WHEREAS, the City Council is empowered and directed by Article XII, Section 6, of the
City Charter to fix, establish, maintain and provide for the collection of such rates, fees or
charges for utility services furnished by the City as will produce revenues sufficient to pay the
costs, expenses and other obligations of the electric utility, as set forth therein; and
WHEREAS , the City Council has determined that it is appropriate for new development
to contribute its proportionate share of providing capital improvements ; and
WHEREAS , Section 26-471 of the City Code requires the electric development fees to be
reviewed annually by the City Manager and presented to the City Council for approval no less
than biennially; and
WHEREAS , on November 5 , 2013 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 147 , 2013 ,
which established the electric development fees in effect for 2014 ; and
WHEREAS , Electric Utility staff has determined that capital improvement costs required
to meet the demands of anticipated new development will increase in 2015 ; and
WHEREAS , the City Manager and Electric Utilities staff have recommended to the City
Council adjustments to the electric development fees and charges for all invoices paid on or after
January 1 , 2015 ; and
WHEREAS, Electric Utilities staff have recommended to the City Council that the
description of the Building Site Charge (`BSC") at Section 26-474 of the City Code be amended
to distinguish between the charge applicable when connection to an on-site transformer is
required to serve a residential structure and the charge when an on-site transformer is not
required for electric service ; and
WHEREAS , based on the foregoing, the City Council has determined that amending
Chapter 26 of the City Code to revise electric development fees and charges for 2015 is in the
best interests of the customers of the Electric Utility and the City in general.
FORT COLLINS as follows :
Section 1 . That Section 26-474 (b) and (d), "Residential electric development fees
and charges" of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended to read as follows :
Sec. 26-474. Residential electric development fees and charges.
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(b) The ECF shall be the total of the site footage charge, dwelling charge and systems
modification charge, to be determined as follows :
( 1 ) The site footage charge shall be the combined total of:
a. five and one hundred twenty-one thousandths cents ($0 . 05121 ) per
square foot of developed site square footage, including all applicable tracts
but excluding the area of dedicated public rights-of-way and excluding
areas dedicated to the city as parkland, however, specific areas within city
owned parks that require electric service will be charged; and
b, ten dollars and thirty-six cents ($ 10. 36) per lineal foot of the
developed site abutting a dedicated street or roadway.
(2) The dwelling unit charge shall be as follows :
a. For a single-family panel size with one-hundred-fifty-amp service
(nonelectric heat), one thousand four hundred and four dollars ($ 1 ,404)
per dwelling unit;
b. For a single-family panel size with two-hundred-amp service or
with one-hundred-fifty-amp service (electric heat), two thousand three
hundred thirty-four dollars ($2 ,334) per dwelling unit;
c . For a multi-family panel size with one-hundred-fifty-amp service
(nonelectric heat), nine hundred thirty-six dollars ($936) per dwelling
d. For a multi-family panel size with two-hundred-amp service or
with one-hundred-fifty-amp service (electric heat), one thousand six
hundred forty-three dollars ($ 1 ,643 ) per dwelling unit.
(3 ) A system modifications charge will apply when a new or modified service
will require infrastructure in addition to or different from the standard base
electrical system model. The differential costs associated with such system
modifications will be included in the calculated ECF .
(d) A Building Site Charge ("BSC ") for any new or modified residential service shall
consist of the total of the applicable charges as described in this subsection (c), and shall
be paid as specified herein.
( 1 ) When any new or modified multi-family service requires extending
primary circuitry to an on-site transformer, this component of the BSC charge
shall be invoiced and paid in the same manner and at the same time as the ECF is
invoiced and paid pursuant to Subsection (a) of this Section, and shall be the total
of the primary circuit charge, transformer installation charge and any additional
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charges . The amounts shall be the same as the BSC for nonresidential
development, as shown in Section 26-475 (c) .
(2) When any new or modified residential service requires installation by the
Utility of secondary service the BSC shall include a secondary service charge
(SSC), and shall be paid at the time of building permit and based upon the current
rates as of the time of issuance of the building permit. The SSC shall be the total
of the secondary service charges, determined as follows :
a. The secondary service charge shall be as follows :
Secondary Service Charge (up to 65 feet) Plus Per Foot Charge For Each
Size Foot Over 65
1 /0 service $ 680 . 00 $4. 98/Foot
4/0 service $ 819 . 00 $5 . 72/Foot
350 kCM Service $ 919 .00 $7 .29/Foot
1 /0 Mobile Home $ 531 .00 N/A
4/0 Mobile Home $ 647 . 00 N/A
(3 ) Actual special costs to the utility of installation of primary or secondary
service resulting from site conditions shall be included in the BSC as additional
charges . Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, frozen or rocky soil,
concrete cutting and asphalt replacement.
Section 2 . That Section 26-475 (b) and (d) , "Nonresidential electric development fees
and charges" of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended to read as follows :
Sec. 26475. Nonresidential electric development fees and charges.
(b) The ECF shall be the total of the site footage charge, kVA service charge and
systems modification charge, to be determined as follows :
( 1 ) The site footage charge shall be the combined total of.
a, five and one hundred twenty-one thousandths cents ($0 . 05121 ) per
square foot of developed site square footage, including all applicable tracts
but excluding the area of dedicated public rights-of-way and excluding
. 3 -
areas dedicated to the city as parkland, however, specific areas within city
owned parks that require electric service will be charged; and
b. forty dollars and twenty-one cents ($40 . 21 ) per lineal foot of the
developed site abutting a dedicated street or roadway.
(2) The kVA service charge shall be determined as follows.
a. For customer electric loads served by the utility the kVA service
charge shall be :
1 . Utility-owned transformers : the kVA service charge shall
be sixty-three dollars and fifty-three cents ($63 . 53 ) per kilovolt-
amp (kVA) of service load rating .
2 . Customer owned transformers : the kVA service charge
shall be fifty-four dollars and thirty-five cents ($54 . 35) per
kilovolt-amp (kVA) of service load rating.
b. For the utility to receive customer generation in excess of the
customer' s electric service provided by the utility, the following KVA
service charge will also apply:
1 . Utility-owned transformers : the kVA service charge shall
be fifty-four dollars and thirty-five cents ( $54. 35 ) per kilovolt-
amp (kVA) of generation service rating in excess of the service
load rating as paid per subparagraph (2)a. l . above . Such ratings
shall be determined by the Utilities Executive Director,
2 . Customer owned transformers : the kVA service charge
shall be forty-three dollars and eighty-five cents ($43 . 85) per
kilovolt-amp (kVA) of generation service rating in excess of the
service load rating paid per subparagraph (2)a. 2 . above . Such
ratings shall be determined by the Utilities Executive Director.
(3 ) A system modifications charge will apply when a new or modified service
will require infrastructure in addition to or different from the standard base
electrical system model. The differential costs associated with such system
modifications will be included in the calculated ECF .
(d) A Building Site Charge ("BSC") for extending primary circuitry to the
transformer for any new or modified nonresidential service shall be invoiced and paid in
the same manner and at the same time as the ECF is invoiced and paid pursuant to
Subsection (a) of this Section. The BSC shall be the total of the primary circuit charge,
transformer installation charge and any additional charges, determined as follows :
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(1) The primary circuit charge for service from the utility source to the
transformer shall be as follows:
a. for single-phase service, a charge of nine dollars and fifty-five
cents ($9.55) per foot of primary circuit;
b. for three-phase service, a charge of eighteen dollars and thirty-
eight cents ($18.38) per foot of primary circuit.
(2) The transformer installation charge shall be as follows:
a. for single-phase service, a charge of one thousand three hundred
eighty-nine dollars ($1,389) per transformer;
b. for three-phase service, a charge of two thousand four hundred
fifty-eight dollars ($2,458)per transformer.
(3) Actual special costs to the utility of installation of service resulting from
site conditions shall be included in the BSC as additional charges. Such
conditions may include, but are not limited to, frozen or rocky soil, concrete
cutting and asphalt replacement.
Section 3. That the amendments to Chapter 26 of the City Code contained herein
shall go into effect for all invoices paid on or after January 1, 2015.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 21 st day of
October, A.D. 2014, and to be presented for final passage on the 4th day of November, A.D.
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City Clerk 0
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 4th day of November, A.D. 2014.
G�SY OFFo Makor
City Clerk
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