Public :iotice is hereby given ti,at tale following ordinance was
introduced, read and ordered printed, at a regular meeting of tiie city
council of ti,e city of Fmrt Collins, Colorado, held Noveaiber 1i, lyOJ.
T. H. Garrett,
City Clerk.
Ordinance No. of the Series of liO�.
Be It ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,
Section 1. That there .is nereby created the office of Public
Inspector of this city, to be filled by appointment by the city coun-
cil, the duties and compensation of which office shall be as prescrib-
ed herein. Tt,e city council may at any time appoint such deputies as
may be required to perform said duties, and said inspector and depu-
ties :nay at any time be removed from office by the city council in its
Section 2. The public inspector snail have Dower and it shall
be his duty: -
a. To inspect all ings^whrici may at any time be in the
course of construction within the *ire limits of this city, and in
case he shall find that any suen building is b onstructed or has
been constructed in violation of any ordinaec f"dais city, he shall
at once report such fact to the mayor and city attorney. All building
permits which may hereafter be granted by the city council shall be
subject to the power of the public inspector to make said inspection.
b. To inspect sidewalks, streets, alleys, ditches and bridges
witiii:i ti,e city limits, and in case he shall find any of such side-
walks, streets, alleys, ditches or bridges in an unsafe or unclean
condition, or in need of repair, he shall at once report such fact to
the mayor and to the chairman of the committee of streets, alleys and
c. To inspect the condition of any plumbing, sewer, cesspool,
privy vault , barnyard, corral, stock yards, feeding pens and markets,
when requested so to do by tiie mayor, city physician or chairman of
the committee on sewers, drains and health, and in case lie shall find
any such place in an unsanitary or unclean condition, he shall report
such fact to tiie officer or cnairman who requested him to make such
inspection. NotiliarT herein shall be so construed as to auti,orize t;ie
public inspector to (;iiter any private premises witr,out the consent of
lie owner or person in charge of the same, but in case any such owner
or person shall refuse f'or more than three days to allow the public
inspector to make such inspection, he shall upon conviction thereof be
fined not less than 525. nor more than $100.' for each offense, and in
default of payment of such fine and costs of conviction, such person
'may be imprisoned in the city jail or othe#.,;place provided for the in-
carceration of .prisoners, until such fine and costs are paid, but not
to exceed y0 days for any one offense.
d. To inspect the condition of any premises within the city
limits for the purpose of ascertaining whether the provisions of any
ordinance of this city, now in force or which may hereafter be adopted,
for the prevention of fires or to promote the public safety, are pro-
perly complied with, such as tiie condition of ash pits, electric wir-
ing, theaters and public halls licensed for public entertainments,
places for t e storage of explosives or combustible materials such as
hay, straw, powder, nitro-clycerine and dynamite. . Nothing herein
contained shall be so construed as to authorize the public inspector
to enter upon any premises without coU.91nt of the owner or person in
charge thereof, but any person refusing `the public inspector to make
such inspection at once upon his application therefor, shall be sub-
ject to the penalties provided in paragraph e of this section.
e. 1'o inspect the laying_ of all sidewalks and the construction
of all street curbing, and n case he shall find that any sidewalk or
curbing does not conform =ff-Aie requirements of any ordinance of t
this city now in force or which may hereafter be adopted, he shall at
once report the saiue to the chairman of the committee on streets, al-
leys, and bridges.
f'. To inspect the weights and measures of any and all merchants
and vendors doing business in this city, and in case he shall find
that any weights or measures are not in accordance with the standard
of weights and measures established by t� "
9'�v of the State of Colorado, lie shall report such fact fully,
in writing, to the city council without delay.
i2c �i /L�ccCt Iz u... eeG/ 10 ekce� i��C <..<�ssc%r. Lc+cy.L1i ers.Il.s.aer.c uo� .�litr.0 cyr-r.s G-..
ereacu/ <'_ .� a ,c c yz&.; e.ef-`er be granted
Section 3. Aily an�f1_'Tice/es h�ic`h h'
to the proprietor or manager of any public hall, theater or opera
house in the city of Port Collins, shall be subject to the right of
the public inspector to inspect such public hall, theater or opera
house at any time, and in case of the refusal of any such proprietor
or manager to allow such inspection, tre license granted to him shall
thereby become null and void and he shall be subject to the penalties
provided in paragraph c of Section 2 of this ordinance.
Section 4. In case the public inspector shall be of the opinion
that any licensed hall, theater or opera house is unsafe for the pub-
lie, on account of structural defects or weakness, or bad repair, in-
sufficient exits, insufficient precautions to prevent and extinguish
fires, or for any other cause whatever, he shall at once report the
facts to the mayor and to the city council at its next regular meetin-
and it shall be the duty of the city council at once to appoint a
special committee consisting of two aldermen and ti�ree properly quali-
fied and disinterested citizens to investigate the facts reported by
the public inspector. If such committee upon such investigation shall
be of the opinion that any such hall, theater or opera nouseis unsafe
for the public, the mayor or city council shall at once order the same
Closed to -the public until the same has been repaired or remsdied to
the satisfaction of said committee. The membersof said committee who
are not aldermen shall be entitled to compensation at the rate of five
dollars per day for time actually devoted to said iavestigation. In
case of violation of said order to close any such hall, theater, or
opera house, any person guilty thereof' shall upon conviction be sub-
ject to tle penalties provided by paragraph c of Section 2 of this
Section 5. The public inspector shall, if requested by the
mayor, marshal, city attorney, city physician, city council, or the
chairman of any committee of tiie city council, investigate and report
upon any matter pertaining to the observance and enforcement 01 trie
ordinances of this city.
Section 6. The public inspector stali attend all regular meet-
ings of the city council, unless previously excused by the mayor, and
he shall at the regular council meetings held in March, June, Septem-
ber and llecember, of each year, make a report in writing covering in
general the duties performed by him for the preceding three months,
and showing in detail the matters specially reported by him to City
officers and chairman of committees for said period, as hereinabove
Section 7. The public inspector shall ^____. _ M _0:___ 0#
-----------durkapj6,��.�*/ eputy inspectors shall receive such
compensation f'or. their services as may be determined upon by the city
council at the time of their appointment.
,ine foregoing oruinance was introduced and read at a regular
meeting of the city counciY of the city of Fort Collins, Colora o, I1
t Jth day of November, A.D. 1J06, and was published ill the*orYf`�
a week newsp er of general circulation publish-
ed in said City on the , , ., day of A.D. 1906 A i__d���w��I�
duly passed and adopted by said city council at the regulaomeee'M
there of held on the day of A.D. 190 7 .
Attest : -
City Clerk. Mayor.