Section 1 It shall be unlawftil for any person or persons
to operate a Junk shop or store as a dealer or carry on the
business of a funk peddler or collector or to draw or drive
or procure to be driven or drawn through the streets or alleys
of the City of Fort Collins any wagon cart or other vehicle
for the purpose of collecting or disposing of dunk without
first having obtained a license therefor as hereinafter proia
Section 2 Any pL-rson desiring to obtain a license either
as a junk dealer or as a dunk peddler or collector shall male
a vrritten application therefor to the City Clerk and shall
set forth the full name of the applicant and the location in
hich said business is to be carried on together with the
consent in case of a dunk shop dealer in writing of the
ovner of the property where the shop is to be located R4 -tip
brxre� 9re and the dunk shop dealer
^hall in connection with said application file a bond with
the City Clerk in the penal sum of Five Hundred Dollars (."�500 00)
with such sureties as shall be ap,)rozed by the Commi.,sioner of
Safety and Ex-officio Mayor conditioned that the principal
named therein will observe all the ordinances and police
regulations of the Clty of Tort Collins respecting the handling
of dunk Such application together with the consent and
bond above mentioned shall he submitted to the City Council
at its first meeting after the same is filed �A:,p3iL� n
r irr-� r7r�TTC^�--may + ..- . 4,e
s��x tee to tbp r,t.T nn„=~ and after the City Council shall
have approved such application and the location it may
grant such license or licenses for which license there
shall he paid into the City Treasury in advance the sum of
o -5p 00
d Dollars (�.�r@0) for a junk dealer's license
which said license shall entitle the licensee to operate a
junk store or shop at one place within said city and to
maintain one wagon and horse for the purpose of collecting
junk in conrection therewith The license fee for a ,junk
peddler or collector shall be Tvcntti-five Dollars (y,25 00)
per anrnun in advance for eacnc�agon and if the licensed
junk dealer shall desire to operate anladditional Wagon in
connection with his junk shop he shall also pay Ti enty-five
Dollars (y,25 00) per annum in advance for each Ladditional
wagon engaged in collecting junk All wagons which shall be
licensed under this ordinance shall have a license tag duly
nuribered to be furnished bj the City Clerk Fnich license
tag shall be attached to the right side of each wagon operated.
by the junk dealer or junk peddler The City Council reserves
the right to suspend or revoke all licenses issued in pursuance
of this section for any violations of the city ordinances or
of this ordinance or for good cause shown Such license
unless sooner suspended or revoked shall be in force and
effect for one year from the date of the issue trereof and
no license shall be transferable
Section 3 Every junk dhop dealer licensed under this
ordinance shall keep a book in which shall be fairly writren
in ink the da3 of each purchase or sale an accurate account
or description in the English language of the goods articles
or other things---except rags and bottles--purchased or sold
where and from whom or to whom purchased or sold the amount
of money paid or received therefor time of purer ase or sale
rhich book as cell as the articles purchaser shall at
all reasonable times be open to the inspection of any member
of the police department Every person licensed as a junk
peddler or collector shall keep such record or memoranda as
to enable him to locate the person from vhom he purchased
ever; article of junk except rags and bottles
Section 4 The term "junk ' as used in this ordinance
shall include all worn-out and discarded materials rags or
rope old iron brass copper tin lead and other metals
discarded machinery or parts thereof bottles glass rubber
in any form and similar articles By the term "junk shop"
or "junk store" as used in this ordinance is meant any atore
shop dwelling or any building or any lot yard or place
there junk is bought and sold as a business by the term
"junk peddler" or"junk collector" is meant any person who
is engaged in buying collecting and selling ulthout naving
any regular place of business articles heretofore defined
as junk
Section 5 No person licensed unaer the provisions of
this ordinance shall sell yr remove from his place of business
any article purchased by him until the same shall have been
in his possession at least seventy-two (72) hours nor shall
he purchase or receive anything from any minor ^ithout the
written consent of the parents or guardian of said minor
which written consent shall be preserved and kept on file
for the inspection of the police department nor from any
person who is at the time intoxicated or from any person
who is an habitual drunkaid nor from any person known by
him to be a thief or an associate of thieves or a receiver
of stolen pro-oerty PROVIDED that a junk peddler or
collector may sell to a regular licensed junk dealer any and
all junk at any time after its purchase Provided further
that if any junk peddler or collector shall keep any ,funk--
except rags and bottles--in his possession more than twenty-
four (240) hours he shall keep a record as required of the
junk dealers in Section S hereof
Section 6 Any person violating any of the provisions
of this ordinance shall be fined not less than
Dollars nor more than Two Fundred Dollars (,�200 00) and
costs and in default of the payment of such fine and costs
such person shall be imprisoned in the city jail until such
fine and costs are paid but not to '6cceed ninety (90) days
Section 7 Ordinance Ito 19 of the Series of 1907
"Relating to Junk Shops " and all ordinances amending the
same as well as all ordinances in conflict with this ordinance
are hereby repealed Provided said repeal shall not operate
to abate any causes of action which may have arisen under such
prior ordinances or the amendments thereof and the City of
Fort Collins shall have the right to prosecute under said
ordinances all violations thereof and collect all penalties
that may have accrued thereunder as though said ordinances
had not been repealed or amended
Passed and adopted this _L_L day of June A D 1915
XL4,4--t-�_ _77�1
Commissioner df PublU Safety
and Ex-officio Layor
City Clerk
I Ray Baxter City Clerk of the City of Fort
Collins do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing
ordinance consisting of seven (7) sections duly proposed
and read at length at a meeting of the City Council held on
the '� � day of 1915 was duly ordered by
"Aye"and "Nay" vo 4 to be published in the Fort Collins
Express a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins in
accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of Article IV
of the City Charter that thereafter and on- to-wit the
/ ?v day of 1915 at a regular meeting of
the City Counci id ordinance came before said Council
on its final passage a period of more than ten dayd having
elapsed since the publication as above set forth and that
said ordinance was upon second reading adopted as an
ordinahce and thereafter and on to-vit the day of
2a1915 said Ordinance No as finally
s sed d adopted was duly published in the Fort Collins
press a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort
Collins Colorado
In Witness "hereof I have hereunto set my hand this
/ day of �' 1915
Apved � � City Clerk
'T r