Section 1 Every person firm co-partnership ,joint
stock company or corporation now engaged or that shall here-
after be engaged in the business of occupation of selling
offering for sale bartering peddling whether at wholesale
or retail any goods wares merchandise or any manufactured
article or product within the corporate limits of the City of
Dort Collins shall before entering upon or engaging in any
such business apply for and obtain a license from the City
of Fort Collins as hereinafter provided
Section 2 This ordinance shall not apply to any person
firm co-partnership joint stock company or corporation
having a bona fide residence and a fixed or permanent business
within said city of Fort Collins and paying or subject to
assessment for the payment of taxes upon its or their property
whether real or personal under the revenue laws of the
State of Colorado
Section 3 For the purpose of this ordinance residence
and a fixed or known place of operation or conduct of such
business maintained continuously within said city for a con-
tinuous period of six months shall be prima facie evidence
of exemption from the operation of this ordinance
Section 4 Every such person firm co-partnership joint
stock company or corporation subject to the provisions of this
ordinance shall before entering upon or engaging in any such
business or occupation be subject to and shall pay- to said city
a license charge as follows to-wit
Dealers in all kinds of musical instruments Fifteen Dollars
($15 00)per day for the first thirty days and Zen Dollars ($10 00)
per day- for each day thereafter
Dealers in fruits and vegetables or either thereof dry goods
clothing and notions or either thereof groceries produce meats
provisions or either thereof boots and shoes or tither thereof
coal grain and feed or either thereof books stationery and
office supplies or either thereof hardware farming implements
crockery glassware and stoves or either thereof furniture of
all kinds ice cream and creamery products of all kinds jewelry
watches clocks and optical goods Ten Dollars (010 00) per day
for the first thirty days and Five Dollars (65 00) per day for
each day thereafter Provided that this ordinance shall not be
construed to apply to any person or persons bring food products
to or within the said City of Fort Collins for sale either in
bulk or by retail from house to house where such food products
were grown or raised by the person or persons so having them for
sale and are products of the State of Colorado
Dealers in drugs medicines surgical instruments and appliances
or either thcreof plumbing gas fitting electrical supplies and
appliances or ei her thereof Xc
igars and c fectionery or either
thereof Five Dollars ($5 00) per day for the first thirty days
and Two Dollars ($2 00) per day for each day thereafter
All persons engaged in what 13 commonly called peddling from
house to house with or wrthout�' pack and not residing in the
City of Fort Collins or maintaining a place of business thereof
Ten Dollars ( 14 00) per day for the first thirty dajs and Five
Dollars ($5 00) per day for each day thereafter
Section 5 Every person firm co-partnership ]joint
stock company or corporation subject to the provisions of this
ordinance shall before entering upon or engaging in any business
or occupation to which this, ordinance is applicable file with
the City Clerk of said city an application in writing clearly
setting forth the nature or character of the business or occupa-
tion proposed to be conducted the true name or names of the
applicant or applicants residence and place of incorporation
if the applicant be a corporation and setting forth further
the number of days during which it is proposed to conduct or
carry on such business or occupation Every such business or
occupation shall by such application appear to be a lawful business
or occupation not inhibited by the constitution or laws of the
State of Colorado or any ordinance of said city and not contrary
to public policy or good morals, subject however to the approval
of the Commissioner of Public Safety and Ex-Officio Mayor Said
City Clerk may issue and deliver to such applicant a permit for
the conduct thereof covering said specified maximum limit named
r in such application upon the payment by such applicant of the
sum required for the number of days named in such application
Section 6 Every person firm co-partnership joint
stock company or corporation applying for and securing a license
or permit under this ordinance as ,-herein provided and thereafter
wholly ceasing and discontinuing the business or occupation covered
by such license or permit prior to the expiration of thirty days
or other limit stated in the application shall be entitled to a
refund to be paid by thpC110jerk upon
approval of the Com-
missioner of Finance for each da after such business or occupa-
tion shall be discontinued up to the full period or limit of
thirty days or other limit as stated in the application or for
any number of days thereafter upon offering to the City Clerk
of said city satisfactory evidence that such business or occupation
has been actually and in good faith discontinued
Section 7 Every person firm co-partnership joint stock
company or corporation subject to this ordinance and securing a
permit or license from the City of Fort Collins as herein pro-
vided shall have the right to extend the time for the conduct
or operation of its or their business or occupation upon or after
the expiration of thirty days or other limit as stated in the
application upon furnishing to the Commissioner of Public Safety
and Ex-Offieio Mayor satisfactory evidence by petition duly veri-
fied of the good faith of said application and upon approval of
said Commissioner of Safety of said petition and by payment to
the City Clerk of the entire gross amount called for by such
extension provided that the provisions of this ordinance as to
refund of license fee shall apply in all cases of such extension
with like effect as herein provided in Section 6 of this ordinance
Section 8 Nothing in this ordinance is to be so con-
strued as to embrace affect or cover or in any manner to inter-
fere with Interstate Commerce
Section 9 Any license or permit granted or issued under
the provisions of this ordinance may be cancelled and annulled
by the Commissioner of Public Safety in a summary manner before
the expiration of the time for which the same is issued upon
satisfactory evidence being presented to the Commissioner of
Safety that such license or permit was secured through or by
means of fraud or misrepresentation or is being used or employed
by any other person or persons than the one named in the license
or for the purpose of concealing or covering up any illegal or
fraudulent occupation business or transaction
Section 10 Any person firm co-partnership joint
stock company or corporation who shall violate any provision
of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined for
every offense in a sum not less than Fifty Dollars (�50 CO)
nor more than One Hundred Dollars (4100 00) or may be imprisoned
in the city jail not to exceed sixty (60) days and shall pay all
costs of suit 4-
S'ecticn 11 All ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict herewith are hereby repealed save and except that
all causes of action which may have accrued in favor of the
City Sf Fort Collins and against any pazson or persons under
existing ordinances are hereby excepted from the operation of
this ordinance and the same may be prosecuted to final ,judg-
ment as though said ordinance or ordinances had not been
State of Colorado)
) SS
County of Iarimer)
I, Ray Baxter, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins
do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance consisting of
eleven sections was duly proposed and read at length at a meeting of the
City Council held on the 8th day of March , 1915 and was duly ordered
by aye" and nay" vote to be published in the Fort Collins Review, a
daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins in accordance with the pro-
visions of Section 7 of Article 4 of th City Charter that thereafter
and on to-wit the 2 z day of a1915 at a regular meeting of
the City Council the said ordinance came before said council upon its
final passage a period of more than tend ays having elapsed since its
publication as above set forth and that said ordinance was upon second
reading adopted as an ordinance and thereafter and on to-wit, the z 3 : G(
day of /&" 1915 said Ordinance No 2, as finally passed s._nT_
adopted was duly published in the Fort Coll ns "view a daily newspaper
published in said City of Fort Collins Colorado
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this
day of O(j 1915 /
C it�Clerk
7 /
Approved ` J