HomeMy WebLinkAbout006 - 12/17/1900 - RELATING TO SANITARY CONDITIONS SRC!] No. 1900.
Relating to Owt=y Coesitions.
Soo 1 That no night soil, gre88e trap or eesspool matter dhall
be deposited or buried in or on any premises within the city limits
Soo a All grease traps shall be oleansed of least onoe a year,
or oftener if ordered to do so.
Soo 3 All privy vaults and cesspools must be oleaned wherever
the oontents thereof shall be within two feet of the top or surface of
the ground
9eo. 4 Whenever the use of any vault or oesspool is discontinued,
such vault or oesspool must be Oleaned to the bottom and filled up with
earth or other suitable material and mwh work must be under the super•
vision of the City Marshall.
Soo s No person, oompany or oorporation shall engage in or oon-
duot the o*oupation or business known as vault cleaners without having
first obtained from the City of Port Collins a license theaefor, the par-
ty applying for such lioense shall pay to the proper oollecttIng offioer
of the city of Fort Collins the sum of Twenty-five (08s 00) Dollars as
lioense rev for one year 9uoh person, oompany or oarporation shall be
equipped with the most modern and approved applianoes for such work
See a The oontents of the privy vaults, grease traps or oesspools
within the limits of the olty of port Collins, elball not be removed there-
from, nor shall the same be transported through arw street, alloy or
publio plaoe within the City, wroept in the most improved sanitary man-
mer, through or by means of air-tlpt tanks, if soft and mixed with watery
and if solid or dry in sheet steel tight covered tanks, in such manners as
shall prevent the esoape of any noxious or offensive odors, and preserve
such oontents from sight or exposure during transportation All tools,
applianoes and vehioles used in suoh *leaning and removal shall be kept
and maintained in perfeot sanitary conditions, subject to the inspection
of the board of health of the city at all times
Sao 7 It Mmll be unjawfIll for persons, companies or corpora.
tions eng9aged In the 000upation known as vault olesnere to charge for
sezvioes rendered by them more than four ($6 00) dollars per load of five
hundred (soo) gallons of cesspool car other soft mattes., or more than two
and one-half ($2 50 ) dollars for each grease trap, or more than ten oents
per oubio foot for night soil or solid matter removed, or mete than four
($4 00) dollars for opening up and oleening the bottom and aides of eaoh
oesspool, including d1silnfeoting and deodorizing and putting same in filet
olaes sanitary oondition. The board of health of the ®itp shall desigk-
hate the dumping grounds upon which eaoh material MW be dumped.
Soo a Any person or persons faillAff to complY with, or Vho vi-
olates any of the provisions of the foregoing sections of this ordinanoe
shall be fined a seam not less than five ($8.00) nor more than twenty-five
($26 00) dollars for eaoh offense..
Passed and adopted
Y Oft