An Ordinance Assessing the Cost of District Sanitary
Sewer constructed in and for Fort Collins Sanitary Sewer
District No. 25.
Whereas, under and by virtue of the provisions of Crdinance
No. 23, 19C7, of said City, a district sanitary sewer has been
constructed in and for Fort Collins Sanitary Fewer District No.
25; and,
?'hereas, said sewer has been completed and accepted by the
City Council of said City, and the cost of the same, including
six (6�.) per cent for cost of inspection, collection and other
incidentals, and also including interest at the rate of six ( 6 )
per cent per annum to 9AdZ1IQ'1 1907, amounts to the sum
of ?'6822. 70; and,
nT ereas, in pursuance to a resolution adopted by said City
Council on the 15th day of June, 1908, the City Clerk has, by
advertisement for more than ten days in the ^ort Collins Courier,
a W4o newspaper of general circulation, published in said
City, notified the owners of the property to be assessed for said
sewer of the whole cost thereof, and of the share of said. cost
apportioned to each lot or tract of land within said sewer dis-
trict, and assessable for said cost, and of the time and place
to-wit , July 20, 19C8, at 7: 3C o' clock P.M. at the City TTall of
said city, when the City ^ouncil would hear and determine any#
complaints and objections made in writing by the owners of said
property, and filed with the City Clerk, and
7heress , more than thirty days have elapsed since the publi-
cation of said notice and said City Council has heard and deter-
mined all complaints and objections filed within thirty days of
the publication of said notice; Yow, therefore,
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Fort, Collins
Colorado :
Section 1. That the cost of the sanitary sewer constructed
in and for Fort Ccllins CE,nitery Fewer listrict No. 25, under
and by virtue of authority of Ordinance No. 25, 19C7 of said City,
including the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals
with interest as hereinafter provided, shall be and is hereby
assessed upon all ,the real estate in said district in proportion
as the area of each piece of real estate is to the area of all
real estate in said district , exclusive of public highways, that
is to say: the share of said cost apportioned to each lot or
tract of land within said district is as follows:
In block 272, ?lest Side Addition, lots 1 to 11 inclusive,
lots 19 to 35 inclusive, *034.02 each; Lots 12 to 15 inclusive,
�30.24 each; Lot 16, 1!,34. 56; lot 25, 6W29. 16.
Block 282, Nest Side Addition:
Commencing at the northeast corner Block 282, thence south
40 feet; thence west 180 feet; thence north 40 feet ; thence east
180 feet to beginning, t8.88.
Commencing 40 feet south of the northeast corner block 282,
thence south 45 feet ; thence west 180 feet; thence north 45 feet;
r thence east 180 feet to beginning, f,43. 74.
Commencing 85 feet south of the northeast corner block 282;
thence south 50 feet ; thence west 180 feet; thence north 5C feet ;
thence east 180 feet to beginning, w48.60.
Commencing 135 feet south of northeast corner block 282;
thence south 50 feet ; thence west 180 feet; thence north 50 feet ;
thence east 180 feet to beginning, 1,48. 60.
Commencing 185 feet south of northeast corner block 262,
thence south 50 feet, thence west 180 feet ; thence north 50 feet ;
thence east 180 feet to beginning, !48. 60.
Commencing 235 feet south of northeast corner block 282,
thence south 50 feet ; thence west 180 feet ; thence north 50 feet;
thence east 180 feet to beginning, N8. 60.
Commencing 285 feet south of northeast corner block 282,
thence south 50 feet, thence west 180 feet ; thence north 50 feet;
thence east 180 feet to beginning, t,48. 60.
Commencing 355 feet south of northeast corner block 282;
thence south 23C. feet ; thence west 280 feet; thence north 230
feet ; thence east 280 feet to beginning, 1347.76.
Commencing at the northwest corner block 282, thence south
50 feet; thence east 180 feet ; thence north 50 feet ; thence west
180 feet to beginning, 4,46. 60.
Commencing 50 feet south of North west corner block 282,
thence south 55 feet thence east 180 feet ; thence north 55 feet;
thence west 180 feet to beginning, �53. 96.
Commencing 105 feet south of .north west corner block 282;
thence south 44 feet ; thence east 180 feet ; thence north 44 feet ;
thence west 180 feet to beginning, *42. 78.
Commencing 149 feet south of north west corner block 282;
thence south 44 feet; thence east 180 feet; thence north 44 feet;
thence west 180 feet to beginning, N 2. 78.
Commencing 193 feet south of northwe< t corner block 282;
thence south 44 feet; thence east 180 feet ; thence north 44 feet ;
thence west 180 feet to beginning �142. 78.
Commencing 237 feet south of northwest corner block 282;
thence south 98 feet ; thence east 180 feet; thence north 98 feet;
thencewest 180 feet to beginning, 95.26.
Commencing 355 feet south of north west corner block 282;
thence south 230 feet ; thence east 5C feet ; thence north 230 feet ;
thence west 50 feet to beginning, $'62. 10.
Co,rmencing 355 feet south and 5C feet east of northwest
corner block 282; thence south 230 feet ; thence east 50 feet;
thence north 230 feet ; thence west 50 feet to beginning, *62/10.
Block 292 in "lest Side Addition, lots 1 to 6 inclusive,
19 to 24 inclusive, 26 to 35 inclusive, °'34. 02 each; lots 7 to
11 inclusive and lots 14 to 18 inclusive, '26. 46 each; lots 12
and 13, s"T30. 24 each; lot 25, $29 .16. Block 273 in Test Side
Addition, lots 1 to 12 inclusive, lots 15 to 26 inclusive, $26.46
each; lots 13, 14, 27 and 28, �30.24 each; lot 29 , -37.80.
Block 283 West Side Addition, lots 1 to 5 inclusive, lots 8 to
12 inclusive, lots 15 to 19 inclusive, lots 22 to 26 inclusive,
w26. 46 each; lots 6,7,20 and 21, 1'34. 02 each; lots 13,14,27 and
28, x30.24 each. Block 24 Test Side Addition, lots 1 to 4,
inclusive, "24. 57 each; lot 5, 'Op1.86; lots 6, 7, 2C and 21, �34 . 02
each; lots 8 to 12 tnclusive, lots 15 to 19 inclusive, lots 24 to
28 inclusive, X26.46 each; lot 29, $'25. 92; lots 13 and 14, �30.24
each; lot 22, w24.30; lot 23, 622. 68. Block 274, Test Side Addition
lots 1 and 26, '",26. 46 each; lots 27 and 28, !30. 24 each. Block
284 , "'est Side addition, lots 1 and 26, �'26. 46 each; lots 27 and
28, .r30. 24 each. Block 294, `Test Side addition, lots 1 and 26,
Z26.46 each; lots 27 and 28, 130.24 each. Block 302, ^apitol Fill
additioh, lots 23 and 1 to 7 inclusive, "45.90 each. Block 303,
Capitol Fill addition, lots 1 to 9 inclusive, 6,45.90 each.
Section 2. All assessments herein provided for shall be
due and payable within thirty days of the publication of this
ordinance, without demand; provided all such assessments may at
the election of the owner of the property assessed be paid in
two equal installments, the first of which shall be payable
/v and the last of which shall be payable
with interest on the unpaid principal payable semi-annually at
the rate 6f six (6%) per cent per annum.
Section 3. Failure to pay the whole assessment within said
period of thirty days shall be conclusively considered and held
an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under
disability or otherwise, toppy in such installments.
:7ection 4. ' allure to pay any installments, whether of
principal or interest , when due, shall cause the whole of the
unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately, and the
whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall
thereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent per month
or fraction of a month until the day of sale, as hereafter pro-
vided; but at any time prior to the time of sale the owner may
pay the amount all unpaid installments, kith penalties accrued,
and shall thereupon be restored to the right thereafter to pay
in installments in the same manner as if default had not been
suffered. The owner of any property not in default as to any
installment or payment, may at any time pay the whole of the un-
paid principal with interest accruing to the maturity of the
next installment of interest or principal. ,
Section 5. Payment may be made to the city o3�irk at any
time within thirty days after the passage of this ordinance, and
allowance of five per cent shall be made on all payments made
during such period only.
Section C. In case of default in the payment of any install-
ment of principal or interest when due, any and all property
concerning which such default is suffered, shall be advertised and
sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessments thereon,
at the same time or times, in the same manner under all the same
conditions and penalties, and with the same effects , as are pro-
vided by general law for sales of real estate in default of pay-
ment of general taxes.
"ection 7. The owner of any divided or undivided interest
may pay his share of any assessment, upen producing evidence
of the extent of his interest, satisfactory to the officers
havinE the assessment roll in charge.
Passed and adopted, signed and approved this day
of y, P. D. 1908. — ---
/ Nay
T E C T.
City Cler .