Pablic notice is hereby given that the folloring
ordinance was. introdzced, read, and ordered printed at the
regular meeting of the City Council of the city of Fort Col-
lins, held A. D. 1902.
City Clerk.
Or'inance No. , A.D. 1902, relating to Dray-
men Ex ressmen, and the liven:=ing t,irreof.
BE IT ORDAINED, By the City Council of the City of
Fort Collins, Colorado:-
Section 1, It shall be unlawful for any person or
persons to hire out, keep or use for hire, or cause to be
kept or used for hire, for the carrying or conveying of per-
sons, or for the hauling or transportation of baggage, goods,
merchandise, building material, or other material, article,
or thing -ithin the corporate limits of the City of Fort Col-
lins, any coach, cab, carriage, omnibus, wagon, dray, cart,
vei:icle, or machine, r,ithout firs+., having obt--.ined a license
therefor, �
See. 2, The N-tyor is authorized to issue proper
license, duly attested by the Clerk, under the seal of the
city, to any person or persons to Kee and use for hire for
the purposes mentioned in Section one of this ordinance, any
or either of ' 1;e c-.Triages, vehicles, or machines mentioned
in said Section one, u_ on t. e application of such person or
persons and the payment of n license fee as hereinafter stated.
Sec. 3. No licnese Issued under this ordinance
shall be for a less period than three -months.
Sec. 4. No license issued under this ordinance
sh^11 be transferable except upon the written consent of the
Mayor endorsed thereon and it shall be the duty of the City
Clerk to keep�the name of the person or persons to whom any
such license is granted or transferred, together with the
date of the issue or transfer and the number of the license.
Sec. 5. Every person licensed under this ordinance
shall forthwith cause the number of his license to be attached
in a conspicuous place on the harness of the horse or horses
comprising his team and the corresponding number small also
be worn by the licensee in a conspicuous glace on his person
while engaged. in such business.
Sec. 6. No license sn':ll issue except upon payment
to the City Clerk at the tine the same is issued for all such
vehicles mentioned in section One of this ordinance drawn
by tro or more horses or other animals the sum of Twenty Dol-
lars ( $20.00 ) pei• annum and all such vehicles dra^n by one
horse or other animal the sum of Sixteen Dollars ( $16,00 )
each per annum, payable quarterly in advance.
See;l7,; At the tine of making application for a
license the applicant "hall Cesignate the place ,Y.rhere he
desires to establish his stand and shell present to the City
Clerk the written consent of the person occupying the premises
nearest the place so d^signated for subh stand €iw such
applicant occupying the sa?�e for such purpose and the license
shall desi.nate the location of the stand assigned the
Sec. 8. Any p rscnor persons whoh�^�ate
thin ordinance or any of the provisions thereof or any licen-
see who shall fail or neglect to comply with any of the pro-
r '
visions hereof sLalll :I;o 48Pnf+9c,'--�i '" `-- - �•;"`'- -a�"^^�-
upon conviction lined in the sum of not less than five
dollars nor more than one hundred dollars and shall be im-
prisoned in the city or county jail until such Fine and costs
shall have been paid.
See. 8. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in
conflict here-,-ith are hereby repealed, provided that such
repeal shall not affect or be construed. as abating any cause
of action �shich may exist in favor of the City on account of
the violation of such repealed ordinance or ordinances prior
to the ti--e r.,hen this ordinance shall go into effect.
The foregoing ordin-.nce was introduced and read at
the regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Fort
Collins, Colorado, on the f day of December, ; . D. 19029
and was published/in the on the
day of A. D. 1902,1 8nd was duly pas-
sed and adopted by the .paid City Council at the regular meeting
hel. on the day of A . D. 190a.
clerx. Tyo3