HomeMy WebLinkAbout001 - 02/17/1902 - RELATING TO SALARIES 4 Ordinance No. '00 / �, 1902. De it ordained by the ity Council of the City of Port Collins- Section I. That the salaries of the officials of the City of Port Collins . :. , � shall an are hereby ordained o be as follows, o-w t Cit y Clerk, €�83.33 per:,month, °together with $10 additional per s. month for the use of' a horse, which amount shall be complete compen- sation for his services as Water Superintendent , Superintendent of f Grand View Cemetery and Superintendent of Sewers and Drains. City Marshall t60. 00 per month, with $10 per month additional for the use of a horse. City Attorney $25 . 00 per month. Engineer at City Water Works i6O.00 per month; Sexton of Grand View Cemetery $50 . 00 per month, together with $10 per month additional for use of horse. Night-/WatclLnan $60.00 per month. 6 0,O 0 /N".F.1. Police Ma71str'ate $1.00 per year together with all legal fees for services perfamed. Assistant for fire team A100. 00 per annum; City Physician $100.00 per annum. City Treas-.ieer $100.00 per annum; Chief of Piro Department , $100. 00 per annum. Janitor, 420. 00 per month; Driver of city team 050. 00 per month. Section II. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Introduced January 20, 1902. Passed and adopted /% 1002. IM& City Clerke (IA,;yow 77.j (0a" c.y/f'lfit'iU _/fe" +0�'° ` 4 rA Proof of Publication. FORT COLLINS EXPRESS. STATE OF COLORADO.+as ORDINANCE NO. 1,BEBIEB OF 19td, COUnTY OF LARIMER, S Relatiaatp Balaties: I,HOWARD RUSSELL,do Solemnly swear that lie it ordained by the City Comcil of the City Of Fort Collins— I am the............publisher of the Fort Collins e('ityoN 1. That the eelaries of the o�ciale of the .d of Fort Collins Shall end ere hereby o . Express, a weekly newspaper printed at Fort Col- dat¢ed[0 6e se follows,to-wit: may°a$100.00 Per amnm, tins, Lorimer County, Colorado, and that said Aldermen,$75.00 each Der aarm City Clark,SM39 Dor month, tngethor With Fort Collins Express, printed and published in $10.m additionaf Per month for the use of e horse,which amoa¢t shall be complete comppeen- said Lorimer (Count has a sou.for his services as Water s¢perintendent I Y. general circulation Bnperintendmt of Omnd View Cemetery mri therein and has been continuously and uninter- tlne -Wandent of Bewere and Drains. t sty hfamhal, $60.00 per month, with $10.00 ruptedly published in said county during a period Ver month addrtional for the nee of All... City Attorney,$25.m rmonth. of twenty-six consecutive weeks pri(" to the first Eng�near at (;fty Water Works, $!.0.o0 Pee month. publication of the notice or advertisement Loreto Bo2bm of Ormd View Cemetery, $50.60 Der -' month,together with$10.o0 per month addition- attached; that said Fort Collins. Express is a al for use of horse. Night Watchman, 60.00 per month. newspaper within the meaning of"An Act to Reg- Assistant Water luperinto¢dmt, $60.00 Per 1°°nu'' ulate the Printing of Legal Notices and Adver. all legel fees for eem 3100 e Performed.ogether with tisemests"approved April 21,1897,passed by the Aesistant for fire team,$100.00 per am¢m. city Phyeirim,atm.00 Per An mo. General Assembly of the State of Colorado; and CitY Tmaeueer, $100.W per mnom. Chief o,Fire Department,mont . $I00.00 Der amnm. that the annexed notice or advertisement was Janitor,Fire permonth. Driverof City'1'eam,35o.per mmth. published in the regular and entire issue of every B-TC➢N 2. All ordinances or Peru of ordi, nmoee in emfliot herewith are hereby repealed. . number of said weekly newspaper for a period of Introduced Je¢Dary 20, 1902. Passed and adopted February 17,M. F.R.BAKER, t�':^<`....consecutive weeks; and that the first T.H.GARRE'TT, may City ns Eapreea Feb Ulerk. •ublication of said notice was in the issue dated Published i¢ Fort Collir¢ 26 la,a. .t¢. A.D.190.L an that the last publication of said notice was in the issue dated.... .j.......... ..�....A.D. 190.... Subscribed a i sworn to before me this ...(*....day o[.. A.D.190.?t.— My commieeion expire/��...1� i t . Printer's Fees,$............ �^- • -^'w'e��,