WHEREAS, Utilities has proposed to pilot a new program element for 2012,providing on-
bill financing for residential customers participating in the Home Efficiency Program and the Solar
Rebate Program, and for customers who need to repair or replace a water supply line(the"On-Bill
Utility Financing Program"); and
WHEREAS,the primary goal of the On-Bill Utility Financing Program pilot is to facilitate
more efficiency upgrades in the residential sector in order to reduce the need for future energy
resources, reduce the community's environmental footprint, promote local economic health by
investing in the built environment, and improve the health, comfort and safety of homes in the Fort
Collins community; and
WHEREAS, in the fall of 2011,the City Council approved a budget exception for the 2012
budget to provide $300,000 for the On-Bill Utility Financing Program, subject to bringing the
necessary changes in the Code and additional details of the pilot program; and
WHEREAS, funding for subsequent years will be addressed through the Budgeting for
Outcomes process; and
WHEREAS,the proposed pilot On-Bill Utility Financing Program supports the policy goals
of Plan Fort Collins, the Climate Action Plan, Energy Policy and Water Conservation Plan; and
WHEREAS, the program will be a valuable addition to Utilities' efficiency and renewable
energy programs, which foster sustainability through energy and water use reductions, local
contractors and investment in the built environment and improved home comfort,health and safety;
WHEREAS,Fort Collins Utilities has offered the Zero Interest Loan(ZILCH)program since
the early 1980s,but after many years of success,in recent years the program has seen relatively little
activity; and
WHEREAS, in order to update the model for providing this type of support to residential
customers,staff has proposed that the On-Bill Utility Financing Program replace the ZILCH program
for Utilities-funded loans; and
WHEREAS,the Council has determined that it is desirable to establish an appropriate range
of interest rates for loans in the On-Bill Utility Financing Program,while providing some flexibility
for administration of specific loans based on administrative procedures and standards to be adopted
by the Financial Officer pursuant to existing authority under Section 26-720 of the City Code; and
WHEREAS, on March 1, 2012, the Energy Board voted unanimously to recommend
expansion of the role of Utilities as the financing agent for energy reduction projects, and on April
5, 2012, the Energy Board voted unanimously to recommend adoption of the proposed Ordinance;
WHEREAS, on March 15, 2012, the Water Board voted unanimously to recommend the
adoption of the proposed On-Bill Utility Financing Program; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the foregoing,the Council is adopting revisions to Chapter
26 of the City Code, as set forth herein.
COLLINS as follows:
Section 1. That, for the reasons stated above, the City Council hereby finds and
determines that the On-Bill Utility Financing Program as described herein will be for the betterment
of the affected Utilities, and will be beneficial to the ratepayers of those Utilities.
Section 2. That Section 26-129 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
by the addition of new subparagraphs (f) and (g) which read in their entirety as follows:
Sec. 26-129. Schedule D, miscellaneous fees and charges.
(f) The interest i ate for water service-related loans shall be no less than the most
current U.S.prime lending rate at the time of loan origination plus two percent(2%)
and no more than the most current U.S. prime lending rate at the time of loan
origination plus five percent(5%),per annum, with the interest rate for each loan to
be set in accordance with the administrative rules and regulations of the Financial
Officer pursuant to §26-720.
(g) Loan-related fees for water service-related loans shall be as follows:
(1) For loan application: $25.00
(2) For loan origination: 150.00
Section 3. That Section 26-130 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 26-130. Agreements for special water services.
(a) Special services or complex service arrangements that are beyond those
required for basic water service may be arranged by a written services agreement
which the Utilities Executive Director may negotiate and enter into on behalf of.the
water utility. Said agreement shall establish the terms and conditions for any such
special services or arrangements and shall incorporate by reference the requirements
of this Chapter, as applicable.
(b) Special services in the form of loans for water service-related improvements,
conservation measures or efficiency enhancements shall be documented on forms
determined by the Utilities Executive Director and the Financial Officer. Any such
loans shall be made consistent with the applicable program requirements, credit and
risk standards, and interest rate provisions as set forth in this Article and in the
administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Financial Officer pursuant to §
26-720. Obligations for repayment of any such loans are subject to the provisions of
Article XII of this Chapter.
(c) Any special services agreement modifying the rates,fees or charges for said
services from those set forth in this Article shall be subject to approval by the City
Council in accordance with § 6 of Article XII of the Charter.
Section 4. That Section 26-289 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 26-289. Miscellaneous fees and charges.
The following is a schedule of miscellaneous fees and charges:
Description 4mount
(1) Connection fees and service Fees shall be set forth as in§26-
harges 12(b)
(2) Industrial discharge permits
a. Administration 376.00 annually
b. Surveillance 3etermined for each user
nnually,based on direct cost
lus 15%indirect costs,billed
(3) Laboratory support services Determined on a case-by-case
asis based on direct cost plus
15%indirect costs
(4) Materials and labor provided etermined on a case-by-case
y City asis based on direct cost plus
15%indirect costs
(5) Charges for disposal at the
Fort Collins Regional Sanitary Waste
ransfer Station:
a. Septic tanks,vaults,privies,
portable toilets:
Generated within Larimer SO.071 per gallon
Generated outside Latimer 0.108 per gallon
b. Recreational vehicle sanitary
waste holding tanks:
Residential customers of the No charge for individual
City of Fort Collins Wastewater isposal at Transfer Station
Others 2.35 base fee plus$0.071 per
(6)Interest rate for wastewater service- o less than the most current
elated loans: U.S.prime lending rate at the
ime of loan origination plus two
ercent(2%)and no more than
he most current U.S. prime
ending rate at the time of loan
rigination plus five percent
5%),per annum,with the
merest rate for each loan to be
et in accordance with the
dministrative rules and
egulations of the Financial
Officer pursuant to§26-720.
(7) Loan-related fees for wastewater
ervice-related loans:
a. For loan application: 25.00
b. For loan origination: $150.00
8) Miscellaneous fees Determined on a case-by-case
basis based on direct costs plus
15%indirect costs
Section 5. That Section 26-290 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec. 26-290. Agreements for special wastewater services.
(a) Special services or complex service arrangements that are beyond those
required for basic wastewater service may be arranged by a written services
agreement which the Utilities Executive Director may negotiate and enter into on
behalf of the wastewater utility. Said agreement shall establish the terms and
conditions for any such special services or arrangements and shall incorporate by
reference the requirements of this Chapter, as applicable.
(b) Special services in the form of loans for wastewater service-related
improvements, conservation measures or efficiency enhancements shall be
documented on forms determined by the Utilities Executive Director and the
Financial Officer. Any such loans shall be made consistent with the applicable
program requirements, credit and risk standards, and interest rate provisions as set
forth in this Article and in the administrative rules and regulations adopted by the
Financial Officer pursuant to §26-720. Obligations for repayment of any such loans
are subject to the provisions of Article XII of this Chapter.
(c) Any special services agreement modifying the rates, fees or charges for said
services from those set forth in this Article shall be subject to approval by the City
Council in accordance with § 6 of Article XII of the Charter.
Section 6. That Section 26-464 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
by the addition of a new subsection (p) which reads in its entirety as follows:
Sec. 26-464. Residential energy service, schedule R.
(p) Loans. Special services in the form of loans for electric service-related
improvements,conservation measures or efficiency enhancements shall be documented
on forms determined by the Utilities Executive Director and the Financial Officer. Any
such loans shall be made consistent with the applicable program requirements,credit and
risk standards, and interest rate provisions as set forth in this Article and in the
administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Financial Officer pursuant to § 26-
720. The interest rate for such loans shall be no less than the most current U.S. prime
lending rate at the time of loan origination plus two percent(2%)and no more than the
most current U.S. prime lending rate at the time of loan origination plus five percent
(50/o), per annum, with the interest rate for each loan to be set in accordance with the
administrative rules and regulations of the Financial Officer. Obligations for repayment
of any such loans are subject to the provisions of Article XII of this Chapter.
Section 7. That Section 26-465 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
by the addition of a new subparagraph(r)which reads in its entirety as follows:
Sec.26-465. Residential demand service,schedule RD.
(r) Loans. Special services in the form of loans for electric service-related
improvements,conservation measures or efficiency enhancements shall be documented
on forms determined by the Utilities Executive Director and the Financial Officer. Any
such loans shall be made consistent with the applicable program requirements,credit and
risk standards, and interest rate provisions as set forth in this Article and in the
administrative rules and regulations adopted by the Financial Officer pursuant to § 26-
720. The interest rate for such loans shall be no less than the most current U.S. prime
lending rate at the time of loan origination plus two percent(2%) and no more than the
most current U.S. prime lending rate at the time of loan origination plus five percent
(5%), per annum, with the interest rate for each loan to be set in accordance with the
administrative rules and regulations of the Financial Officer. Obligations for repayment
of any such loans are subject to the provisions of Article XII of this Chapter.
Section 8. That Section 26-712(b)of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec.26-712. Utility bill and account charges authorized; procedures.
(b) The following account and miscellaneous fees and charges shall apply to all City
utility customers receiving service pursuant to the terms of Chapter 26,whether within
or outside of the corporate limits of the City, except as otherwise expressly stated:
Fees and Charges 4mount
Service connection fee for account with one or more $19.6
etered services(including nonmetered services for
e same account)
ustomer-initiated rate change(after 90 days of new 19.6
Service connection fee for account with only 10.0
onmetered services(stormwater,wastewater,wind,
at commercial electric,sprinkler clocks,cable towers
d floodlights)
Service fee to reinstate an account to the 10.0
caner/property manager between tenants
Meter reading charge,per month,for those customers 11.0
who request the option of mechanical electric meter per moo
d/or a mechanical water meter instead of the
standard advanced metering equipment
um-off notice fee 10.0
Reconnect fee per service for water or electric 20.0
following disconnection for delinquency
rip charge for special services requested by customer 19.6
luring normal service hours
After-hours reconnect or after-hours trip charge for 85.3
special service requested by customer-Water(after
5:00 p.m.weekdays or weekend/holiday)
After-hours reconnect or after-hours trip charge for 85.3
special service requested by customer-Electric(after
5:00 p.m.weekdays or weekend/holiday)
Return item fee(check,electronic fund transfer,credit 25.0
Owner-requested repair disconnect fee,per trip 20.0
Research/document fee per hour 20.0
Interest rate for utility service-related loans: No less than the most current U.S
prime lending rate at the time o
loan origination plus two percen
(2°/u)and no more than the mos
current U.S.prime lending rate a
the time of loan origination plu
five percent(59/6),per annum,wit
the interest rate for each loan to b
set in accordance with the
administrative rules an
regulations of the Financial Office
pursuant to§26-720
oan-related fees for utility service-related loans:
a. For loan application: $25.0
b. For loan origination: $150.0
Other miscellaneous charges will be based on direct cost plus fifteen percent (15%)
indirect costs.
Section 9. That Section 26-720 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins is hereby amended
to read as follows:
Sec.26-720. Administrative rules and regulations.
The Financial Officer shall formulate and promulgate rules and regulations for the
administration of this Article, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Article, with
respect to the billing and collection of utility fees and charges, credit and lending
standards and rates and administrative practices for utility loan programs, which shall
include,but shall not be limited to,efficiency-related conditions on loans for renewable
energy development, and other matters relating to the administration of customer
accounts. Said rules and regulations may regulate without limitation, the forms and
procedures for giving notice to customers; policies for adjusting billed amounts as
necessary to correct errors or for administrative efficiency or to achieve equity;
procedures for appeals; and procedures for the documentation of liens. Any rules or
regulations promulgated by the Financial Officer hereunder shall be effective upon the
Financial Officer's filing of the same with the City Clerk.
Section 10. That the City Manager is hereby directed to submit a written report to the City
Council on or before July 31,2013,or within thirty(30)days of disbursement of all available loans funds
for the On-Bill Utility Financing Program, whichever is earlier, describing the implementation of the
provisions of this Ordinance,including,but not limited to,the number of applications received by the City
for loans,the amounts disbursed by the City for the loans,the types of improvements for which the loans
have been made,and any recommendations as to changes to the program that might make the program
more effective.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading,and ordered published this 17th day of April,
A.D. 2012, and to be presented for final passage on the 1 st day of May,A.D. 2012.
Interim City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 1 st day of May,A.D. 2012.
Interim City Clerk