HomeMy WebLinkAbout140 - 11/04/2014 - APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RESERVES AND UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN VARIOUS CITY FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING TH ORDINANCE NO. 140, 2014 OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS APPROPRIATING PRIOR YEAR RESERVES AND UNANTICIPATED REVENUE IN VARIOUS CITY FUNDS AND AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF APPROPRIATED AMOUNTS BETWEEN FUNDS OR PROJECTS WHEREAS, the City has prior year reserves, excess revenue, and unanticipated revenue available to appropriate; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Article V, Section 8(b) of the City Charter, any expense or liability entered into by an agent of the City, on behalf of the City, shall not be made unless an appropriation therefor shall have been made by the City Council; and WHEREAS, Article'V, Section 9 of the City Charter permits the City Council to appropriate by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year such funds for expenditure as may be available from reserves accumulated in prior years, notwithstanding that such reserves were not previously appropriated; and WHEREAS, Article V, Section 9, of the City Charter also permits the City Council to make supplemental appropriations by ordinance at any time during the fiscal year, provided that the total amount of such supplemental appropriations, in combination with all previous appropriations for that fiscal year, does not exceed the current estimate of actual and anticipated revenues to be received during the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, Article V, Section 10, of the City Charter authorizes the City Council to transfer by ordinance any unexpended and unencumbered amount or portion thereof from one fund or capital project to another fund or capital project, provided the purpose for which the transferred funds are to be expended remains unchanged; and WHEREAS,the City wishes to provide for the expenditures listed below and the City Manager recommends that these expenditures be made. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT COLLINS that the following funds are hereby authorized for transfer and appropriated for expenditure for the purposes stated below: A. GENERAL FUND I. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Miscellaneous Police) $463,220 APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves -No. Colorado Drug Task Force $20,000 APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves- Police CAD $31,680 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (High Intensity Drug Traffic Grant) $38,870 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Internet Crimes Against Persons Grant) $12,709 1 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (DUI Enforcement Grant) $11,597 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Seatbelt Grant) $6,988 FOR: Police Services $514,900 FOR: High Intensity Drug Traffic Grant $38,870 FOR: Internet Crimes Against Persons Grant $12,709 FOR: DUI Enforcement Grant $11,597 FOR: Seatbelt Grant $6,988 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Miscellaneous CDNS) $88,676 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (National Alliance Preservation Grant) $1,500 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Loomis Addition Grant) $9,900 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Paramount Cottage III Grant) $27,109 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Restorative Justice Grant) $6,528 FROM: Transfer from Existing Operating Budgets $21,400 FOR: CDNS Hourly and Overtime Reimbursement $62,000 FOR: National Alliance Grant $3,000 FOR: Loomis Addition Grant $19,800 FOR: Paramount Cottage III Grant $63 785 FOR: Restorative Justice Accountability Incentive Block Grant $6,528 3. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $200,000 FOR: Arthur Ditch Rehabilitation Project $200,000 4. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $60 000 FOR: Carnegie Building Renovations $60,000 5. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $100 000 FOR: LED Light Fixture Upgrades $100,000 6. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $3,514 FOR: Forestry Maintenance $3,514 7. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Donations) $25,000 FOR: 4th of July Expenses $25,000 8. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $1,800 FOR: Portable Downtown Ramps Acquisition $1,800 9. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves (Land Bank Reserve) $51,086 FOR: Land Bank Expenses $51,086 10. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Grants) $87,764 FOR: Fort Collins Convention and Visitors Bureau $87,764 11. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves (Manufacturing Use Tax Rebate) $344,060 FOR: Manufacturing Use Tax Rebates $344,060 - 2 - 12. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $4,146 FOR: Radon Test Kits $4,146 13. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue. $40,500 FOR: Gardens on Spring Creek Programs and Operations $40,500 B. CAPITAL EXPANSION FUND 1. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Administrative Fees) $60,000 FOR: Transfer to the General Fund $60,000 C. CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Contributions in Aid) $63,590 FOR: Harmony & Shields Intersection Improvements Project $63,590 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $21,654 FOR: Linden Street Improvements Project $21,654 3. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Developer Contribution) $122,760 FOR: Willow Street River District Enhancements Project $122,760 4. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Developer Charges) $3,375 FOR: BOB-Pedestrian Plan & ADA Improvements Project $3,375 5. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Transfers from Transportation) $110,846 FOR: MAX Ineligible Project Expenses $110 846 6. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Interest) $125 474 FOR: Transfer to Natural Areas Fund $125,474 7. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Development Fees) $33,598 FOR: Southeast Community Park Project $33 598 D. CONSERVATION TRUST FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Lottery Proceeds) $190,000 APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $510,000 FOR: Trail Acquisition and Development (Trilby Underpass, Poudre Trail) $700,000 2. FROM: Open Space Acquisitions Project unused appropriation $57,461 FROM: Fossil Creek Trail Project unused appropriation $90,000 - 3 - FROM: Tri-City Trails Project unused appropriation $380,000 FOR: Trail Acquisition and Development Project $527,461 E. CULTURAL SERVICES AND FACILITIES FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Contributions-Cultural Services & Facilities Fund) $27,429 APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Contributions-Light & Power Fund) $3,982 FOR: Art in Public Places (Cultural Services & Facilities Fund) $27,429 FOR: Art in Public Places (Light & Power Fund) $3,982 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Grants) $10,000 FOR: Downtown Creative District $10,000 3. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves (Cultural Services & Facilities Fund) $1,019,793 FOR: Transfer to the Museum Fund $1,019,793 F. GOLFFUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Golf Fees) $98,000 FOR: Golf Expenses $98 000 G. KFCG 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves (Fire Services) $215,096 FOR: Poudre Fire Authority $215,096 H. LIGHT AND POWER FUND l. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $100.000 FOR: CMMS Maintenance Management $1WOW I. NATURAL AREAS FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Transfer In) $492,596 FOR: Natural Areas Expenses $492 596 2. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Transfer In) $125,474 FOR: Natural Areas Trails Expense $125,474 - 4 - J. RECREATION FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Recreation Fees) $27,242 FOR: Recreation Programs $27 242 K. SALES AND USE TAX FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves (Sales & Use Tax Fund) $985,192 FOR: Transfer to Capital Projects - Building on Basics $492,596 FOR: Transfer to Natural Areas Fund $492,596 r L. STORMWATER FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $6,125 FOR: Art in Public Places Project - Stormwater Fund $4,778 FOR: APP Project - Transfer to Cultural Services & Facilities Fund $1,347 2. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $100.000 FOR: CMMS Maintenance Management $100 000 M. TIMBERLINE/PROSPECT SID #94 FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue $60 048 FOR: Timberline/Prospect SID #94 Expenses $60,048 N. TRANSIT SERVICES FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Grants $657,531 FOR: Pass-Thru Funding to Transportation Management Area $657,531 O. TRANSPORTATION SERVICES FUND 1. APP. FROM: Unanticipated Revenue (Contribution) $10,667 FOR: FC Moves Program $10,667 P. WASTEWATER FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $100,000 FOR: CMMS Maintenance Management $100 000 5 Q. WATER FUND 1. APP. FROM: Prior Year Reserves $100,000 FOR: CMMS Maintenance Management $100,000 Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 21st day of . October, A.D. 2014, and to be presented for final passage on the 4th day of November, A.D. 2014. FFORTCO �iLlJ Mayor ATTEST: Cj: SEAL C •CORAO City Clerk Passed and adopted on final reading on the 4th day of November, A.D. 2014. NVyor ;ATTEST: ��OF.FO,gTc City Clerk �ORADO• - 6 -