Pelating to the tapping of the City dater mains ani of eater
Be it ordained blr hu City Gonncil of th City of Fort Collins
Section I It hall be unlawful for any peraon, vithin the City limits of
the CiTv -)f Dort Collins, when using water from the City rater work ,
tax q, ,to use, operate,permit,or cause to wa.mx Im be used,
or ope at� one anJAsime time, more than o -ie nozzle,oi sprinkler, or
other methods fnvm takirG vatei from said 73.tei cork-,upon his or her
premi^es�rithoat fi, ^t having obtained from thu Gity 10&wav hj,a permit so
to do �ei
Section 2 Perri pion to make more than one tapto u.e, or woerate4than
one noz-le,or sprinkler, or other method, for diverting crater , by aiy
-rater consumer within --aid City for oie lot or more , or parts of a lot
of lots con iected with a single d Felling house,shall be grantc,d at the r
reque t of Cach iatei c,oiisumer Uaon ^uch perms -ion be ng given, the
crater shall be meaoared , through a water meter, conned 7i6h the service
pipe of the consumer, Bach ieters to be farniahcd and ;c' bJ the City,
and by ie, keot in repair , to be the property of uhe City, and under its
control, ins Then ^uch meter 2 - turni^ned ani placed in position by the
City, at the request of the Rater consumer, such consumer shall pay to the
city at the time of furnishing ana setting the same, the co-t of such
meter and setting, after whicn it shall be kept in repair by the City at
its oven cxpence
Section 3 the tamping of mains shall be under the exclusive control of
the Gity, the tap 4o ce inserted, shall not have an orifice of
a greater diameter thin f1ue-e2f,ht5 ( 5/8 ) of an inch, and under no con-
dition^ rill any person of psi sons be pei matted to
tie Cj.i�, xa,te`r maims Connecter more than one tao -vith branch pipes,
Amu* by mean of a Y or other device joining rith a service Dips, for the
conducting of rater from the %rater All persons
now a ing ani conducteng rater from the, iatei m,i s by mea ^ of morelthar;
one tam connectfd % itn one ervice pipe or other z� sth'�a` l to re �ui'`f' d'; `rit
to have placed rater aster for the, purpo e of mea ui eirg aid rater
Section 4 %1hen i^ mea urcd to 3 AXXXX consumer through a later meter, the
rate per thousand gallons, shall be is i^ new of herearter may be e-tablish
ed by the Gity Council oy resolution or ordinance duly passed and adopted
and ^uch City Goancil chill lave po7er to ehinge aid rite from time to
time i it may deem e%pedicit
Section 5 Any Verson or pet son^ , aving tvo or moi e taps, conliecLed rith
one service pime or other- +Icc,Poi the use of a ingle la7n or raraen or
both ho fail°, iet_.,lects,oi r(-fu es to ootain a hermit to cUntini e the use
of more than one of said tap. , or fail-, Beglects and refuse^toh4ve a
water mcternlaced in connection rith said pipe~ as irovided in �` e
' chall be deprived of the i e of rater through more that one tap,
and ii, i hei (,by made the duty of the see ei intendent of water w6 s o . aid
City to shut ol th rater from all of the pipes of such person or persons,
except so m,ch a-- i- furni^hed by a ^infle tarp, provided tlat if said taps
are co aijan ed that the water cnniot be phut off from all but one therof
then he shall -hat IL all off aid s33d -atcr --hall be kept .Jii-t of until
said person or per on- hall h -ivc complied with the terme2-conditions
of thi ordinance
Ana Demon or per..on- violating anj of the other ter*i A a✓
conditions of this ordinance shalt upon conviction thereof before the
70012ce Magi trace bF punished ov a fine o not le4s than Dive dollar and
not mole than one hundred olla s and coat of suit