ORDINANCE NO. 1785 2011
WHEREAS , commencing in 1971 and continuing thereafter, the City Council has adopted
various provisions regulating the size and appearance of signs within the City all of which
regulations were designed and adopted in order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the City
by regulating the design, construction and placement of signs in a manner that provides a reasonable
balance between the right of a business and/or individual to identify itself and to convey its message,
and the right of the public to an aesthetically pleasing environment; and
WHEREAS , in 2006, the City Council adopted Code provisions further regulating the use
and appearance of on-premise digital signs which regulations controlled brightness, color, size and
method of display; and
WHEREAS , since 2006, the number of on-premise digital signs has increased significantly
and, in response to this increase, and to concerns about brightness and aesthetics, the City Council
directed City staff to evaluate the possibility of further regulation of digital signs to protect the
economic and aesthetic environment of the City; and
WHEREAS , the City Council has also requested that City staff present a proposal for
additional design criteria for pole signs for the purpose of limiting the amount of air space between
the top of the sign and the ground to make the signs more substantial and aesthetically interesting
with a view toward enhancing the aesthetic appearance of the streetscapes of the City; and
WHEREAS , City staff has prepared new regulations for the City Council to consider
regarding digital signs and pole signs ; and
WHEREAS , the Planning and Zoning Board has examined the regulations proposed by City
staff and has recommended that the City Council adopt said regulations ; and
WHEREAS , the City Council has determined that the adoption of the regulations proposed
by City staff with regard to digital signs and pole signs are in the best interests of the health, safety
and welfare of the City and should be adopted.
COLLINS as follows :
Section 1 . That Section 3 . 8 . 7(A)(3 )(b) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read
as follows :
3.8.7 Signs
(A) General.
(3 ) Nonconforming Signs.
(b) Existing on-premise signs for which a sign permit was issued pursuant to the
previous provisions of this Code, and which have become nonconforming
because of an amendment to this Code, shall be brought into conformance
with the provisions of this Section 3 . 8 . 7 . within the period of time specified
in the ordinance containing the amendment which causes the nonconformity.
In determining such period of time, the City Council shall consider the length j
of time since the last Code change affecting that same category of signs as
well as the cost of bringing the signs into compliance. During the period of
time that the signs may remain non-conforming, such signs shall be
maintained in good condition and no such sign shall be:
Section 2 . That Section 3 . 8 . 7(G) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new subparagraph ( 12) which reads in its entirety as follows :
(G) Freestanding and Ground Sign Requirements
( 12) Freestanding signs (pole signs) shall contain no more than thirty (30) percent (forty
[40] percent if located within the site distance triangle as described in Section
3 . 8 . 7 [G] [ 1 ] of the Land Use Code) free air space between the top of the sign and the
ground, vertically, and between the extreme horizontal limits of the sign extended
perpendicular to the ground. A base or pole cover provided to satisfy this
requirement shall be integrally designed as part of the sign by use of such things as
color, material, and texture. Freestanding signs that existed prior to December 30,
2011 and that do not comply with this regulation shall be removed or brought into
compliance by December 31 , 2019, provided that such signs otherwise comply with
subsection 3 . 8 . 7(A)(3 )(b) .
Section 3 . That Section 3 . 8 . 7(M) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
follows :
Section 3.8.7 Signs
(M) Electrical Signs and electronic message center signs.
( 1 ) Flashing, moving, blinking, chasing or other animation effects shall be
prohibited on all signs .
(2) Illuminated signs shall avoid the concentration of illumination. The intensity
of the light source shall not produce glare, the effect of which constitutes a
traffic hazard or is otherwise detrimental to the public health, safety or
(3 ) Every electric sign shall have affixed thereon an approved Underwriters'
Laboratories label, and all wiring connected to such sign shall comply with
all provisions of the National Electrical Code, as adopted by the city.
(4) Signs that contain an electronic message center shall be subject to the
following limitations .
(a) The electronic message center must be programmed so that the
displayed message does not change more frequently than once per
minute and so that the message change from one static display to
another occurs instantaneously without the use of scrolling, flashing,
fading or other similar effects . The message or image displayed must
be complete in itself without continuation in content to the next
message. Electronic message centers that display ONLY time and
temperature do not need to comply with the above-described time
limitations, but shall not change more frequently than once per three
seconds .
(b) The electronic message center must be provided with automatic
dimming software or solar sensors to control brightness for nighttime
viewing and variations in ambient light. Lighting from the message
center shall not exceed three tenths ( 3 ) foot candles over the
ambient light as measured using a foot candle meter at the following
distances from the face of the message center: thirty-two (32) feet for
a sign face greater than zero (0) square feet and not more than ten
( 10) square feet per side; thirty-nine (39) feet for a sign face greater
than ten ( 10) square feet and not more than fifteen ( 15) square feet
per side; forty-five (45) feet for a sign face greater than fifteen ( 15 )
square feet and not more than twenty (20) square feet per side; fifty
(50) feet for a sign face greater than twenty (20) square feet and not
more than twenty-five (25) square feet per side; fifty-five (55) feet
for a sign face greater than twenty-five (25) square feet and not more
than thirty (30) square feet per side; fifty-nine (59) feet for a sign face
greater than thirty (30) square feet and not more than thirty-five (35)
square feet per side; sixty-three (63 ) feet for a sign face greater than
thirty-five (35) square feet and not more than forty (40) square feet
per side; and sixty-three (63 ) feet for a sign face greater than forty
(40) square feet and not more than forty-five (45) square feet per
side. Lighting measurements shall be taken with the meter aimed
directly at the message center face, with the message center turned
off, and again with the message center turned on to a full white image
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for a message center capable of displaying a white color, or a full
amber or red image for a message center capable of displaying only
an amber or red color. The difference between the off and the white,
amber or red message measurements shall not exceed three tenths ( 3 )
footcandles. All such signs shall contain a default mechanism that
will cause the message center to revert immediately to a black screen
if the sign malfunctions.
Prior to the issuance of a permit for a sign containing an electronic
message center, the permit applicant shall provide written
certification from the sign manufacturer that the light intensity has
been factory pre-set not to exceed the levels specified above. Prior
to acceptance of the installation by the City, the permit holder shall
schedule an inspection with the City Zoning Department to verify
compliance. The permit holder and the business owner, business
manager or property manager shall be in attendance during the
(c) A displayed message must be presented in a single color, value and
hue and the background must also be a single color, value and hue.
(d) The maximum allowed size of an electronic message center shall
be fifty (50) percent of the total area of the sign face.
(e) Electronic message centers shall be integrated harmoniously into the
design of the larger sign face and structure, shall not be the
predominant element of the sign, shall not be allowed on a
freestanding pole sign, and if located at the top of the sign, must
include a substantial cap feature above the electronic message center
which consists of the same material, form, color or texture as is found
on the sign face or structure.
(f) With respect to sign permits issued after December 30, 2011 , the
pixel spacing of an electronic message center shall not exceed sixteen
( 16) mm, except that the maximum pixel spacing for a message
center that is manufactured as a monochrome-only sign shall not
exceed twenty (20) mm.
(g) In the D — Downtown zone district, wall signs with electronic
message centers are not permitted on properties located within the
boundaries of the Portable Sign Placement Area Map .
(h) With respect to sign permits issued after December 30, 2011 , no
more than one electronic message center sign shall be allowed to face
each street abutting or within any property and/or site specific
development plan. The minimum horizontal distance between
electronic message center signs located on the same side of a street
shall be one hundred ( 100) feet measured in a straight line.
(i) An electronic message center located inside a building but visible
from a public sidewalk or public street is subject to all of the
regulations contained in Section 3 . 8 . 7(M) .
(j ) Signs that contain an electronic message center which do not comply
with the provisions of this Section shall be removed or made to
conformby the dates specified in paragraphs 1 , 2 , and 3 below and
provided that such signs otherwise comply with subparagraph
3 . 8 . 7(A)(3 )(b) .
1 . Electronic message centers that contain dimming software or
solar sensors capable of meeting the brightness levels
described in Section 3 . 8 . 7(M)(4)(b) shall be required to
comply with such levels by January 31 , 2012 , and all
electronic message centers located inside a building but
visible from a public sidewalk or public street shall be
required to comply with Sections 3 . 8 . 7(M)( 1 ) and
3 . 8 . 7(M)(4)(a) and (c) by January 31 , 2012 .
2 . Except as otherwise required in subsection 0 )( 1 ) above, all
signs that do not comply with the requirements of Sections
3 . 8 . 7(M)(4)(a), (b), and/or (c) shall be made to comply with
those requirements by December 31 , 2015 .
3 . Structural changes or sign removal that may be required in
order to comply with the requirements of Sections
3 . 8 . 7(M)(4)(d),(e) , and/or (g) shall be completed by
December 31 , 2019 .
Section 4 . That Section 5 . 1 .2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition
of a new definition "Electronic message center" which reads in its entirety as follows :
Electronic message center shall mean the portion of an on-premise ground or wall sign that
is capable of displaying words or images that can be electronically changed by remote or automatic
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Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 6th day of
December, A.D. 2011, and to be presented for final passage on the 20th day of December, A.D.
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Passed and adopted on final reading on the 20th day of December, A.D. 2011.
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