WHEREAS, the City Council is empowered and directed by Article XII, Section 6, of the
City Charter to fix, establish, maintain and provide for the collection of such rates, fees or charges
for utility services furnished by the City as will produce revenues sufficient to pay the costs,
expenses and other obligations of the electric utility, as set forth therein; and
WHEREAS, Platte River Power Authority ("Platte River") costs are increasing due to
reduced surplus sales, increased operating costs for aging plants and environmental mitigation,
increased financing costs, and continuing capital investment; and
WHEREAS, Platte River will increase the City's wholesale cost of power approximately
6.4% in 2012; and
WHEREAS,the increased wholesale power costs will require a 4.8%increase in the City's
electric rates; and
WHEREAS, the revenues in the Light and Power Fund have not been sufficient to fund
capital projects and system replacements and reserves have been utilized to make up for the short
fall; and
WHEREAS, the reduction in reserves was accelerated due to reductions in interest revenue
and development fee revenue; and
WHEREAS,without additional rate increases,reserves are projected to fall below minimum
policy levels as early as 2013; and
WHEREAS,a 3.5%rate increase will begin to fund the necessary capital improvements and
system replacements and will also begin to stem the decline in reserves; and
WHEREAS, City Council desires to enact rate structures to encourage additional energy
conservation measures in order to meet Energy Policy and Climate Action Plan goals; and
WHEREAS, in order to further encourage energy conservation, the recommended
adjustments to the electric rates include an amendment to the residential demand service rate
schedule limiting participation to those customers who establish to the satisfaction of the Utility that
their residences are heated entirely by electric energy; and
WHEREAS,City Council has requested an additional work session to review and study the
rate form options for the residential energy service rate class and will defer making a decision related
to changes for the 2012 residential energy service rate until that review is completed later in 2011
or early 2012; and
WHEREAS, the City Manager and staff have recommended to City Council the following
adjustments to the existing residential demand, general service, general service 50, general service
750 and traffic signal electric rates for all billings issued with meter readings on or after January 1,
2012; and
WHEREAS,the City Manager and staff have recommended to City Council the creation of
a new rate class, general service 25; and
WHEREAS, based on the foregoing, it is the desire of the City Council to amend Chapter
26 of the City Code to revise electric rates, fees and charges.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That Section 26-391 of the Code of the City ofFort Collins is hereby amended
by the addition of a new definition"Wholesale energy" which reads in its entirety as follows:
Wholesale energy, as used in this Article,shall mean that energy generated within
the City's service territory and sold to Platte River Power Authority.
Section 2. That Sections 26-446 and 26-447 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins shall
be renumbered as Sections 26-447 and 26-448 respectively.
Section 3. That the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended by the addition
of a new Section 26-447 which reads in its entirety as follows:
Sec. 26-446. Wholesale transactions.
The sale of wholesale energy, as defined in this Article, will not be governed by
the electric rate schedules or electric development fees or charges set out in this
Article,but shall be subject to requirements for interconnection to the City's electric
system, if applicable.
Section 4. That Section 26-465(a),(c),(k)and(q)of the Code of the City of Fort Collins
are hereby amended to read as follows:
(a) Availability. The residential demand service rate, schedule RD, shall be
available within the corporate limits of the City and the suburban fringe. Service
under this rate class is available only to customers who establish to the satisfaction
of the utility,by providing to the utility such documentation as the utility may deem
appropriate, that the residence served is heated entirely by electric energy. Such
documentation must be submitted by April 1, 2012. At such time that the utility
implements a time-of-use rate, this rate schedule will no longer be available.
(c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates are as follows:
(1) fixed charge, per account: seven dollars and twenty-four cents
(2) demand charge, per kilowatt: two 'dollars and forty-three cents
(3) distribution facilities charge,per kilowatt-hour: two and eighty-eight
one-hundredths cents ($0.0288).
(4) energy charge, per kilowatt-hour:
a. during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: three and seventy-two one-hundredths cents
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December: three and
fifty-five one-hundredths cents ($0.0355).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three(3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(5) in lieu of taxes and franchise: A charge at the rate of six and zero-
tenths(6.0)percent of monthly service charges billed pursuant to this
Section. '
(k) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the
utility system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special
services provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is
constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the
electric service rules and regulations. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. If a customer is receiving net metering service, such
customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering service terms and
conditions described in Subsection(q)below, and the credit for energy delivered to
the electric utility shall be calculated as described in that Subsection.
(q) Net metering.
(5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility shall be
measured on a monthly basis and, in the event that the qualifying facility has
produced more electricity than the customer-generator has consumed, the
customer-generator shall receive a monthly credit for such production.During
the second calendar quarter of each year,the customer-generator shall receive
payment for the net excess generation accrued for the preceding twelve(12)
months. The credit per kilowatt hour for the energy delivered to the electric
utility under this provision shall be provided at the summer season energy
charge as specified in Subsection (c).
Section 5. That Section 26-466(b),(c),(m)and(r)of the Code of the City of Fort Collins
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-466. General service, schedule GS.
(b) Applicability. This schedule applies to individual commercial and industrial
services;served at the established secondary voltage ofthe City's distribution system;
and optionally, for apartments and multiple dwellings in existence prior to January
1, 1980, where more than one (1) dwelling or single living quarters are served
through one(1)meter. Single-phase motors from one(1)to five(5)horsepower may
be connected with the approval of the utility. This schedule applies to an individual
single or three-phase service with an energy-only meter and for demand metered
services with an average metered demand of not greater than twenty-five (25)
(c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule are as follows:
(1) fixed charge, per account:
a. single-phase, two-hundred-ampere service: three dollars and
sixty-eight cents ($3.68).
b. single-phase,above two-hundred-ampere service:ten dollars
and eighty-three cents ($10.83).
C. three-phase, two-hundred-ampere service: five dollars and
fifty-nine cents ($5.59).
d. three-phase, above two-hundred-ampere service: thirteen
dollars and twenty-four cents ($13.24).
(2) demand charge, per kilowatt-hour:
a. during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: two and sixty-seven one-hundredths cents($0.0267).
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December: one and
thirty-nine one-hundredths cents ($0.0139).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three (3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(3) distribution facilities charge, per kilowatt-hour: one and eighty-one
one-hundredths cents ($0.0181).
(4) energy charge, per kilowatt-hour:
a. during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: three and seventy-two one-hundredths cents
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December: three and
fifty-five one-hundredths cents ($0.0355).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three(3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(5) in lieu of taxes and franchise: A charge at the rate of six and zero-
tenths (6.0)percent of all monthly service charges billed pursuant to
this Section.
(m) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the
utility system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special
services provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is
constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the
electric service rules and regulations. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. If a customer is receiving net metering service, such
customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering service terms and
conditions described in Subsection(r)below, and the credit for energy delivered to
the electric utility shall be calculated as described in that Subsection.
(r) Net metering.
(5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility shall
be measured on a monthly basis and, in the event that the qualifying
facility has produced more electricity than the customer-generator has
consumed,the customer-generator shall receive a monthly credit for
such production.During the second calendar quarter of each year,the
customer-generator shall receive payment for the net excess
generation accrued for the preceding twelve(12)months. The credit
per kilowatt hour for the energy delivered to the electric utility under
this provision shall be provided at the summer season energy charge
as specified in Subsection (c).
Section 6. That Section 26-466 (f) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby
deleted and the remaining sections 26-466(g)through 26-466(r)are renumbered 26-466(f)through
26-466 (q) respectively.
Section 7. That currently numbered Sections 26-467 through 26-473 are renumbered as
Sections 26-468 through 26-474 respectively and that an entirely new Section 26-467 General
service 25, schedule GS25, is hereby inserted to read as follows:
Sec. 26-467. General service 25, schedule GS25.
(a) Availability. The schedule GS shall be available within the corporate limits
of the City and the suburban fringe.
(b) Applicability. This schedule applies to individual commercial and industrial
services,served at the established secondary voltage of the City's distribution system;
and optionally, for apartments and multiple dwellings in existence prior to January
1, 1980, where more than one (1) dwelling or single living quarters are served
through one(1)meter. Single-phase motors from one(1)to five(5)horsepower may
be connected with the approval of the utility. This schedule applies to an individual
single or three-phase service with an average metered demand of not less than (25)
kilowatts or greater than fifty(50) kilowatts.
(c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule are as follows:
(1) fixed charge, per account:
a. single-phase, two-hundred-ampere service: three dollars and
sixty-eight cents ($3.68).
b. single-phase, above two-hundred-ampere service: ten dollars
and eighty-three cents ($10.83).
C. three-phase, two-hundred-ampere service: five dollars and
fifty-nine cents ($5.59).
d. three-phase, above two-hundred-ampere service: thirteen dollars
and twenty-four cents ($13.24).
(2) demand charge, per kilowatt:
a. during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: seven dollars and seven cents ($7.07).
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December: four dollars
and thirty- six cents ($4.36).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three (3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(3) distribution facilities charge, per kilowatt-hour: one and eighty-one
one-hundredths cents ($0.0181).
(4) energy charge, per kilowatt-hour:
a. during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: three and seventy-two one-hundredths cents
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December: three and
fifty-five one-hundredths cents ($0.0355).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three (3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(5) in lieu of taxes and franchise: a charge at the rate of six and zero-
tenths(6.0)percent of all monthly service charges billed pursuant to
this Section.
(d) Renewable resource. Renewable energy resources,including but not limited
to energy generated by the power of wind, may be offered on a voluntary basis to
customers at a premium of one and nine-tenths cents($.019)per kilowatt hour. The
utility may establish and offer voluntary programs designed to increase and enhance
the use of energy generated by renewable energy resources in support of Council-
adopted policy applicable to the utility.
(e) Excess capacity charge. A monthly capacity charge of two dollars ($2.) per
kilowatt may be added to the above charges for service to intermittent loads in
accordance with the provisions of the electric service rules and regulations.
(0 Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on
an annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand
(in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according
to the following:
(1) the monthly standby distribution charge shall be four dollars and
twenty-seven cents($4.27)per kilowatt of contracted standby service.
This charge shall be in lieu of the distribution facilities charge.For all
metered kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount, the standby
distribution charge shall be twelve dollars and eighty-one cents
($12.81) per kilowatt.
(2) in the event the contractual kilowatt amount is exceeded, the
beginning date of the contract period will be reset.The first month of
the new contract period will become the current billing month and
such month's metered demand shall become the minimum allowable
contract demand for the standby service.Requests for standby service
may be subject to a waiting period. An operation and maintenance
charge maybe added for special facilities required to provide standby
(g) Service charge. Service charges and connection fees shall be as set forth in
Subsection 26-712(b).
(h) Conservation assistance, rebates and incentives. The utility may establish
programs to assist customers or provide incentives to customers in order to reduce
energy consumption or system peak demands consistent with Council-adopted policy
applicable to the utility. Such programs may include financial or technical assistance,
incentives.or rebates and shall be consistent with program objectives approved by the
Utilities Executive Director.
(i) Billing demand. The billing demand shall be determined for each point of
delivery by suitable meter measurement of the highest fifteen-minute integrated
demand occurring during the billing period.
0) Power factor shall be determined by using watt and volt-ampere
measurements collected by the electric meter at the point of service.The power factor
calculated from such measurements shall be the basis of billing adjustment until
satisfactory correction has been made.Review shall be conducted on a monthly basis
by the utility. If the power factor falls below ninety-percent lagging, a power factor
adjustment maybe made by increasing the billing demand by one(1)percent for each
one (1) percent or fraction thereof by which the power factor is less than ninety-
percent lagging. This adjustment shall be based on the power factor at the time of
maximum demand as recorded during the billing period.
(k) Service rights fee in certain annexed areas. A fee for defraying the cost of
acquisition of service rights from Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association(PVREA)
shall be charged for each service in areas annexed into the City after April 22, 1989,
if such area was previously served by PVREA. The service rights will be collected
monthly for a period of ten(10) consecutive years following the date of acquisition
by the City of electric facilities in such area from PVREA. If service was previously
provided by PVREA,the fee shall be twenty-five(25)percent of charges for electric
power service.For services that come into existence in the affected area after date of
acquisition,the fee shall be five(5)percent of charges for electric power service. In
the event that the City Council has determined that a reduction of the service rights
fee is justified in order to mitigate the economic impacts to a lot or parcel of land at
the time of annexation of said lot or parcel of land, the service rights fee charged
pursuant to this Subsection may be reduced by the City Council pursuant to a
schedule set forth in the ordinance annexing said parcel or lot. The service rights fee
charged pursuant to this Subsection shall not be subject to a charge in lieu of taxes
and franchise otherwise required in this Section.
(1) Special services. Special services or complex service arrangements that are
beyond those required for service under this rate schedule may be arranged by a
written services agreement that the Utilities Executive Director may negotiate and
enter into on behalf of the utility. Said agreement shall establish the terms and
conditions for any special services or arrangements and shall incorporate by reference
the requirements of this Chapter, as applicable. Any special services agreement
modifying the rates, fees or charges for said services from those set forth in this
Article shall be subject to approval by the City Council in accordance with Section
6 of Article XII of the Charter.
(m) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the
utility system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special
services provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is
constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the
electric service rules and regulations. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. If a customer is receiving net metering service, such
customer's service shall also be governed by the net metering service terms and
conditions described in Subsection (r) below, and the credit for energy delivered to
the electric utility shall be calculated as described in the Subsection.
(n) Commodity delivery. If the electric utility authorizes the delivery of electric
capacity or energy utilizing the utility's distribution system under mandatory
provisions of state or federal law, a credit will be applied to the customer's monthly
electric bill based upon the electric utility's displaced costs as credited to the utility
by its supplier of electric energy.Capacity,energy,standby capacity,backup capacity
and special services shall be delivered,metered,billed,dispatched and controlled in
accordance with a special services agreement with the electric utility.
(o) Payment of charges. The foregoing rates are net. Payment becomes
delinquent twenty-five (25) days after the billing date.
(p) Contract period. The applicant shall take electric service under this or any
other applicable schedule which is in effect during the term of the contract subject
to adjustment from time to time by. the City Council. All contracts under this
schedule shall be for twelve (12) months and shall be automatically renewed
annually. The contract may be terminated at the end of the term upon the giving of
ten (10) days' advance written notice to the City or may be terminated upon the
giving of ten(10)days'advance written notice to the City in the event of vacation of
the premises or a change in ownership or tenant occupancy status.
(q) Rules and regulations. Service supplied under this schedule is subject to the
terms and conditions set forth in the electric utility rules and regulations as approved
by the City Council. Copies may be obtained from the Utility's Customer Service
(r) Net metering.
(1) Net metering service is available to a customer-generator producing
electric energy exclusively with a qualifying facility when the
generating capacity of the customer-generator's qualifying facility
meets the following two (2) criteria:
a. the qualifying facility is sized to supply no more than one
hundred twenty (120) percent of the customer-generator's
average annual electricity consumption at that site, including
all contiguous property owned or leased by the customer-
generator,without regard to interruptions in contiguity caused
by easements,public thoroughfares, transportation rights-of-
way or utility rights-of-way; and
b. the rated capacity of the qualifying facility does not exceed
the customer-generator's service entrance capacity.
(2) The energy generated by an on-site qualifying facility and delivered
to the utility's electric distribution facility shall be used to offset
energy provided by the utility to the customer-generator during the
applicable billing period.
(3) The customer-generator and electric service arrangements shall be
subject to the requirements and conditions described in the City of
Fort Collins Utility Services Interconnection Standards for Generating
Facilities Connected to the Fort Collins Distribution System.
(4) A customer-generator who receives approval from the electric utility
to obtain net metering service shall be subject to the monthly rates
described above in this rate schedule section.
(5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility shall
be measured on a monthly basis and, in the event that the qualifying
facility has produced more electricity than the customer-generator has
consumed,the customer-generator shall receive a monthly credit for
such production.During the second calendar quarter of each year,the
customer-generator shall receive payment for the net excess
generation accrued for the preceding twelve(12)months. The credit
per kilowatt hour for the energy delivered to the electric utility under
this provision shall be provided at the summer season energy charge
as specified in Subsection (c).
Section 8. That renumbered Sections 26-468(c), (f), (g), (k), (p) and(u) of the Code of
the City of Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-468. General service 50, schedule GS50.
(c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule are as follows:
(1) fixed charge,per account:twenty-one dollars and two cents($21.02).
An additional charge of forty dollars and zero cents ($40.) may be
assessed if telephone communication service is not provided by the
(2) coincident demand charge, per kilowatt:
a.• during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: ten dollars and thirty-six cents ($10.36).
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December:seven dollars
and seventy-six cents ($7.76).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three (3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(3) distribution facilities demand charge, per kilowatt: five dollars and
fifty-two cents ($5.52).
(4) energy charge, per kilowatt-hour:
a. during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: three and seventy-two one-hundredths cents
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December: three and '
fifty-five one-hundredths cents ($0.0355).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three (3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(5) in lieu of taxes and franchise: A charge at the rate of six and zero-
tenths (6.0)percent of all monthly service charges billed pursuant to
this Section.
(f) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on
an annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand
(in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according
to the following:
(1) standby distribution charge.
a. the monthly standby distribution charge shall be four dollars
and forty-eight cents ($4.48) per kilowatt of contracted
standby service.This charge shall be in lieu of the distribution
facilities charge. For all metered kilowatts in excess of the
contracted amount, the standby distribution charge shall be
thirteen dollars and forty-four cents ($13.44) per kilowatt.
b. in the event the contractual kilowatt amount is exceeded,the
beginning date of the contract period will be reset. The first
month of the new contract period will become the current
billing month and such month's metered demand shall become
the minimum allowable contract demand for the standby
service. Requests for standby service may be subject to a
waiting period.An operation and maintenance charge may be
added for special facilities required to provide standby
(2) standby generation and transmission charge. All charges incurred by
the utility under Platte River Power Authority's applicable tariffs, as
may be amended from time to time,will be billed to the customer as
a standby generation and transmission charge.
(g) Excess circuit charge. In the event a utility customer in this rate class desires
excess circuit capacity for the purpose of controlling the available electric capacity
of a backup circuit connection, this service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable backup demand
(in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according
to the following:
(1) the excess circuit charge shall be ninety-five cents ($0.95) per
contracted kilowatt of backup capacity per month. For any metered
kilowatts in excess ofthe contracted amount,the excess circuit charge
shall be two dollars and eighty-five cents ($2.85)per kilowatt.
(2) in the event the contractual kilowatt limit is exceeded, a new annual
contract period will automatically begin as of the month the limit is
exceeded. The metered demand in the month of exceedance shall
become the minimum contracted demand level for the excess circuit
(k) Distribution facilities demand. The distribution facility demand charge used
by the utility is designed to recover the costs of operating and maintaining the electric
distribution system and it is based on a per unit rate tied to the peak demand(kW)of
a customer's monthly electric use. Under the utility's billing system, cost recovery
is based on a twelve month model. Monthly billing is one-twelfth (1/12) of the
annual cost recovery required for given service and the twelve-month use patterns
serve as the reference base for monthly billings.
(1) The distribution facilities demand shall be determined for each point
of delivery by suitable meter measurement of the highest one-hour
integrated demand occurring during the billing period and shall not
be less than seventy(70) percent of the highest distribution facilities
demand (in kilowatts) occurring in any of the preceding eleven (11)
(2) If the Utilities Executive Director determines the calculation
described in (1) above does not recover the customer's share of the
actual distribution facilities costs, the customer's distribution
facilities demand charge may be determined according to a billing
calendar designed to fully recover said customer's share of the
distribution facilities costs.
(p) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the
utility system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special
services provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is
constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the
electric service rules and regulations. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. Parallel generation will be provided consistent with all
of the requirements contained in Platte River Power Authority's Tariff Schedule 3:
Parallel Generation Purchases, as may be amended from time to time. All charges
incurred by the utility under this tariff will be billed to the customer. If a customer
is receiving net metering service, such customer's service shall also be governed by,
the net metering service terms and conditions described in Subsection(q)below,and
the credit for energy delivered to the electric utility shall be calculated as described
in that Subsection.
(u) Net metering.
(5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility shall
be measured on a monthly basis and, in the event that the qualifying
facility has produced more electricity than the customer-generator has
consumed, the customer-generator shall receive a monthly credit for
such production. During the second calendar quarter of each year,the
customer-generator shall receive payment for the net excess
generation accrued for the preceding twelve(12)months. The credit
per kilowatt hour for the energy delivered to the electric utility under
this provision shall be provided at the summer season energy charge
as specified in Subsection (c).
Section 9. That renumbered Sections 26-469(c), (f), (g), (k), (q) and(v) of the Code of
the City of Fort Collins are hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-469. General service 750, schedule GS750.
(c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates for this schedule are as follows:
(1) fixed charge, per account: sixty-one dollars and ninety-six cents
a. additional charge for each additional metering point: fifty-
four dollars and seventy-four cents ($54.74).
b. an additional charge of forty dollars and zero cents ($40.) for
each metering point may be assessed if telephone
communication service is not provided by the customer.
(2) coincident demand charge, per kilowatt:
a. during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: ten dollars and twenty cents ($10.20).
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December:seven dollars
and sixty-four cents ($7.64).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three(3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(3) distribution facilities demand charge, per kilowatt:
a. first seven hundred fifty (750) kilowatts: five dollars and
forty-four cents ($5.44).
b. all additional kilowatts: three dollars and twenty-five cents
(4) energy charge, per kilowatt-hour:
a. during the summer season billing months of June, July and
August: three and sixty-seven one-hundredths cents
b. during the non-summer season billing months of January
through May and September through December: three and
forty-nine one-hundredths cents ($0.0349).
C. the meter reading date shall generally determine the summer
season billing months; however, no customer shall be billed
more than three (3) full billing cycles at the summer rate.
(5) in lieu of taxes and franchise: A charge at the rate of six and zero-
tenths (6.0) percent of all monthly service charges billed pursuant to
this Section.
(f) Standby service charges. Standby service, if available, will be provided on
an annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable service demand
(in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according
to the following:
(1) standby distribution charge.
a. the monthly standby distribution charge shall be three dollars
and forty cents ($3.40) per kilowatt of contracted standby
service. This charge shall be in lieu of the distribution
facilities charge..For all metered kilowatts in excess of the
contracted amount, the standby distribution charge shall be
ten dollars and iwenty cents ($10.20) per kilowatt.
b. in the event the contractual kilowatt amount is exceeded,the
beginning date of the contract period will be reset. The first
month of the new contract period will become the current-
billing month and such month's metered demand shall become
the minimum allowable contract demand for the standby
service. Requests for standby service may be subject to a
waiting period.An operation and maintenance charge maybe
added for special facilities required to provide standby
(2) standby generation and transmission charge. All charges incurred by
the utility under the Platte River Power Authority's applicable tariffs,
as may be amended from time to time, will be billed to the customer
as a standby generation and transmission charge.
(g) Excess circuit charge. In the event a utility customer in this rate class desires
excess circuit capacity for the purpose of controlling the available electric capacity
of a backup circuit connection, this service, if available, will be provided on an
annual contract basis at a level at least sufficient to meet probable backup demand
(in kilowatts) as determined by the customer and approved by the utility according
to the following:
(1) the excess circuit charge shall be seventy-two cents ($0.72) per
contracted kilowatt of backup capacity per month. For any metered
kilowatts in excess of the contracted amount,the excess circuit charge
shall be two dollars and seventeen cents ($2.17) per kilowatt.
(2) in the event the contractual kilowatt limit is exceeded, a new annual
contract period will automatically begin as of the month the limit is
exceeded. The metered demand in the month of exceedance shall
become the minimum contracted demand level for the excess circuit
(k) Distribution facilities demand. The distribution facilities demand charge used
by the utility is designed to recover the costs of operating and maintaining the electric
distribution system and it is based on a per unit rate tied to the peak demand(kW)of
a customer's monthly electric use. Under the utility's billing system, cost recovery
is based on a twelve month model. Monthly billing is one-twelfth (1/12) of the
annual. cost recovery required for given service and the twelve month use patterns
serve as the reference base for monthly billings.
(1) The distribution facilities demand shall be determined for each point
of delivery by suitable meter measurement of the highest one-hour
integrated demand occurring during the billing period and shall not
be less than seventy-five (75) percent of the highest distribution
facilities demand (in kilowatts) occurring in any of the preceding
eleven(11) months.
(2) If the Utilities Executive Director determines the calculation
described in (1) above does not recover the customer's share of the
actual distribution facilities costs, the customer's distribution
facilities demand charge may be determined according to a billing
calendar designed to fully recover the customer's share of the
distribution facilities costs.
(q) Parallel generation. Customers may operate all or part of their instantaneous
energy or capacity needs by operation of a qualifying facility in parallel with the
utility system, provided that electric service is being rendered under the special
services provisions of this schedule, and provided further that such facility is
constructed, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the
electric service rules and regulations. The credit for the energy delivered to the
electric utility under this provision shall be provided at applicable Platte River Power
Authority avoided cost rates. Parallel generation will be provided consistent with all
of the requirements contained in Platte River Power Authority's Tariff Schedule 3:
Parallel Generation Purchases, as may be amended from time to time. All charges
incurred by the utility under this tariff will be billed to the customer. If a customer
is receiving net metering service, such customer's service shall also be governed by
the net metering service terms and conditions described in Subsection(q)below,and
the credit for energy delivered to the electric utility shall be calculated as described
in that Subsection.
(v) Net metering.
(5) The customer-generator's consumption of energy from the utility shall
be measured on a monthly basis and, in the event that the qualifying
facility has produced more electricity than the customer-generator has
consumed,the customer-generator shall receive a monthly credit for
such production.During the second calendar quarter of each year,the
customer-generator shall receive payment for the net excess
generation accrued for the preceding twelve(12)months. The credit
per kilowatt hour for the energy delivered to the electric utility under
this provision shall be provided at the summer season energy charge
as specified in Subsection(c).
Section 10. That renumbered Section 26-471 (c) of the Code of the City of Fort Collins
is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 26-471. Traffic signal service, schedule T.
(c) Monthly rate. The monthly rates (including a six-and-zero-tenths-percent
charge in lieu of taxes and franchise) are as follows:
(1) fixed charge, per account: seventy-three dollars and sixteen cents
(2) charge, per kilowatt-hour: six and eighteen one-hundredths cents
(3) service extensions and signal installations made by the utility shall be
paid for by the City General Fund,subject to material and installation
costs at the time of installation.
Section 11. That the amendments to Chapter 26 of the City Code contained herein shall
go into effect for all bills issued based on meter readings on or after January 1, 2012.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 18th day of
October, A.D. 2011, and to be presented for final passage on the 1 st day of November, A.D. 2011.
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Passed and adopted on final reading on the 1 st day of November, A.D. 2011.
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