HomeMy WebLinkAbout004 - 09/21/1903 - PROVIDING THE SUBMISSION OF THE QUESTION OF THE ERECTION OF A SYSTEM OF WATER WORKS FOR THE CITY TO t ip T 0-PPITTAN(M PROVIOIl,G FOR iiM S'i37dMISSIONT Oil T;M V=%-ZGN OF TMp`'.yl'f{7 CTiO b OF A SYSTIU 01' Wa1TZ:-WUW.S :'0 i _ CITY 0 ' FORT 00ITT111413; WT.,ON%—jo, 1 i VOTT: OF 7Z.11 V07i 0? SLilD CITY, IX TO ARis TAX-P'M".RS LgJiKi% LhWo Au:' D CA1.1.I,'. (; A;, LIAC 9'IO.', 1:rt;tiTt3'OR Be it ordaLied .wT t o gLy Council, GT the C_� of Tort Ca13.irWa,+Colcsr�xdo 2 '"eetion I. ihr ,T, u srocial i<lcctioi: is hereby ordered ^zi aall"d ?,c7 behe;16 in t^e Cis,y Of ?ort Collins, Coloru o, on the/c/Aa; of October, 14. D. , JXLQ , at the !,our of novan o'clock, A. :: ., :ind cloziY4, at t:ie )..o:lr of sores f] t.Glock, P . :'., for t'.,e pur—,)osc of taLi.:1'; . 1© '.rate of L.ie voters r of t l0 aaV: city, 1%1i.o isre ;nil;r Milk) jails upo ,., the .. . 1'01.18'YJin ; questioli, tiiiich Is hereby s<ibmittud to the s4i(; vO cr's thoir dol' yrrlil'1$:ion .:v &Ud of ctica7 az 1ollolls, jjx.:all a :ii1:311 'W( 'Iotairs e.': t',,o CILF of 'ori. ColliaS, 'aolora�loq apj)rovaa th.a ureCtion, by t ]Ci City CQ!4.iUil Of Lhu j'. .'y of Fort o RJ:;': 1z: AS 47.it:i)' 1+Grl s or lie said City i:.L,.0 i7al.or for fira =1"ad douortic ,kltirpo$8S wild all o4l_,er Tiuilitl+ ciipal ;i1;1'i.]OTi38, ''o ?.)o forever i k)J 'Jiei slid o_� Ly, :iid t?ia funda fur which :Arl, to u.: raised by the InGn«ariva or t240 i;F• 'fi*. up:7<s co;ipoo bonds of t;,a Sri an zcauts2: !in;, v_cc :zi>c3iiy / �✓I�f ::�Gz 4011.'3r$ . Thtl --O ) c • "' s /. ` - `..OC?.)CI i,Tat �ti7 fT . S�Ya;,sir t�nriSu ]..] ;fr 1i5*1[1i.177jGi Cy)_ ..'lor:a 0 'iljries il6iii' the CaCiio nzi Poudre River,. at eorne convenient place above tho mouth of the north fork of 3o%ld river, find thence by the most prPotical route, to lal,r a pipe line, oomposed of from twenty to twenty-four inch stare pipo, eatendin to the City of Fort Collins . The length of this line will be in the vicinity of 57100 fret, and the propos- ed system will supply the Qity of Port Ooili"s with 4,000,000 t7,4110113 of waaor per dua, :mrlor a j x°T ity .Jroaaure of &4 ourAdg .,�,7r {tTi_'_ri: .all. 1110 Vs;i:,-Vat-d coal, of tbi;� sys'e= Win be ��(oo� aootoo pe rso i:l, gtto, al� tao Cisco o--' thu said a2?flotion, r+3 voters of thC; .cif, t of "Ort t1o2iinat G4?Orca<io, ..'dtt �.t,F7d F:.."C #Ct Ouh,(,;r'S$ bt Cjt 4U* 1°1e4 to vote m4 sea3f laction, !uaki ra,.'. of. s::, d qu�ifivd .voters v.. O rvnl'^rt-ve the ereaticn., of -jo:%1:-62 5:t:,jj dote b is vrtt, ^'.fn or ?rinted t ',nerds r sctief`S of "7;.ter Vofl. 1, t*_r�s a ashcan vote i•;•.- t.. ..1..tf`'.; `v 1iaroo,,., is writ,;-.'n or t wi:itilf:T 1:'_lfW `.'�rff.3 °i. ;;,:rains 7'reation of Water worlti5*. 3, "Me City `.-er.s: sr.hval i v,v, mtiee of the sr;c3oic=l �)lect;ion itr o rldod for L. Section l of thin, crdln,, tcas JW era �si:1, sauTt<, t.ct b-, rmblishad i': c' _.a rs paper, publiss led within; ari,-? Cit;t an(t lhavitt3-, a ,;onorra,. ciraul^tior. Uiereti, at least tiStf*an da- s b,�*f 1ro thm sea:t.: el lsrct:i^ia, and b; causin,; 3ao11 nv.ic1os to he 4108ted at; each ;ellin: place herelriTaAter provided# vrt�,11.111 t to Onid city, all. 101%at i'1*'Gctat,; tl s E,)Ofo o tho esaaid election, .etaoxt •?. '\eturns of S.-lid Oleation awt .'t? t�e nave to the said Clork, by t1he 4 tIdT. n Lhemof# z2±1d then said City norh, on t%In third day after the, salt! election, i=: the prost)4 M of t`m ftayor of said rityj r,3,,�11 :'�d On-IrmAs said returns kind €„ abstract tlhimreet, sht?ti4+i'.� the rwrnat of aald ttl@Otio.vis azid. .? certify to 3&4-, shstr;'zct ulli :ellvasx t?se *.ma to the city mmirsoil pa . its next moet .3a t2lemaftar, r fi at the said mettiz the city uu::rlalil shr tj aocl::'.r3 mad snter of moard the result of tizrs asTaid e3cct'ivxa, Section 3. "%'%at the follolrinj., shall br; zr.-?tai:aLOd zts t26 piz111: Iarses ei said ®lectlm*s Ott Alc�q 4-0 �, ' In ward ido . _,. In ward No. t3 a' In ward No . _/ at and the followinC are hereby appointed to act as judges of the said election, to-v;it: I.; ward 'T7c . :n ward "?c . In ward To . Introduced and read at the regular moeting of the City Council, duly held on August 31, A. D 1903 . Published in full in the a newspaper of�;r-e�neral circulation, published in the said City, on September A. D. , 1903. trod adcC PassedAS ptember A.?+. D., 1903. ,;*or and Presidinj- Officer of (City Seal) the City Council. Attest : Al �(��/ City Clerk. Approv"t �a �3ayor . Published after its passag on 9eptembers_�i��c _ �. D. . 3 . STATE OF COLOWLT)O, ) .. Coitnty of Larimer, ) ss. City of Fort Collins, ) I, s.�s'✓ �/ CC/(�„P�[�[ , City Clerk, of the City of :tort Collins, Colorado , do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing* ordinance, entitled, ATi OFDTNJUTCE PROVIDING. FoTt VIED, SLMIJ ISSIO'T or TIE T QUE'STION OF THE t+MCTIOTT OF A SYSTEM OF WA.'IMM 71ORKB FOP TIP, CITY OF 7OPT COLLINS, COLORADO, TO TriE VOTE OF TI M VOTERS 01' MID (31ITY, YTO ARE TAX-PAYBMS UNDER TfRP LAW, A]TI) C1i.T.TJ1R1,-- 'IT TTZCTIO-T ?Ti?iRH7OP, was introduced and read in full at the regular meeting of the City Council, of said City, duly held., accordiiz,; to lart, or, the 31st day of AuCust, A. D. , 1903, and that the s :aae was published in full in one new�per of general circula- tion, published in said City, to-.=ii t, ��UYy�o�� , lS1 o uti c �✓� on September 2nd, and that the same was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of said City at a _e s c.� iaoetint; thereof duly held at the City Council Chambers on the �� dray of September, A. D. , 1903, and that the same has been siirned by the presidin6 officar of the City Council, sealed with the corporate seal of the City, attested by me as City Cleric, and the publication thereof prior to passage, duly certified thereon by me as City Clerk, and that the said ordinance has been duly siEned and approved by the 77ayor of the said City and has been daily recorded in the book of ordinances of said City and the record thereof duly si;;ned by the said above named. officers and sealed by the corporate seal of the said City, and that the said ordinance was thereafter, on the - 2 13,rcl day of September, A. D. , 1903, published in fall in. CT�Je/�c��� i(� a public news paper of general circulation, ir; said City, and that the same remains of record in the book of records of said. City, in my office , and that hereto attached, :narked "A" is a true and correct copy of the minutes i n" th.v ruea;tiN; Of Be-it "Ity Ctau-raail, hood on �5125 , 2904k, ,at rahich the) said ordinance ace was izatradaaced mid road, an far " the sia u) rolaatas to the organization of tsho said m aot.iaa and tho Introduction, car3.i reaadIn o4' zaJd ord:arasa.vsco, sand so zxool2 of t41'sa r..1mita s or. tha Xmetl,i Of 'ati;unt 17th and .August 'Ists 19039 as Shag n the dne orgaa,iiaation of then said noetinmn a ad t va dues azdjouruw—nt i t IO"a a+, tatitil Au rust moist, 34f)3,, Lurid also herato att4ohod, rraaarkod rz° Is sa truss sasza cores oct 0o y of t,.,,* :airaaaton of rhos xxx+astirs,* of an id Cib;r 6t Cil, held fire the a�'Lwt 0$' ¢date ra r, A. i ., 15af1 , at the saal.il: w—C-.I71s"iXioe tm£ f'lIaRS.11;:: y'Aa4",a ed, Go ftr as t.ho Said rS;niLFlf� r+s1t=�,at to *.-he or,,ta:a3zauims of n;Ae- rw>titinp, who irara present thareut, sanest #hn resaOr: ; &T.d prrztsna ro of.' the nuid ordinmice, all WE; shasana Li uhQ a>oeu-1 u trovai of records or the procoodinr.6 of t?sra Ci 7o;.ilr.. t3 0^ tIo stud C3t;f, ntszr .r<aratInIn&., In r;,,r off ic,..s9 as Pity fuertc. I" W171 e'a^sfi uvo hormin ,o not PXp hausd turd afx'3.:aed this sairi snal p'^ Via City, WAS day a: �r�(1:. __s �s. •s iu-0z. l ,.0 t>r �ISJ 441/ 'I.s bf thA Itty Cminetil, 117tb dny of AlIPllst 1P09. At the re,!'111Ar laePtim- of the City Coun(sil l+on%tnV eveninp,. AIIPnISt lryth, lACR. the foll.owinr prorlonlinF^ wrore burl Ind entered of re- oord. The roll t;einv; oRlled vfns n.r follows : Fro.-mnt : Yon. P. J, HM: mF*b. t*nyor. Aldo-riem Piiinn, Voorn, rnlb^with. Snott . ^nfl 711snY. Absent : Aldermnn 'Initton. Phtlinpi. ?'room. tef*lilnr orR�r of business teen pone throup.ti. Alci^,?R"n Omlhrnith nr lm n motion thmt we now RAjoitm to Fri0y eirenlmv, Aurast ^lst nt F olrl".k. cnrbondol by Aldorrmn Snott , and upon vote. nRrried And de dnnlRreA by the ','nyor. Ad,lourned till Fridny mrmninre, . Aupilst Plst. Rt. A o'r-loOk. City plant.. 1 is IlAnnrAR of the City :mtnntl, Rlst (Inv of Att(ntst, lOns. At the PAJourned session of A rA{rilsr rneot.inp; of Antnist 117th, 1^0'3, hell �Iridny evnnimF,, Aitp.i1Rt ?1st At 8 otnlonk,, lnn?. The �olleer- inP proceedings were had and Ant erryf of renord. The roll being milled eras as follows: Presont : i'ori. P. T. I".rHttfih, ktnyor. . Allnrmn rntinn, Moore, Mglbrnith, 8nott . rlpnk, mown. Ahsont : Al!inrmRn Thit ton, Philippi. Ordor of business prone thrmip'h. Al<termrtn T+lrtnk mnde motion tbet we now ad�rrirn to meet. Monday frreninr, Aitcntst S.I. 1008. at R olnlonk.. Reconded by AlAArman Brown. a.nA upon Trote. narrieri and jan Aenlnred by the 14ayor. Alimtrnod till 1'onIny evening;. August �nll,,�i^03, at 8 Onlonk, City Clerk. ?nnnr"l,n of the City rrnnnnil, 'lnt tray of AlIfIlRt , 1^02. At tho stct;ionrnerl ^esesion of a rera r meeting; of AItfrrtnt 1`79 9n"t AIVIV:t 7.1; lnoS, hold on Monrtay e+renin? Aummt al, lPnS, ntr F. o1nlonk, the follosrinr, pronneritnPR "`rem pact and entered of renort. The roll betnF, n.nllert w.m as follows: l?roaent : ?Ton. P. J. Mnllup:h, Mayor., AlrtnrP?an Philippi, Quinn, Hoore, nrnlhraitb, T'lnnk., nnrt r^owri. Abnont : Alctnrmnn 7Fhltton, Snott---thoy being out, of torn, Propor:nd n„linanne Tin. 4, eritttIml, ■inn Orrtinannp providing, for the sitbminsion of the Rttosotton of the oroctIon of a system of water %rorkn for the n.ity of. Fort Collins, Colorndo, to the Grote of the 1roters of saki City who are tax-payer^ unrtor the law, and nalltng an olnotion thnro- for. ° w,, , intrnrtrtr%r%d by A.l"tornan Ralhraith anA r.oRd in frill for i'irst ron.ctina . o�Bd eo 3g Vocoa.i.pg e A m29. «a mF9 pp mFiY ae o" mwpa33ootl E« a ammo °-Cg �" g6 o mm°a000 mm o o° p a`1 �-os° mo ymm6`e mm $ 0 416V 0a0-A -:02 dy. dm°9«Oa o$mo°e o,pa2e E �`>>S _.$yp...a'ummey'.' «w °d�°. E$f-.a 2.- Yq.,,. P7a gm.?mro =3a mm36`o"$'a0 ,.Ta 6gg„eatloam,yfio�a=.`:7 mm°o r :r$ d$mp°m pa p8;a q� d o pu..s:m-i oc cV Bm... rEom, o g a .�zq�?a p a3. o"mmm'- o aam o.. a" °m o`o 0 o�t3 0.. ro$ m oa ss� ��._.^mom Y 9 O Q a °~ m m 6p W '$ago,$ p;eFmq�u«44rO5fjaj m ��tlB,m,o$ ��a.+pmEv B.. •tl«mb°c ° ® a.(. e�«$6 <' m Lm a $«s`m�o m.4i� o°pC m'ro°m.-E:>ro a`O�ef3$ moor°o° .om_ - E $ om'm J._�:; $ yo�m� $,ro W a$E p W.em d�°3m a oaa --g nr•^' a.$7mpm! ,aae..`g —6 ° ° F 2 pry°ooe,� $ _`,o.:a"i32p ons E,.�°a m...,°mo a«� BO3 e„S qoo :B?- ;?o•'$ tg6m.. mm mp..g Yg g. - o�,g as .R`•'�-" .$ �i amm wB 8 z 'd yp n gl eno°<• 1^,'..4?yo mag m�..;m'm'w$u°'mo'C=m$'°3.g..A. m .03� <_s'-yo $<>m s..mm -Y°me ..qyo U e$y"v fiq ga..a..mna]`°Wo 46 mms..,Oam_'•oo6- B as E�mm�?g�gBCmoe�$`m `°a $y-o..o mo .°. �.9r z �smop°="«o o$a�m.oaY e•O9 ce:q E'8 pO9o«3yn'o`ac°'"8 $ow°amEo$tl'umm a EooaeL�e9°8 .27 .�:S Eve q sm� A Q"wr m£a.o g2�mUs$m�• Do e•o mm os'•a$m«nm p?��pp'o d8 Y°o o-6.m5ti mo mnimc o uq �' �w a°� �Fina m[.p.q...`• a .+� ap Bo n °N m. rox m-4oaa «>,a� F mC°6m1 a'�gu�.-.�$T:�V3 sa ..can+� m oo U. $p ° «e.9 °o.w.w °�.°,�iao m.. 03 am"••,�6 6gow�ma• �oo yg ae m$faem .b a�<��amgCamm"i��•E` s $6eg°gpp3 9g ms0.Fam bam +a =a'•�rom°o E•°q 0w2zzzz: y'EOAm OP •0°m aOymOL ppu pr.MYm°4..�YJme OfimOZ.yq Nd$u�amm�CL4iy�Y �.p'tl Oaop�am mug mu m�Ouu�O�omBBBBu p p 8 o a m b _qq'" a GpG _ $°5-0 Ga tuo0 Agl A.�-u m,u M$qO � my�O0i�0 O°R Sp�m,p'�mi O • a'"q Oa O@m�a�mC aY auq q'O Bu mq t`i$'Oq mpagr m•�u -.D'•..n A" , Lpm•.a a 0.",Fp > ^°am 4 A �ZmO�aG_09 eL maG Comp W 8: ..m$.. Ueotofi...mgmfii..9 ao_o.,g�.. :,U.-.mBeo3a6 ayp...mtl 6.. em q'3 aLs m$ Alrterrrtan nalt5raith nacre. n rot ion thgt the pronoserl Crdinanno No. 4 , !I.: rowl. be publtshod ns in required by law, senonrtect by Alinrrnnn mown, mvl roll pall holnp takon on the motion, was an follolrml Ayes---"lltgrran Philippi, chiinn, Hoorn, ^.alhrnith, rlank. . Pro- -I a_,r;;---i+ono. Al ;;ent : AirlF7rrran '"'Atton, Srott. All the All?rnnn pre^Ant , savrn beinv ., ma�orttjr, hn4rin{" troto(I in the nffirnattire. the "Wror rlenl9rori the no— tion. r'arrIo,? . Other bitsinonn mne throiVeh, neon motion, Orllrnt-rnocl to 11not, :,Irtrtnv Rtreninf,, Septn :T;^r 4th, l' nS, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jjty Cl_r"'i'.