DISTRICT NO. 80. / r
�r vet eull�: r M
x, +NIT\Rl < 1
♦ i n :T I i �T �� 1 ,
lRi I t I:
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i � � • 1 s L .b'c hKh a
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f N .
f r i fo
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1l hen a.. w ynr.uaucr ,.: .Aid I,— - /s
o1Wwp Ill,ally achyiv,k he.1.y advr[Ilac. ,INl]NCE NO.
awe{ten e...ul> Jaya m Ily F,.{Cd_ SEa ]
Ims F.ayre.., a wehly urw.yaprr of
gaxel.l cucull low publiahrd intent
[Ir,1r dliln Oliewt to A, "Aker, nI
properly I.be a..a.$ed at the kind oe
loop........ev, prrq..ard a. afn vond,
rbe number wl .uatvinoms and du
tone",wblrh the. "1 will Lr
d,. Ak ,, imnr.l"'I uopaW and doe.
ae farrad instalment., the extent of dta.
1110 1 be improved -. aI......4. the Fort l'o(ime ltennaty Fr•. r 106111•.1 Hs of acid I ' tt especially
1pr bablt .it yet.,.are brot..shown No 31s ffted etion ed Ni
II. II I. .w.:., I Ill.. toy enbt.¢.r arc. a .That thr "ot „f Nil moo,m ri.
and the au e, t ,r the v
Jones day ury stwer,noludmw m.nbrde.,min.,
Septnl.er. .\. U. WtV, at i,ap P. ... r'"nrcnn a a mn. and apprl ncn Tr
.ages on of oo .'�.
the ..n,e betnd mare than thmy woo S*b hKrnt$hall be a.....M wholly
"A"' titer rbc ....t Inolinataild lot ..id uyon All the real ,gate in ,aid •ha,,
mote, what an -,Cmavc. or&nnu biro ezclo•.Ic of public hiahwa)'a, in I
tLc ..:.,o u•rn n; lot ,.rid oup....rm,m proj...rtn.n a. ;b.'area of m<h piece of a
would be Imally ),at I,,,] rea' em in ..rid, lr di,tri.t is to the i
pim,.un.l.Pc.nnun m•,map•aloo area of all rt'al eltat, in ,aid di,mct, it
and ..Lrdn:e. a,;d all rc olmmrr, and rarh,•,te of 1�',L:w b,ah.x is a,
proeeadmd. In Ibc prams,.. were on eord:m,e we •ll ,J a:,. n.
'Iola and _,:W be seen[ and t.mnme.l Sec. 5. 1'j be CrrnitrYCtl•rn of a.Yf p %
lL) l y I ,t As
'1 Ill safre ten r hall 1 1 he „lea., tan
or 11 a n> 9 rk r any nit dtlYn contract. boot un 1 r the direction of
a I I -i If ,h.rq da). and linci the city crance" ,d < ..but to be =
�det, i. 'I , r ,1l ,lbe - 1.-, 1 tl , ayor ii th. -ppr„
i ant i lo 1 ro n ar e' and that the city Yt c'd Ill theuanl r pr
�al., nq.le n[,And obJecoon,that may rd by Nid all. but no co"trac. ,hit;;
br e.nlr m wmmd .� arm..d .and be let for an amo::n
Y [ lot,e.e "in. the
. 1 •q^•..1 i^. rnrmrn .I 1 .'bf the ow ncr Said t< made al the ill C`Jmrer.
or wurr. of .,y yie,.c of real elute s.,d cwbart .hall cnn'ain the provi,.
_ (to be ..e.,ed Uwo would be wits required by section 39 of .a,d act, n the city clerk a by advert
heard and determined by the city and be ,ubjrct to all the Vr•,.ivon, of (or twenty s we the Fort 1
.mood brl•,re final action ,crcou: ,aid lot. ERPeeu weekly avtpope,
and, S.C. a li any pine of real ontc Id cutauov published fR�-
Nhern,, w. c•nuDlaintn or objeo bet already a xwer eenformina to the van notice to the owners
,ions Lair been "lade In wngng by general plan of said"notary sewn,or sty to be•ssased the kit
.. the owner or•,w„ers of propcny to be which the city council may find to be rwement prrspo at dote
A—..r•1 I•., the e.,t of said imprrrce• sathbnory, an allow... n::y he camber of atdmMO and
mire, oow thcrttorv, upon ca:wdcra• made therti r to the owner,the ,.n+a a in shi< a cost slI be Par.
lion of the prant.ts, to be deducted trom his a•,ee,n:ad. rate , Welt on unpaid,;..!
(IF,IT ORDAINED BY TIIE CITY aml fr.nn the <rannn price wed •aid a sulmMu; the a 't of
U It NI IL Vb IIIL CI'16 Ol' t I.to b<.mDroved aforeuid
c v .ha I s,pr ids
FORT COLLINS. COLOR\U gee y, habit cost Per rc footed
Said$atrri.ball be A•,d(nr
tot t. That the c t in on f the eto. of the 'a6th g
- le m"anal"of the nq .f Fort Cet-
Ia e tot .ry w n the -district wl,?h-ha 1.be PA)able act of ill, :a." 4 the to to-wir. t tb do
!her ereb r le criM1 d i. a,d the ,an'eliollc ,ad on account of the a• . poem r. A U 1 at 7.30
hereby l:cis -i .,wry t r nest matte for saW impnvvem �t, a being a than shiny
•i a+) r a. t I 'old -arrant, -hall be of such date, y's afte+,h ins Pis Kd e 3. 76: r t x„ ., h i .n. VJYablr at •loch v+ses otiee. w an K
I dr to , wait ,) r m the district and m such d<nommaunn,as may.be the c [rneston of imprwt
i h r , aft r . t -;i• h:h...after prescribed by vaid city enen-Iwo d be finally nsiderad;dW
all net •try ,. n I I -1 cif and ahaa be aacennd, issued atsd1 Plans and s matlon,
` 1jdi•P..rd ct and oIbcrwi,C deal, wn'..,fa,d ach e. and sin re
�lore r _ as is li 1 w-33,36 and 37,of said as�,Pro ua, in the sea
J o.,rl ,; warrants .hall bear foie d could be n and <xa
,1 , r , [ r t i .,z Per cent yet by any Per= lerelated at the
of the city rik u any time
The na !r hereby author.'
said of thiny days, it
i the instill reyua. then tined ss$forc or tl
I, law .r li for
the can roc- udaration of said ante;x
h I all complaints a obj eCti,n;thy.w..
l 1 . �r .t ace a l :c with "I
made in ,tag cone..... s
I - ",A ,. cob f n and _ proposed. prascments,by the
e..p t [ Ill pit,'.tens of law anJ
— - a _. of this Id .ante. The traht to re•li or � . of any l...f of res
14 15 en Husced therrfnr Rs
ie..t no.) any all is bell be on said l' heard and determine by �t
o Block dse•ti9 The
and is hereby reserved.
�'•-• .. __I la Pa•: jrc. 9 T eoandl before fi ..Lion C--
I.e city coen<ti does here. and
•t C"Ibns. by find the, notice of .aid proposed o complaints or
d said improvement was ddFY given to He p
-- .. ,ow ue file owners of the propris Fo id paned th
been made in son
rn , ) clerk and thrill pravN in s acid act; other; the K osnM+of pr
ty.Colorado- the improvement briefly ordered is an as seed for the cost said a
aa.t in' .. .. reby nested duly ordered after notice duly given; lases,now tkrid ,at"ea
Allot e,,al.'. .. an-, .!if Le known as that all the real otate within the If.- lion of the P+ sea.
6E IT OR - I -ED BY Till
cot L OF THE CIl
k Fo COLLIF& CO1.01-
c "on t. That the,most..
district sanitary �tt In lip
a h
(t ',
bM cr de. It is.and I ere
s,hereby grad penaaq
pixy re its.
fe g. That the ..."silod
a' nat unitary test, in td
ridwftn deseriM. 11,
- a.:nenssa y,matsbo bible
ents ace to tit r
r lop
ec$Rnion! is fore ad
Nid ciq'c aT land M file
.nice Opole,shy c ,by
., by ordered
d m accucLnc i the I
o $aid art o gene*.';
u:d P a aid ape<$id
hereby' tm-bN iw said
Ih,, .° u
.: .nci.e!.:., Christ n. . . -
mn:.'- rnotr„a, m, °DPtllr sa J✓1'Mawrr for It
Out Tow
Vnq Mall t���a, ,•..,I wh��
• ..1/1p •,.. n.t n.1 41 the
a'.1�ra1 ,.t!:< 111 •II I,AI-I rl.. li� /
I ..in •.1. J,I
L be v.
th 1 : It
,y 1
I 1'
.uy' 4n�m,^1t . . 1..{ the)
n •,.. u. •r
tv.et sl.a;;coe:'.ac Ih. y,.n e..
v.cd by ..nrm ..�.I ...:.7 act, n the city clerk hu OY advertise- a,udanary, an •"ow ante NY be 1prored ebi.+ INb way of January-AIK N'.
I b;rs1.P all 1'. ynn Aral. of for twenty dap in tAe Fort Cnl• made tAenlor to The owner.the +ame OlYRO211
S H. A 7M
Eapres,. , w„kty newill"er o1 robe dedua,A from his aanmwnt,IAttest:
ii any Iecr ..i real Mate nl circulation ;,d6,hrd in acid and (rmn the contract price al.d .J:II Gk:O RG F. F.. TUOCIvrk
lb'A ae r 'one our to the Kircn notice to the owners o1 cnnlmct shall so provide. scE.1 L.r
la^of it ame ry sewer.ur erty to be&$",led of the kind o1 (sea,1. Said uwer shall be pal 1 I r.
I it tortoni m inv!r..be ros<mml pn.pned a+ >hsr<snd. in orranto of the city of b-rt 1. Ili i. G,n E To mtq City Cie is
X. an allover mxY be numb"of, instalments and lbe In shall fie pa)all,, t f the fu - I and tnr the Cuy 'I Fort C•Alin+,Coin-
"for to the I 'n...the same a in wh ch the c..,t will be pa)'abiq collected on account of the a+sr,+ LgntuK doh , cwa' intr.Aucedf,n4
ducwd it lu• a.••.,:;,cl.t. rate of interest on unVaid and da• menta maAa for said ImVrrnemate. read in fall at a regular meeting of
the Co., an Pelee arJ •ad red instalments, the eaten[ of di+- Said warram+ shall 6e ..f such date. the City Council. Irgally held .+n the
d1.II so 1"I. r t to be imDro,'ed as aioreayl, the in "ch form, Mabk at such oaw, '1f+[ da) •d $nr<mbeq aml we, pub.
SaN veer"ball b< d Inv b.ble coo per square fo,d a 1huvvn and in such dennminab..n>as may be li•hed m the Fort Collin. Elprit",
as the c.:fmues of the cnY ,o'.:lnterl hereafter prescribed by-Aid city omr' yuhkh,d nrlha Ciry eId r+IF q'cG•liilt..
I city of Fort F I_
1 r paysGw nt of b i 1;, d the 4mC b.-w It We nth !aY d al and shall be executed, rmeC and C,,.a d0. on the all da)• of Uatem-
ptrmber. A. Is. 1910 at 'u V ^'• d,po-rA cf ,nA ahaw'x dealt with• hrG and wa+dal) pa :d and adr.9ted
n .ace.unt ,.( a - Iv the City Cmn il i ned and a
nlr for vW nprv,cmart. + same being more Iha 1 tun) ,'so 1 p m secnnns 95,d8 ar.J 9 ,of old net y -K D'
ran:. shall ui ,uch .lar<.I a)'s wires the first publlca[ion A said per•robe 1. gaiA warranu shall bear mreetinRb)1 the CrtY Crsullsil,rl<4allly 1,
inn.. pays e u •itch t>m., otin, whey an ordinance ordering interest at d:c rate ni tie per cent per held on the INb day d January'.A.D.
eh dmo ati..n�1_1,
u n y be the , ,mmetsml a said improvement annpm. tell.
pr<s<li -0 DY+sitit r.mn- w..v'd be f1na'1y eonalJ r J that said gee 6. Tb<mavw r herdq amh.r- GEO.E.TC)nNEY.
plans ant sV1.1 iva[I n map comets
tall executed ed and ireA to ad vus m tM1r mann r r i^r• First Publication December,city 1/910.
ei a J Jf herwis• and chedule. and >ll re luu its an'I rA by law. f..r Inds f.r th c n'ru.- Last publiea[iou• January, W, 1910 aalt wW., -
in 00 SO and , f laid act I,proceeJings m the In MA
were '^ rive of said sewer. m acc.rdana with
L, ,asd war, a -hall bear fi:a asl uv; Lc west m.l he ofred aid Plan, aml +:•.0 _aI " :v! � ' '
the mlc of m pK ce Yer I I! an) Imes-^ It,crested at he offi a uhj,et to the I r.ni,lrms t I an4
of the '[y clerk at an' Ilme within of this rrd^anre. The :Kht t r" I
Thr Ipa ,r 6 hrr<L wlb.r- 'x'•1 per I of thirty da)'•. and until jest xr)'and all hid, •ha t n nail 1 ,
s'.:ro v-the nu er re u'r the time i M ae of r ai 1 f.r the Con.
ad,er[isem et ar 1 t her by re e',o-1 li
i 111 f r e c n tru idrratln ,f said nrdi ar ce; and that e c 9. The city c until does her" _
II c nil al t.ar.J -I 1Ct v n- that may r r,•e 1 -t
1 <w r it.a rJ 1 ee with I by iird that n [i< i -aid P
and ni -fi.�n nl lb nett m writinK cnnccrnmg said tmpr svemsrt was dw.y Rs'n t. the 11
rn M mprm<menp b3 the owner
4 P n-n.f the pit party to be as:rss<d r
the Dr -'.I.n. of la a 1J 1 „r , niters :f any piece of teal ester
dinette The "Wh to re w•,J!d be thrr<f or. a:prrns.ed ir. sa'. art: that
I [• t•e a•wred therefor, he improvement htr<bY ordered is sit
and ai bids shall in .vJ I letrrm:ned hY :!tc city d,IY r'rdrrvd after n-fice dui Kiem;
h. Y �.
'In nd is here re:,,me d ` 1:
c - e<iry sou it dose here. I e'Oon-I be!ore fi Al ae 1.r.rave'^ the,An the real estate within the lur'
•• 1 notice o said pen s<d rr and n ! •aid dinria is espte:xlly bene-
llh era+. no emnpumu °r ''I fft<d ty the consireetior. .:f said acw- 1 ��
11 war IY Mire o he I1J'
he Oro eery w asse <d Lions have been made in ri'inR by "f.••M a-A al•sD+e'.. -igori and ap-
pr ed m Id act ,at Ifhe owner or owr.<rs n VropertY[o k
tin t h<reb order a so ass seed for the c t of -
Y ,her n rice d 'Imetn, now thrrsfete upon eo0sidtm
Y Wit-en:
e re,l es to wit m the hm lion of, the premises f.
a,l L'h 1T ORO.FIXhU Ilti- T:fE CITY I
`' C'�I SCIL OF TIL CITY of _ 4
}f FOkT COLLIRi. Co' 1S>itkDO:
he crr.Ytruaion of
Section 1. That t - e
a. a d.......ranlmry sews',nr the h.In,t _
1i vri.a ice de rihed 1 and the ame
i; we!,we!,y A c ared ne essarY i r •au-
m s
I - d That the consavr[eon ul a }
t sander)' newer in the 4iatr✓t
J ,
h <rIa r d<scnbcd [ K fArr wish C
Ia _.cze-ey ma h 1cs to v+,Wart. rf
the Ian ar.d ;
a. d by
- tic of•I : �
! li