Section 1 It shall be unlawful for any person, firm
or corporation, either as principal or agent , to keep gasoline
in excess of ten (10) gallons on his or its premises within
the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins at any one
time , except by securing a permit so to do by written applica-
tion therefor to the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,
and if said application is approved a permit will be issued
to the applicant• upon complyigg with the following rules and
(a) By paying a fee of *nkDollar (� J, 00) for each
pe mit, to the City Clerk
(b) No gasoline in excess of ten" (10) gallons shall
be stored on any one premises except in metal tanks constructed
and placed as hereinafter provided, except that gasoline in
excess of ten (10) gallons may be stored in supply tanks of
automobiles where no charging is done by artificial light
other than incandescent electric light
(c) No gasoline of from ten (10) gallons to five
hundred (500) gallons shall be stored on any one premises
for automobile garages , or one rundred and ten (110) gallons
for retail stores and dry cleaning establishments within the
fire limits of the City of Fort Collins, except in metal
tanks constructed and placed as hereinafter provided
(d) No gasoline of from five hundred (500) gallons to
forty thousand (40,000) gallons shall be stored on any one
premises for general commercial purposes within the corporate
limits of the City of Fort Collins , and then only without ��iVNPu*��
the fire limits, except in metal tanks, onstructed and placed �;� 7
as hereinafter provided
Section 2 Tanks of the capacity of from ten (10) gallons
to five hundred (500) gallons shall be buried not less than
three (3) feet under ground, and also three (3) feet below the
level of the lowest pipe used for filling a tank or in delivering
gasoline , or in fire -proof rooms except that gasoline in
excess of ten (10) gallons may be stored in supply tanks of
automobiles where no charging is done by artificial light other
than incandescent electric light The quantity in excess of
ten (10) gallons which may be stored on any one lot within the
fire limits of the City of Fort Collins is hereby limited to
five hundred (500) gallons for automobile garages and one hundred
and ten (110) gallons for rehail stores and dry cleaning
establishment{f gasoline is located in a fire-proof room,
such room shall the independent vent flue extending above the
opening of all adjacent buildings If gasoline sotrage tanks
are located in any building, they shall be enclosed in fire-
proof rooms having at least eight-inches-thick stone or reinforced
concrete floors , walls and ceiling, and have only exterior
openings Chen a tank is within five (5) feet of any building
the vent pipe must arise above the highest opening in adjacent
buildings, and shall have a disk of sixty-inch mesh brass wire
gauge inserted, and shall have a return band or boose-necked
top, and the tank when so located within five (5) feet of any
building must be below the level of the cellar or basement ,
unless a brick, stone or concrete wall is built running at
least a foot below the cellar or basement bottom and two (2)
feet beyond each end of the tank between the bank and the
building. ``hen such tanks are located in fire-proof rooms the
above described gent pipe shall be connected with the vent
flue The vent pipes must be so arranged that the fill
pipe cannot be opened without also opening the vent , and
must terminate in an iron box the cover of which shall be
flush with the ground and locked No gasoline shall be
kept in any garage except in the reservoir of automobiles
and in the measuring pumps used for filling No emptying
or opening of any gasoline reservoir of any automobile shall
be done when the same is in the garage , except by daylight
or other incandescent electric light , and no artificial blaze
or fire shall be allowed in the room where such reservoir is
opened There may be kept not to exceed two (2) quarts for
cleaning purposes in and used from a safety metal can
Section 3 Tanks for the storing of gasoline of the
capacity of ofer five hundred (500) gallons to forty thousand
(40,000) gallons are hereby prohibited within the fire limits .
�� �,c+ Tanks used for storing gasoline without the fire limits of
a eapacityoof five hundred (500) gallons to forty thousand (40,000)
gallons , the top of such tanks shall be at least three (3)
feet below the surface of the ground and shall be lower than
V any basement , cellar or pit within thirty (30) feet from the
ne Xest point from said tank, whether such basement, cellar or
pit is under a building or not In the event that any bailding
basement or cellar or pit is hereafter built , dug or constructed
in such a position as to be contrary to the provisions of this
ordinance, then it shall be the duty of the City Council to
suspend at once the permit issued for placing such tank, and
it shall be the duty of such tank owner or operator to place
his tank in such a way so as to comply with all the rules and
regulations herein provided, and in the event of his failure
so to do the City Council may revoke the permit permanently
Section 4 All tanks to be used in this city
for the storage of gasoline shall be constructed in accora-
ance with the requirements of the National Board of Fire
Underwriters , and bear the label of the Underwriters'
Section 5 No tank cars containing gasoline shall
be permitted, during the process of transferring the same
to storage tanks within one hundred (100) feet of any building
rvithi e cn ,orpo rate limits o the C of Fort Collinstkol
( Section 61 It shall b unlawful for ay erson �'r
to transfer gasoline from one receptacle to any other
receptacle v,ithin fifty (50) feet of any artificial light
other than incandescent electric light
Section 7 Any person, association or persons
or corporation engaged in the transportation of gasoline
in or tnrough the City of Fort Collins in quantity exceeding
one hundred (100) gallons )shall be allowed eight (8) hours
in the day time in which to distribute or deliver the same .
and it shall be unlawful to have any such shipment in the City
of Fort Collins, within the corporate limits , for a longer
Section 8 It shall be unlawful for any person ,
association or persons or corporation to have in their or
its possession within the corporate limits of the City of
Fort Collins, or to transport to this city gasoline in large
quantities exceeding one hundred (100) gallons in the night
time, this provision shall not be construed to forbid the
transportation of gasoline through the city by railroad
Section 9 It shall be unlawful for any poison,
firm or corporation to install any gasoline engine or engines
in any building within the corporate limits of the City of
Fort Collins , except by securing a permit so to do from the
City Council of the City of Fort Collins upon written applica-
tion therefor, which application shall show the dimensions
and locations of all accompanying gasoline tanks and the
distances of such engines and tanks from all adjoining
buildings and lot lines, end the position and location of
the cut-off value and all o the r imp6rtant parts T-hen said
application is approved the applicant shall pay to the City
Clerk the sum of 5-
J� dollars for said
,Section 10 The tefim "gasoline' as used in this
ordinance is hereby defined to be crude petroleum and its
lighter products , as gasoline , naphtha, benzine and liquefied
petroleum gas
Section 11 The term "night tine" as used in
this ordinance is hereby defined to be between the hour of
six o' clock p m and the hour of six o' clock a m.
Section 12 The Commissioner of Safety of the
City of Fort Collins is hereby charged with the duty of
requiring compliance with the terms and provisions of this
ordinance , and his determination of the proper location and
operation of all gasoline tanks and equipment , and gasoline
engines shall be binding upon all applicants and users
thereof for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this
, c a, ^ ordinance All permits issued under the provisions of this
ordinance shall empire one year from the date of issue , and
ow for all renewals the same fee shall be paid as provided for
p� l the original issue of the permit _ ^��
Section, 13 Any person, firm or corporation
failing, neglecting or refusing to comply with, or violating
any of the provisions of this ordinance , shall , upon con-
viction thereof, be findd in any sum not less than Five
Dollars ($5000) nor more than One Hundred Dollars (V100.00)
for each and every separate offense and each day such
violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense
and upon a second conviction shall be subject to revocation
of the permit.
Section 14 All ordinances or parts of ordinances
in conflict with t1is ordinance are hereby repealed
Passed and adopted this 2 day of J nc , A D
Commissioner of Safety and
Ex-Officio Mayor
UYr �
City Clerk
I , 1�_,City Clerko f the City of
Fort Colling , do heroby cortify and declare that the
forgoing ordinance , consistin€; oP _� sections.
duly proposed and read at length at a meeting, of the
City Council held on the D day of 1915,
was duly ordered by "Aye" and "Nay" v to to be pub-
lished in the fort Collins FzpreEs , a daily newspaper
of the Citb of Fort Collins, in accordance ,vxth the
provisions of Section 7 of article IV of the City
Charter, that theroafter and on, t wit , t e �
day of 1915, at a regu a�ng of the
City Conno 1, said ordinance came before said Council
on its final passage , a period of kere than ten days
having elapsed since the publication as above set
forth. and that said orr.lnance was upon second reading
adapted Ix day
ordinance , and theroafter and on, to-wit,
the ��' day of � , 191b, said ordinance
No. as final assed and adopted, was av1
�� y P P � Y
publishea in the Fort Collins Y Ypre:s , a daily nev�s-
pape r publisned in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
In Wixness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand
this `�— aaJ Of ,�191. .
( 44L
ity Clerk.
ap �' /✓��