HomeMy WebLinkAbout001 - 01/16/1899 - RELATING TO SIDEWALKS ON LAPORTE AVENUE BETWEEN COLLEGE AVENUE AND MASON STREET it q Ordinance No A I89� Relating, to sidevalks or La Portc Avenue betaveen College Avenue a.na lasor Street Be it Ordained by the City Council, of Zte �ityf Fort Collins, Secticn I That ajA/� -fist sidevalkshall be constructed on La Porte fivenue as follov, Commencing at the northeast corner of block No twenty one (2I) , vhere said La Porte Averue intersects with College Avenue,tl-ence running west and in front of the block on the south side of said La Porte Avenue to the north west corner of said block No twerty one (2I) ,where said La Porte Avehuersects with Ma-on Str- tZf eet,t-irei.7 omC I- encino at the sdathe st corner of block No tiverty tkvO (2 where said La Porte Avenue intersects with College Arenue,thenee runninE, vest ano in frort of the block anO on the north side of said La Porte Avenue to the southvest corner of -aid block No twenty two (22) ,where said La Porte [venue intersects vith vlason Street Said sidevalk to be constructed by the owners of the lots or landS abutting upon the same at their o vz expense within thirty (VO) days from the time at vhic', this ordinance shall takc effect , and thereby be relieved f-OM any assessments that may be mane for the construction there of by the City, provided that the work so to be done shall in all re^ oects conforTn to the reauirments of the ordirance relating to Sider walks passed and adopted No%ember I7th I884 See 2 That if the sidewalk mentioned in section one (I ) of this ordinance shall not be constructed by the owners of the lots or lands abutting upon the same within the time mentioned in said secticn one (I) ,then said sidewalk shall be constructed by the City under and in persuance of the provisions of ordinance No 19, 1884 concerning the assessments of special charges apon the owners of lots or lands with it the corporate limits of the City of Fort Coliins, passed and adopted September I5th I884, 2ro the expense thereof collected in the manner p-^ovided il, said ordinance ` +ama � ssed and adopted this /� day of Isain �m _ C t • A / Attest ,C t Clerk Mayor