WHEREAS, the Transit-Oriented Development ("TOD") Overlay Zone historically had
no minimum parking requirements and, in 2013, the Planning and Zoning Board (the "Board")
and the City Council expressed concerns about the lack of development-provided parking spaces
in relation to the parking demand and the potential for spillover parking into adjacent
neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, City staff was instructed to address this parking problem temporarily by the
presentation to the City Council for adoption of Ordinance No. 121, 2013, which imposed certain
minimum parking requirements in the TOD Overlay Zone and which temporary parking
ordinance, following its extension by Ordinance No. 107, 2014, expires in December 2014; and
WHEREAS, City staff has now conducted extensive public outreach and research on
potential solutions to the problem of parking spillover while supporting the City's goal of
encouraging walkable and transit-oriented infill and redevelopment recognizing that even in the
TOD Overlay Zone there will be motor vehicles both in usage and in storage; and
WHEREAS, the extensive public outreach, and presentation to the Board, the Board
recommended that the Land Use Code be amended to establish minimum parking requirements
that vary according to land use and to allow for alternative compliance solutions based upon a
parking impact study, shared parking, or transportation demand management proposals; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the proposed changes to the Land Use
Code are in the best interests of the City and should be adopted.
FORT COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That Section 3.2.2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
3.2.2 Access, Circulation and Parking
(D) Access and Parking Lot Requirements. All vehicular use areas in any proposed
development shall be designed to be safe, efficient, convenient and attractive, considering
use by all modes of transportation that will use the system, (including, without limitation,
cars, trucks, buses, bicycles and emergency vehicles).
(3) Location. Only off-street parking areas provided to serve uses permitted in
a zone district predominated by residential uses will be allowed in such
(a) Required off-street parking spaces shall be located on the same lot
or premises as the building or use for which they are required
1. such spaces are provided collectively by two (2) or more
buildings or uses on abutting lots in a single parking area
located within the boundaries of those abutting lots, and the
total number of parking spaces supplied collectively is
equal to the number of spaces required by this subdivision
for each use considered separately, or
2. an alternative location is approved by the Director provided
that the Director must have determined that such location is
permanent and provides close and easy access to users.
(G) Shared Parking. Where a mix of uses creates staggered peak periods of parking
demand, shared parking calculations shall be made to reduce the total amount of
required parking. Retail, office, institutional and entertainment uses may share
parking areas.
(K) Parking Lots - Required Number of Off-Street Spaces for Type of Use.
(1) Residential and Institutional Parking Requirements. Residential and
institutional uses shall provide a minimum number of parking spaces as
defined by the standards below.
(a) Attached Dwellings: For each two-family and multi-family
dwelling there shall be parking spaces provided as indicated by the
following table:
Number of Bedrooms/Dwelling Unit ! Parking Spaces Per Dwelling Unit
One or less 1.5
Two 1.75
Three 2.0
Four and above 3.0
* Spaces That are located in detached residential garages (but not including parking structures) or in attached
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residential garages. which attached garages do not provide direct entry into an individual dwelling unit. may be
credited toward the minimum requirements contained herein only if such spaces are made available to dwelling unit
occupants at no additional rental or purchase cost(beyond the dwelling unit rental rate or purchase price).
1. Multi-family dwellings and mixed-use dwellings within the
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay Zone shall
provide a minimum number of parking spaces as shown in
the following table:
Number q/Bedrooms/Dwelling Unit Parking .Spaces Per Dtoelling Unit
One or less 0.75
Two I
Three 1.25
Four and above 1.5
Rent-by-the Bedroom Parking .Spaces Per Bedroom
All bedrooms 0.75
*Maximum of 1 15% of minimum requirement unless provided in a structure.
a. Multi-family dwellings and mixed-use dwellings
within the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD)
Overlay Zone may reduce the required minimum
number of parking spaces by providing demand
mitigation elements as shown in the following table:
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Demand Mitigation Strategy "* Parking Requirement Reduction
Affordable Housing Dwelling Unit for
Sale or for Rent 50%
(equal to or less than 60% Area Median
Transit Passes for each tenant 10%
Car Share 5 spaces/ 1 car share
Within 1 ,000 feet walking distance of
MAX Station. (Walking distance shall
mean an ADA-compliant, contiguous
improved walkway measured from the 10%
most remote building entrance to the
transit station and contained within a
public ROW or pedestrian easement.)
Bicycle & Pedestrian Level of Service A 10%
Off-Site Parking 1 : 1
Shared Parking Based on Approved Alternative
Parking Impact Study Based on Approved Alternative
Transportation Demand Management Based on Approved Alternative
(TDM) Compliance
* *All demand mitigation strategies shall be shown on the site plan and in the
Development Agreement and shall be subject to audit for the duration of the
* * * Maximum of 50% reduction without provision of a Parking Impact Study or
Transportation Demand Management.
2 , Alternative Compliance. Upon written request by the
applicant, the decision maker may approve an alternative parking
ratio, other than the minimum required in the TOD Overlay Zone
per subparagraph 3 .2 .2(K)( 1 )(a)( 1 ), that may be substituted in
whole or in part for a ratio meeting the standards of this Section.
a. Procedure. Alternative compliance parking ratio
plans shall be prepared and submitted in accordance
with the submittal requirements for plans as set
forth in this Section. The request for alternative
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forth in this Section. The request for alternative
compliance must be accompanied by a Parking
Impact Study, Transportation Demand Management
proposal, or Shared Parking Study which addresses
issues identified in the City's submittal
requirements for such studies.
b. Review Criteria. To approve an alternative plan, the
decision maker must first find that the proposed
alternative plan accomplishes the proposes of this
Section and the TOD Overlay Zone (3.10) equally
well or better than would a plan which complies
with the standards of these Sections. In reviewing
the request for an alternative parking ratio plan in
order to determine whether it accomplishes the
purposes of this Section, the decision maker shall
take into account the objective and verifiable results
of the Parking Impact Study, Transportation
Demand Management proposal, or Shared Parking
Study together with the proposed plan's
compatibility with surrounding neighborhoods in
terns of potential spillover parking.
(2) Nonresidential Parking Requirements. Nonresidential uses shall provide a
minimum number of parking spaces, and will be limited to
a maximum number of parking spaces as defined by the standards defined
(a) The table below sets forth the number of minimum required and
maximum allowed parking spaces based on the square footage of
the gross leasable area and of the occupancy of specified uses. In
the event that on-street or shared parking is not available on land
adjacent to the use, then the maximum parking allowed may be
increased by twenty (20) percent.
Use Minimum Parking Maxinaan Parking
Spaces Spaces
a. Fast Food 7/1000 sq. ft: 1511000 sq. ft.
b. Standard 511000 sq. ft. 10/1000 sq. ft.
Bars, Taverns, and Nightclubs 511000 sq. ft. 10/1000 sq. ft.
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Commercial Recreational
a. Limited Indoor Recreation 3/1000 sq. ft. 6/1000 sq. ft.
b. Outdoor l/person cap .3/person cap
c. Bowling Alley 2.5/1000 sq. ft. 511000 sq. ft.
Theaters 1/6 seats 1/3 seats
General Retail 2/1000 sq. ft. 411000 sq. ft.
Personal Business and Service Shop 2/1000 sq. ft. 4/1000 sq. ft.
Shopping Center 2/1000 sq. ft. 511000 sq. ft.
Medical Office 2/1000 sq. ft. 4.5/1000 sq. ft.
Financial Services 2/1000 sq. ft. 3.5/1000 sq. ft.
Grocery Store, Supermarket 3/1000 sq. ft. 6/1000 sq. ft.
General Office 1/1000 sq. ft. 3/1000 sq. ft. or
.75/employee on the
shift or 4.5/1000 sq. ft.
if alladditional parking
gained by the increased
ratio (over 3/1000 sq.
ft.) are contained
within a parking
Vehicle Servicing & Maintenance 2/1000 sq. ft. 511000 sq. ft.
Low Intensity Retail, Repair r 1/1 000 sq. ft. 2/1000 sq. ft.
Service, Workshop and Custom
Small Industry
Lodging Establishments 0.5/unit 1/unit
Health Facilities
a. Hospitals 0.5/bed 1/bed
b. Long-Term Care Facilities .33/bed
plus I/two employees
on major shift
Industrial: Employee Parking 0.5/employee .75/employee
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(b) Existing Buildings Exemption: Change in use of an existing
building shall be exempt from minimum parking requirements. For
the expansion or enlargement of an existing building which does
not result in the material increase of the building by more than
twenty-five (25) percent, but not to exceed five thousand (5,000)
square feet in the aggregate, shall be exempt from minimum
parking requirements. For the redevelopment of a property which
includes the demolition of existing buildings, the minimum
parking requirement shall be applied to the net increase in the
square footage of new buildings.
(c) TOD Overlay Zone Exemption: If new development is proposed
within the Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay zone,
twenty-five (25) percent of the square footage of gross leaseable
area of such new development, but not to exceed five thousand
(5,000) square feet in the aggregate, shall be exempt from
minimum parking requirements. The exemption shall be
distributed proportionally among the uses contained in a mixed-use
(d) For uses that are not specifically listed in subsections 3.2.2(K)(1)
or (2), the number of parking spaces permitted shall be the number
permitted for the most similar use listed.
(e) For non-residential uses within the Transit-Oriented Development
(TOD) Overlay Zone the required minimum number of parking
spaces may be reduced by providing demand mitigation strategies
as shown in the following table:
Demand Mitigation strategy" Parking Requirement Reduction
Transit Passes for every employee within
the development 10%
Car Share 5 spaces/I car share
Within 1,000 feet walking distance of
MAX Station. (Walking distance shall
mean an ADA-compliant, contiguous
improved walkway measured from the 10%
most remote building entrance to the
transit station and contained within a
public ROW or pedestrian easement.)
Off-Site Parking I:I
Bicycle & Pedestrian Level of Service A 10%
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Shared Parking Based on approved alternative
Parking Impact Study Based on approved alternative
Transportation Demand Management Based on approved alternative
(TDM) compliance
"All demand mitigation strategies shall be shown on the site plan and in the
Development Agreement and shall be subject to audit for the duration of the
(3) Alternative Compliance. Upon written request by the applicant, the
decision maker may approve an alternative parking ratio (as measured by
the number of parking spaces based on the applicable unit of measurement
established in the table contained in Section 3.2.2(K)(2)(a) for
nonresidential land uses or the number of parking spaces based on use for
recreational and institutional land uses) that may be substituted in whole
or in part for a ratio meeting the standards of this Section.
(a) Procedure. Alternative compliance parking ratio plans shall be
prepared and submitted in accordance with the submittal
requirements for plans as set forth in this Section. Each such plan
shall clearly identify and discuss the modifications and alternatives
proposed and the ways in which the plan will better accomplish the
purpose of this Section than would a plan which complies with the
standards of this Section. The request for alternative compliance
must be accompanied by a Parking Impact Study, Transportation
Demand Management analysis, or Shared Parking Study which
addresses issues identified in the City's submittal requirements for
such studies.
Section 2. That Section 3.5.1(J) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as
3.5.1 Building and Project Compatibility
(J) OperationaUPhysical Compatibility Standards. Conditions may be imposed upon
the approval of development applications to ensure that new development will be
compatible with existing neighborhoods and uses. Such conditions may include,
but need not be limited to, restrictions on or requirements for:
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(1) hours of operation and deliveries;
(2) location on a site of activities that generate potential adverse impacts on
adjacent uses such as noise and glare;
(3) placement of trash receptacles;
(4) location of loading and delivery zones;
(5) light intensity and hours of full illumination;
(6) placement and illumination of outdoor vending machines;
(7) location and number of off-street parking spaces.
Section 3. That Section 5.L2 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new definition "Transportation Demand Management' which reads in its entirety
as follows:
Transportation Demand Management shall mean a comprehensive program utilizing
strategies to be implemented that result in more efficient use of transportation and
parking resources. These strategies typically include, but are not limited to, transit
subsidies, enhanced bicycle facilities, car/vanpool options, and shared parking.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 4th
day of November, 2014, and to be presented for final passage on the 18th day of November,
A.D. 2014. /
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City Clerk Cam.••
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Passed and adopted on final reading on this 18th day of November, A.D. 2014.
City Clerk :� .pr
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