HomeMy WebLinkAbout141 - 12/04/2018 - AMENDING SECTIONS 3.8.7 AND 5.1.2 OF THE LAND USE CODE SIGN REGULATIONS ORDINANCE NO. 141, 2018
WHEREAS, on December 2, 1997, by its adoption of Ordinance No. 190, 1997, the City
Council enacted the Fort Collins Land Use Code; and
WHEREAS, the Land Use Code contains regulations regarding signs within the City; and
WHEREAS, the 2015 United States Supreme Court case Reed v. Town of Gilbert and
subsequent lower court decisions applying Reed v. Town of Gilbert prompted a review of the City's
sign regulations with regards to the issues of content and viewpoint neutrality; and
WHEREAS, the changes to the City's sign code contained in this Ordinance comply with
Reed v. Town of Gilbert and related cases; and
WHEREAS, the City has legitimate, important, substantial, or compelling interests in:
1. Preventing the proliferation of signs that tends to result from property owners
competing for the attention of passing motorists and pedestrians (also known as
"sign clutter"), because of sign clutter:
a. Creates visual distraction and obstructs views, potentially creating safety
hazards for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians;
b. May involve physical obstruction of streets, sidewalks, or trails, creating
public safety hazards;
C. Degrades the aesthetic quality of the City, making the City a less attractive
place for residents, business owners, visitors, and private investment; and
d. Dilutes or obscures messages on individual signs due to the increasing
intensity of competition for attention.
2. Protecting the health of its tree canopy, an important community asset that
contributes to the character,environmental quality, and economic health of the City
and the region and may be adversely impacted by sign clutter; and
3. Maintaining a high quality aesthetic environment to protect and enhance property
values and the public investment in streets, sidewalks, trails, plazas, parks, and
landscaping, and to enhance community pride; and
WHEREAS, the Council finds that:
1. The regulations set out in this Ordinance are unrelated to the sup cession of
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constitutionally-protected free expression, do not relate to the content of protected
messages that may be displayed on signs, and do not relate to the viewpoint of
individual speakers;
2. Any incidental restriction on the freedom of speech that may result from the
regulation of signs pursuant to this Ordinance is no greater than is essential to the
furtherance of the important,substantial,and compelling interests that are advanced
3. Regulation of the location,number, materials; height,sign area,form, and duration
of display of signs is essential to preventing sign clutter, protecting the
environmental and economic health of the City; and
4. Signs may be degraded, damaged, moved, or destroyed by causes including wind,
rain, snow, ice, and sun; and after such degradation, damage; movement, or
destruction, such signs harm the safety and aesthetics of the City if they are not
removed; and
WHEREAS, the purpose and intent of this Ordinance is to establish reasonable regulations
for the design,location, installation,maintenance, and removal of signs in a manner that advances
the City's legitimate, important, substantial, and compelling interests, while simultaneously
safeguarding constitutionally protected free speech;and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the Land Use Code sign regulations
contained in this Ordinance will promote the objectives and public purposes described above and
are in the best interests of the City and its citizens.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That the City Council hereby makes and adopts the determinations and
findings contained in the recitals set forth above.
Section 2. That Section 3.8.7 of the Land Use Code is hereby repealed in its entirety
and reenacted to read as follows
3.8.7 -Signs : Generally
(A) Title; Purpose and Intent.
(1) Title. Sections,,,, and may be
collectively referred to as the"City of Fort Collins Sign Code,"or the"Sign Code
Definitions related to the Sign Code are set out in § 5.1.2, Definitions.
(2) Purpose and Intent.The purpose and intent of the Sign Code is to set out reasonable
regulations for the design, location, installation, display, operation, repair,.
maintenance, and removal of signs in a manner that advances the City's legitimate,
important,substantial, and compelling interests,while simultaneously safeguarding
the constitutionally protected right of free speech.
(B) Interests. The City has a legitimate, important, substantial, or compelling interest in:
(1) Preventing the proliferation of signs of generally increasing size, dimensions, and
visual intrusiveness (also known as"sign clutter")that tends to result from property
owners competing for the attention of passing motorists and pedestrians, because
sign clutter:
(a) Creates visual distraction and obstructs views, potentially creating safety
hazards for motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians;
(b) May involve physical obstruction, of streets, sidewalks, or trails, creating
public safety hazards;
(c) Degrades the aesthetic quality of the City, making the City a less attractive
place for residents, business owners, visitors, and private investment; and
(d) Dilutes or obscures messages on individual signs due to the increasing
competition for attention.
(2) Maintaining and enhancing the historic character of historic Downtown Fort
Collins, a unique historic resource of exceptional quality and vibrancy.
(3) Protecting the health of the City's tree canopy, an important community asset that
contributes to the character,environmental quality, and.economic health of the City
and the region.
(4) Maintaining a high quality aesthetic environment to protect and enhance property
values, leverage public investments in streets, sidewalks,trails,plazas,parks, open
space, civic buildings, and landscaping, and enhance community pride.
(5) Protecting minors from speech that is harmful to them according to state or federal
law, by preventing such speech in places that are accessible to and used by minors.
(C) Findings. The City finds that:
(1) Content-neutrality,viewpoint neutrality,and fundamental fairness in regulation and
review are essential to ensuring an appropriate balance between the important,
substantial,and compelling interests set out in§ the constitutionally-
protected right to free expression.
(2) The regulations set out in the Sign Code are unrelated to the suppression of
constitutionally-protected free expression, do not relate to the content of protected
messages that may be displayed on signs, and do not relate to the viewpoint of
individual speakers.
(3) The incidental restriction on the freedom of speech that may result from the
regulation of signs pursuant to the Sign Code is no greater than is essential to the
furtherance of the important, substantial, and compelling interests that are set out
in §
(4) Regulation of the location, number, materials,height, sign area, form, and duration
of display of temporary signs is essential to prevent.sign clutter.
(5) Temporary signs may be degraded, damaged, moved, or destroyed by wind, rain,
snow, ice, and sun, and after such degradation, damage, movement, or destruction,
such signs harm the safety and aesthetics of the City's streets if they are not
(6) Certain classifications of speech are not constitutionally protected due to the harm
that they cause to individuals or the community.
(D) Applicability, exemptions, and permit exceptions.
(1) Applicability. The provisions of the Sign Code shall apply to the display,
construction, installation, erection, alteration, use, location, maintenance, and
removal of all signs within the City that are not specifically exempt from such
(2) Sign Permits.
(a) No sign shall be displayed, constructed, installed, erected, refaced, or
altered within the City limits until the City has issued a sign permit, unless
the sign qualifies as an exception to the permit requirements.
(b) No permit is required for routine sign maintenance, painting, or replacing
light sources with lighting of comparable intensity (however, the
installation of a new manual changeable copy message center or electronic
message center does require a permit). -
(3) Sign Regulation Exemptions. The Sign Code does not apply to:
(a) Signs of any type that are installed or posted (or required to be installed or
posted)by the Federal government, the State of Colorado, Larimer County,
the City, or a School District (collectively, "Governmental Entities"), on
property owned or controlled by a
Governmental Entity.
(b) Required signs, posted in accordance with applicable law or regulations.
(4) Sign Regulation Partial Exemptions. The following signs are subject only to
subsections (E) through (L) of this Section, inclusive, and shall not require
a sign permit:
(a) Signs that are not visible from any of the following areas due to the
configuration of the building(s) or structure(s) or the topography of the site
upon which the signs are located:
1. Residential lots;
2. Adjoining property that is not under common ownership;
3. Public rights-of-way; or
4. Property that is located at a higher elevation than the property upon
which the sign is displayed.
(b) Signs that are not legible from adjoining property or rights-of-way due to
the configuration of the building(s) or structure(s) or the topography of the
site upon which the signs are located or the orientation or setback or
typeface of the sign, provided that:
1. One (1) such sign may have a sign area that is not more than thirty-
five (35) square feet, and if a sign area allowance applies to the site,
fifty(50) percent of the sign area of the sign is counted towards the
sign area allowance;
2. Other such signs may have a sign area that is not more than eight(8)
square feet, and are not counted towards any applicable sign area
(c) Horizontal projected light signs that are projected onto private property,
provided that they are not projected onto required signs.
(5) Sign Permit Exceptions. The following signs may be displayed, constructed,
installed, erected, or altered without a sign permit, but are not exempt from other
applicable provisions of§ or §€
(a) One (1) optional residential sign per street-facing building elevation of a
residential building not exceeding four(4) square feet in area;
(b) Flags that are hung from not more than three (3) rigid, straight, building-
mounted or ground-mounted flagpoles per one hundred (100) feet of
property frontage or fraction thereof, provided that:
1. No more than three (3) flags are flown from any one (1) flagpole;
2. No flag obstructs pedestrian, bicycle, or vehicular traffic, or a
required sight triangle; and
3. No flag exceeds thirty-two (32) square feet in area;
(c) Small signs, as follows:
1. Signs that are affixed to a building or structure, that do not exceed
two (2) square feet in sign area,provided that only one (1) such sign
is present on each elevation that is visible from public rights-of-way
or adjoining property; and
2. Signs that are less than one(1) square foot in area that are affixed to
machines, equipment, fences, gates, walls, gasoline pumps, public
telephones, or utility cabinets;
(d) Temporary seasonal decorations;
(e) Temporary signs (except feather flags and attached or detached temporary
banners and pennants, all of which require a sign permit); and
(f) Window signs that are less than six (6) square feet in area, provided that:
1. The total area covered by window signs:
a. Does not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the area of the
architecturally distinct window in which they are located;
b. Does not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the sign ,
allowance described in §; and
2. The window signs are not illuminated.
(E) Relationship to Other Regulations.
(1) In addition to the regulations set out in the Sign Code, signs may also be subject to
applicable State laws and regulations (e.g., State of Colorado, Department of
Highways, "Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Outdoor Advertising," effective
January 1, 1984, as may be amended from time to time), Federal laws and
regulations, and applicable adopted building and electrical codes. Exceptions to
the sign permit requirement do not constitute exemptions to other applicable codes
or permit requirements.
(2) Where any provision of the Sign Code covers the same subject matter as other
regulations of the City; the more specific regulation shall control the more general
one, unless the City determines that the more restrictive regulation is clearly
unenforceable as a matter of law.
(3) Where any provision of the Sign Code covers the same subject matter as other
regulations of the State of Colorado or the United States, the applicant is advised
that nothing in this Chapter shall be construed as a defense to a violation of
applicable state or federal law except as may be provided in the state or federal law.
(4) All signs within the Old Town Historic District within the Downtown District must
comply with the Old Town Historic District Design Standards except that the Old
Town Historic District Design Standards shall not be interpreted to limit the content
of the sign.
(5) The Downtown District shall be defined by the boundary exhibited in the 2017 Fort
Collins Downtown Plan.
(F) Measurements.
(1) Property Frontage. Property frontage is measured as the length of each property
boundary that abuts a public street right-of-way.
(2) Sign Area.
(a) Generally. In general,sign area is the area within a continuous polygon with
up to eight (8) straight sides that completely encloses the limits of text and
graphics of a sign, together with any frame or other material or color
forming.an integral part of the display or used to differentiate the sign's
contents from the background against which they are placed.
(b) Additions. The area of all freestanding and ground signs shall include the
area of the sign face(s) as calculated in subsection (17)(2)(a), together with
any portion of the sign structure which exceeds one-,and one-half(11/2)times
the area of the sign face(s).
(c) Exclusions.The sign area does not include the structure upon which the sign
is placed (unless the structure is an integral part of the display or used to
differentiate it),but does include any open space contained within the outer
limits of the display face, or between any component, panel, strip, or figure
of any kind composing the display face,whether this open space is enclosed
by a frame or border or not.
Figure (F)(2)(c)
71\AESSAkK3r- E
Sign Area Measurement
(d) Multiple Sign Faces. Freestanding temporary signs may have multiple
faces. The area of such signs is measured using the vertical cross-section
that represents the sign's maximum projection upon a vertical plane (e.g.,
for a sign with two(2)opposite faces on the same plane,the total cumulative
area of both faces is used for area calculation).
Figure (F)(2)(d)
Multiple Sign Faces
e eac
Total cumulatwe areo of
balh.tlgafaCe6.. }0!
oleo cakulallon
(e) Three-Dimensional Sign Faces.The area of signs that do not have a flat sign
face is measured using the vertical cross-section that represents the sign's
maximum projection upon a vertical plane.
Figure (F)(2)(e)
Three-Dimensional Sign Faces
U '
(3) Sign Clearance. Sign clearance is the distance between the bottom of a sign or
related structural element that is not affixed to the ground and the nearest point on
the ground-level surface under it.
Figure (F)(3)
Sign Clearance
i .
(4) Sign Height. Sign height is measured as:
(a) For ground-mounted signs:
1. The distance between ground level at,the base of the sign and the
top of the sign or sign structure, whichever is higher; or
2. If the average grade under the base of the sign is more than two (2)
feet lower than the average grade of the nearest adjoining street,then
the height of the detached sign shall be measured from the elevation
of the flowline of the street to the top of the sign or sign structure.
Figure (F)(4)(a)
Sign Height (Ground-Mounted Signs)
Typical Sign Height: More Than 2 foot Drop
sign measured from In Elevatlon:sign
ground level(flowline) measured from average
to top of sign or sign grade to fop of sign or
structure sign structure
Q C__ 7�
Ground Lavel
---- --Flowlinej--
i Average Grade
(b) For building-mounted signs, the greatest distance between the lowest part
of the sign or sign structure and the highest part of the sign or sign structure.
Figure (F)(4)(b)
Sign Height (Building-Mounted Signs) -
(5) Projection. Projection is the horizontal distance between a building wall or fascia
to which a sign is mounted and the part of the sign or sign structure that is most
distant from the wall or fascia, Measured perpendicular to the vertical plane of the
wall or fascia.
Figure (F)(5)
(6) Setbacks Sign setbacks are measured perpendicularly from the property line that
defines the required setback to the nearest point on the sign or sign structure.
(G) Prohibited signs and sign elements.
(1) Generally. The prohibitions in this subsection (G) apply to temporary and
permanent signs in all areas of the City.
(2) Prohibited Signs. The following signs are not allowed, whether temporary or
(a) Temporary signs; except as specifically permitted in §, Temporary
(b) Portable signs, except as permitted in the Code of the City of Fort Collins
Chapter 24, Article IV;
(c) Wind-driven signs except flags, feather flags, banners, and pennants in
compliance with this §;
(d) Inflatable signs, and signs that are designed to appear as inflatable signs
(e.g., plastic balloons);
(e) Revolving or rotating signs;
(f) Permanent off-premises signs, except as provided in §;
(g) Billboards; and
(h) Abandoned signs.
(3) Prohibited Design Elements. The following elements shall not be incorporated as
an element of any sign or sign structure, whether temporary or permanent:
(a) Animated or moving parts, including any moving, swinging, rotating, or
spinning parts or flashing, blinking, scintillating, chasing, fluctuating, or
otherwise animated light; except as expressly allowed in this Sign Code;
(b) Cardboard,card stock,or paper,except when laminated or used as a window
sign located on the interior side of the window;
(c) Motor vehicles, unless:
1. The vehicles are operational, and either:
a. Automobile dealer inventory; or,
b. Regularly used as motor vehicles, with current registration
and tags;
2. The display of signage on the motor vehicle would not interfere with
the immediate operation of the motor vehicle (e.g., signs that are
held in place by an open hood or trunk are not allowed; signs that
cover windows are not allowed; and signs that would fall off of the
vehicle if the vehicle were in motion are not allowed); and
3. The motor vehicle is legally parked in a vehicle use area depicted on
an approved site plan.
(d) Semi-trailers, shipping containers, or portable storage units, unless:
1. The trailers, containers, or portable storage units are:
a. Structurally sound and capable of being transported,
b. Used for their primary purpose (e.g., storage, pick-up, or
delivery); and
C. If subject to registration, have current registration and tags;
2. The display of signage is incidental to the primary purpose; and
3. The semi-trailer, shipping container, or portable storage unit is
parked or placed in a designated loading area or on a construction
site in an area that is designated on an approved construction staging
Exception: This standard does not apply to shipping containers that are used as building
(e) Stacked products (e.g.,tires,soft drink cases, bagged soil or mulch) that are
placed in unapproved outdoor storage locations;
(f) Materials with a high degree of specular reflectivity, such as polished metal,
installed in a manner that creates substantial glare from headlights, street
lights, or sunlight.
Exception: This standard does not prohibit retroreflective materials that comply with the
standards set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
(g) Rooftop signs and all other types of signs that project above the roof deck,
except that signs are allowed on parapet walls if the parapet wall was
constructed as a part of the building and the parapet wall includes a sign
band within which the sign is installed.
Exception: Secondary Roof signs as provided in subsection 3.8.72(F).
(4) Prohibited Obstructions. In no\event shall a sign, whether temporary or permanent,
obstruct the use of:
(a) Building ingress or egress, including doors, egress windows, and fire
(b) Operable windows (with regard to movement, not transparency); or
(c) Equipment, structures, or architectural elements that are related to public
safety, building operations, or utility service (e.g., standpipes, downspouts,
fire hydrants, electrical outlets, lighting, vents, valves, and meters).
(5) Prohibited Mounts. No sign, whether temporary or permanent, shall be posted,
installed, mounted on, fastened, or affixed to any of the following:
(a) Any tree or shrub;
(b) Any utility pole or light pole, unless:
1. The sign is a banner or flag that is not more than ten (10) square feet
in area;
2. The owner of the utility pole or light pole consents to its use for the
display of the banner or flag;
3. The banner or flag is mounted on brackets or a pole that extends not
more than thirty (30) inches from the utility pole or light pole;
4. The banner or flag is either situated above an area that is not used
by pedestrians or vehicles, or the-bottom of the banner or flag has a
sign clearance of at least eight (8) feet; and
5. Any applicable City encroachment or banner permits are obtained;
(c) Utility cabinets.
(H) Prohibited Locations. In addition to applicable setback requirements and other restrictions
of this Sign Code, no sign shall be located in any of the following locations:
(1) In or over public rights-of-way (which, in addition to streets, may include other
sidewalks, parkways, trails, multi-use pathways, retaining walls, utility poles,
traffic calming devices, medians, and center islands that are within public rights-
of-way), except:
(a) Signs painted on or affixed to transit shelters and bus benches as authorized
by the provider of the shelter or bench, but not extending beyond the
physical structure of the shelter or bench;
(b) Signs that are the subject of a revocable license agreement with the City,
installed and maintained in accordance with the terms of that agreement;
(c) Portable signs permitted pursuant to the Code of the City of Fort Collins,
Chapter 24, Article IV; or
(d) Signs posted by the City or jurisdiction that owns or maintains the right-of-
way; or
(2) Within any sight distance triangle, as provided in subsection (I), below.
(I) Illumination. The illumination of signs, where permitted, shall comply with the standards
of this subsection (1) and Land Use Code § 3.2.4, Site Lighting.
(1) Generally.
(a) In general, attached illuminated signs shall be turned off by 11:00 PM if
they located within three hundred (300) feet of property that is zoned, used,
or approved for residential use. However, signs may be illuminated in
Downtown, Commercial/Industrial, and Mixed-Use sign districts after
11:00 PM if:
1. The operating hours of the use to which the sign relates extend past
10:30 PM, in which case the sign shall be turned off not more than
thirty (30) minutes after the end of operating hours each day; and
the sign is dimmed by at least thirty (30) percent between midnight
and 6:00 AM; or
2. The lighting that illuminates the sign is used primarily for the
protection of the premises or for safety purposes, or
3. The sign is separated from residential uses by an arterial street.
(b) Illuminated signs shall avoid the concentration of illumination. The
intensity of the light source shall not produce glare, the effect of which
constitutes a traffic hazard or nuisance to adjoining property.
(c) No sign or associated luminaire shall create light spillover of more than one
(1)lux at any property line that is zoned or used for single-family detached,
duplex, or townhome purposes.
(d) Every electric sign shall have affixed thereon an approved Underwriters'
Laboratories label, and all wiring connected to such sign shall comply with
all provisions of the National Electrical Code, as adopted by the City.
(e) Electrical service to freestanding signs shall be installed underground.
Electrical service to attached signs shall be provided from the building and
concealed from view.
(2) Internal Illumination.
(a) No internal sign lighting shall include any exposed light source, except that
neon or comparable tube lighting is permitted in locations where internal
sign illumination is allowed.
(b) During the time between sunset and the time an illuminated sign must be
turned off pursuant to subsection (I)(1)(a), above, internally lit signs
(including electronic message centers) shall not exceed six hundred (600)
nits of luminance.
(3) Indirect Lighting.
(a) All signs that use indirect lighting shall have their lighting directed in such
a manner as to illuminate only the face of the sign, and not to create glare
or sky glow.
(b) When indirect lighting is used to illuminate detached signs, the light source
must be concealed from view from on and off-site vehicular and pedestrian
use areas and from within existing buildings.
(c) Indirect lighting of signs shall not exceed the following illuminance:
1. Commercial/Industrial and Mixed-Use Sign Districts: six hundred
(600) lux
2. Downtown Sign District: five hundred (500) lux
3. All Other Sign Districts: four hundred (400) lux
(4) Off-Premises Signage. No new illumination may be added to existing off-premises
(J) Message Centers.
(1) Manual Copy Message Centers.
(a) Design.
1. Manual changeable copy message centers shall appear integrated
into the sign face of a permanent sign that also includes text and
graphics that are not part of the manual changeable copy message
2. No manual changeable copy message center may be constructed
using face or screen materials such as expanded metal or other types
of mesh; any type of corrugated plastic such as Filon, V3, or
Styrene; or other types of materials that are commonly used for
"portable" or"homemade" signs.
(b) Dimensions. No manual changeable copy message center shall occupy
more than eighty(80) percent of the sign area of a sign.
(c) Operation and Maintenance.
1. No changeable copy sign or portion of a sign may have changeable
copy that is nailed, pinned, glued, taped, or comparably attached.
2. If any part of the changeable copy portion of a sign or the track type
system or other method of attachment is absent from the sign, or
deteriorates so that it is no longer consistent with the style or
materials used in the permanent portion of the sign, or is altered in
such a way that it no longer conforms to the approved plans and
specifications,the sign shall be removed or repaired within fourteen
(14) days.
(2) Electronic Message Centers. Digital electronic message centers ("EMCs") may be
incorporated into signs as provided in this subsection.
(a) Number, Design, Dimensions.
1. Not more than one (1) sign with an EMC component is allowed per
street frontage.
` 2. EMCs shall appear to be incorporated into the face of a permanent
sign that includes text or graphics that are not part of the EMC.
3. EMCs shall not have a pixel pitch that is greater than twelve (12)
4. EMCs shall be,integrated harmoniously into the design of the sign
face and structure, shall not be the predominant element of the sign,
and if located at the top of a sign, the sign must include a substantial
cap feature above the EMC, which consists of the same material,
form, color, and texture as is found on the sign face or structure.
5. Not more'than fifty (50) percent of the sign area of a permitted sign
may be occupied by EMCs.
(b) Spacing, Prohibitions.
1. Signs with EMC components shall be separated from each other and from
property used or if the property is vacant but zoned for residential purposes
(except multi-family buildings with more than four [4] units) by a distance
of not less than one hundred (100) feet, measured in a straight line.
2. EMCs are not allowed on a freestanding pole sign except as provided in
3, In the Downtown (D) District, wall signs with electronic message centers
are not permitted on properties located within the boundaries of the Portable
Sign Placement Area Map, See Sec. 24-150, et seq.,Fort Collins City Code.
(c) Operations.
1. The message displayed on an EMC shall not change more.frequently than
once per sixty(60) seconds unless the EMC is subject to Section
If a single sign includes multiple EMCs, they shall be considered a single
EMC for the purposes of this standard.
2. EMCs shall contain static messages only, and animated, dissolve, or fade
transitions are not allowed.
3. EMCs shall be controlled by dimming software and sensors to adjust
brightness for nighttime viewing and variations in ambient light. The
intensity of the light source shall not produce glare, the effect of which
constitutes a traffic hazard or is otherwise detrimental to the public health,
safety or welfare.
(d) Certification. Prior to acceptance of the installation by the City, the permit holder
shall schedule an inspection with a Zoning Inspector to verify compliance. The
permit holder and the business owner, business manager or property manager shall
be in attendance during the inspection.
(K) Sight Distance Triangles. Signs that obstruct view within an area between forty-two (42)
inches and seventy-two (72) inches above the flowline of the adjacent street shall be set back from
the right-of-way line a distance as established in Table (K), Sight Distance Triangles.
Table(K) _ ..
Sight Distance Triangles'
Arterial 15 500
Collector - 15 400
Local 15 300
Table Notes:
1 These distances are typical sight distance triangles to be used under normal conditions and may be modified by the Director of Engineering
in order to protect the public safety and welfare in the event that exceptional site conditions necessitate such modification.
z See Figure(K)for illustration.
Sight Distance Triangle Setbacks
Sigh Sight D110M .
SWd Lim SWL*—\'
9 X
Rqth-d-Way Lim SIGN SMN
Pees of Cmb or
Sight Dimow Tdmgte Bdge of Pavement
(L) Content. Except as provided in this subsection (L), no sign shall be approved or
disapproved based on the content or message it.displays..
(1) Prohibition on Certain Types of Unprotected Speech. The following content,
without reference to the viewpoint of the individual speaker, shall not be displayed
on signs:
(a) Text or graphics that is harmful to minors as defined by state or federal,law;
(b) Text or graphics that are obscene, fighting words,defamation,incitement to
imminent lawless action, or true threats, as such words and phrases are
defined by controlling law;
(c) Text or graphics that present a clear and present danger due to their potential
confusion with traffic control signs; or
(d) Signs that provide false information related to public safety (e.g., signs that
use the words `-`Stop," "Yield," "Caution," or "Danger," or comparable
words, phrases, symbols, or characters that are presented in a manner as to
confuse motorists or imply a safety hazard that does not exist).
(2) Severability. The narrow classifications of content that are prohibited from display
on signs by this subsection (L) are either not protected by the United States and
Colorado Constitutions, or are offered limited protection that is outweighed by the
substantial and compelling governmental interests in protecting the public safety
and welfare. It is the intent of the City Council that each provision of this
subsection (L) be individually severable in the event that a court holds one or more
of them to be inconsistent with the United States Constitution or Colorado
(M) Sign Districts:
(1) Generally. In recognition that the City is a place of diverse physical character, and
that different areas of the City have different functional characteristics, signs shall
be regulated based on sign district in which they are located.
(2) Sign Districts Created. The following sign districts are created: Downtown,
CommerciaUIndustrial, Multifamily, Single-Family, and Residential
Neighborhood. Sign districts shall correspond to zoning districts as provided in
Table (M), Sign Districts..
Sign Districts
Downtown D;R-D-R
Commercial/Industrial T;C-C;C-C-N;C-C-R;C-G;C-S;C-L;H-C;E;I
Mixed-Use L-M-N;M-M-N;H-M-N;N-C
Multifamily N-C-M;N-C-B
Single-Family R-U-L;U-E;R-F;R-L,,N-C-L;P-C-L;.R-C
Residential Neighborhood Sign See map on file at City Clerk's office.To the extent of any geographic overlap with other sign
District districts,the Residential Neighborhood Sign District supersedes the overlapped sign district.
3X7.2 - Permanent Signs
(A) Sign Area Allowance.
(1) Generally.The sign area allowance limits the total amount of sign area that may be
allocated to certain types of signs (listed in Tables (13) to(F)) on a site based on the
location and use of the site. Sign area allowance is calculated as set out in Table
(A), Sign Area Allowance.
Table (A)
Sign Area Allowance
For 1st 2001f.of
bldg.frontage + frontage in excess of 200 = But not less than
Location/Use If.
All Sign Districts)
2 sf./If. + 1 sf./If.- 1 sf./If.of lot frontage
1 Sign allowance is calculated per building frontage and may only be applied to the frontage to which the calculations apply.No more than 3
building frontages shall be used for the purposes of the sign allowance calculations.
(2) Sites without Frontage on Public Streets. If a building does not have frontage on a
dedicated public street, the owner of the building may designate the one building
frontage for the purpose of calculating the sign area allowance.
(3) Allocation of Sign Area Allowance.
(a) If the only building frontage that fronts on a public street is a wall containing
no signs, the property owner may designate another building frontage on
the building on the basis of which the total sign allowance shall be
calculated, provided that no more than twenty-five (25) percent of the total
sign allowance permitted under this Sign Code may be placed on frontage
other than the building fascia which was the basis for the sign allowance
(b) In all other cases, the sign allowance for a property may be distributed in
any manner among its building and/or street frontages except that no one
building, or street frontage may contain more sign area than one hundred
(100) percent of the sign area allowance.
Figure(A),Sign Types
t Prinric ry
Fin Sin Seco
of Sign
a o Wall Sign o a o o
and ry
in Slg
i dow i n
9 + ,
(B) Wall Signs. Wall signs are allowed according to the standards in Table (B), Wall Signs.
Wall Signs
Sign District
Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District' Within Residential
Standards Commercial/ Neighborhood.Sign
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family District'
Max.# .Not limited Not limited 1 per single- 1 per single- 1 per single- 1 per single-family
family family family dwelling unit or duplex
dwelling unit dwelling unit dwelling unit building that fronts on an
or duplex or duplex or duplex arterial;not limited for
building that building that building that nonresidential uses
fronts on an fronts on an fronts on an
arterial;or arterial;or arterial;or
1 per 1 per 1 per
nonresidenti nonresidential ,nonresidential
al use use use
Subject to Yes Yes Nonresident! Yes
Sign Area al uses only Nonresidentia Nonresidentia
Allowance I uses only I.uses only
Max.Sign In addition to sign Limited by sign area Single-family Single-family Single-family Limited by sign area
Area allowance,6 sf.is allowance or duplex or duplex or duplex allowance,except if tenant
allowed on rear wall if: building:4 building:4 sf. building:4'sf. space does not have
(i)the wall includes a sf. Nonresidentia Nonresidentia outside wall,in which case
public entrance;(ii)site Nonresidenti I use:35 sf. I use:.35 sf. 30 sf.
is within DDA Alley al use:.35 sf.
Enhancement Project
projecting sign is not
installed on the wall
Wall Signs
Sign District
Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District' Within Residential
Standards Commercial/ Neighborhood Sign
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family District'
Max.Sign 4.5 ft.if within 15 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 2.5 ft.within
Height of elevation of Neighborhood Service
sidewalk below;7 ft. Center or Neighborhood
if above 15 ft.of Commercial Uses;2 ft.
elevation of sidewalk within Convenience
below but any Shopping Center use;and
portion below fourth 1.5 ft.for all other
story;9 ft.if entirely Institutional,Business;
above fourth story. Commercial,or other
Nonresidential uses
Max.Sign N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tenant space 45,000 sf.or
Width less:lesser of 40 ft.or 75%
of width of tenant space;
Tenant space is larger than
45,000 sf.:55 ft.
Allowed Indirect only Indirect only .Indirect only Indirect only None Indirect only
Other For flush wall signs For flush wall signs Not allowed Not allowed if Not allowed if Location shall harmonize
Standards consisting of framed consisting of framed if detached detached sign detached sign with architecture of the
banners,all banners banners,all banners sign is is installed is installed building(s)to which sign is
shall be sized to fit shall be sized to fit installed attached,(e.g.,projection,
the banner frame,so the banner frame so relief,cornice,column,
that there are no that there are no change of building
visible gaps between visible gaps between material,window or door
the edges of the the edges of the opening);Flush wall signs
banner and the banner and the shall align with other such
banner frame. banner frame. signs on the same building.
Applied or Painted Wall Signs
Entirely Above
Fourth FloorBetween IS'
Height Above sidewalk r_] —❑J ju—] [LHujI �u]
.., .--- r�..<, r—Y<<.�n<< .. and Top of Fourth
I��I l Floor —
u Ld'max. --
Hf Ight Iv
_ s
Max.# , 1 per building 1 per building 1.per building 1.per building 1 per building 1 per single-family
dwelling unit or duplex
building that fronts on
an arterial;leer
building for
nonresidential uses
Subject to Yes Yes Nonresidential Nonresidential Nonresidential Yes
Sign Area uses only uses only uses only
Max.Sign Limited by Limited by sign area Single-family or Single-family or Single-family Limited by sign area
Area sign area allowance duplex building: duplex building: or duplex allowance,except if
allowance 4 sf. 4 sf. building:4 sf. tenant space does not
Nonresidential Nonresidential Nonresidential have outside wall,in
use:35 sf. use:35 sf. use:35 sf. which case 30 sf.
Max.Sign 10'if within 25 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. 2S ft.
Height 15'if
elevation of
below;25 ft.
if above 15'of
elevation of
Max.Sign 2 ft. 2 ft. 2 ft. 2 ft. 2 ft. 2 ft.
Allowed Indirect only Indirect only Indirect only Indirect only Indirect only Indirect only
Applied or Painted.Wall Signs-Vertically Oriented
2'Max. Above 15'-of Height
(�'"""'{L.� Elevation
II above
t 0' _ Sidewalk
k4 t Below
Il i
Max.# Not limited Not limited Not limited for Not limited for Not limited for Not limited for
nonresidential nonresidential nonresidential nonresidential or mixed-
or mixed-use;mixed-use;1 or mixed-use;1 or mixed-use; use;4 per building per
per building per per building per 1 per building frontage for multifamily
frontage for frontage for per frontage properties
multifamily multifamily for multifamily
properties properties properties
Subject to Yes Yes Nonresidential Yes Yes Yes
Sign Area uses only
Max.Sign Limited by Limited by sign area Limited by sign Limited by sign Limited by sign Limited by sign area
Area sign area allowance area allowance area allowance area allowance
allowance allowance
Max.Sign 4.5 ft.if 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 2.5 ft.within
Height within 15 ft. Neighborhood Service
of elevation Center or Neighborhood
of sidewalk Commercial Uses;2 ft.'
below;7 ft.if within Convenience
above 15 ft. .Shopping Center use;
of elevation and 1.5 ft.for all other
of sidewalk Institutional,Business,
below but any Commercial,or other
portion below Nonresidential uses
fourth story;
9 ft.if entirely
above fourth
Max. 1 ft.
Allowed Any Any Any None None Internal only
Other Raceway Racewaymust,be Raceway must Raceway must Raceway must Raceway must be
Standards must be finished to match be finished to be finished to be finished to finished to match color
finished to color of wall; match color of match color of match color of of wall;raceway must be
match color raceway must be not wall;raceway wall;raceway wall;raceway not more than 50%of
of wall; more than 50%of must be not must be not must be not height of attached
raceway must height of attached more than 50% more than 50% more than letters or shapes
be not more letters or shapes of height of of height of 50%of height
than 50%of attached letters attached letters of attached
height of or shapes or shapes letter's or
attached shapes
letters or
(C) Window-Signs. Window signs are allowed according to the standards in Table (C),
Window Signs.
Table (C)
Window Signs
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District' Within
Downtown Commercial/Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Sign District
Max.# Not limited' Not limited` Not limited' Not limited Not limited Not limited
Subject to Sign Yes,except as Yes,except as Nonresidential No No Yes
Area provided in provided_in"other only,and except as
Allowance "other standards,"below provided in"other
standards," standards,"below
Max.Sign Up to 50%of Up to lesser of 50%of Up to lesser of Nonresidential: Nonresidential: Nonresidential:
Area' area of area of architecturally S0%of area of Up to lesser of Up to lesser of Up to lesser of
architecturally distinct window or 80 architecturally 50%of area of 50%of area of 25%of area of
distinct sf. distinct window or architecturally architecturally architecturally
window. 80 sf. distinct window distinct distinct
or 80 sf.; window or 80 window or 80
Residential:6sf. sf.;Residential: sf.;Residential:
6 sf. 6 sf.
Max.Sign No Max. 7 ft. 7 ft. 3 ft. 3 ft. 3 ft.
Allowed Internal Internal Internal - None None Internal
Table (C)
Window Signs
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District' Within
Downtown Commercial/Industrial Mixed-.Use Multifamily Single-Family Sign District
Other Window signs Window signs that Window signs that Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
Standards that are not are not exempt from are not exempt above the first above the first above the first
exempt from sigh permits are from sign permits story of story of story of
sign permits are counted towards sign are counted nonresidential nonresidential nonresidential
counted area allowance.See towards sign area buildings buildings buildings
towards sign subsection(A),above, allowance.See
area allowance, and§ subsection(A),
See subsection above,and§
(D) Projecting Signs. Projecting signs include awning signs, marquee signs, under-canopy
signs, and fin signs. Projecting signs are allowed according to the standards in Table (D),
Projecting Signs. Projecting signs shall not extend into the public right-of-way, except
that the City may grant a revocable license to allow projecting signs to encroach into the
Table (D)
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
Commercial/ Neighborhood
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Sign:District
Max.p 1 per awning 1 per awning 1 per awning 1 per awning;: 1per awning; 1 per awning;
limited to limited to limited to
nonresidential nonresidential nonresidential
uses uses uses
Subject to Sign Yes Yes Nonresidential uses Nonresidential Nonresidential Yes
Area Allowance only uses only uses only
Max.Sign Area Lesser of 35 sf.or Lesser of 35 sf.or Lesser of 35 sf.or Lesser of 35 sf. Lesser of 10 sf. Lesser of 35 sf.
25%of total area of 25%of total area of 25%of total area of or 25%of total or 10%of total or 25%of total
the awning the awning the awning area of the area of the area of the
awning awning awning
Max.Projection 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft.
(may project
into right-of-
way with
Min.Sign 8 ft.to awning; 8 ft.to awning; 8 ft.to awning; 8 ft.to awning; 8 ft.to 8 ft.to awning;
Clearance 7 ft.to valance 7 ft.to valance 7 ft.to valance 7 ft.to valance awning; 7 ft.to valance
7 ft.to valance
Table (D)
Projecting Signs
Sign District -
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
Commercial/ Neighborhood
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Sign District
Allowed Indirect;or Indirect;or Indirect;or Indirect;;or For Indirect;or _
Lighting backlightingof backlighting of backlighting of backlightingof nonresidential backlighting:of
letters and graphics letters and graphic's letters and graphics letters and uses only; letters and
is allowed if is allowed if is allowed if graphics is Indirect;or graphics is
background is background is background is allowed if backlighting of allowed if
completely opaque completely opaque completely opaque background is letters and background is
completely graphics is completely
opaque allowed if opaque
background is
Other Standards Not allowed above Not allowed above Not allowed above Not allowed Not allowed Not allowed
first story;awning first story;awning first story;awning above first above first above first
must be installed must be installed must be installed story;awning story;awning story;awning
over window or over window or over window or must be must be must be
building entrance building entrance building entrance installed over installed over installed over
Awning sign shall Awning sign shall Awning sign shall window or window or window or
not project above not project above not project above building building building
top of awning or top of awning or top of awning or entrance entrance entrance
beyond face of beyond face of beyond face of Awning sign Awning sign Awning sign
awning awning awning shall not shall not shall not
-project above project above project above
top of awning top of awning top:of awning
or beyond face or beyond face or beyond face
of awning of awning of awning
• .. .c 90 .+ .. ` �.. x v sue. Y 'TM
Max.# 1 per building 1 per building- 1 per building 1 per building 1 per building .Under canopies
entrance for entrance:for entrance for entrance'for entrance for that cover
canopies thatar_e canopies that are canopies that are canopies that canopies that vehicular use
attached to attached to attached to are attached to are attached areas:1 per
buildings;1 per buildings;1 per bLfHdmgs;1 per buildings;1 per to buildings;1 street frontage;
elevation for elevation f6ir elevation for elevation for per.elevation all other's not
detached canopies detached canopies detached canopies; detached for detached limited.
canopies canopies
Subject to Sign Yes Yes. Yes Yes Yes Yes
Area Allowance
Max.Sign Area Not covering Not covering Not covering Not covering Not covering Not covering
(per face) vehicular use area: vehicular use area: vehicular use area: vehicular use vehicular use vehicular use
4'sf.;Covering 4 sf.;Covering_ 4 sf.;Covering area:4 sf:; area:4 sf.; area:4 sf.;
vehicular use area: vehicular use area: vehicular use area: Covering Covering Covering-
- 12sf. 12 sf. 12 sf. vehicular use vehicular use vehicular use
area:12 sf. area:12 sf. area:12 sf.
Min.Sign 8ft. 8ft. 8ft. 8ft. 8ft. 8ft.
Allowed Any Any Any Indirect only Indirect only Indirect only
Table (D)
Projecting Signs
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
Commercial/ Neighborhood
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Sign.District
Other Standards Under-canopy sign Under-candpy sign Under-canopy sign Not allowed if Not allowed if Not allowed on
shall not project shall not project shall not project secondary fin secondary fin a canopy that
above top of above top of above top of sign is present sign is present covers a
canopy to which it canopy to which it canopy to which it at same at same vehicular use
is mounted; is mounted;painted is mounted;painted entrance entrance area if a canopy
painted or applied or applied wall sign or applied wall sign sign is present;
wall sign standards standards apply if standards apply if not allowed if
apply if parallel to parallel to building parallel to building secondary fin
building facade; facade;secondary facade;secondary sign is present
secondary fin sign fin sign standards fin sign standards at same
standards apply if apply if apply if entrance
perpendicular to perpendicular to perpendicular to
building facade;not building facade;not. building facade;not
allowed if allowed if allowed if
secondary fin sign is secondary fin sign is secondary fin sign is
present at same present at same present at same
entrance entrance entrance
Max.N 1 per street frontage Y per street 1 per street 1 per street 1 per street 1 per,street
per nonresidential, frontage per frontage.per frontage per frontage per frontage per
mixed-use,or nonresidential, nonresidential, nonresidential, nonresidential, nonresidential,
multifamily building mixed-use,or mixed-use,or mixed-use,or mixed-use,or mixed-use,or
multifamily multifamily building multifamily multifamily multifamily
building building building building
Subject to Sign Yes Yes Yes,but only for Yes,but only for Yes,but only Yes
Area Allowance nonresidential, nonresidential, for
mixed-use,or mixed-use,or nonresidential,
multifamily multifamily mixed-use,or
buildings buildings multifamily
Max Sign Area 12 sf.if within 15 ft.of 15 1. 15 sf. 15 sf. 15 sf. 7 sf.
elevation of sidewalk
below;25 sf.if
between 15 ft.and 45
ft.of elevation above
sidewalk below;45 sf.
if entirely above 45 ft.
of elevation above
sidewalk below
Max.Sign 7 ft.if within 15 ft.of 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 7 ft. 4 ft.
Height elevation of sidewalk
below;10 ft.if 15 ft.
to 45 ft.of elevation
above sidewalk below;
18 ft.if entirely above
45 ft.of elevation
.above sidewalk below
Max.Projection Entirely or partially 6 ft.;not more 6 ft.;not more than 6 ft.;not more 6 ft.;not more 4 ft.;not more
(may project below third story:3 than 4 ft. 4 ft.within right-of- than 4 ft.within than.4 ft.. than 4 ft.within
into right-of- ft.;entirely above within right-of- way right-of-way within right right-of-way
way only by third story:.6 ft.;Not way of-.way
revocable more than 4 ft.within
license) right-of-way
Min.Sign 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft. 8 ft.
Allowed Any Any Any :Any Any Internal only
Table (D)
Projecting Signs
Sign District -
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
Commercial/ Neighborhood
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Sign District
Other Standards City may authorize up City:may City may authorize City may City may
to 48 in. authorize Lip up to 48 in. authorize up to authorize up
encroachment into to 48 in. encroachment into 48 in. to 48 in.
right-of-way by encroachment right-of-way by encroachment encroachment
revocable license if into right-of- revocable license if into right-of-way into right-of-
total sign area for fin way by total sign area for by revocable way by
signs is lesser of 1 sf. revocable fin signs is lesser of license if total revocable
per If.building license if total 1 sf.per If.building sign area for fin license if total
frontage or 12 sf. sign area for frontage or 12 sf. signs is lesser of 1 sign area for
fin signs is sf,per If.building fin signs is
lesser of 1 sf. frontage or 12 sf. lesser oft sf.
per If-building per If.building
frontage or 12 frontage or 12
sf. sf.
Figure (D)
Fin Signs (Primary)
7'Max.Height Het ht 451V
I - Bet 6'
25ftl ` Enilrely rnox.
aniid 45'45'of max. above 45'or
12iR I 1� f�_ Elevation
Max. i-i 11LLL--_jjjliii above Sidewalk f E I p
T- Sidewalk
Below ( _
of Elevatlo
of 'de
8 fr
- Sidew
15 �-- _
Max.ft i per public l per public building 1 per public 1 per public .1 per public 1 per public
building entry entry building entry building entry .building entry .building entry
Subject to Sign Yes Yes Yes,but only for No No Yes
Area Allowance nonresidential uses
Max Sign Area 4 sf.. 4 sf. 4 sf. 4 sf. 4 sf. 4 sf.
Max..Projection 4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft.
Min.Sign By building Bybuitding code By building code By building code By building By building
Clearance code code code
Allowed Indirect only Any Any Not allowed Not allowed Internal only
Other Must be Must be located Must be located Must be located Must be Must be
Standards located above above entrance, above entrance, above entrance, located above located above
entrance, within 3 ft.of top of within 3 ft.of top of within aft.of entrance, entrance,
within 3 ft.of door;not allowed if door;not allowed if top of door;not within 3 ft.of within 3 ft.of
top of door; under-canopy sign is under-canopy sign allowed if under- top of door; top of door;
not allowed if present at same is present at same canopy sign is not allowed if not allowed if
under-canopy entrance entrance present at same under-canopy under-canopy
sign is present entrance sign is present sign is present
at same at same at same
entrance entrance entrance
(E) Canopy Signs. Canopy signs are allowed according to the standards in Table (E),
Canopy Signs.
Canopy Signs
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
' Neighborhood
Downtown Commercial/Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Sign District
Max.# 1 per canopy 1 per canopy 1 per canopy 1 per canopy 1 per canopy 1 per street
elevation,for elevation,for elevation,for elevation,for elevation,for frontage,on
nonresidential, -nonresidential, nonresidential, nonresidential, nonresidential, canopy that
multifamily,or multifamily,or mixed- multifamily,or multifamily,or multifamily,or covers
mixed-use use property mixed-use mixed-use mixed-use vehicular use
property property property property area of
Subject to Sign Yes Yes l Yes Yes Yes Yes
Max.Sign Area 20 percent of 30percent of canopy 30 percent of 15'percent of 10 percent of 12 sf.on
(per sign) canopy fascia fascia on elevation to canopy fascia on canopy fascia on canopy fascia canopy that
on elevation to which sign is mounted elevation to which elevation to on elevation covers
which sign is _ sign is mounted which sign is to which sign vehicular use
mounted mounted is mounted area
Allowed Internal only Internal only Internal only Internal only Internal only Internal only
Min.Sign - By building By building code By building code By building code By building By building
Clearance code code code
Other Canopy signs Canopy signs shall not Canopy signs shall Canopy signs Canopy signs Not allowed on
Standards shall not project above the top not project above shall not project shall not a canopy that
project above of the canopy to the top of the above the top of project above covers a
the top of the which they.are canopy to which the canopy to the top of the vehicular use
canopy to mounted. they are mounted. which they are canopy to area if an
which.they are mounted. which they are under-canopy
mounted. mounted. sign is present.
(F) Secondary Roof Signs. Secondary roof signs are allowed according to the standards in
Table (F), Secondary Roof Signs.
Table (F)
Secondary Roof Signs
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
Downtown Commercial/Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Sign District
Max.tt 1 per building, 1 per building,for 1 per building,for 1 per building, 1 per building, 1 per building,
for nonresidential or nonresidential or for for for
nonresidential mixed-use property mixed-use nonresidential or nonresidential nonresidential
or mixed-use property mixed-use or mixed-use or mixed-use
property property property property
Subject to Sign Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Max.Sign Area Limited by sign Limited by sign.area Limited by sign Limited by sign Limited by Limited by sign
(per sign) area allowance allowance area allowance area allowance sign area area allowance
Max.Sign V or 20d Story V or 2"d story 1"or 2nd story V or 2nd story 1"or 2nd story V or 2nd story
Height secondary secondary roof:3 ft.; secondary"roof:3 sec_o_nda_ry roof:3 secondary secondary:roof:
roof:3 ft k; ft roof 3 ft
Allowed Any Any Any Any Any Any
Other Distance Distance between Distance between Distance Distance Distance
Standards between secondary roof and secondary roof between between between
secondary roof bottom of sign face and bottom of sign secondary roof secondary secondary roof
and bottom of shall not exceed 6 in.; face shall not and bottom of roof and and bottom of
sign face shall not allowed above 2nd exceed 6 in.;not sign face shall bottom of sign sign face shall
not exceed 6 Story allowed above 2nd not exceed 6in; face.shall not not exceed 6 in.
in.;not story not allowed exceed 6in.; ;not allowed
allowed above above 2nd story not allowed above 2nd story
2"d story above 2nd
Figure (F)
Secondary Roof Sign
(G) Freestanding Permanent Signs. Detached permanent signs are allowed according to the
standards in Table (G)(1), Freestanding Permanent Signs.
Table (G)(1)
Freestanding Permanent Signs
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
Commercial/ Residential
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily -Single-Family Neighborhood
Max.# 1 per frontage' 1 per frontage' 1 per frontage for 1 per site for 1 per site for 1 per site for
nonresidential,mixed- nonresidential, nonresidential, .nonresidential,
use,or multifamily mixed-use,or mixed-use,or mixed-use,or
property' multifamily uses'; multifamily multifamily
1 per site for uses';1 per site uses';2 per
single-family for single-family public
detached or detached or vehicular entry
duplex,if the lot duplex if the lot into residential
fronts on an fronts on an subdivision or
arterial;2 per arterial;2 per multifamily
publicvehicular public vehicular site(one single
entry into entry into face sign on
residential residential each side of
subdivision or subdivision or entry)
multifamily site multifamily site
(one single face (one single face
sign on each side sign on each side
of entry) of entry)
Subject to Yes Yes Yes,for nonresidential No No Yes
Sign Area - or multifamily uses
Allowance '
Max.Sign Based on setback Based on setback. Based on setback and Single-family Single-family 32 sf.'
Area and style,see and style,see Table style;see Table(G)(2), detached or detached or
Table(15)(2), (G)(2),below below duplex building duplex building
below with frontage on with frontage on
arterial:4 sf.. arterial:4 sf.
All other allowed All other allowed
signs:35 sf. signs:35 sf.
Max.Sign Based on setback Based on setback Based on setback and 'Single-family Single-family Multifamily or
Height and style;see and style;see Table style,see Table(G)(2), detached or detached or Nonresidential
Table(G)(2), (G)(2),below below 'duplex building duplex building use:5 ftl
below withfront_age on with frontage on
arterial:5 ft. arterial:5 ft_.
Multifamily or Multifamily or't
Nonresidential Nonresidential
use:8 ft. user.8 ft.
Allowed Any Any Any Indirect only None Any
Setbacks See Table(G)(2), See Table(G)(2), See Table(G)(2), Not allowed if a Not allowed if a 75 ft.from
and Spacing below;15:ft. below;15'ft. below;15 ft.setback - wall sign is wall,sign.is adjacent.
setback from setback from from interior lot lines; installed installed residential
interior lot lines; interior lot lines;75 75 ft.spacing,between zone or
75 ft.spacing ft.spacing between freestanding signs existing or
between freestanding signs approved
freestanding residential use
signs . . _ ........ .. -
Max. 3 3 3 3 3 3
Cabinets or
per Sign
Table (G)(1)
Freestanding Permanent Signs
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
Commercial/ Residential
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Neighborhood
Other Location may be established by approved development plan; structure shall
Standards Structure shall match primary finish and colors of associated buildings; match primary
finish and
Pole style signs shall contain no more than thirty(30)percent(or forty(40]percent if located within the site colors of
distance triangle)of free air space between the top of the sign and the ground,vertically and between the associated
extreme horizontal limits of the sign extended perpendicular to the ground.A base or pole cover provided to buildings;must
satisfy this requirement shall be integrally designed as part of the sign by use of such techniques as color; be monument
material and texture..Freestanding signs that existed prior to December--:30,.2011,and that do not comply style
with this requirement shall be removed or brought.into compliance by December 31,2019,provided that
such signs otherwise comply with 4,.Nonconforming Signs.
Max.# 1 per vehicular 1 per vehicular 1 per vehicular access 1 per vehicular 1 per vehicular 1 per street
access point to access point to point to access point to access point to frontage of a
nonresidential, nonresidential, nonresidential,mixed- nonresidential, nonresidential, neighborhood
mixed-use,or mixed-use,or use,or multifamily mixed-use,or mixed-use,or service center
multifamily multifamily property multifamily multifamily or
property property property property neighborhood
Subject to Yes Yes Nonresidential uses No No No
Sign Area only
Max.Sign 16 sf. 16 sf. 16 sf. 16 sf. 16 sf. 32 sf.
Max.Sign 4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft. 4 ft. 6 ft.
Allowed Any Any Any Indirect only Indirect only Any
Setbacks 2 ft.from right- 2 ft.from right-of- 2 ft.from right-of-way; 2 ft.from right-of 2 ft.from right- 2 ft.from
and Spacing of-way;10 ft. way;10 ft.from 10 ft.from property way;A ft:from of-way;10 ft: right-of-way;
from property property lines lines property lines from property 10 ft.from
lines lines property lines
Max. 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cabinets or
per Sign
Other Same as primary Same as primary Same as primary Same as primary Same as primary Same as
Standards freestanding freestanding sign; freestanding sign; freestanding sign; freestanding primary
sign;however, however,pole style however,pole style however,pole sign;however, - freestanding
pole style signs signs are not signs are not allowed style signs are not pole style signs sign;however,
are not allowed allowed allowed are not allowed pole style signs
are not
Max.# 1 per drive 1 per drive through 1 per drive through 1 per drive 1 per drive 1 per drive
through lane lane lane through lane through lane through lane
Subject to No No No No No No
Sign Area
Max.Sign 30 sf.3 30 sf.3 30 5f.3 30 sf.3 30 Sf.3 30 sf.3
Max.Sign 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft. 6 ft.
Allowed Any Any Any Any Any Any
Table (G)(1)
Freestanding Permanent Signs
Sign District
Standards Outside of Residential Neighborhood Sign District Within
Commercial/ Residential
Downtown Industrial Mixed-Use Multifamily Single-Family Neighborhood
Setbacks 2ft from the right 2ft from the right of 2ft from the right of 2ft from the right 2ft from the 2ft from the
and Spacing of way;if the way;.if the sign way;if the sign faces of way;if the sign right of way;if right of way;if
sign faces out to faces out to the out to the right-of-way faces out to the the sign faces the sign faces
the right-of-way right-of-way 10 ft. 10 ft.. right-of-way 10 ft. out to the right- out to the
10 ft. of-way 10 ft. right-of-way
10 ft.
Max. 1 1 1 1 1 1
Cabinets or
per Sign
Other Must be oriented Must be oriented to Must be oriented to Must be oriented Must be Must be
Standards to the drive-thru the drive-thru lane; the drive-thru lane,,if to the drive-thru oriented to the oriented to the
lane;if any part if any part of the any part of the sign lane;if any part of drive-thru lane; drive-thru
of the sign sign structure is structure is visible the sign structure if any part the lane;if any
structure is visible from from abutting is visible from sign structure is part of the sign
visible from abutting property property or right-of- abutting property visible from structure is
abutting or right-of-way way additional or right-of-way abutting visible from
property or additional screening is required additional property or abutting
right-of-way screening is screening is right-of-way property or
additional required" required additional right-of-way
screening is screening is additional
required required screening is
Table Notes:
'Frontages include the frontage of all properties that are part of a group of properties that are planned or developed with shared pedestrian or
vehicular access.Signs may not be allocated from one frontage to another.
l Additional signarea and sign height are allowed as follows:(i)Convenience shopping centers:Max.sign area:40 sf.,Max.sign height..8 ft.;
(ii)Neighborhood service centers or neighborhood commercial districts:Max.sign area:55 sf.,Max.sign height:10 ft.
3 A Drive-Thru Lane EMC may be.100%of the sign area if the display changes no more than three times in a 24hr.period.
4 For a Drive-Thru Lane Sign screening may be achieved through plants or other materials compatible to the primary building
Table (G)(2)
Setback for Primary Detached Signs based on Sign Height and Sign Area
Distance from Street Monument Style Sign Pole Style Sign
Right-of-Way Line(ft.) Max.Height(ft.) Max.Sign Area(per face)(sf.) Max.Height(ft.) Max.Sign Area(per face)
0 7 45 10 20
5 8.5 60 10 30
10 10 75 12 40
15 12 90 12 50
20 12 90 14 60 -
25 12 90 16 70
30 12 90 18 80
36+ 12 90 18 90
(H) Projected Light Signs.
(1) Horizontal Projected Light Signs.
(a) Horizontal projected light signs that are projected onto public sidewalks are
allowed only by portable sign permit,except that with respect to such signs,
the area in which the portable sign permit may be issued is expanded to
include the following zoning districts: D, R-D-R, C-C-R, C-G, and N-C,
and all pedestrian-oriented shopping streets within the C-C and H-C zoning
(b) All horizontal projected light signs require a permit.
(c) The projected image of a horizontal projected light sign:
1. Shall be entirely within ten (10) feet of a building entrance;
2. Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area;
3. Shall be projected onto a sidewalk or landscaped area;
4. Shall not project onto safety or traffic signage (e.g., crosswalk
markings, bicycle dismount signs, etc.); and
5. Shall comply with all applicable lighting standards.
(d) The projector shall be concealed from view and either:
1. Located entirely on private property; or
2. Hung under an awning, canopy, eave, or arcade that is allowed to
encroach over the right-of-way by way of a revocable license.
(e) A Horizontal projected light sign shall not be displayed on the public
sidewalk at the same time as a sidewalk sign.
(2) Vertical Projected Light Signs. Vertical projected light signs are not allowed as
permanent signs. See Section for the temporary use of vertical projected
light signs.
(3) Operation. All projected light signs shall contain static messages only. Animated,
dissolve, or fade transitions are not allowed.
(I) Restoration or Reconstruction of Historic Signs. The provisions of this subsection apply to
buildings in the Downtown sign district that are fifty (50) years or older, whether or not
they are formally recognized as historic at the local, state,or national level, or whether they
are located within a designated historic district.
(1) A sign on a designated property, or a property determined to be eligible for
designation on the National Register of Historic Places, the State Register of
Historic Properties, or as a Fort Collins Landmark, that may not otherwise comply
with the strict provisions of this Sign Code and has been approved by the Landmark
Preservation Commission through a review of Chapter 14 of the City Code shall be
permitted and shall not be counted in sign area allowance for the property.
(2) A sign on a property which is not designated or individually eligible for designation
on the National Register of Historic Places, the State Register of Historic
Properties, or as a Fort Collins Landmark, that may not otherwise comply with the
strict provisions of this Sign Code and is inspired by a historic sign on the property
and does not require a review through Chapter 14 of the City Code by the Landmark
Preservation Commission shall be reviewed by the Director. In approving such
signs,the Director shall not condition approval on changes in content and must find
the following:
(a) The sign is not detrimental to the public good;
(b) The size and location of the sign are comparable to a historic sign of the
property--and the deviation from the provisions of this Sign Code are
nominal and inconsequential with the context of the neighborhood;
(c) The sign is comparable to the qualify,character and design of a historic sign
of the property;
(e) The sign shall not degrade the historic character of the neighborhood or
convey a false sense of history.
The Director may deny any sign application that does not meet all the standards of this
section. All signs approved through Section shall count towards the sign area
allowance for the property. - Temporary Signs
(A) Applicability. The regulations contained in this § apply to temporary signs. The
standards of this Section are applied in conjunction with all other applicable standards (e.g.,
the standards set out in §
(13) Standards for Attached Temporary Signs.
(1) Generally. The standards of this subsection apply to temporary signs that are
attached to buildings. Temporary signs that are not attached to buildings are subject
to the standards of subsection (C), below. Duration of display is limited by
subsection (D).
(2) Attached Temporary Banners and Pennants. Attached temporary banners and
pennants may only be displayed provided a permit is obtained pursuant to §
(3) Temporary Sign Covers. Temporary sign covers are permitted in all sign districts,
provided that they are used during a period not to exceed forty (40) days in which
a new permanent sign or sign component is being fabricated and such sign or sign
component is permitted and installed in accordance with this Sign Code.
(4) Temporary Window Signs.
(a) Temporary window signs are allowed in all locations where permanent
window signs are allowed, provided that the standards of § are
met as to the combination of temporary and permanent window signs.
(b) Temporary window signs shall be affixed to the window such that the
fastener (e.g., tape) is not highly visible, or shall be mounted vertically
inside of the building for viewing through the window.
(C) Standards for Detached Temporary Signs.
(1) Generally. The standards of this subsection apply to temporary signs that are not
attached to buildings. Temporary signs that are attached to buildings are subject to
the standards of subsection (B), above. Duration of display is limited by subsection
(2) Detached Temporary Signs. Detached temporary signs are allowed according to the
standards in Table(C), Detached Temporary Signs. Detached temporary sign types
that are not listed in Table C (including but not limited to inflatable signs) are not
allowed. Detached banners and pennants may only be displayed provided a permit
is obtained pursuant to subsection(E);below. Portable signs may only be displayed
provided a permit is obtained pursuant to the Code of the City of Fort Collins;
Chapter 24, Article IV.
Detached Temporary Signs
(sf.=square feet/ft=linear feet/N/A=not applicable)
Type of Sign District
Standards Downtown Commercial-Industrial Multifamily/Mixed Use Single-Family
Single-Family and Single-Family and Single-Family and Residential Buildings:
Duplex Residential Duplex Residential Duplex Residential Not limited
Buildings:Not Limited Buildings:Not Limited Buildings:Not Limited
Max.# Multi-Family Multi-Family Nonresidential and
Residential Builtlingsi All other uses:2 per Residential Buildings: Residential Mixed Use
1 per 20 ft.of property vehicular access point 1 per 20 ft.of property Buildings:.)per 80 ft.of
frontage or fraction thereof frontage or fraction property frontage or
thereof fraction thereof
Detached Temporary Signs
(sE=square feet/ft.=linear feet/N/A=not applicable)
Type of Sign District
Standards Downtown Commercial-Industrial Multifamily/Mixed Use Single-Family
Nonresidential and Nonresidential and
Residential Mixed Use Residential Mixed Use
Buildings:1 per 80 ft. Buildings:1 per 80 ft.
of property frontage or of property frontage or
fraction thereof fraction thereof
Area(per 6 sf. 8 sf. 8 sf. 6 sf.
Max.Sign Oft. Oft. _ 4ft.- --- - Oft.
Allowed None None None None
Setbacks 2 ft.from property 2 ft.from property 2 ft.from property 2 ft.from property
and Spacing lines;2 ft.from all lines;2 ft.from all lines;2 ft.from all lines;.2 ft.from all
other signs other signs other signs other signs
Must be installed in Must be installed in Must be installed in
permeable landscaped area
Must be installed in
Other that is at least 8 sf.in area permeable landscaped area permeable landscaped area
Standards Permeable landscaped and.2 ft.in any horizontal that is at least 8sf,in area and that is at least 8 sf.in area
area. 2 ft.in any and ft.in any horizontal
dimension,not more than 10 horizontal dimension dimension
ft.from vehicular access point
Residential Buildings: 1 per 600 ft.of 1 per 600 ft.of
Not Limited property frontage or, property frontage or
fraction thereof, fraction thereof,
1 per 600 ft.of provided that the area of
Nonresidential and provided that the area
Max.# - property frontage or - the property is at least 2
Residential.Mixed Use of the property is at
fraction thereof least 2 acres;properties acres;properties that are
Buildings:1 per � p p - less than 2 acres shall not
property that are less than 2 display
acres shall not display site signs p y
site signs
Max.Sign Area 16 sf. 32 sf. 32 sf. 32 sf.
Max.Sign 6ft. 6ft. 6ft. 6ft.
Allowed External,down External,down External,down External,down
Lighting directional and directional,and directional and directional and
concealed.light source concealed light source concealed light source concealed light source
2 ft.from front 2 ft.from front 2 ft.from front 2 ft.from front
property lines property lines property lines property lines
10 ft.from all other 10 ft.from all other 10 ft.from all other 10 ft.from all other
Setbacks property lines property lines property lines property lines
andSpacing 10 ft.from all other loft.from all other 10 ft.from all other 10 ft.from all other
signs signs signs signs
12 ft.from building 12 ft.from building 12 ft.from building 12 ft.from building
walls walls walls walls
Detached Temporary Signs
(sf.=square feet/ft.=linear feet/N/A=not applicable)
Type of Sign District
Standards Downtown Commercial-Industrial Multifamily/Mixed Use Single-Family
Where allowed,site Where allowed,site Where allowed,site Where allowed,site
signs shall be installed in signs shall be installed in signs shall be installed signs shall be installed in
permeable landscaped permeable landscaped areas in permeable permeable
areas or or landscaped areas or landscaped areas or
Other hardscaped areas other hardscaped areas other than hardscaped areas other than hardscaped areas other
Standards than vehicular use areas vehicular use areas and vehicular use areas and than vehicular use areas
and sidewalks that are at sidewalks that are at sidewalks that are at and sidewalks that are at
least 5 ft.in every least 5 ft.in every horizontal least 5 ft.in every horizontal least 5 ft.in every
horizontal dimension and at dimension and at least 40 sf. dimension and at least 40 sf.in horizontal dimension and at
least 40 sf.in area in area area least 40 sf.in area
` _
Max.# Not allowed Not allowed 1 per property frontage 1 per property frontage
N/A N/A 5 sf.,including riders 5 sf.,including riders
Max.Sign N/A N/A 5 ft.
Allowed N/A N/A None None
and Spacing N/A N/A 2 ft.from all property lines 2 it.from all property lines
Swing signs shall be Swing signs shall be
installed in permeable installed in permeable
Other landscaped areas that landscaped areas that are
Standards N/A N/A are at least 4 ft.in at least 4 ft.in every
every horizontal horizontal
dimension and at least dimension and at least 20
20 sf.in area sf.in area
1 per 100 ft.of 1 per 100 ft. 1 per 100 ft.of Residential Buildings:
Max.# Property frontage or of property frontage or property frontage or Not,Allowed
fraction thereof;may fraction thereof;may be fraction thereof;may Nonresidential
be clustered clustered be clustered Buildings:1
Max.sign 40 sf. 40 sf. 40.sf. 10 sf.
Max.sign 15 ft. 15 ft. 15 ft. 10 ft.
Not allowed if.freestanding Not allowed if freestanding
banner is present banner is present Must be installed in a Must be installed in
Other Must be installed in a Must be installed in a Permeable landscaped area permeable landscaped area
with a radius that extends not with a radius that extends
Standards permeable landscaped area permeable landscaped area
With a radius that extends with a radius that extends not less than 3 ft.from the flag not less than8 ft.from the
not less than 3 ft.from the less than 3 ft.from the flag Pole flag pole
flag pole pole
(D) Duration of Display of Temporary Signs.
(1) Generally. The purpose of temporary signs is to display messages for a temporary
duration. Temporary signs shall not be used as a subterfuge to circumvent the
regulations that apply to permanent signs or to add permanent signage to a property
in addition to that which is allowed by this Sign Code.
(2) Classification of Temporary Sign Materials. Temporary signs are constructed from
a variety of materials With varying degrees of durability. Common materials are
classified in Table (D)(1), Classification of Temporary Sign Materials..
Classification of Temporary Sign Materials
Material Class
Material 1 2 3 4 5
Paper,card stock;foam core board,or cardboard ✓
Laminated paper or cardstock,polyethylene bags 9
Cloth,canvas,nylon,polyester,burlap,flexible vinyl,or other flexible material of comparable durability ✓
Inflexible.vinyl,hard plastic,composite,or corrugated plastic(%oroplast") ✓
Wood or metal ✓
(3) Duration of Display.
(a) In general, a temporary sign shall be removed as of the earlier of the date
1. It becomes an abandoned sign; or
2. It falls into disrepair (see § 18.7:5); or
3. The number of days set out in Table (13)(2), Duration of Temporary
Sign Display by Material Class, expires.
Duration of Temporary Sign Display by Material Class
Mai.Duration for Individual Sign by Material Class
Sign Type 1 2' ) 3 4 5 Max..Posting Days/Year
Yard Sign Not Allowed 45 days Not Allowed 60 days 180 days 180 days
Site Sign Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed 60 days 180 days 180 days'
Swing Sign Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed 60 days 180 days 180 days'
Window Sign 30 days per sign 30 days per sign 30 days per sign 30 days per sign 30 days per sign 30 days per sign
Feather Flags Not Allowed Not Allowed 20 days Not Allowed Not Allowed 20 days
Table Notes:
Alternatively,the sign type maybe displayed for three hundred sixty(360)days every two(2)calendar years.
(b) Temporary required signs shall be removed as required by the applicable
(4) Administrative Interpretations. Materials for signage that are not listed in this
subsection(D) may be introduced into the market. When a material is proposed that
is not listed in this subsection(D),the Director shall determine the class of materials
with which the new material is most closely comparable, based on-the new
material's appearance, durability, and colorfastness. No temporary sign shall be
displayed for a longer period than a site sign constricted of class 5 material,
regardless of the durability material (although such a sign may be permissible as a
permanent sign under §
(E) Banners and Pennants.
(1) Attached unframed banners,detached banners, and attached and detached pennants
are allowed in any zone district subject to the restrictions in below Table (E),
provided that a permit is obtained from the Director. The Director shall issue a
permit for the display of banners and pennants only in locations where such banners
and pennants will not cause unreasonable annoyance or inconvenience to adjoining
property owners or other persons in the area and on such additional conditions as
deemed necessary to protect adjoining premises and the public. All banners and
pennants shall be removed on or before the expiration date of the permit. If any
person, business or organization erects any banners or pennants without receiving
a permit, as herein provided, the person,business or organization shall be ineligible
to receive a permit for a banner or pennant for the remainder of the calendar year.
(2) Each business or non-profit entity or other organization, and each individual not
affiliated with an entity or organization, shall be eligible to display banners and
pennants pursuant to a valid permit for a maximum of forty (40) days per calendar
year. A permitted banner may exceed the forty (40) days when there is City
authorized construction work in the portion of public right-of-way abutting the
property, until such time as all applicable construction materials, equipment and
fencing is removed from the right-of-way.
(3) The Director shall review a banner or pennant permit application within two (2)
business days to determine completeness. If it is complete, the Director shall
approve or deny the application within three (3) business days after such
determination. If it is incomplete, the Director shall cause the application to be
returned to the applicant within one (1) business day of the determination, along
with written reasons for the determination of incompleteness.
(4) Notwithstanding the size and time limitations contained in Table E in the
Downtown sign district:
(a) In conjunction with a special event permit, three (3) banners larger in size
than forty (40) square feet may be displayed for fifteen (15) days.
(b) The Director may approve a temporary banner permit application if it is
demonstrated that:
1. The banner display is not detrimental to the public good;
2. The banner.does not project into the right-of-way;
3. The banner is attached to a building thirty (30) feet or greater in
4. The banner is mounted flush with the building wall;
5. The banner is on the side of building that fronts a right-of-way or
public plaza;
6. There is no more than fifteen (15) square feet of permanent signage
on the side of the building on which the banner is to be displayed;
7. The banner does not cover more than one (1) architecturally
distinct window;
8. No feather flags are displayed on the property;
9. Only one(1) banner is displayed at a time;
10. The banner does not exceed six (6) feet in width and twenty-five
(25) feet in height; and
11. The banner is displayed no more than a four (4) consecutive month
Banners and Pennants
(sf.=square feet/ft.=linear feet/N/A=not applicable)
Standard - --
Downtown Commercial-Industrial Multifamily/Mixed Use Single-Family
1 per 300 ft.of Residential
Max.#on each building elevation or' Buildings:
building elevation 1 fraction thereof,but 1 Not Allowed
not more than 3 Nonresidential
banners per building Buildings:1
Max.Sign Area 40 sf. 40 sf. 40 sf. Buildings:N/A
Buildings:40 sf.
Allowed Lighting None J External None None
Banners and Pennants
(sf.=square feet/ft.=linear feet/N/A=not,applicable)
Sign District
Downtown Commercial-Industrial Multifamily/Mixed Use Single-Family
Max.Sign Height 7 ft. 7 ft. 4 ft. 4ft.
If more than one
banner is allowed on a
Other Standards None building elevation, None None
banners may be
Either framed or Either framed or
Either framed or unframed:1 per unframed:lper
unframed:1 per property frontage;or-1
property frontage;or 1 per 100 ft.of property property frontage;or 1 per
pdr 100 ft.of property frontage if secured to 100 ft.of property
frontage if secured to temporary temporary
Max.# frontage temporary
if secured to Not allowed
construction fencing related to construction fencing construction fencing related to
permitted construction(may be related to permitted permitted construction(may
clustered) construction(may be be clustered)
Max.Sign Area(per 40 sf. 40 sf. 40 sf. 40 sf.
Allowed Lighting None None None None
Max..Sign Height
(applies to Eft. Eft.
freestanding banner 6 ft. 6 ft.
(5) For banners and pennants in all sign districts, the following shall apply:
(a) mounting hardware shall be concealed from view;
(b) banners shall be stretched tightly to avoid movement in windy conditions;
(c) all banners that are installed in banner frames shall be sized to fit the banner
frame so that there are no visible gaps between the edges of the banner and
the banner frame;
(d) banners are not allowed if any of the following are present on the property:
feather flag, yard sign, site sign, or swing sign;
(e) any common line of pennants must be stretched tightly to avoid movement
in windy conditions.
(F) Vertical Projected Light Signs.
(1) Vertical projected light signs may be used in connection with a temporary special
event, during the term of the temporary special event. Such special events may
include, but are not limited to, Art in Public Places events or Downtown
Development Authority Alley Enhancement Projects.
(2) The projected image of a vertical projected light signs is limited to nonresidential
and mixed-use properties, but is not limited by zoning district.
(3) The projected image shall not fall onto a surface with a high degree of specular
reflectivity, such as polished metal or glass. The image shall be positioned to
harmonize with the architectural character of the building(s)to which it is projected,
and shall avoid any projection, relief, cornice, column, window, or door opening.
(4) The projected image shall not exceed fifteen (15) square feet if any portion of it is
on a first story building wall or on a structure that is not a building, or thirty (30)
square feet if all of the image is above the first story of a building, except that a
projected image may occupy one hundred(100)percent of the side or rear wall area
of a building in the Downtown sign district,provided that the building is within the
Downtown Development Authority's Alley Enhancement Project and the building
wall does not face a vehicular right-of-way.
(5) The path of the projection shall not cross public rights-of-way or pedestrian
pathways at a height of less than seven (7) feet.
(6) Vertical projected light signs shall contain static messages only, and animated,
dissolve, or fade transitions are not allowed.
(7) Vertical projected light signs are subject to the illumination standards of§
unless the City determines that additional illumination will be permitted because it
will pose no material detrimental effects on neighboring properties or public rights-
of-way due to the location and/or timing of the display. Such determination, and
allowable illumination levels,shall be specified in the permit that allows the vertical
projected light sign. Signs and Administration
(A) Nonconforming Signs.
(1) Nonconforming signs shall be maintained in good condition and no such sign shall
(a) Structurally changed to another nonconforming sign; although its content
may be changed;
(b) Structurally altered in order to prolong the life of the sign;
(c) Altered so as to increase the degree of nonconformity of the sign; or
(d) Enlarged.
(2) Except as provided in subsection (A)(3), below, all existing nonconforming signs
located on property annexed to the City shall be removed or made to conform to
the provisions of this Article no later than seven (7) years after the effective date of
such annexation; provided, however, that during said seven (7) year period, such
signs shall be maintained in good condition and shall be subject to the same
limitations contained in subparagraphs (A)(1)(a) through (f), above. This
subsection shall not apply to off-premises signs that are subject to the just
compensation provisions of the Federal Highway Beautification Act and the
Colorado Outdoor Advertising Act.
(3) All existing signs with flashing, moving, blinking, chasing or other animation
effects not in conformance with the provisions of this Article and located on
property annexed to the City shall be altered so that such flashing, moving,
blinking,chasing,or other animation effects shall cease within sixty(60) days after
such annexation, and all existing portable signs, vehicle-mounted signs, banners,
and pennants located on property annexed to the City shall be removed or made to
conform within sixty (60) days after such annexation.
(4) Historic signs shall be considered conforming for the purposes of this Section. The
Director may designate a sign as an historic sign if:
(a) The applicant provides documentation that the sign has been at its present
location for a minimum of fifty(50) years.
(b) The sign is structurally safe or capable of being made structurally safe
without substantially altering its historic character. The property owner is
responsible for making all structural repairs and restoration of the sign to its
original condition.
(c) The sign is representative of signs from the era in which it was constructed
and provides evidence of the historic use of the building or premises.
Additionally, a sign shall be considered historic if the Landmark Preservation Commission
through a review of Chapter 14 of the City Code as approved the historic nature of the sign.
(B) Administration.
(1) All sign permit applications shall be accompanied by detailed drawings indicating
the dimensions, location, and engineering of the particular sign, plat plans when
applicable, and the applicable processing fee.
(2) The Director shall review the sign permit application within two business days after
receipt to determine if it is complete. If it is complete, the Director shall approve or
deny the application within three (3) business days after such determination. If it is
incomplete, the Director shall cause the application to be returned to the applicant
within one (1)business day of the determination, along with written reasons for the
determination of incompleteness. - Sign Maintenance
(A) Maintenance Standards. Signs and sign structures of all types (attached, detached, and
temporary) shall be maintained according to the following standards:
(1) Paint and Finishes. Paint and other finishes shall be maintained in good condition.
Peeling finishes shall be repaired. Signs with running colors shall be repainted,
repaired, or removed if the running colors were not a part of the original design.
(2) Mineral Deposits and Stains. Mineral deposits and stains shall be promptly
(3) Corrosion and Rust. Permanent signs and sign structures shall be finished and
maintained to prevent corrosion and rust. A patina on copper elements (if any) is
not considered rust.
(4) Damage. Permanent signs that are damaged shall be repaired or removed within
one (1) year, unless the damage creates a material threat to public safety, in which
case the Chief Building Official may order prompt repair or removal. Temporary
signs that are obviously damaged (e.g., broken yard signs) shall be removed within
twenty-four (24) hours.
(5) Upright, Level Position. Signs that are designed to be upright and level, whether
temporary or permanent, shall be installed and maintained in an upright and level
position. Feather flag poles shall be installed in a vertical position. Signs that are
not upright and level shall be removed or restored to an upright, level position.
(6) Code Compliance. The sign must be maintained in compliance with all applicable
building,electrical, and property maintenance codes (including any exceptions that
may apply to existing sign structures).
(B) Quality of Repairs. Repairs to signs shall be equal to or better in quality of materials and
design than the original sign.
(C) Altering or Moving Existing Signs..
(1) Any alteration to an existing sign structure (except for alterations to changeable
copy, replacement of a panel in a cabinet sign,replacement of a light source with a
comparably bright light source, application of paint or stain) shall require a new
permit pursuant to § 3,.8.7.4(B) prior to commencement of the alteration.
Alterations requiring a new permit shall include, without limitation:
(a) Changes to the area of manual changeable copy center on a sign, including
the installation of a new manual changeable copy center where one was not
previously present;
(b) Changing the size of the sign;
(c) Changing the shape of the sign;
(d) Changing the material of which the sign is constructed;
(e) Changing or adding lighting to the sign (except as provided above);
(f) Changing the location of the sign; or
(g) Changing the height of the sign.
(2) No sign permit is required for removal of sign displays from supporting structures
for maintenance, provided that they are replaced on the same support in the same
configuration and the maintenance did not involve work that requires a permit.
Section 3. That Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the addition
of the following new definitions which read in their entirety as follows:
Banner frame shall mean a type of wall sign composed of a frame that is secured to a
building wall and used to stretch banners such that they are tightly stretched and their
mounting hardware is hidden from view.
Billboard shall mean a type of freestanding sign that incorporates a sign face that is larger
than seventy (70) square feet,mounted on one or more pole structures, such that the lowest
part of the sign face is ten (10) feet or more above adjacent grade.
Illustrative Billboard
--------- - --------------------
LARGER THAN 70 sf. f
MIN 10 i
Bulletin board shall mean a type of wall sign composed of a cork, letter board, white
board, or comparable surface that is within a secured, weather-resistant enclosure and
used for the display of temporary messages. Bulletin board does not include manual
changeable copy center.
Commercial speech shall mean expression by a speaker for the purposes of commerce,
where the intended audience is actual or potential consumers,and where the content of the
message is commercial in character. Commercial speech typically advertises a business or
business activity or proposes a commercial transaction.
Digital electronic message center shall mean a display surface that is composed of light
emitting diodes (LEDs) or comparable light sources that is capable of displaying variable
messages and graphics, which are generally created on a computer. Digital electronic
message centers are also known as EMCs.
Initial lutninaire lumens shall mean the light output of the lamp or luminaire before any
light loss factors are considered.
Manual changeable copy message center shall mean a sign element in which letters,
numbers, or symbols may be changed manually without altering the face of the sign (e.g.,
by placement of letters into tracks that are enclosed within a cabinet structure). Manual
changeable copy centers are sometimes known as "readerboards,"
Monument style shall mean a style of freestanding sign characterized by a supporting sign
structure that is at least seventy(70)percent of the width of the sign face, and that contains
not more than two (2) sign faces.
Pole cover shall mean a durable, permanent decorative cover that encloses the structural
supports of a detached sign.The phrase"pole cover"does not include paints,stains,powder
coating, or other finishes that are applied directly to the structural supports.
Secondary roof shall mean a flat roof structure that is at least 10 feet lower than another
roof structure on the same building.
Sign,, applied or painted shall mean a type of wall sign that is applied to or painted on a
building wall, such that the sign appears flush with, of within not more than one (1) inch
of, the surface of the wall.
Sign, cabinet shall mean a type of sign composed of a frame or external structure with a
box-like design that encloses a sign face and other functional elements of the sign,
including dimensional or electrical components.
Sign, dimensional wall shall mean a three-dimensional sign that is attached to building
wall, such that the elements of the sign do not extend more than eight (8) inches from the
building wall. Dimensional wall signs include but are not limited to channel lettering.
Illustrative Dimensional lNall Sign
Sign,fin shall mean a projecting sign that is mounted on or affixed to a_ building wall, such
that the sign face is generally perpendicular to the building wall. In addition to the wall
mount or mounts, a fin sign may include ground-mounted support structures.
Illustrative Fin Signs
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Sign, hanging shall mean a sign that is mounted under an awning or canopy as such terms
are defined above, or under a cantilevered portion of a building. Generally, hanging signs
are oriented perpendicular to the building wall.
Sign, interactive window shall mean one(1) or more illuminated screens that are displayed
inside storefront windows that can be programed to allow customers to navigate content
interactively from outside the window.
Sign; marquee shall mean a projecting sign that is designed as a canopy structure, which
includes a combination of permanent lettering or graphics and either manual changeable
copy or electronic message center components.
Sign, optional residential shall mean a wall sign, affixed to a residential building on a
street-facing elevation, with a single sign face that does not exceed four (4) square feet in
Sign, primary detached shall mean a detached sign that is visually dominant over other
detached signs on the same property, due to its taller height and/or larger sign area.
Sign, primary fin shall mean a fin sign that is visually dominant over other fin signs on the
same building, due to its taller height and/or larger sign area.
Sign, projected light shall mean any image, text, or other content that is projected onto an
outdoor surface (e.g., a building wall or sidewalk) by a laser projector, video projector;
video mapping, or other comparable technology, in a location such that the image, text, or
content is obviously visible from outside of the premises.
Sign, projecting shall mean a type of attached sign that extends from a building wall,
usually perpendicular to the wall's surface. Projecting signs include awning signs, fin
signs, marquee signs, and hanging signs.
Sign, required shall mean a sign that is required by an applicable building code (e.g.,
address numbers)or health and safety regulations (e.g.,the Occupational Safety and Health
Act ("OSHA") or other laws or regulations, whether such sign is temporary or permanent.
Sign, roof.shall mean a type of attached sign that is mounted ,onto a building's roof
Sign, secondary detached shall mean a detached sign that is subordinate to a primary
detached sign in terms of height and/or sign area.
Sign, secondary fin shall mean a fin sign that is subordinate to a primary fin sign in terms
of height and/or sign area.
Sign, secondary roof shall mean a sign that is mounted upon the horizontal plane of a flat
roof structure of secondary roof of a building, which may include the roof of a canopy or
porte-cochere that is attached to a building.
Sign, wall shall mean a sign that is painted on, applied to, or affixed to a building wall.
Wall signs include applied or painted signs,bulletin boards,cabinet signs, and dimensional
wall signs.
Street:facing building elevation shall mean Building Elevation that is oriented toward a
public or private street that abuts the property.
Temporary seasonal decorations shall mean decorations and signs that are clearly
incidental, customary, and commonly associated with a holiday.
Window transparency shall mean the surface area of a window that is not covered or
obstructed by a sign, such that the visibility through the window in both directions is not
blocked by a sign.
Section 4. That the following definitions contained in Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use
Code are hereby amended to read as follows:
Banner shall mean a type of temporary-sign that is painted or printed on cloth, vinyl, or
other flexible material, which is designed to be stretched between poles, fence posts or
wire, mounted in a free-standing frame, or hung on walls with ties, clips, rails, brackets,
hooks, or frames.
Building elevation, for the purposes of Sections 3.8.7 only, shall mean the external face of
a building, projected onto a two-dimensional plane. For purposes of calculating allowed
sign area, the building elevation is the two-dimensional representation of the side of the
building upon which the sign is proposed.
Flag shall mean a flexible piece of fabric, that is attached along one (1) edge to a straight,
rigid flagpole(directly or with rope), and which is designed to move when the wind blows.
Flags are typically (but not necessarily,) rectangular in shape, and often (but not always)
include printed or embroidered insignia that symbolizes a nation, state, or organization, or
that display a graphic or message.
Flag,feather shall mean a flexible piece of fabric that is attached to a flexible pole along a
long edge such that the pole stretches the fabric taut regardless of wind conditions. Feather
flags are also commonly referred to as "teardrop banners," "teardrop flags," and "flutter
Illustrative Feather Flags
If ! i
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Principal building entrance; for the purposes of Sections 3.8.7 only, shall mean a street-
level primary point of public pedestrian access into a building. The phrase "principal
building entrance" does not include doors used principally as emergency exits, or doors
that provide restricted access (e.g., for employees or deliveries).
Property, for the purposes of Sections 3.8.7 only, shall mean the real property owned or
controlled by the applicant for a sign permit or alternative sign program. Property may be
a single lot or parcel,or may be.a combination of abutting lots or parcels that will be bound
by the approval.
Property frontage, for the purposes of Sections 3.8.7 only, shall mean the length of a front,
side;or rear property line that abuts a street right-of-way.
Sign shall mean any writing (including letter, word or number), pictorial representation
(including illustration or declaration), product, form (including shapes resembling any
human, animal or product form),emblem(including any device, symbol,trademark, object
or design which conveys a recognizable meaning, identity or distinction) or any other
figure of similar character that is a structure or any part thereof or is written, painted,
projected upon, printed, designed into, constructed or otherwise placed on or near a
building, board, plate, or upon any material object or device whatsoever, that by reason of
its form, location, manner of display, color, working, stereotyped design or otherwise
attracts or is designed to attract attention to the subject or to the premises upon which it is
situated, or is used as a means of identification, advertisement or announcement.The term
sign shall not include the following:
(1) window of merchandise or products;
(2) works of art that do not include commercial speech;
(3) products, merchandise or other materials that are offered for sale or used in
conducting a business, when such products, merchandise, or materials are kept or
stored in a location which is designed and commonly used for the storage of such
products, merchandise or materials; and
(4) any display that would otherwise be considered a sign, but that has been found by
the Landmark Preservation Commission to be an integral part of a building that is
designated as an historic landmark, and the display is a contributing feature of the
historic character of such building. Sign face means the surface area of a sign that
is designed for placement of text, symbols, or images. The sign face does not
include the supporting structure, if any, unless the supporting structure is used for
the display of text, symbols, or images. For wall signs, the sign face is equal to the
sign area of the wall sign, or the area within any frame or color used to define,
differentiate, or mount the wall sign, whichever is larger.
Illustrative Sign Face
I �
�F- FACE ->>
Sign, attached shall mean a flush wall sign, a window sign,a roof sign,or a projecting sign.
Sign, awning shall mean a sign that is painted on, integrated into, or attached to an awning.
For the purposes of this definition, an awning is a projection from the building that is
supported entirely from the exterior wall of the building, and that gives shelter from the
sun or weather over doors, windows; or storefronts. An awning is different from a canopy
in that an awning is covered with fabric or other flexible material.
Sign, canopy shall mean a type of sign with one face affixed to a canopy. For the purposes
of this definition, a canopy is an attached or detached structure, open on at least one side,
that is designed to provide overhead shelter from the sun or weather. Canopies include,
but are not limited to, service station canopies, carports, porte-cocheres, arcades, and
pergolas. A canopy is different from an awning in that a canopy is not covered with fabric
or flexible material.
Sign, inflatable shall mean a sign that is constructed from an envelope flexible material
that is given shape and/or movement by inflation. The phrase inflatable sign does not
include balloons that are less than eighteen (18) inches in all dimensions.
Sign,permanent shall mean a durable sign that is mounted or affixed for long-term use, not
easily removed, and resistant to weather and other wear and tear.
Sign, portable shall mean a sign that is designed to be easily moved from one location to
another, and when placed, is neither fastened to a permanent structure or building, nor
staked or otherwise installed into the ground.
_ Illustrative Portable Sign
SIDE1NPil1C �1�
Sign, site shall mean a type of temporary sign that is constructed of vinyl, plastic, wood,
metal, or other comparable rigid material, that is displayed on a structure that includes at
feast two (2) posts.
Illustrative Site Sign
Sign, yard shall mean a type of temporary sign that is constructed of paper, vinyl, plastic,
wood, metal or other comparable material, that is mounted on a stake or a frame structure
(often made from wire) that includes one (1) or more stakes.
Illustrative Yard Signs
Section 5. That the definition "Sign, election" contained in Section 5.1.2 of the Land
Use Code is hereby deleted.
Section 6. That the definition "Sign, ideological' contained in Section 5.1.2 of the
Land Use Code is hereby deleted.
Section 7: That the definition "Sign;for sale or rent" contained in Section 5.1.2 of the
Land Use Code is hereby deleted.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 20th day of
November, A.D. 2018, and to be presented for final passage on the 4th day of December, A.D.
2018. _ --
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Passed and adopted on final reading on the 4th day of December,A.D. 2018.
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