HomeMy WebLinkAbout010 - 07/21/1902 - RELATING TO CAMPING WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS r 1 77 PR OPO RED ORDINANCE . .�tr ' .. .A :f.*�-,, ..r_,� /_GtC.i'y Pw' ff-"-f'-tI, .____000--^" :!,ate r':! , ,. '.. ��"..y1.El l.0 GI C�...( i'C.!-'1`Y..•'P IntroducedAlnd ordered printed at the regular sheeting 4aa 11 Of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins, held ' .`.. .1902. k962— 'elating ,.o Campin.z within tho City Linits. ----------—----00000000300------------- BE IT ORDAINED by' the City Council of the City of Port Collins, Colorado:- Section 1. It shall be unla- fthl -ror Ftny person or T,er- sons to camp or to pitch a tent within the limits and bound- aries Of the City Of Tort Collins, Colorado, unless such per- son ar persons shall first obtain permission to do so from the Marshall of tile said City and shall also receive instru- otions and directions from said Marshall where to camp or locate such a tent . Sec. 2. If any person of persons having received su0h permission and camping or living in a tent within the city limits of the City of Fort Collins shill fail to comply with all of the city ordinances of said City and lrith the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health, of the County Board of Health, and of the City Board of Health, then the said Marshall shall vithdrav his permission to allow such person or parsons to oaanp within the city limits. and upon I -2- said permission having been Withdrawn by said Marsha_11, such person or persons camping or li, ing within such tent must move from ,rithin the city limits within six hours after notice. Sao. 3. Each day that a person or persons shall, with- out complying with the provisions of this ordinance, camp or tent within the city limits, shall constitute a separate of- fense and such person or per ons, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined for each separate offense in the 3,m of not less than tv*enty Sollars and not more than one hundred dol- lars and costs of suit , anrl in default of payment thereof', shall be imprisoned in the City Jail or County Jail until such fine and costs shell have been paid, provided that such imprisonment sh^,1l not exceed ninety days. Sec. I . All ordinances and parts of oTdin ,noes in con- flict herewith are hereby .repealed. The foficlgroing ordinance Rae introduoed andrea.d at regalar meeting of the City Cowicil of the City of Port Col- lins, Colorado, held on the day of A. D. 1902, and was publis;ied in Tha_l70'/ nn the /0f� day of 4 A. D. 1902, raid was duly CF4CA passed and adopted by the said City Council at the regltlar meet ir . held on the ;' day of A. P. 1902,. —�SByOT. Attest * � ems' erk. Proposed Ordinance Public notice is hereby given that the following ordinance was introduced and ordered printed at the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,Colorado,held June I6, I902. City Clerk. Ordinance No. - 4 , I902. Releting to Sewers. A petition having been presented to the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,Colo. , for the construction of a sewer in the alleys of BlocksI29 and 6, which said petition has been signed by the owners of the major part of the property abutting or the said proposed sewer, Therefore : Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,Colo : 8eatinnitg That a sewer be constructed by the laying of a sewer pipe line Commencing at the main sewer on Locust street,at a point where the center of the alley in Block I29, would intersect with said main sewer, thence south and along the center of alleys in Blocks I29 and 6, to the center of block 61 being a distance of about at 450 feet ,not including the street . Said sewer pipe to be inches in diameter; manholes and Tees to be placed at such points as the committee having same in charge shall deem necessary. Section 2. That said sewer district shall be known as SEWER DISTRICT No I4. Section 3. That the cost of construction of said sewer extension at and upon the street intersections and the amount which shall have been assessed to the public generally shall be paid for by the City with warrants drawn upon the general fund appropriation. Section 4. The cost of said se--xer extension and the expense incident thereto shall be assessed, except as provided in section three hereof, pro rata against the lots and blocks abutting upon and apposite to said sewer in .pronortion to the frontage of said lots and blocks abuttingapon said sewer extension according to and under the provisions of ordinance No. I2, I890, relating to Sewers and Drains,passed and adopted February I6, I89I; and as amended by ordinance No. I, I893, passed and adopted March 20, I893, and ordinance No. I9, I884, relating to the assessment and collection of assessments and special charges,passed and adopted September Ib, IA84; Provided, that the amount of such assessment shall be paid in the first instance by warrants drawn upon a fund which is hereby created to be known and designated as SLVVER DISTRICT NO. I4,fund; and all money derived and collected from the assessments hereinbefore provided for shall be applied to the maintenance of said sewer district No. I4 fund,and to the redemption of the warrants drawn upon said fund and for no other purpose whatsoever. Introduced ,A.D. 1902. First publication in the Last publication in the passed and adopted the day of A.D. I902. : SEAL: Attest . Mayor. City Clerk.