HomeMy WebLinkAbout001 - 02/15/1915 - ASSESSING THE COST OF THE STREET IMPROVEMENTS IN JEFFERSON STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 1 M ORDINAITCE 110 1915 AN ORDINANCE ASSESSIYG THE COST OF THE STREET DIPROVF21EIlTS IN JEPPERSOIT STREET ILTROVEIMTT DISTRICT NO 1 SAS under and by virtue of the provisions of Ordinance No _�? 1914n of said City of Fort Collins adopted and approved on the -'day of 1914 Jefferson Street Improvement District No was duly authorized under the provisions of said ordinance for the purpose of providing for certain street improvements in said District and the letting of the contract for the construction of said i.mprovementa as provided by law and 7HERREAS, the improvements provided in said ordinance in said Jefferson Street Improvement District Io 1 have been completed and accepted by the City Council of said city and the total cost of the same , including interest at six per cent per annum to February 28 1915 amounts to Seven Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-five and 44/100 Dollars (07 395 44) and WHEREAS 77zt to a resolution adopted by the City gouncil on theay of December 1914 the City Clerk has caused to be published for a period of ten (10) days in the"Fort Collins, Review " a daily and weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said city a notice to all the owners of property to be assessed in said Jefferson Street Improvement District No 1 that said improvements have been completed and accepted and of the Thole cost thereof together with the cost assessed to each lot or tract of land within said improvement district and properly assessable for said cost and further gave notice that any complaints or objections that may be made in writing by the owners of the property to be assessed in said district to the City Council should be filed -1. r-- in the office of the City Clerk rithin thirty (30) days of the publication of such notice and that said complaints and objections would be heard and determined by the City Council at the hour of four o'clock in the afternoon on the 1st day of February 1915 before the passage of any ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements, and WHEREAS more than thirty days have elppsed since the publication of said notice and no. complaints or objections in writing have beeeiled with said City Clerk within the period prescribed after the publication of said notice Now Therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY ThL CITY COUNCIL OF Tl. CITY OF FORT COLLIES Section 1 That the total cost of the improvement in said Jefferson Street Improvement District No 1 under and by virtue of Ordinance No / 1914 of said city including the cost of inspection collection and merest excluding therefrom the cost assessed against the Denver k Interurban Railroad Company and the City of Fort Collins for street intersections amounts to Six Thousand Five Hundred Fourteen and 93/100 Dollars (V6 514 93) which said total cost of said improvement is hereby assessed upon all the real estate in said district in accordance with the provisions of sections 5363 5364 5365 and 5366 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Colorado for the year 1908 and that the proportion of said costs assessed to each lot or tract of land in said Jefferson Street Improvement District And-.Tlie Denver and_Ixiter- urban Railrodd Company and the City of I ort Qollins is as follows The Denver and Interurban Railroad Company trackage N467 38 The City of Fort Collins street intersections 413 13 .�(9ya Feet Rate Feet bate Feet Rate Name Lot- Fron Fron Alley Alley Inter Inter Total ---------------Block 6------------- Union Pacific R,j Co Vac Pine- 50 41 6490 None None 50 0824 $87 57 n TV TV it 2 50 it if n 50 IT 87 57 n n It if 4 50 IT ^ it 50 IT 87 57 n It IT n 6 50 It It if 50 ^ 87 57 if " TV TV 50 TV TV if 50 it 87 57 11rt n IT 10 50 IT it " 50 IT 87 57 2 it It it 12 50 ^ ^ " 50 It 87 57 tr rr it It 14 50 in " it 50 " 87 57 n tt n if 16- 50 n n it 50 ^ 87 57 IT if it it Vac Spruce 25 " if it 25 t' 43 78 ---------------Block 7------------- UhionPacific RT., Co 2 75 $1 6490 None None 240 0824 �145 10 11 A TV IT 4 50 n n n 50 " 87 57 if it IT n 6 50 it r► rt 50 " 87 57 if rr it n 8 50 t it it 50 " 87 57 n n n rt 10 50 If " 't 50 " 87 57 n IT IT it 12 50 n tt n 50 " 87 57 it if If n 14 50 it it n 50 IT 87.57 If tr IT " 16 50 it ITTV50 " 87 57 tt if It n Vac Pine 501t " it t' 50 if 87 57 f --------4— --Block 8------------ Union Pacific R. Co Vac Chest 50 1 6490 None None 50 0824 487 57 IT IT it n 2 50 it If It 50 IT 87 57 if n t IT 4 50 IT it tt 50 IT 87 57 n it n n 6 50 " tt it 50 ^ 87 57 it n It if 8 50 If rt tt 50 it 87 57 if if if tt 10 50 If tt IT 50 ^ 87 57 IT n n IT 12 50 " it " 50 " 87 57 if If IT n 14 50 rr n n 50 " 87 57 It " ^ if 16 75 tt tt tt 240 ^ 145 10 --------------Block 9------------ Union Pacific R Co 2 None None None None 40 0824 3 34 n IT if If 4 n rt n n 50 IT 4 17 I? It it if6 tr n n t' 50 " 4 17 rr n tt IT 8 205 $1 6490 IT " 230 " 361 11 " " If if Vac Alley 20 " If IT 20 " 35 02 IT n n If 10 50 ^ " if 50 IT 87 57 IT it IT it 12 50 " " 't 50 IT 87 57 n n tr n 14 50 if n IT 50 IT 87 57 it tt it 16 60 n n if 50 ^ 87 57 IV IT rt n Vac Chest 50 it it If 50 " 87 57 -------------Block 11------------ City of Port Collins Point 44 41 6490 44 $ 2152 44 w 0824 V86 63 Clara DI Brose 1 33 52 n 33 52 " 33 52 If 66 00 n n if 2 33 52 " 33 52 " 33 52 " 66 00 IT 3 33 52 ^ 33 52 IT 33 52 " 66 00 if 4 33 52 " 33 52 " 33 59 rt 66 00 IT It if 5 20 11 " 20 11 tt 20 11 if 39 60 August C Nluver 5 13 41 IT 13 41 " 13 41 " 26 40 Ada A Danner 11 58 10 " 58 10 " 58 10 " 114 40 Ida Van Hamm 21 50 IT 50 " 50 IT 98 45 if if n 22 75 if 50 "188 51 " 151 69 -3- Feet FRate Feet Rate Feet Rate Name Lot Fron Fron Alley Alley Inter Inter Total -----------Block --.-- --- Mary E Clark 1 75 41 6490 None None 240 0824 �145 10 if " " 3 50 " " " 50 If 87 57 n n n 5 25 n n " 25 n 43 78 T William Schueler 5 25 " " " 25 it 43 78 John A Shaue r 7 50 IT n " 50 IT 87 57 Abe Crocker 9 25 n if n 25 " 43 78 Maggie Demmel 9 25 " n " 25 n 43 78 Charlie G Uatrtm 11 50 " " TM 50 " 87 57 A Wi Horn 13 80 it " " 50 " 87 57 It n it 15 75 " n n 190 " 140 93 Charles H Fowles 15 None " rt It 50 IT 4 17 ----------Block 13--------- Frank P Stover 1 75 $1 6490 50 0732 76- 0824 0135 14 Susan R Salisbury 1 None None 26 +" 2 17 Mary C Owens 1 " it 27 " 2 25 Nels Lundstrom 1 " " 27 IT 2 25 Henderson C Howard 1 " " 25 " 2 08 Robert N McCarroll 1 " n 59 If 4 92 Frank P Stover 3 4�0 61 6490 40 0732 46 IT 73 01 Hector T Cowan 5 25 " 25 " 25 " 45 63 Courier P & P Co 5 25 " 25 n 25 It 45 63 Leopold Frisch 7 25 " 25 " 25 " 4 63 Adelbert J White 7 25 TV 25 IV 25 " 45 63 " " if 9 25- " 25 " 25 " 45 63 Poudre Valley Nat Bk 9 25 n 25 " 25 " 45 63 It it it 11 20 " 25 it 25 it 45 63 Frank 17 Streator 11 25 it 25 " 25 " 45 63 James F Roten 13 50 IT 50 " 50 is 91 27 " It " 15 25 " 25 it 69 " 49 31 J Letford Smith 15 50 " 25 n 105 if 94 00 Tom Beach 15 None None 66 if 5 50 --Block 14--------- City of Fort Collins 19 23 Point $1 4690 19 23$ 2310 19 23 " 36 17 ` F C Avery 16 15 " 15 " 15 " 29 78 F C Avery 17 37 9 " 37 9 " 37 9 n 75 24 F C Avery 18 37 9 " 37 9 " 37 9 75 24 F C Avery 19 37 9 " 37 9 " 37 9 '_' 75 24 F C Avery 20 37 9 " 37 9 IT 37 9 " 75 24 F C Avery 21 175 04 n 150 04 " 175 04 " 341 60 F C Avery 22 None None 25 n 2,08 F C Avery 23 n " 25 " 2 08 F C Avery 24 " TM 25 " 2 08 F C Avery 25 n IT 25 " 2 08 F C Avery 26 " " " 42 " 3 50 3'otal cost of the above blocks $6514 93 Total cost of Denver Interurban 1020 sq yds at 453 per sq yd 467 38 City' s part of Street intersections 808 sq yds at v 505 per sq yd 413 13 Total cost of district �7395 44 -4- Section 2 All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days without demand provided all such assessments may at the election of the orners of the property assessed be uaid n ten (10) annual installments 3 / 3u VNA 7,1 a 0.,c-k 'i I payable Pia £� 1915 1916 Peb�aT7-tLB 1917 31 ZAAA .eL.. 9 F tit {�1918 1919 &`s +,} " 1920 r 1921 FHB 1922 k & 1923 and Ery9W 1924 r•ith M interest on the unpaid princival payable semiannually at the rate of six per cent per annum Section 3 Failure to pay the vrhole of the assessment within said period of thirty days shall be conclusively con- sidered and held an election on the part of all persons interested whether under disability or otherwise to pay in such installments Section 4 Failure to pay an-7 installment whether of principal or interest IIhen due shall cause the Thole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable immediately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall tt ereafter draw interest at the rate of one per cent per month or fraction of a month until the day of sale as hereinafter provided but at any time prior to the day of sale the orner May pay the amount of all unpaid installments with interest at one per cent per month or fraction of a month and all penalties accrued and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the installments in the same manner as if default had not been suffered The ov-ner of any property not in default as to any installments or payment may at any time pay the Thole of the unpaid principal with the interest accrued to the maturity of the nest install- ment of interest or principal -5- Section 5 Payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty days of the passage of this ordinance and an allowance of five per cent shall be made on all payments made during such period only Section 6 In case of default in the payment of any installment of the principal or interest when due any and all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be advertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the Thole of the unpaid assessments thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner under all the same conditions and penalties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of general taxes Section 7 The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assessment upon producing evidence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers having the assessment roll in charge ASTATE COLORADO ) �ss COUI?TY OF LARLER ) I Ray Baxter City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance con- sisting of seven sections ras duly proposed and read at le�th at a meeting of the City Council held on the IS_'-- day of � 1915 and was duly ordered by "aye" and "na,T" vote to be pub- lished once in full in } tntn l-rtt�,,� n�,� a7daily i newspaper of the City of Fort Collins in accordance vith the provisions of Section 7 of Article 4 of the City Charter that thereafter and on to-wit the day of kL /11 19►v �, at a regular meeting of the City Council the said ordinance came before said council upon its final passage a period of more than ten days having elapsed since its publication as above set forth and that said ordinance was upon second reading adopted as an ordinance and thereafter and on to-wit the n f(, 1 day of ^ A 1915 said Ordinance No �_ as finally passed an6 adopted was duly published in T,.j` hn , a daily newspaper published in said City of Fort Collini Colorado In Witness Whereof I have hereuntouset my hand this IN N'5 day of 19 1915 tl City Clerk Approved Commissioner of Finance and Ex-Officio Mayor