Introduced and ordered printed at the regular meeting
of the
City Council
of the
City of Port Collins, held .`. .. . 1E02.
Ordinance No. 1902.
relating to
Loitering, in Publio Places.
BE I1 ORDAINED by the City Council of the City
of tort Collins, Colorado:-
Section 1. It shall be unlawful for any per-
son or persons to stand, stop, toa.f, or loiter on
any highway, street, alley, or sidewalk within the
City of Port Collins or in the vicinity of any
public place of amusement or of worship in the City
or Port Collins, Colorado, and to refuse to disperse
or to vacate such place when requested so todo by
the City Marshall or any other person doinn police
duty within said 7ity.
Sed. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person
or persons to congregate or remain in any place of
business or private residence within the corporate
limits of the Oity of. Port Collins, Colorado, a.?ainst
the wish of the proprietor or person in charge of
such premises, and if any person or persons shall
congregate or remain in any su^-h place of business
or private residence within the corper ate limits of
the City of Port Collins, after having been re-uest-
eft by the proprietor or person in charge to vacate
such premises, such person or persons shall, upon
conviction thereof , be Pined as provided in Sec-
tion Three of this ordinance.
Sao. 3. Every person convicted of violation
of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall
be fined in the slum of not less than Five Dollars
($5.00) nor more than Twenty-five Dollars (025.00)
and costs of suit , and in eDefault of tho pnvaent
of such fine and costs, shall be imprisoned in the
City Jail or in the County Jail until such fine and
costs are paid, said term of imprisonment to be not
loss than Three ( 3) days nor more than Ninety (90)
days in the discretion of the Court.
Sec. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict he-ewith are hereby repealed.
The foregoing ordinance was introduced and
read at the regular meeting of the City Council of
the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, held on the
dcy of , . . .� . . . . . . . . . A. D. 1902, and was
published 111
on the &,�(dav of . .�.� . . . . . . . . . A. r. 1901t
and was duly passed and adopted by the said (/CC�ity
Council at the regular meeting held on the /o.4day
Of . . . .. . . . . . . . . A. J. 190?..
. . . . . . ... .. ..... ..... ..... . . ....