WHEREAS, in 2011, the City Council adopted the City Plan "Safety and Wellness
Vision," which contains numerous policies supporting local food production, including Principle
SW3, which directs staff to encourage and support local food production to improve the
availability and accessibility of healthy foods, and to provide other educational, economic, and
social benefits; and
WHEREAS, in 1989,the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 72, 1989, which allowed for
the keeping of bees for the production of honey; and
WHEREAS, in 2008, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 72, 2008, which allows for
the raising of up to six chickens per lot for food production,while ensuring that chickens are raised
in humane conditions in the City and do not present'a nuisance to their neighbors; and
WHEREAS, City staff has conducted citizen outreach regarding potential urban
agriculture land use changes, and throughout that process has been asked by numerous citizens to
examine the current provisions of the City Code pertaining to the keeping of animals and bees in
the City; and
WHEREAS, staff has also worked with the Larimer County Humane Society to assess
whether allowing chickens to be kept in the City has created a nuisance in the community, and has
found that, although there have been 153 permits issued for the keeping of chickens, there has only
been the issuance of one citation; and
WHEREAS, staff has researched other communities and found that they allow for a wider
range of animals to be raised in urban environments, including ducks and miniature goats; and
WHEREAS, staff has conducted citizen outreach and has learned that many City residents
favor allowing ducks and miniature goats and an increased number of chickens in the City; and
WHEREAS, staff has also found through their research that other communities have
updated their regulations related to beekeeping to reflect the current best practices in the industry;
WHEREAS, in view of this outreach, staff is recommending several amendments to
Chapter 4 of the City Code; and
WHEREAS,the City Council believes that these recommended amendments are in the best
interests of the City and its citizens.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That Section 4-1 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
by the addition of a new definition of "Q fever" which reads in its entirety as follows:
Q fever shall mean an acute, influenzalike disease caused by the rickettsia Coxiella bumetii
that is transmissible to humans by contact with infected cattle, sheep, and goats.
Section 2. That Section 4-117 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4-117. Sale of chickens and ducklings; quantity restricted; keeping of
chickens and ducks.
(a) Chickens or ducklings younger than eight (8) weeks of age may not be sold
in quantities of less than six (6) to a single purchaser.
(b) In those zone districts where the keeping of farm animals (as that term is
defined in Section 5.1.2 of the Land Use Code) is not otherwise allowed, the
keeping of chickens and/or ducks (poultry) shall be permitted subject to the
following requirements and subject to all other applicable provisions of this
(1) Any person keeping poultry pursuant to this provisions must first
have been issued a permit by the Humane Society and have received such
information or training pertaining to the keeping of poultry as said agency
deems appropriate;
(2) The keeping of roosters or drakes (male ducks) is prohibited; only
chicken or duck hens shall be permitted, and all references herein to poultry
shall mean chicken or duck hens only.
(3) Poultry may be kept in the following numbers:
a. On lots less than one-half (c) acre in size, up to eight (8)
chickens and/or ducks may be kept; and
b. On lots one-half (1/2) acre to one (1) acre in size, up to a
total of twelve (12) chickens and/or ducks may be kept; and
C. On lots more than one (1) acre in size, up to six (6)
additional chickens and/or ducks may be kept for every additional
one-half(1/2) acre; provided,however, that if more than twelve(12)
chickens and/or ducks, combined, are to be kept, all property
owners abutting the parcel where the poultry will be housed must be
notified in writing prior to obtaining a permit for said number of
(4) If a lot has more than one (1) dwelling unit, all adult residents and
the owner(s)of the lot must consent in writing to allowing the poultry on the
(5) Any person keeping poultry pursuant to this provision must first
have been issued a permit by the Humane Society and have received such
information.or training pertaining to the keeping of poultry as said agency
deems appropriate. Prior to the issuance of said permit, a site inspection
shall be conducted by the Humane Society to verify compliance with the
requirements of this subsection;
(6) The poultry must be provided with a covered, predator-resistant
poultry house that is properly ventilated, designed to be easily accessed,
cleaned and maintained, and must consist of at least four(4) square feet per
chicken hen or duck;
(7) During daylight hours, the poultry must have access to the poultry
house and also have access to an outdoor enclosure that is adequately
fenced to protect them from predators;
(8) The poultry must be further protected from predators by being
closed in the poultry house from dusk to dawn;
(9) Neither the poultry house nor the outdoor enclosure may be located
less than fifteen (15) feet from any abutting property line unless the owner
or keeper of the poultry obtains the written consent of the owner(s) of all
abutting properties to which the enclosure is proposed to be more closely
located, in which event the agreed-upon location shall then be deemed
acceptable notwithstanding any subsequent change in ownership of such
abutting property or properties;
(10) The poultry must be sheltered or confined in such fashion as to
prevent them from coming into contact with wild ducks or geese or their
excrement; and
(11) The poultry may not be killed by or at the direction of the owner or
keeper thereof except pursuant to the lawful order of state or county health
officials, or for the purpose of euthanasia when surrendered to a licensed
veterinarian or the Humane Society for such purpose, or as otherwise
expressly permitted by law.
Section 3. That Chapter 4 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended by
adding a new Section 4-121 which reds in its entirety as follows:
See. 4-121. Keeping of goats.
(a) In zone districts where the keeping of farm animals is not otherwise
allowed, two(2) pygmy or dwarf goats, plus any number of their offspring younger
than twelve (12) weeks, may be kept on any lot in the City. The keeping of just
one (1) pygmy or dwarf goat is prohibited. Only female or altered male Nigerian
Dwarf or African Pygmy breeds of goats shall be permitted. No bucks or other
breeds shall be allowed.
(b) Except as prohibited in subsection (a), goats may be kept subject to the
following requirements:
(1) Any person keeping goats pursuant to this provision must first have
been issued a permit by the Humane Society, and must also have received
such information or training pertaining to the keeping of goats as said
agency deems appropriate, including, but not limited to, training on animal
husbandry, care, disease prevention and management, and methods to
minimize the risks of exposure to Q fever during the goat birthing process.
Prior to the issuance of said permit, a site inspection shall be conducted by
the Humane Society to verify compliance with the requirements of this
(2) If a lot has more than one (1) dwelling unit, all adult residents and
the owner(s) of the parcel must consent in writing to allowing the goats on
the property.
(3) On any residential zoned lot, the goats must be maintained in the
rear fifty(50) percent of the lot. On any residential zoned corner lot,the rear
fifty(50) percent of the lot shall mean that portion of the lot on the opposite
side of the residence from the front lot line. The front lot line shall mean
the lot line facing the primary entrance to the principal building on the lot.
(4) The goats must be provided with a covered, predator-resistant
shelter that is properly ventilated and designed to be easily accessed,
cleaned and maintained.
(5) During daylight hours, the goats must have access to the shelter and
also have access to an outdoor enclosure that is adequately fenced to protect
them from predators, which shall be in total at least one hundred fifty (150)
square feet per goat in size.
(6) The goats must be closed in the shelter from dusk to dawn.
(7) Neither the shelter nor the outdoor enclosure may be located less
than fifteen (15) feet from any abutting property line unless the owner or
keeper of the goats obtains the written consent of the owner(s) of all
abutting properties to which the enclosure is proposed to be more closely
located, in which event the agreed-upon location shall then be deemed
acceptable notwithstanding any subsequent change in ownership of such
abutting property or properties.
(8) The goats may not be killed by or at the direction of the owner or
keeper thereof except pursuant to the lawful order of state or'county health
officials, or for the purpose of euthanasia when surrendered to a licensed
veterinarian or the Humane Society for such purpose, or as otherwise
expressly permitted by law.
(9) Any person who owns or keeps goats over twelve (12) weeks of age
shall have such goats vaccinated, against rabies when the goats become
twelve(12)weeks of age, and shall continue to have the goats vaccinated by
a veterinarian at intervals recommended by the veterinarian.
Section 4. That Section 4-228 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
See. 4-228. Hives.
All bee colonies shall be kept in hives with movable combs, which shall be kept in
sound and usable condition.
Section 5. That Section 4-233(b) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
amended to read as follows:
Sec. 4-233. Colony densities.
(b) For each two (2) colonies authorized under colony densities, Subsection (a)
above, there may be maintained upon the same tract one (1) nucleus colony in a
hive structure not exceeding one (1) standard nine and five-eighths (9 5/8) inch
depth ten (10) frame hive body with no supers attached as required from time to
time for management of swarms. Each such nucleus colony shall be disposed of or
combined with an authorized colony within sixty (60) days after the date it is
Section 6. After the passage of two years from the effective date of this Ordinance,the
City Manager shall review the merits and impacts of this Ordinance and submit a written report
regarding the same to the City Council.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 2nd day of
July, A.D. 2013, and to be presented for final passage on the 16th day of July, A.D. 2013.
City Clerk '100
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 16th day of July, A.D. 2013.
City Clerk %Do