HomeMy WebLinkAbout001 - 01/08/1917 - AMENDING SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE NO. 018, 1916, RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF THE COST OF CONSTRUCTIO ORDINANCE T~3. t SERIES OF-_t,71 ORDINANCE N0. 1, 1917. A:1X')- 1" 'F.C^ioR f Jr Op"DrtN(T YO, 18, 1916, F.F ATING TO T:+U. A:Tr� " OF T!-:E COST OF COF,"'!?'JC:ROY OF 31'OR:i :EQEP. V; STOPH SER'E.R DISTRICT 93. 2 OF T::n CITY! "7 ?OR? M:.,.INS , AIM FP.OVIDING FOR "_'E CO:,%EC'" -. ?:iEREOF.' HF I rRMUYED -rty 7T I^rro Cr, CT_L 0^ 7 rr?Y OF ?OP CO-TIN �tctioa 1, Mat section ` of Or%inanoe No, lap 1P16, Ralstint; to tLe aZuessment Of !?^e cost of construct!on ,of Stom Sever in Stc-7m Serer District No.2 of the CitY of Port Collins and ?ro- ldirZ for the C011ectioir TP:ereof, be aed the zZmE is hereby amended to read as folloes, tc-ait . within S. All assess:lents herein provided for stall be due and payable w_ hin thirty days r._thout lerand proviled e—1 such assessments .^.aW at the election of t're orners of t o ,property assessed be paid in five (5) annual L^.s!�ii-erts, payable February W, 1017, ?eb:'ua.-y 2S, 1318, February 2A, 1919, February 28, In20,and 25, I321, with irterest on the unpaid principal, Payable se_c_-armually at t%.e rate of Cpe- cent per aarua. Ictrc.n a read o-aR- pub"lst-ea tnis 11 ' ay of Dec="r.t.. D. 1316. wio?ted Luis Bte.:^_a; Of Jan 11i7. 4CitCorris<*onerAttest er__ State of Colorado ) )sr. court.- of 4-r-er , :ecla:ei t' .A hf. reCtt. Clerk of*i the Cit.. Of For! ^011inz, do ;,ereb;j Cert1 dLQ :'are�oin, ord171a^.ce eanstein- of one (1) sec ion was d+ ly F-cP° ed and read Rt length CS z meeting of the City COunOil held on the llth, da,' of Deceaber, 1'?1F,, and was :ulv O- ered Cy age O P�1e raP.' 704e t0 ts r:C'? ii' :111'. in !!'a Port Coll'-n :?orn!m- Frrlres-, a ''311- . .T.etre paler 3f the City c' ^art Collins, In secor-'an'>e e•its t e provisions of Section 7 of Article 1 of the ^+!y M. a.'•ter; th:.t t:.erer"te- ar3 oZ, to-pit , •,he E?!h. dam• cf C e_'Orb • + 17,at a re-a1*.r '.ee•etir - O- t:,e 'ity CJti-?CZs tfR 521d Or!��I .` f C4.:e acid co:.--c=- , _-^ [•_ _ irai -assa. e, a :,cried c' ::ore th ayF s1-Z^e its pnblloation as abo-m set •ort ettA tre ta*Y.3rrax + C. to-jit.the 9tr., ^&;. Of -'4nuar7, 1z17,sald Ordinance .^,c.i as ^innFly parsec ,,nd adopted was !uly Pubiiehed in tie -ort Collin !!Orrin- Fr-ess, a daily ed An oar P'1bl'-s .A ir_ the said Citl' of Fort Collins, Colorado. In Ti!ress :mere-' I :awe t_e.Ourto set ry r. C t:_a 132h day of C:ty Cl•r • Y i ORDINANCE NO 1917 Ali ORDINANCE IN RELATION DO THE MASNTENANCE OF DOG KENNELS Sec 1 The keeping, maintaining and operating on any place or lot within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins for the purpose of breeding growing or raising of dogs is hereby de- clared by the City Council to be insanitary and derogatory to the public health and a menace to the peace and good order of the City and the enjoyment of rest and health by the inhabitants of said City and thereby constitutes a nuisance Sect 2 The keeping, maintaining or operating at any place within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins of any dog kennel or place for breeding, growing or raising of Bogs is hereby prohibited Sec 3 Any persons, person or corporation etecting, oper- ating or maintaining any such kennel or establishtngt as above de- seribed within the said limits who shall fail to remove and discon- tinue the same after reasonable notice from the Chief of Police of t the City of Fort Collins to do so shall upon conviction of viola- tion of this and the foregoing sections of this ordinance be fined Oo 00 not less than $ :�) and not more than $ / bo, and costs of suit, and in case of default of payment of said fine and costs, such person or persons may be imprisioned u#til such fine and costs are paid, byt not longer than ninty days Sec 4 Each days continuance of the violation of the provisions of this ordiannae, after notice givdn as in section 3 prorided shall constitute a separiLte offense and the person or persons guiltiy thereft shall., upon conviction, be punished accordingly Read first time and ordered published at a regular meeting of the City Council on the day of September A D 191? Passed and adopted on the day September A D 1917 ATTEST Commissioner of Safety and Ex-Of- ficio Maybr City Olerk c QTATE OF COLORADO) ss COUNTY OF LARIMEq) I, Ray Baxter, City Clerl of the City of Fort Collins, fo hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance, consisting of four (4) sections duly proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council lialgt ondthe day of September 191?, was as a meeting of the City Council duly ordered by Aye and Nay vote to be published in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the provisions of section 7 of Article IY of the City Charter, that thereafter and on to-rit, the day of September, 191?, at a regular meeting of he the City Council, said ordinance came before said Council on its final passage, a period of more that ten days havMig elapsed since the publication as above set forth, and that said ordinance was unon second reading admpted as an ordinance, ana thereafter and on, to-vit, the day of September, 1917, said Ordinance No 1917, as finally passed and adapted was duly published in the Fort Collins Courier a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand this day of Parch A D 1917 City Clerk � ��� �� �� �� ��,s � �, � � o � ��� � � � � � �� o � �� Q � � � � � � �