HomeMy WebLinkAbout003 - 07/20/1903 - RELATING TO LIQUOR NUISANCES Propocod Ordinance.
Public notice i^ hereby given that th.e following ordinance :aac
introduced,road and ordered printed at a regular adjourned meeting of the
Jit,y Council of the City of Fort Collins,held June 29th,A.D.I903.
�A, 6"cC.44a City Cleric.
:�- ------ --- -*-c -_ -i --- -
� Ordinance No. S 1900. ---
RelatinP to Liquor Nuisances .
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins:
Section 1. Any building, room or other place, or any part 4 a
building, room or other place, within the porporate limits of the City
of Fort Collins , or within one mile of the outer boundaries thereof,
owned, kept or used for the -96� of storing or keeping of intoxicat
inF malt , vinous, mixed, fermented or spirituous liquors, (except drug
stores the proprietors of which hold licenses or permits from the City
Council ) for the purpose of selling, distributing, serving or Pivinp,
away of any of such liquors to any person or persons, whether such
building, room or other place, or any part of the same, be owned,
kept or used by an individual person in his own riPht or as the agent,
servant,vr�artner of another, or whether the same be used, owned or
kept for said purposes or any of them, by or for a corporation, club,
or any kind of association of persons , or whether the same be used as
a meeting place or resort of any persona or personf for the purpose of
drinkin? or procurinP4any such liquors , either by the members of suck,
corporation, club or association, or by otn er persons, is hereby pro-
hibited and declared to be a public nuisance, and the owner, proprie-
tor, keeper or person in control or management of the same, and any
person contributinP in any way to the maintenance thereof shall, upon
conviction thereof, be fined for each offense not less than one hun-
dred dollars nor more than three hundred dollars and costs of suit , or
be imprisoned in the city jail or county jail as the court may direct,
not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days .
Section 2. Any person or persons being the owner or owners of any
building, room or other place, or any part of a buildinP
p , room or oth-
er place, within the corporate limits of the city of Fort Collins , or
within one ;vile of the outer boundaries thereof, who shall permit the
same to be used , by lease or otherwise, for any of the purposes set
forth in Section 1 of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof,
be fined or imprisoned as prescribed in said Section 1 of this ordin-
Section 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here
with, are hereby repealed; provided , that such repeal shall not be
construed as releasing any cause of action a7.inst any person or per-
sons for violating any such ordinances/or parts of ordinances
The fore,c;'oin , ordin:iuce wa- introuduced and read at a reguler
adjourned meeting of the Uity Council of the City of ] ort uollins,Colorado,
on the 29th day of .June I003,and gas published in the Port Collins argue
on the Ist day of July A.D.I903, =a:id .7a2 duly passed and adopted by the
maid ,'ity council at th.e rufrilar meeting held on th �y of
A.D. 1903.
Attest : s --
Uity ;lerY,. ��