HomeMy WebLinkAbout017 - 12/15/1902 - RELATING TO THE GRANTING OF A RIGHT-OF-WAY TO THE FORT COLLINS DEVELOPMENT RAILWAY COMPANY ACROSS CH Public notice is hereby given th it the folio-ire
orczin nce was introduced, read, ^nd oVormd rinted at the
re:,,-ular mo^ting of.the city Coun<-il of t3;e City of Fort "ol-
Nllns, hesle� W1eK+.b�' /,�� A. �, 190'��(o L
a� ae- cc.� 17. If
J�eslatinE to The Crrxntinp of a ri�,;I.t of a to Th` Vort
Col.iin:g 8evc19pr rmt Rai:LwV Co. any aom,l s chklrs "trnet and
College Avenue„
RF IT ORDAINED, ?y t2:r City Council of the City of
Fort Collins, Color-ido:-
Section 1. The ri;=ht of ;gay is hereby Fr nted to
The Fort Collins DeveloprQnt Railway Compnny to build, con-
st.ruat, ind oaer .to in and throu;-h the City of Fort Collins
a track or tr:lckss for riil.•oad purposes as follows, Cxrogssing
»a Tmaah o.,.' rolicges Avemun as is v:itliin thc; ^or.ppvr .te limits
of t:ie City of Fort Collins, with a sine-le`-t+mo+'.d& gauge trick
1112.3 fern south of then llorth-rent Qorner of. ^eation Twelve
(22) Township `;even ( 7) forth, Rrsnge Sixty-nine ( 69) ,rctsst.
Also ornsssing Cherry Str^et with a single broad gauge track
140 feet east of the South-ror;t, comer of Block Twnnty-four
( 24)1, togcthr,r v-ith the necer€;ary switnhes -.nd turnouts for
the oper-tion of the Yort Collins yard.
All or(Iin naei and parts of orr' f ,.•inces
in rxmflict , ith tni+ ordinance ire herAy repelled.
The foregoing orelir-nee eras introduced :nnd read at
the romxlar meotin,- of tires C1 ty Council of thn City of Fort
Colll.ns, Colorado, on the 1"7 eieiy of 4m A. D. 18020
and was ru lir+i ed In The ��� ( tD.a.,� o-zc rti�✓ on the
M �
rc! day of A. D. 1902,E and Haan duly passod
qnd adopted by the maid city Coianoil nt thn rn ul^r meeting
held on the day of "Mec..c ZLe-j/ A. P. 1902.
a, YyC.C�rG/..ccu�