Introduced and ordored printed at the regular meeting
of the
City Council
of the
City of Port Collins, held April 21, 190?,
Ordinance No. _ 1002.
relating to
The Dist--Vm_ ion of �4'ater.
BE IT ORDAINED by the City Counoil of the City of Port
Section 1. All that portion of the City lying West of
the center of Collete Avenue, and North of the center of
Olive Street, shall be known and designate," as Water Distriot
No, l; and all that portion of the City lying 'rest of the
center of Collette Avenue and South of the center of Olive
Street , shall be known as Water District No. 2; and all that
portion of the City East of the center of College Avenue and
North of the ^enter of Magnolia street, shall he known as
Water District No. 3; and all that portion of the CIty East
of the center of College Avenue and South of the center of
Magnolia Street shall be known as Water District No. 4.
Sen. 2. That between the first day of May and the first
day of� of each year, eater may be taken for snrinkling
by all users of crater who have paid their quarterly water
rent and obtained e. .receipt therefor, at the folloring times
only: in Water District No. 1, from four o'clock A. Y. to
twelve o' clock noon on Mondays, Tednesdays, and Fridays of
each week; and in 'Fater District No. 2, on Mord.ays, Wednes-
days, and Fridays of each reek from two o'clock P. Y. to nine
o'clock P, M. ; .-nd in Water ristrict No. 3, on Tuesdays, Thurs-
days, and Saturdays of each week from four o'clock A. Y. to
twelve o'clock noon; and in Water District No. 4, on Tuesdays,,
Thursdays, and Saturdays of each week from Vro o'clock P. M.
to nine o' clock P. M. , and when the water oonsiu%ers of one
District are using rater for sprinkling, the users of rate-
in all other districts are prohibited from taking rater for
any purpose whatsoever, except for domestic uses.
Sao. 3. All the rater consl:mers of each District are
permitted and allowed to use eater on mindaVs durinrr the fol-
lo,,�,ing times and at no other, namely: from four o'clock A. M.
to trine o ' clock A. M. , and from four o'clock P. M. to nine
o'clock P. M.
Sec. 4. Any person who shall use or permit to be used
any 7-ater for irrigation or sprin',ling or for any purpose
other than domestic uses at P=/ time bet^ eer the first day
of May and the first day Of Qotabtm of each year, except as
permitted by tho tents and conditions of Section one, two,
and three of this ordinance, shall, upon conviction thereof
be fined in the sum of not less than three dollars nor more
than twenty dollars and costs of suit.
Sec. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con-
fliot hererith are hereby .repealed.
The foregoing ordinance wp..s introduced r.nd read at the
regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Pont ^ol-
Zins held on the 21st day of April A. 1). 1902, and published
In The lit on the�l�� day of May
A. D. 1902, and was duly passed and adopted by the said City
Council at the Tegular meeting held on the ��day ofOx-
Attest . r