ORDINANCE NO. 048, 2013
WHEREAS, requirements and restrictions specific to development and related activities in
the Poudre River floodplain are set forth in Division 4 of Article II of Chapter 10 of the Code of the
City of Fort Collins; and
WHEREAS, after thorough investigation; public outreach, and consideration of various
options and approaches,City staff has identified certain changes to the existing provisions regarding
the Poudre River floodplain in order to better address foreseeable flooding risks so as to improve life
safety through advance warning and evacuation measures; and
WHEREAS,staff presented the proposed revisions to the Natural Resources Advisory Board
("NRAB") at its regular meeting on February 20, 2013, and the NRAB discussed its prior
recommendation that the City Council revise the floodplain regulations to not allow any new
structures in the one-hundred-year floodplain of the Poudre River, but chose not to make a formal
recommendation; and
WHEREAS, staff presented the proposed revisions to the Water Board (the "Board") at its
regular meeting on February 21, 2013, and the Board voted to recommend that the City Council
approve the proposed revisions, while also recommending that the City Council consider revising
the floodplain regulations to not allow any new structures in the one-hundred-year floodplain of the
Poudre River; and
WHEREAS,the City Council believes it would be in the best interests of the City to approve
the changes so as to better protect life safety in the Poudre River floodplain.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That Section 10-16 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
by the addition of the following new definitions; to read in their entirety as follows:
Change of occupancy shall mean a change of occupancy as defined in Chapter 5, if
such change of occupancy results in an increase in the number of occupants..
Dry public road shall mean a public street at the intersection of a proposed driveway
or access road where the surface of the pavement is at an elevation above the base
flood elevation.
Emergency response and preparedness plan shall mean a plan, and related
preparations and systems, that are intended to provide both a reasonable measure of
preparedness for flooding and other emergencies that may occur in conjunction with
flooding,and a reasonable ability to respond to such circumstances so as to avoid and
minimize potential harm to persons or property, as described in §10-48.
Evacuation shall mean emergency egress to allow safe passage from a structure to
dry ground in the regulatory flood event.
Shelter-in-place shall mean onsite provision of refuge from floodwaters and related
hazards to allow continued occupation of a structure in the event that circumstances
preclude safe evacuation in the regulatory flood event or more frequent flood events.
Section 2. That Section 10-27(c) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
See. 10-27. Floodplain use permit.
(c) The following information is also required for a floodplain use permit:
(4) Specifications for building construction and materials, filling, dredging,
grading, channel improvements and changes, storage of materials, water supply and
sanitary facilities;
(5) Detailed information documenting compliance with any specific requirements
applicable to the proposed development or activity pursuant to this Article; and
(6) An emergency response and preparedness plan, if required pursuant to this
Article,provided,however,that this requirement shall be considered a floodplain use
permit condition to be met prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy, pursuant
to §10-27(g).
Section 3. That Section 10-27(e)(6) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 10-27. Floodplain use permit.
(e) When reviewing the application for a floodplain use permit, the Utilities
Executive Director shall determine which portions of any flood hazard areas are
affected by the particular development request and then shall apply the provisions of
this Article as applicable. The Utilities Executive Director also shall determine
whether the proposed construction or development is consistent with the need to
minimize flood damage and meets the intent of this Article after considering the
following factors:
(6) Whether the proposed use is for human occupancy, and, if so, the impacts to
human safety and the extent to which emergency response and preparedness and
other measures are required and have been assured in order to reduce safety risk;
Section 4. That Section 10-27(g) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 10-27. Floodplain use permit.
(g) If the Utilities Executive Director determines that the application meets the
purposes and requirements of this Article, he or she shall issue the permit and may
attach such conditions as he or she deems necessary to further the purposes of this
Article or to ensure compliance with the same. The Utilities Executive Director may
request that the City building official condition the release of a certificate of
occupancy or other final approval upon submission of final documentation of
compliance with conditions, as appropriate.
Section 5. That a new Section 10-48 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
added, to read in its entirety as follows:
Sec. 10-48. Emergency planning and preparedness.
For any structure or portion of structure required under this Article to submit an
emergency response and preparedness plan, the following emergency planning and
preparedness requirements shall apply:
(1) An emergency response and preparedness plan shall include the following,
together with such additional provisions as may be appropriate in light of the
particular circumstances associated with the structure or activity to which the plan
a. A flood risk assessment that, at a minimum, includes:
1. The source, flood frequency, expected duration, timing, and
depth of flood impacts that impact the structure, its occupants
or activity in the structure;
2. The expected impact on activities and operations;
3. Identification of persons potentially impacted; and
4. The impact of flooding on evacuation routes and emergency
vehicle access to the site.
b. A description of the method of receipt of flood warning;
C. Identification and assignment of personnel to implement the plan;
d. Procedures for notification of employees, customers, and other
building occupants, including:
I. Contact information;
2. Redundant methods of notification;
3. Safeguards to ensure all employees received the notification;
4. General content of the notices to be provided;
e. A description of procedures for both evacuation and shelter-in-place
of building occupants, including:
I. Method and responsibility for determination of appropriate
response,with evacuation generally considered the primary response,
and shelter-in-place is considered a secondary response;
2. Description of evacuation process, including:
a) Timing of opportunity to evacuate requiring a
minimum of two (2) hours of lead-time from when flood
waters would impact the site or any portion of the designated
evacuation routes;
b) Map and directions with evacuation routes including,
but not limited to, exits from occupied structures and from
occupied structures to a dry public road, specifically
identifying any approved fire apparatus access roads or other
emergency access routes;
c) Mode of evacuation — walking, car, and/or provided
transportation; and
d) Alternative routes for evacuation when preferred
routes are washed out or otherwise impassable;
3. A description of the shelter-in-place, including:
a) Description of safe on-site areas for shelter-in-place
b) Development and maintenance of emergency
preparedness kit containing supplies for three days including
such items as food, water, blankets, flashlights, National
Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration weather
radios, batteries; and
c) A communication plan for informing emergency
contacts of those sheltered-in-place;
f. Procedures for protecting the building from damage or hazardous
conditions, including:
1. Plan for shut down of utilities and equipment;
2. Relocation of computers, documents, or other important
resources or materials to higher areas; and
3. Required or other appropriate floodproofing measures;
g. A process for distribution and posting of plan and evacuation routes
and shelter-in-place instructions;
h. A description of mandatory training and practice drills, including:
1. Procedures for training all employees, including future new
2. Annual practice drills implementing the plan during the first
three months of each calendar year; and
3. Documentation of practice drills and identified areas for
i. A description of post-flood recovery measures, including:
1. Procedures for notification to employees and, if applicable,
the public, of when it is safe to return; and
2. Site clean-up procedures; and
j. Designation of a person responsible for operation of the occupied
facility for which the plan is required,who shall be responsible to the City for
completion of the specific requirements set forth in this §10-48.
(2) Documentation of any required emergency response and preparedness plan
and of practice drills and related process improvements shall be maintained on file
and shall be available at the facility to which the plan pertains for inspection by the
Utilities Executive Director upon request.
(3) The person designated as responsible for any required emergency response
and preparedness plan under Subsection 10-48(1)(j) shall review the plan during the
first quarter of each calendar year, and shall submit documentation of each annual
review to the Utilities Executive Director on a form satisfactory to the Utilities
Executive Director during the first quarter of each calendar year.
(4) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the requirements of this Section shall not
apply for any structure or portion of structure for which FEMA has approved a
Conditional LOMR providing for a LOMR or Physical Map Revision pursuant to
§10-80(a)(1) that:
a. removes such structure or portion of structure from the one-hundred-
year floodplain; and
b. provides at least one (1) designated dryland access and evacuation
route upon construction of the proposed improvements.
Section 6. That Section 10-71 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to add a new subsection (10), to read as follows:
Sec. 10-71. Specific standards for development in Poudre River floodway.
(10) Emergency planning and preparedness. New construction, addition to, or
cumulative substantial improvement,redevelopment or change of occupancy of,any
nonresidential or mixed-use structure subject to this Section,other than an accessory
structure,shall be subject to the emergency planning and preparedness requirements
Section 7. That Section 10-76 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to add a new subsection (9), to read as follows:
Sec. 10-76. Specific standards for nonresidential development in Poudre
River flood fringe.
(9) Emergency planning and preparedness. New construction, addition to, or
cumulative substantial improvement,redevelopment or change of occupancy of,any
structure subject to this Section,other than an accessory structure, shall be subject to
the emergency planning and preparedness requirements of§10-48.
Section 8. That Section 10-77 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to add a new subsection (8), to read as follows:
Sec. 10-77. Specific standards for mixed-use development in Poudre River
flood fringe.
(8) Emergency planning and preparedness. New construction, addition to, or
cumulative substantial improvement,redevelopment or change of occupancy of,any
structure subject to this Section,other than an accessory structure, shall be subject to
the emergency planning and preparedness requirements of§10-48.
Section 9. That this Ordinance shall become effective on July 1, 2013.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 18th day of
March; A.D. 2013, and to 'be presented for final passage on the 26th day of March, A.D. 2013.
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Passed and adopted on final reading on the 26th day of March, A.D. 2013.
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