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An ®rdinattee Aaeeseitg the &oat of Port dui Diatriet
Sanitary Seiner be. 2s
24 and,
WHEREAS Said sewer has been completed and accgpted by the
City Council og said city and the cost of the same including
six (6) per cent for cost of inspection, collection and other in-
cidentals, and also including interest at the rate of six (6) per
cent per annum to March k 1908 is the sum of $3946 15 and,
WHEREAS, In pursuance of a resolution adopted by said City
Council on the 25th day of November 1907 the City Clerk has by
advertismegt for more than ten ( 10) days in The Fort Collins Cour-
ier a daily newspaper of general circulation published in the said
City notified the owners of the property to be assessed for said
sewer of the whole cost thereof and of the share of said cost ap-
portioned to each lot or tract of land within said Sewer District
and assessable for said cost and of the time and place to-wit Jan-
uary 20 1908 at 7 30 o clock P Y at the City Hall of said City
when the City Council would hear and determine any compl@ints and
objections made in writing by the owners of se d property and filed
with the City Clerk, and
WHEREAS More than thirty (30) days have elapsed since the pub-
lication of said notice now therefore,
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,
Section 1 That the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed in
and for Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer District No 24 under authority
of Ordinance No 11 of 1907 of said City including the cost of in-
spection collection and other incidentals with interest as herein-
after provided is hereby assessed upon all the real estate in said
district in proportion as the area of kka each piece of real estate
is to the area of all real estate in said district exclusive of
public highways, That is to say The share of said cost apportioned
to each lot or tract of land within said district is as follows
In Washington Place Addition to Fort Collins for lots 2 to 23
inclusive 25 and 26 block 1 $22 12 each lots 1 and 24 block 1,
$38 06 each, lots 1 and 24 block 2, $32 90, lots 2 to 11 inclusive
and 14 to 23 inclusive, block 2 $22 12 each lots 12 and 13 block
2 $40 37 , lot 12 block 3 $40 379 lots 2 to 11 inclusive, block
3, $22 12 each, lot 1 block 3 $32 90, lot 1 block 4 �35 06, lots
2 to 13 inclusive block 4, $22 12, and the following lots in the
Morger-Smith subdivision to the City of Fort Collins, lots 1 and 2,
$28 40 each, lots 3 and 10, $33 49 each, lots 4 to 9 inclusive,
$29 62 each lots 11 to 20 inclusive, $33 77 each lots 30 and 29
$21 76 each lots 31 and 28, $21 56 each, lots 26 and 27, $36 59
and the following lots in Grandview addition to the city of Fort
Collins, lot 1, $27 23 lots 2 to 6 inclusive, $25 43 each, lot 7,
$53 91, lots 8 to 11 inclusive, $51 15 each, lot 12, S48 78, Lot
130 $46 80, lots 14 to 17 inclusive, $29 62 each also the follow-
ing unplatted tracts included within said sewer district commencing
635 feet south and 30 feet east of the northwest corner of the south
west Quarter ( SW 1/4) , Section 11, Township 7 North Range 69 'lest,
thence north 200 feet east 65 15 feet, south 200 feet west 6. 15
feet to beginning, $51 46, commencing 635 feet south and 95 15 feet
east of the northwest corner of the southwest quarter (SW 1/4) Sec-
tion 11 Township 7 North Range 69 West, thence north 200 feet, east
100 feet, south 200 feet, west 100 feet to beginning $79 00, com-
mencing 635 feet south and 195 15 feet east of the northwest corner
of the southwest quarter (SW 1/4) , Section 11, Township 7 North
Range 69 West thence north 200 feet east 50 feet south 200 feet
west 50 feet to beginning, $39 50, commencing 635 feet south and
245 15 feet east of the northwest corner of the southwest quarter
(SW 1/4) Section 11, Township 7 north, Range 69 "Test, thence north
200 feet, east 50 feet, south 200 feet, west 50 feet to beginning,
$39 50, commencing 635 feet south and 295 15 feet east of the north
west corner of the southwest quarter (SW 1/4) , Section 11, Township
7 North, Range 69 Best thence nortr 200 feet, east 50 feet south
200 feet, west 50 feet to beginning, $39 50, commencing 635 feet
south and 345 15 feet east of the northwest corner of the southwest
quarter ( SW 1/4) , Section 11, Township 7 North Range 69 P,est,
thence not•th 200 feet east 50 feet, south 200 feet, west 50 feet to
beginning $39 50, commencing 635 feet south and 395 15 feet east
of the northwest corner of the southwest quarter ( SW 1/4) of Section
11 Township 7 North Range 69 West, thence north 200 feet, east 50
feet, south 200 feet west 50 feet to beginning, $39 50, commencing
592 5 feet east and 457 5 feet south of the northwest corner of the
southwest quarter (SW 1/4) Section 11, Township 7 North, Range 69
West, thence south 177 5 feet, thence east 507 8 feet thence north
177 5 feet, thence west 507 8 feet to beginning, $356 02 commencing
70 feet west of the southwest corner of block 291 Loomis addition
to the city of Fort Collins thence north 167 5 feet thence w6st
80 feet, thence south 167 5 feet, thence east 80 feet to beginning,
$52 93
Section 2 All assessments herein provided shall be due and
payable within 30 days of the publication of this ordinance rithout
demand Provided that all such assessments may at the election of
the owner of the property assessed, be paid in GUIN annual in-
stallpents the first of which shall be payable April 1, 1909 and
the last of which shall be payable April 1 19/1 with interest
on the unpaid principal from April 1, 1908 payable semiannually at
the rate of s x (6) per cent per annum
Section 3 Failure to pay the whole assessment within said
period of thirty (30) days shall conclusively held and considered
an election on the part of all persons interested whether under
disability or otherwise, to pay any such installments
Section 4 Failure to pay any installment, whether of principal
or interest when due shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal
to become due and payable immediately and the whole amount of the
unpaid principal and interest accrued shall thereafter draw interest
at the rate of one (1) per cent per month or fraction of a month un-
til the day of sale as hereinafter provided but at any time prior
to the day of sale the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid in-
stallments with penalties accrued and shall thereupon be restored
to the right thereafter to pay in installments in the same manner
as if default had not been made The owner of any property not in
default as to any installment or payment may,at any time, pay the
whole of the unpaid principal with interest accruing to the maturity
of the next installment of interest or principal
Section 5 Payment may be made to the City Treasurer at any
time within thirty ( 30) days of the passage of this ordinance and
an allowance of five ( 5) per cent shall be made on all payments
made during such period only
Section 6 In case of default in the payment of any install-
ment of principal or interest when due , ang and all property con-
cerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised and sold
for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessments thereon at
the same time or times in the same manner, under all the conditions
and penalties and with the same effect as are provided by General
Law for sales of real estate in default of payment of general taxes
Section 7 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may
pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent
of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the assessment
roll in charge
Passed and adopted signed and approved this 7
day of 1908
City Clerk/