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Section 1 That pursuant to a resolution duly adopted by the
City Council at a regular meeting held on the 9th day of April, 1917
it was ordered by the City Council that a Storm Server District be
created under and in virtue of the authority contained in Subdivision
C of Chapter 130 of the Revised Statutes of 1908 of the State of
Colorado, concerning public improvements in cities and towns of
less than one hundred thousarl inhabitants, and pursuant to said
resolution the City Engineer was authorized and instructed to pre-
parPmap, plans and specifications of the proposed district, to-
gether with the estimated cost of the work therein, together 17ith
a schedule showing the approximate amount to be assessed upon the
several lots or parcels of property within said iroposed district,
and thereafter, pursuant to said resolution, the City Engineer did,
on the 18th day of April, 1917, duly file with the City Council his
map, plans and specifications and estimated cost of the improvement
in said proposed Storm Sewer District No 4, that on said last
mentioned date the City Council by fesolution did duly adopt the
map, plans and specifications and schedule of assessments prepared
by said City Engineer, and thGt said Storm Sewer District No 4 be
created and organized under the provisions of Section 5374 of the
Revised Statutes of 1908 of the State of Colorado. as follows, to-T tt
Lotd G. H, I, J, 6, 7 and 8, and Lots nineteen (19) to thirty (30)
inclusive, and Lot A, in Block eighteen (18) , Lots 2, 4, 6, 8, 102
12, 14 and 16 in Block thirteen (13) , Lots 2, 4, 62 83 10, 12, 14
and 16 in Block twelve (12), and Lots 1 to 21 inclusive and Lot A
in Block nineteen (19) , as shown by map of said proposed district
to be known and described as STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO 4, and that
the work of construction within said district shall consist of a
15-inch line of vitrified clay pipe extending from the main sewer
on Walnut Street and East Mountain Avenue, north on Walnut Street
to manhole No 1 on the south property line of Linden Street, to
be constructed along the west side of Walnut Street and thirty-tvo
(32) feet east of the west property line of said street and placed
seven and five-tenths (7 5) feet below the surface of the street,
to have one manhole and four (4) 10-inch vitrified clay pipe lines
extending from the manhole to the catch basins, to be constructed
as provided in the plans and specifications adopted, that the total
estimated cost of said improvement is one thousand one hundred ten
and 01/100 Dollars ($1,110 01), and the same was duly adopted in
said resolution as the Engineer's estimate of the cost of construc-
tion of said storm sewer and the cost of said district
Section 2 That pursuant to the requirements of said last
mentioned resolution adopted on the 16th day of April, 1917, due
notice was given to the owners of property to be assessed by due
and lawful publication in the Laximer County Democrat, a weekly
newspaper of general. circulation published in the City of Fort Collins,
for a period-of twenty (20) days, as shown by the proof of publica-
tion on file in the office of the City Clerk, which said notice was
to the owners of property to betaxed, and designated the kind of
improvement proposed, the number of instalments and the time in
which the cost will be payable, the rate of interest on unpaid and
deferred installments, the extent of the district improved, together
with the probable cost per square foot as shown by the estimates of
the City Engineer, and to the further effect that on the 21st day
of May, A D 1917, at four o'clock P M, in the Council Chamber
of the City Hall in the City of Fort Collins, the City Councll,would
hear and consider all complaints and objections that might be made
and filed in writing concerning the proposed improvement by the
owners of any real estate to be assessed, that said hearing on
complaints was adjourned to Wednesday, the 23d day of May, 1917,
at four o'clock P M , and in pursuance of said notice and the
adjournment thereof, the said City Council did sit to hear com-
plaints, and no complaints in writing concerning said improvement
had then and there been duly filed with the City Clerk
Section 3 The City Council finds that all the requirements
of the statute respecting the ordering of said improvement, and the
resolutions and notice required by law to be given in respect there-
to, before the adoption of an ordinance ordering said improvement,
have been complied with in all respects, and it is hereby ordered
that the improvement in Storm Sewer District No 4 by the construc-
tion of a stoom sewer therein as provided in the map, plans and
specifications heretofore adopted by the City Council and approved
by this ordinance, be and is hereby ordered to be constructed
Section 4, For the purpose of paying the cost of said
improvement, warrants of the City of Fort Collins are hereby
authorized to be issued, signed by the Commissioner of Safety and
Ex Officio Mayor and duly attdsted with the corporate seal by the
Citv Clerk, and countersigned by the Ex Officio City Treasurer,
which said warrants shall bear date at such time as may be fixed
by the Commissioner of Finance and Ex Officio Treasurer after the
work of improvement has been commenced in said storm sewer district,
and to be endorsed on the face thereof "Payable out oli the assessments
collected in Storm Sewer District No 4", and shall bear the name
of said Storm Se7er District No 4 on the face thereof, which said
warrants shell be payable in two annual installmelts with interest
at six per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on presentation
to the city treasurer and shall be number�c nsecutively as issued
and shall be redeemable commencing with No 1 and payable whenever
funds are available to the credit of Storm Se-7er District No 4 for
that purpose, together with accrued interest thereoid
Section 5 Whenever considered prudent by the City Treasurer,
he is hereby authorized and empowered whenever funds may be in his
hands to the creditoof said Storm Se^7er District No 4 exceelinm
six months' interest on the unpaid principal to advertise for ten
days in the official newspaper of said city and call in a suitable
number of warrants of said district for payment and at the expira-
tion of thirty (30) days from the first publication interest on
the warrants so called shall cease The notice shall specify
the warrants so called by number, and all aaid warrants so issued
shall be called and paid in their numerical. order
Section 6 Upon the taking effect of this ordinance, the
Commissioner of SafetN and Ex Officio Mayor is hereby authorized
and empowered to advertise for bids for the construction of said
improvement in accordance with the map, plans and specifications
heretofore adopted, which advertisement shall not be for less than
ten days in the official newspaper published in the City of Fort
Collins, and all bids received under said advertisement shall be
submitted to the City Council for approval or rejection, and no
contract shall be $twarded in excess of the City Engineer' s estimate
of the cost of said improvement After the contract is awarded
for construction, the City Council shall require a bond for the
faithful performance of the same of not less than twenty-fine
per cent of the contract price, with sufficient surety or sureties
to be approved by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Officio ijayor,
and the work of construction, when so awarded under said contract,
shall be under the general control of the Commissioner of Public
5orks and the immediate control and supervision of the City Engineer
whose decision in all matters of dispute respecting compliance with
this ordinance and the contract made thereunder, shall be final and
binding upon all parties thereto When said contract is awarded it
shall contain a clause to the effect that it is subject to the pro-
visions of the charter and the acts under which the City of Fort
Collins exists, and that the aggregate pLayments shall not exceed the
estimate of the City Engineer and the amount appropriated, and that
upon ten (10) days ' notice the work under said contract, without
cost or claims against the City of Fort Collins, may be suspended
for substantial cause and upon complaint of any owner of real estate
ti to e assessed for said improvement that the improvement is not
being constructed in accordance with the contract, then the City
Council may consider the complaint and make such order as may be
just, and its decision shall be final The City Council shall
have the right to reject any or all bids that may be made by any
person or persons for the construction of said improvement, and
when, in the judgment of the City Council, it shall deem it to the
best interests of the City of Fort Collins, said City Council is
hereby authorized and empowered to provide for doing such work by
hiring parties by the day and to arrange for thepurchasing of
the necessary material to do such work under the direction, super-
vision and control of the Commissioner of Public Works and the
@Sty Engineer acting for said city
Section 7 When said public improvement in Storm Sewer
District Ido 4 shz.11 have been completed and the same approved by
the City Engineer, recommended for acceptance by said officer,
and duly accepted by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins,
the cost thereof shall be assessed aV on all the real estate in
said district as the area of each piece of real estate in said
district is to the area of all the real estate in the district,
eXIlusive of public highways, which said assessments when made and
reported to the City Engineer and approved by the City Council
shall be assessed against the property in Storm Sewer District ho 44
by an ordinance to be adopted as provided by law
Section 8 For the purpose of paying engineering and other
clerical expenses, and the cost of inspection upon the approval of
the City Council the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Officio Mayor
is authorized and empo vered to advertise for not less than ten (10)
days in the official newspaper of said city and sell as many warrants
as may be necessary, and use the proceeds thereof for said purpose
and in accordance with the provisions of Section 5393 of the Revised
Statutes of 1908 of the State of Colorado
Section 9 This ordinance shall be irrepealable until the
indebtedness herein prov&ded for, whenever the same sYall be created,
shall have been fully paid, satisfied and discharged as herein pro-
Introduced, read and ordered published at an adjourned regular
meeting of the City Council held on Vie 23d day of May, A D 1917
Passed and adopted this i- Z day June, A D 1917
Commissioner of Safety and
Ex Officio Mayor
G ty Clerk
I. Ray Baxter, City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins
do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing ordinance con-
sisting of nine (9) sections, duly proposed and read at length
at an adjourned iagular meeting of the City Council held on the
23d day of Say 1917 was duly ordered bl Aye and Nay vote to be
published in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily newspaper of the
City of Fort Collins, in accordance with the provisions of
Section 7 of Article IV of the City Charter, that thereafter and
on, to-wit, the day of June, A D 1917, at a regular meeting
of the City Council, said ordinance came before said council on
its final passage, a period of more than ten dayshaving elapsed
since the publication as set forth, and that said ordinance was
upon secnnd reading adopted as an ordinance, that tnereafter and
on to-wit, the L; ,p day of June, 1917, said Ordinance No [51" 19172
as finally passed end adopted was duly published in the Fort
Collins Courier a daily newspaper published in the City of Fort
Collins, Colorado
s� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
day of June, A D 1917
City Clerk