s:.�'¥.�:7 �'?£:22'"£I±1r741 I \I\ro soo·20'38"E 39.62' • ?::: � I �L.to N89'28'33"W 30.00' � tJ co QUIT REC CLAIM 85062821 DEED REC WARRANTY 20160024406 DEED U)tH� "!-1::Jb ·�\l');3i·:,fl� :::·::-1 :., vi NOTE: intended This to exhibit be o monumented drawing is not lond survey. graphic representation Its sole purpose to is oid os in o the description visuolizotion which of the it written occomponies. property The supersedes written the property exhibit description drawing. you NOTICE: must According commence to ony Colorado legal low action based within three upon ony years defect ofter in you this first survey discover moy ony such action defect. based In upon no event ony more defect than in this ten survey years be from commenced the dole of ( 1.3the -80-certification 105 C.R.S. shown 2012) hereon. z f ·;:;..:. : , . NT OF -r:::::r 30 BEr NNING .'i:] '.:'."· 9'28'33"W .07' __ ..___S89"28'33"E 781.99 , S1/4 COR. SEC __A_ 22, T6N, _ R _ 6 _ W8 � -�;; ---...1 -S��NTR W COR. SEC 22. COUATTY ROAD 30 S89"28'33"E 2617.09--;- v- _..JI.I-I �W RIGHT OF WAY WIDTH COULD NOT (BASIS COMMENCEMENT BE VERIFIED NO DOCUMENT FOUND OF BEARINGS) KING SURVEYORS 650 E. Garden Drive I Windsor, Colorado 80550 phone: (970) 686-5011 I fax: (970) 686-5821 email: contact@KingSurveyors.com DATE: PROJECT 1/26/N0:20 20170864-D DWG: CLIENT: 20170864-Sanderson-EASE-Stewart 1 DRAWN:DS CHECKED:PBG 5.41' I I I I QUIT REC CLAIM 85062821 DEED REC WARRANTY 20160024406 DEED _ _ _ _ S89'28'33"BASIS OF E BEARINGS 2617.09' T6N, SW COR. R68W SEC 22, POINT COMMENCEMENT OF ___ _. COUNTYROAD30 BE RIGHT VERIFIED OF WAY NO WIDTH DOCUMENT COULD FOUND NOT KING SURVEYORS 650 E. Garden Drive I Windsor. Colorado 80550 phone: (970) 686-5011 I fax: (970) 686-5821 email: contact@KingSurveyors.com I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I intended NOTE: This to exhibit be o monumented drawing is not land survey. graphic representation Its sole purpose to Is aid as in a the llisuoli:zdescription otion which of the it written accompanies. property supersedes The written the property exhibit description drawing. you NOTICE: must According commence to any Colorado legal action low within based three upon any years defect ofter in you this first survey may discover any such action defect. based In upon no event any defect more than in this ten survey years be from commenced the dote of ( 1 3-the 80-certification 1 05 C.R.S. shown 2012) hereon. S1/4 COR. SEC I ---t 2� T�.� PROJECT NO: 20170864-0 DATE: 1/26/20 OWG: CLIENT: 20170864-Sanderson-EASE-Stewart 2 DRAWN:OS CHECKEO:PBG