i`s +Q-
:, 7' r n
:':3Jority of thu voters of "t.``'•.4' svid %ty of 01%
urt+'er t.�:e laz votizl ozz t'ze clza4:'L on at sal
c .ien dul: ]. :,:, ;or Lhe surpuae of teLkin�* said vote ;�nci duly i c:Id
in said City on ?riduy October 1Gtr. , A. ", , 1903, by vote a::proved tl-e
erection by the Cite 7oiAnd;il oi' said {City of a system of Watoc 7r)r1<s
for snpplyinr: said City aiali .rater :'or fire and domes":io n1a-rposes tLnd
u17. ot'tLer nmiriraal 1_,uxposel: , ;;'r•a funds for• which were r.o be raised by
the issuance of they ne-,,o f-J tolh coupon bonds of raid City in art amoort
not exceeding One hundred and ^ixtr Thousand Dollars, and
•'RER';AS5 the City Council of the said 'it-,' do naw d ;an it
necessary to constrict Is€:id 'seater '. or cs and to obtain tiles 4"Und's therefor;
recticn 1. T•nut the Ci of Fort Collins, Color,;.do issue
its netrotit,ble coupon ponds in the suns of One Hundred and Itixty Thousand
Doilarr, (: '_GOjuoo.'- c;) for tl,-3 purpose of the conotroctiun v ',:'a,.Ler 'Gorky
for sii 'aid 'i `,,;; i`. u�ter f,r firy enc cc>n?estie r LnL
tX1er2GJ f:.Jritract un ind`tbt•e(.;n,1,ss in said J.-gount for --aid -,e ,
3ecti�n 2. That: said bonds slncLll consist of ona 111:nc'red
and sixty (160) bonds of One Thousand T)ollars Q1 ,000.00) each., nu�lbered
froln one (1) to one hundred and sixty (160) inclusive; sha;.11 be dated
December 1st. , 1903, and be absolutely due and payable fifteen (lb)
r �
years after the date thereof and redeemable at the option of said City
ten (10) years after the date thereof, at the office of the City Treas-
urer in said City; shall bear interest at tNe rate of four and one-half
per centum. per annum, payable sari-annually on the 1,Gt days of June and
December in eaoh year until paid, at the office of the City Treasurer
aforesaid or at the Banking House of F;ountze Brothers in tie City and
State of New xort, aL "in Option Of the holder of the OouPOns i crato
Ceotion 3. 7,Lnt said bonds ahall be sealed with the
corponato seal of said City- , signed by the layor and attested by the
City "lark and countersigned by the Treasurer of said City. Each of
said bonds shall have al: +:ached thereto thirty (:>0) coupons numbered
from one (1) to thirty WO) inclusive , each representing a semi-annual
installment Of interest upon the said bond and scouring t'.le ywyment of
interesi as it accrues, &Aicn said coukons sha2l bear the signature of
the Treasurer of said City either originAl or POTped., printed or
lithotrnphed, wnr the nu sbar of the bone to M0 t. ;ars attacr:ed;
said coupons :tihen so n ud, executed and dkii^erK as a, ;'part of saK
bonds shall be the lawful obliGations of said City eeeurinp the payment
of said interest in tre hands of ::411 7.s.trffully
c one .
oction 4 . i'hczt yve fora, of .quid bonds and coupon^ .tall
be substantially as follows , to-wit:
t �
Na. ::., �
:he Ci i,Y of Port ^%,llinz In tI.o -ount;r of ( hire and 76ata 00
^olorade, i'or 4 1 ,it r,)eeli'ed , "J xwe an '. �+Ar'eby
promiset:.3 to a, _O boa.-or One 1'}' owiand s1O.1.larz lai.lul U:i Y '.ini ted
of .1 ,l?'.:.cu. on t1 C) ?irrt U,�k! i ?rsaam.ber,
offio7 , of C;-. 'ij ;y ireasurer" irr :iika Of %,I't "C:'1Iln!i 11"t interest
tLer on .,it the rate of fos'r r.i .snK—'r.c.li eer oentua: ar irnu:n, dw.yZ4:ble
ss? i—ar^;Itzc.11y on the '" ir s `, drays uf' TOrse Lznc :� ece^:.rear a; t1 e Offio4 of
t`e `.ity Treitwirer %forana '. or at +.?,o T3ankinF- ',oi+so Of 47.ountzt .rot! cxs
in tti4 "i T., and .'t.a of i J?> ,'ork, U. S. A. , tit tht olpt1On of .} f , older
upon presvnts s i (.n *anti stwreF;der of aarsnexed -hoy gsavti r 1. y
beoo,n clv�, T'Yln sold lity, iowavar, reservau l.hO right jc.,, = s
bofid tit 6%ny iizts of Ter ;-.he dirt CtL:/ of -..'[:.^,..",'^bor I ... -`. ,
77sicF bona is issutl< IeJ, t3'0 aaic i ;; :f ?crt ^ollirs for trm
s.u.vj,ose n:' ti:+'F comotruotior. oi` : .rer Tart s "or sl+. ul, ln� t.';a jai.- I
with w"tar fur firEc "no dowestio purjusem, in j,Urqu.*rloe of Lin 'Drdirance
of afild 'ity duly -jas:sed duo tac At'o-LiShwC o.nd i-twe. z,
_ x , r , 1.'.. of Y.K3 G
City j,rior to --.he aesuiuioe ber <of, ;inu u.raer, by virtue of nrd in ,itrict
compliemac wi :;h tic. Conatitz;tion o:' s:he "*.e_t , o r!o) orodo sxnl -1�e
yrovislonti Of ar. ACt Of t� C3 lerIC ail f\:momlii, `'rer"cf, en:iticad , "41" ArT
�'I�F+��1 1 i - I.:il. ti).PA.TJ f1 I^ lli (1 ,"N ^ 1 1 Y
i*i A,. '`%Pi OF '€A�:E T..: . , rOCAt A.i t1 Q'i,. , <.. "'. ,
3Sltt i`? L3T_enllyw,enr .s t}-eveof. -
And it ii rerrby ^e -rifled `iat a lvt consitruetion of sKid 7riter
Vorks :roan drily approved by she vote of a .:Tajority of the ,•uters of said
City who were iax-Foyers under thtt Li , voting on t-'.e question at an
olection duly c=tilled and held in said ^ity according tc 1,4% prior to
ties i5m,.ance of this bond; that %1.1 conditions re+d194red to exist and
acts and t:Ungs re;luire3d to be eonee precedeA to and in the i:ssstzaanoe
of this bond to render the sa,- a lawful and valid did exist and have been
properly doneznd3 nerforned in regular �`,t,�, e, form and canner
i►4 rs, red by lases, ?hat the to ,. Including that
of this bond does not vxA*"4my anor e y
the Constitntion or TAws @f 'Um State of Colorado,, and that said
ttrdinanam provisos fear the 1evyinr of a tax t3uffioient to pad• +the
unnixdsl interssrt on `.pis bond .xrs;`. extingixitsh the principal thereof -ai .i-,in
the time limited for the same to nin and cor.taxires such other urovieslons
as are rageaired by laser. '
IN '.TSTl*"fNY 7MEOPs t3,,.e said City of Fort ^ollinzs b4 s oaused
this bond t,c, be sealed with its oorpors t.� seal,
rA nod by its `uyor, attested by its ".leark rand
countersigned by its Treasurer, this riret da;
of Decomber, A. D, , 1903.
i Ilerk.
" ;, Treasurer.
a � i
Ott the ;First d*y of A, ^', , 1'; , fu1,
vul-uo received, '.iie rity o2' 'stYrt ;101.1infl, in 'our,'.y Uf 7,arlrtw, and
SULte of Colcrado, Mal F.e:y 1 , the bearer i'wonty-V,,o Dollctris "n'fif',�
cents, lcwr ll +-:oney of tYe Unit(.o :"tLte • of kr:t:rica _at 1.h.e Off!OZ c_'
t7ut; City .reusurer in Pula Mty or u . ':T•e tusking T our,,e of "ountse
rotheras ir. the "ity and 11ta,te of `iew Yerk, T', S, A, , €.t ht; option
of t)+e }lol6er, being. six r1onths' iriLe vst on iLs ',Iuter Bund ' o ,
^eotian 5, :hat ptlr 1:on?t, TJs . ol,= ^c. r._
i:':reo1 ayf:lieu Solely t0 ti 5 , •<rr i'39 ='c res;.id of +'- 3
of i::d.tLt •."V ill 'AD t•Nt �uf.'�•l;/iR;r, the said C°it� vitl_ aatar
for fire »r.., . 0mestio jurj}*,ses, but. ti.e: y .r0`.1..tier of aaic l;crd =: „lull
In nj .L14-ri_i-:1' f rr wiw arL,ilout!on. Or di€i,,oea.l ;j raid
CibY oi' "I* u1' itr;; officRrnof ,any v�' fun:'a1 :'et"iv,�( i2L t} <: sals
�ic:C ul un "., •ii -� ::'^.L"I': ,� a•t.. it fyr:bj 'i^ 7.oF1 Ye I;j,•Ci TE Iiia Ci'l
and tjv--rd (:01J ur of "c- lun'.. SI: o_'
ann 14111;;' in a6di ti... '.. ]. 1:'. :r tt' e,7 , t;...,. :ffl.ott' to ;,ro(i: In
tine t-.r .re,n,,te , tyt a:u:n of Ses lr, k.v. _.rx 7 -o T un0.red .11011Enrn
per j.11 t-.rr,yt 3CCr1/1?I- 9n T]�"lti`S Cal
it ' . i m " 1.). .irT Tyr , :. ; r. fn; ],' ;t,.10i r.d ~} K;re it :,,.'_ncAI,:.vied
tad diti,m to r,,1J (,t.Ter t.�-.s€n, .1 +.,r1: 's,(!'iJ.Cis'.n': , u prot;l:ce
in +'hi "F,,r^.FtvLo , t ?. Elf:? of °Ahir-, Yleo `.'nousand '.,oll(arr. (1, 1 ,fa()ct,
in ;!ach o`.' t.` e ,. 'RI s 1?1 , l'?ii , l l:i , 1 ;tt " :i21<: i^17, for 1-1 a tn.arpus9
of e-ctir._-Iiishin,- princil,<.1 of said bonds 'wits in fifteen (15) years
from the "ante of said bonds, and ti_e taxing and collecting officers of
said City tire hereby authorized and required to compute, levy, extend
andcolleet such taxes annually as they shall become neeessar"y and due
under this Ordinancei ' and the said taxes .vhen collected shall be applied
only to the p.a,rnent of said interest and the principal of said bonds
respectively and for no other purpose vhc.tever until the indebtedness
contracted ender this Ordinance , principal and interest be fully paid
and dischar; ed. This section, however, shall not be so construed as
tp prevent the said City from applying Liny other funds that may be in
the City Treasury and available for that purpose to the payment ,f the
interest An or principal of the said bonds as the same respectively
become payable.
Section 7. It shall be the duty of the City Council of
said City, annually at the time and in the manner provided by law for
levying other City taxes, if such action shall be necessary to effectuate
the provisions of this Ordinance , to ratify and. carry out thf. provi-
sions hereof with reference to the levying of taxes and requiring the
officers of and for said City to compute, levy , extend and collect .3uch
taxes in the manner provided by law,for the purposes of ereatinF a fund
for the payment of the interest upon and the principal of said bonds,
and said taxes ,nfi en collected shall be kept for and only apjliad to
the payment of said interest and principal of said bonds as hereinbefore
Section 8. This Ordinance shall be irrepeal€.ble until the
indebtedness herein provided for shall be fully paid, satisfied and
Section 9, This Ordinance shall be in force and affect
from and after its passage and publication as required by lawn
Introduced and read at the regular meeting of the City Council
duly held on October 19th. , A. 1;. , 1903.
published in full on October 21st , A. n. , 1903, in the Fort
Collins Courier , a newrspe�per of general circulation, published in s:;.id
Passed and adopted '",ovember 166]tCh. , A. T?. � 1903.
M - r gin;:. :residing Officer of the
City Council.
(City Seal)
AT'"EvST ' /�/V
City ^lerk.
Approved Yovember _ A. D. 1903 .
Published after its passage in the :Fort Collins Courier on
Noverbr.r IStJ,. , A. T,. , 1903.
1 t 1 r
I , T. it. Garrett, City Clerk of the City of fort Collins,
Colorado , do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing Ordinance)
DOA.)ESTIC PURPOSES", was introduced anc'O, read in full at the regular
meeting of the City Council of said City, duly held acccrdinF to 1,rx,
on the 19th day of October. , A. ri. , 1903, and that, t;ie same was
published in full in one newspaper of 'general circulation published
in said City, to-wit , the Tort Collins Courier, on October 21st. , 19030
and that the same was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of
said City at a regular meeting thereof duly held at the City Council
Chambers on the 16th day of November, A. D. , 19039 and that the same
has been sic,
;ned b; the presiding offictir of the City Council, sealed
with the corporate seal of the City, at"k,ested by tie as City Clerk, and
the fact of its previous introduction at a regular meeting and the
publication thereof prior to passazge , duly certified thereon by me as
City Clerk, and that the said Ordinance tuts been duly signed and
all.proved by the ',i4yor of the said City and has been duly recorded in the
Book of Ordinances of said City and the record thareof duly signed by
the said above named officers and sealed by the corporate seal of the
said City , and that Uie said Ordinance -vas after its passage and on the
18th day of November, A. P. , 1903, published in full in the fort
Collins Courier, a public newspaper of -oneral circulation in said City ,
and that the sane remains of record in the Book of Records of said City
in TV office , and ti;at hereto attached, marked "C" is a true, and correct
copy of the minutes of the meeting of said City Council, held on
October 19th. , A. D. , 1903, at which the said Ordinance was introduced
and read , so far as the same relate to the organization of the said
meeting; and the cL.nvass of the vote at the election held in said City
on October 16th. , 1903 , and the finding and declaring of the result
thereof, and the introduction and reading of said Ordinance; and also
hereto attached marked "D" is a true and correot copy of the minutes
of the meeting of said City Council., held on the 16th day of Yovember,
A. D. , 19031 at which the said Ordinance was finally passed, so far as
the said siinutes relate �.o ^.e org%nization of said meeting, who ,rere
present thereat, and the reading and uassap-e of tl^e said Ordinance ,
all as shown in the regular Book of Records of the proceedings of the
'ity Pouncil of the said lity, now remaining; in ry office as City
I74 WITNESS WHFIROF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed
the said seal of the City, this / Vi day of ,A. D. ,
(Cite; Seal) City Clerk.
?Elrorls oi' the i71ty ^,nitnnil, 1:,th my of Ontober. 1POlt.
At the rmriln* Tinpttntr of the, nity nounr•ll holl "or-l�y Rrrrnln: ,
OntnhA» lath. 1^1^. thn followl.ng Pronneling.s '"'nr•p hn t nnrl 0T:t( -(19. 01'
renorl. ^he *Kill belnf nRll_orl wns +ts t'ollows.
Present : Pon. P. ltnTr17Yt. '"nyor. ,
Allormnn '°Whitton. Quinn, MOO—(), Snott, ;'town.
Absont: ,+ldermmn Pht111Pi, GRlbrnith, ^lank..
Alrlrrr.An rRlbraith. Plnnk, PhiliPPi rePortel Present Rftorroll
Anonr- othor thinsrs tho following' bugi_noss trAnsnntf)d:
The nbgtrnnt of thn vote on the proposition to ernr•t A system
of vrntr" works w,.s nresentel Rnel ns follntng- ( Abstrnnt ro»nwlt,h nt—
tnnhFxl, )
?he following roRolittion rernrlln?; snil nbstrnnt of olentlon
P-mivntol r.nrl roRl in follows : ( Rosolutlon hprewith Attnnbe(j. )
Allerr?nn 'ninnk moiTel thn AdOPtton of snlrl r000lution, motion senonlel
by Allorrnnn ^rown. and the roll mr^ll on q%IIA motion wng ns follows:
Ayps---Allyrm!nn '"hltton, Phi111P1. Quinn, mooro, r#nlbrnittt,
Snott, , ^_nnk , and Tr+own. All the Allemren bRrlinfr, votM In thn Rf I-nntirrn
the mRyor riRnlnrol motlon nnrrinrl, AnA rnsoltttlon nlopte:l.
Tlronoqorl OrclinRnne TTo, 8, 1009, Entitled And oto. Rs 110rewith
lvns introgat f%rl by A.irlerrnn nnlbrnith n.nl rend in f1111 for. first, renlimz .
A1rin mnn GRlbrnith mnln, . roti'on tbnt nroposerl 91+4innnnn Tro.r,
1:'119,ns rental; bo nublishnl ^s i^ ronpift"no by lRy. 1!otlon ^enonlel by
�I 1
Aldorr^nn PhilliPi. end roll call heinr tRkon on the motion w.qs ass fol-
lows :
Ayes---AldArmRn initton. Philtnn� . Quinn, Moore, rR7brRith. Seott,.
r1Rrk. RnI Frown. All the Alderman hnVinp, voted in the RffirraA.tINro* the
Mayor declared the motion nnrried.
Other business Mnsi thmiiph, upon motion of Alde-mRn Thitton,
seconded by Alderman Morma, nolmnil Ad'ourned andJ so declared by tdRyor.
. . . . .G . . . . . . . . . .
71ty ClerY.
Renolvlt; of the City Counn.il, November 18th , 11POS.
At the rP,pl11Rr mePting of the pity nounnil held bSonday evening,
110vembAr 18, IPOS, the following proneedinrs urere hRd Rnd entered of re-
nord. The roll being nRlled was Rs follows:
Present : Iton. P. J. lfrwFugh, MRyor. ,
AldernRn Phillppi, Quinn, Moore, r,RlbrRith, Snot,t ,
T?1Rnk, Rnd Brown.
Absent : Aldnrnnn ""hitton.
Among other thing's the follcmrin€e business transnn.ted:
4�m. awett Ordinnnne No. 0, lPO3, introduned Rnd rend for
first reRdinp;; Rnd ordered published Rt regulRr meeting of Ontober lath,
1903. AY-tin 1ntraduned Rnd rand in full for senond resding as follows :
Alderman OR1brRlth mRde notion that Ordinnnne 8, 10n3, As Toad
be Rdopted. Rnd that it now do pRss, llot,ion smnonded by AlderrnRn Quinn,
the roll nRll on sRid notion ss follows:
Ayes: AldernRn Philippi, Quinn, Moore, r>R1brRith, Rnott ,
Plnnk, Rnd ?crown.
7111rs: None.
Absent , AldormRn "'hitton.
All the Alderman present , slime beinfi R nRJority of all the
Aldermen slant, hRirinp voted in the RffirmRtive, tho liRyor deniR.rert the
motion narried, Rnd Ordinanne 1To. 8, 1POI, regularly pRssed Rnd Rdopted.
Other business then trRnsneted, Alderman OR.lbrRith nRde motion
thRt nounn,il ad,1mven, senonded by Alrlormnn ^"own, upon .rote nRrried, Rnd
so denlarrrd by l4Ryor. /
. . . . . . . . . . .. ./ .. . . . . . .. . . .
City Clerk.