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005 - 04/21/1902 - RELATING TO EXCAVATIONS
it n- •!i no 1 , tlro ••^i.ty ^Our:cil of' tho rit,;% cif' 7o -r, Col l ins : Sentirin 1. Tbat it .^111 M 11,e llnln:v-Pul for Any per-ml, ^n.T^l;any or r,Ar, orr,t loll to Pa ?:8 any in rile FFLTtll upn. r.ny lot Ar w T)IAQY in the City n_(' .7nrt Oollins 1'Y i;grili r, ;iril l3.T.lc' nr 'i1 ""ill;"' i.r. t)1`•. eaTtll -('o'r the riLr'T"?A;;e Of r;rid wi'• ll t11n intertior of rlisaoltoring oil, ",c::l , coal A- 1^.:1.(lo7rf;lS Of' .^-�T1V 1.:1T:11; Ar to e-reot 3eaf',,oldln.r or orhPT -Ievi^e used in Ar r0hout t1le rnr i rl<r o- cLTill-ing 0"C wells t..it:lliTl the f;it,r ,AY' Port rollims , mrit1'nllt first lavih,.. 011_ tcdnod a porlf:i:t :'roil tl1A city Oounoil or tlln "ity of Tort rollin.s so to do , nnrl tile, srTitten non,ent ttlr>rr;to of all of.' tbo pane-s of tho prope-rty abuttint, or r..-,foirin!' t,110 trret or trant,s of lanl. upon ,rllich any of the nail operations , :qAr ro prnnosed. "ootinn `-'. It :illall. be 1LnlatTul. fnr .nry no-Son, Oor,),:nV or nrr, .:.1, -top to t7al:e ?Tay BYoaValtion in the ^i tY of ^nrt Cnl.l ins for tl'e 7`—1 )ose Of. obtainin. cartll to 1'1`knu:i:i©tiL-A intn })rjol. , or t'1 strllis)1 nnv brick Ysrd in tbo city Of Fort rnlltns, `r'Ztilout f'1-st havin,•_a A?;t,fl'itle'i pe-l'tit. ' rn, tt1P; ^it)t CAITnril of the ^,ir�t n'r nor!, GeCt c� - Collins so to do, Find Clio �,mitter. ronsert OT'lla owners A nrnf;n-ty acilninj•n', tlli; lots or 111ooko til-i)n;l w1lirll. is proposed to -7aR6 sur'll eYofi«fltionfi AT estal,lish suol! brick Varrls.. `un+lol'l R. Ajl;r n)ersnll, ^,nf.i-,-nn'v m, rA?'-'`Ar at iAP. f-ailir.- to cor, rly ,'it'1 any of tll- DTovisj011s Of t111S Arrlj.rlrngA Ar Mly rl`:rt t1le—Onf F;1r;11 1)(3 S111)1eAt to a fir of not loos than "100 and not r',orp t11nn ?00 ani pn,ts O stlit . Tnt?orSunwl ttl,;n 17�t/n r1p1r of Vnrnlh , 1). lfini2, / e J C/�'if/✓itf[/'GLsl � CX L:/4�L4tf/• �1��VG(G{,Y /� �4'I"Y� �a nUe I rf 0�." i 'ity Clork.