Section 1 There is hereby organized and created a
department to be known as The Tart Collins Fire Department
which shall be under the general supervision and control of
the City Council subject to the immediate direction and con-
trol of the Commissioner of Safety and Lx-Officio Mayor and
the rules and regulations hereinafter set forth for its
Section 2 The officers of this Department shall
consist of a Captain First Lieutenant Second Lieutenant
and not to exceed three additional pipe and hose men all to
be appointed by the Commissioner of Safety subject to the
approval of the City Council all such persons so employed in
the lire Department shall be knaim as employes of the City
of Fort Collins and shall be subject to removal i^ith or
iithout cause by the Commissioner of Safety upon recommenaation
to the City Council
3 The compensation to be paid the employes of
the Fire Department shal��s follows
Captaa-rf� Dollars per month
First Lieutenant Dollars per month
Second Lieutenant Dollars per month
Pipe and Hose me / Dollars per month
to be paid the same as other salaries o the city employes
Section 4 Captain of tl-e Fire Department The
Captain of the Fire Department shall be responsible for the
dis,ciplire good order and proper conduct of the whole lire
Department for the enforcement of all ordinances and regula-
tions pertaining thereto and for the core and condition of
all the property of the lire Department He shall -ubject
to the general control. of the Commissioner of Safety have
command and control, of the Department of all fire equipment
hose carts fire alarm telegraph or fire telephone or other
apparatus belonging to the Department and to the City of lort
Collins he shall likewise have control of the persons present
at fires and to that end shall ex-officio be and exercise all
the powers of a patrolpupon the police force he shall wear a
proper badge of office and shall when a fire breaks out
take in^iediate and proper means to extinguish the same He
shall have the poser if reed be to summon all and any persons
present to extinguish any fire in removing property from any
burning or exposed building and in guarding the same and
any able-bodied person refusing to obey sucl, summons shall be
liable to arrest and upon conviction shall be tined not less
than Five Dollare ($5 00) nor more than Twenty-five Dollars
(9 25 00) for each offense The Captain of tho Fire Department
may prescribe limits in the vicinity of any fire within which
no person may enter except those who reside therein members
of the fire department policemen and such others as Maj be
admitted by the officers of such departments He shall male
reports to the Commissioner of Safety on the second Monday in
each month of all Matters concerning the department and its
I first Lieutenant
The first Lieutenant shall obey all orders of the Captain
and under the orders of the Captain or in his abence be
held accountable for the property of the Department and the
proper care of the same He shall discharge such duties as
may be assigned to him by the Commissioner of Safety and the
Captain of the Fire Department in operating the fire apparatus
of the city In case of the absence or disability of the
Captain he shall perform the duties of that officer
Second Lieutenant and Pipe and Hose lien
In the Absence of the First Lieutenant and of the Captain
the Second Lieutenant shall be held accountable for the property
of the Department and the proper care of the same and shall
discharge such duties as may be assigned to him by the Com-
missioner of Safety and the Captain of the Fire Department
Each hose and pipe man shall perform all the duties of the
Fire Department under the direction and control of the Captain
all officers and emplolTes of the Fire Department shall "rear
such uniforms or insignia of office as may be prescribed by
the Commissioner of Safety
Section 5 IT'a spirituous fermented or malt
liquors shall be allowed in the building There the fire
apparatus shall be kgpt and any member of the Fire Department
found drunk or intoxicated shall be liable to immediate dis-
charge Each and every member of the Fire Department shall
be held responsible for his actions while occupying such
position or for any wilful or neglected duty or violation of
any order from the Commissioner of Safety or the Captain
and lieutenants any officer or member of the Department or
any person who during the time of any fire shall neglect or
refuse to obey an order or orders of the above named officers
shall be held liable for each to the infliction of such penalty
as hereinafter provided
Section 6 The fire coml)any will not be allowed
to move from the scene of anj cnnflagration whether the fire
shall have been extinguished or not until the consent of
the Captain has been obtained or hks repre time char e
All uniforms rubber coats and hats a"6 rshall
be furnished at the expense of the City to the members of the
Fire Department and the Captain of the Fire Department shall
be held responsible for the,/proper distribution and care of all
such articles of clothing or other apparatus put in charge of
the Fire Department , and the Captain of the Fire Department
shall make and keep an inventory of all the personal property
and apparatus belonging to the Fire Department and promptly
report in writing any loss to the City Council at the next
regular meeting after the discovery of any such loss
Section 7 Any person or persons who shall hitch
a horse or other animals to or pile goods around or in any
manner obstruct the use of thebublic fire plug within the
city limits shall be subject to prosecution before the Ymnicipal
court and upon conviction shall be fined not less than Ten
Dollars Q10 00) nor more than Fifty Dollars (�50 00) for each
Section 8 Any person or persons not Members of
the Fire Department who shall interfere with the officers of
members of the Fire Department in the discharge of their duties
at any time shall upon conviction before the iunicipal Court
be fined in a sum not less than Ten Dollars (�?10 00) nor more
than One Hundred Doll rs (w100 00) for each offense
Section 9 The Captain of the Fire Department shall
beep or cause to be kept a suitable book in which shall he
- d-
bept a record of the names ages and residence of all the
members of the Fire Department the time of their admission
and discharge also a record of all fires that may arise
giving a statement of the date the cause if known the
approximate loss and to whom also a record of the false
alarms of the expense connected iiith the Department and
each company thereof -nd of sucr other facts as he may aeem
of value and make a report of said facts at the end of tle
fiscal year and as often in addition as may be requested of
him by the Commissioner of Safety or the City Council
Section 10 Any person or persons violating anj
of the provisions of this ordinance shall be liabile to arrest
and prosecution before the tunicipal Court and upon convic-
tion thereof shall be fined in a sum not less than Ten Dollars
($10 00) nor more than ®ne Hundred Dollars (y100 00) besides
costs of prosecution
Section 11 All ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict with this ordinance are hezeby repealed
Passed and adopted this 2 3n-,--n day of Aapril 1915
Commissioner of Safety and
y Clerk
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a true copy of an ordinance v-hich was introduced
read and ordered published on April 1r9 1915
and Nhich was duly published one insertion in the
.- JMa
�K�,hfAA a daily newspaper
on tre (O tL day of qpril 1915 and which
will come up for final consideration and passage
by the Council at the regular meeting of the
Council on Honday the day of April 1915
Witness my hand and official seal this
day of November 1915
ity Clerk