WHEREAS, on March 18, 1997, by its adoption of Ordinance No. 051, 1997, the
City Council enacted the Fort Collins Land Use Code (the "Land Use Code"); and
WHEREAS, Policy HSG-3.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan provides that the
character of stable, residential neighborhoods should be preserved through neighborhood
planning, assistance to neighborhood organizations, and supportive regulatory
techniques; and
WHEREAS, Policy EXN-1.4 of the City's Comprehensive Plan provides that the
City will follow specific design standards for infill development and redevelopment with
an emphasis on protecting existing residential neighborhood character; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has also adopted the East Side Neighborhood Plan
and the West Side Neighborhood Plan, which plans establish a vision and policies for
their respective areas; and
WHEREAS, at the time of the adoption of the Land Use Code, it was the
understanding of staff and the City Council that the Land Use Code would most likely be
subject to future amendments, not only for the purpose of clarification and correction of
errors, but also for the purpose of ensuring that the Land Use Code remains a dynamic
document capable of responding to issues identified by staff, other land use professionals
and citizens of the City; and
WHEREAS, City staff has been requested to prepare and present to the City
Council certain changes to the Land Use Code to address issues of concern regarding the
compatibility of the size of new single-family houses and additions to existing single-
family houses in the East Side and West Side Neighborhoods, particularly in the
Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density Zone District and the Neighborhood
Conservation, Medium Density Zone District, as compared to the size of existing
principal structures in those zone districts; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has received and considered the recommendation of
the Planning and Zoning Board; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that the recommended Land Use
Code amendments comport with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the East Side
Neighborhood Plan and West Side Neighborhood,Plan, and are in the best interest of the
City and its citizens.
OF FORT COLLINS that the Land Use Code is hereby amended as follows:
Section 1. That Section 2.10.2(H) of the Land Use Code is hereby amended
as follows:
(H) Step 8 (Standards): Applicable, and the Zoning Board of Appeals may
grant a variance from the standards of Articles 3 and 4 only if it finds that
the granting of the variance would neither be detrimental to the public
good nor authorize any change in use other than to a use that is allowed
subject to basic development review; and that:
(1) by reason of exceptional physical conditions or other extraordinary
and exceptional situations unique to such property, including, but
not limited to, physical conditions such as exceptional narrowness,
shallowness or topography, or physical conditions which hinder
the owner's ability to install a solar energy system, the strict
application of the standard sought to be varied would result in
unusual and exceptional practical difficulties, or exceptional or
undue hardship upon the occupant of such property, or upon the
applicant, provided that such difficulties or hardship are not caused
by the act or omission of the occupant or applicant;
(2) the proposal as submitted will promote the general purpose of the
standard for which the variance is requested equally well or better
than would a proposal which complies with the standard for which
the variance is requested; or
(3) the proposal as submitted will not diverge from the standards of
the Land Use Code that are authorized by this Division to be varied
except in a nominal, inconsequential way when considered in the
context of the neighborhood, and will continue to advance the
purposes of the Land Use Code as contained in Section 1.2.2.
Any finding made under subparagraph (1), (2) or (3) above shall be
supported by specific findings showing how the proposal, as submitted,
meets the requirements and criteria of said subparagraph(1), (2) or(3).
If a variance is sought from the standards contained in Division 4.7,
Section (D)(2) or Division 4.8, Section (D)(2) the application for such
variance shall be accompanied by a written recommendation from a
committee of the Landmark Preservation Commission, as authorized
under Section 2-278(b)(5) of the City Code.
Section 2. That Sections 4.7(D) and (E) of the Land Use Code are hereby
amended to read as follows:
Division 4.7 Neighborhood Conservation, Low Density District (N-C-L)
(D) Land Use Standards.
(1) Required Lot Area. Lot area shall be at least two and one-half(2%2)
times the aggregate floor area of the building(s) situated on the lot, as
further provided below, and not less than six thousand (6,000) square
feet per principal building. "Aggregate floor area" shall mean the
total gross floor area of all principal buildings as measured along the
outside walls of each finished or unfinished floor level of such
buildings, plus the total gross floor area of the ground floor of any
accessory building larger than one hundred twenty (120) square feet,,
plus that portion of the floor area of any second story having a ceiling
height of at least seven and one-half(7'/z) feet located within any such
accessory building located on the lot.
(2) Allowable Floor Area of Street-Fronting Single-Family Dwellings.
The allowable floor area of a street-fronting single-family dwelling
shall not exceed forty-five (45) percent of the first three thousand
(3,000) square feet of lot area, plus twenty-five (25) percent of the
remaining lot area. For the purposes of this provision, "allowable
floor area" shall mean the aggregate floor area of the street-fronting
single-family dwelling, any garage attached to such dwelling, and any
detached accessory building larger than one hundred twenty (120)
square feet, except as provided in subsection (c) below. Additionally,
the following shall apply:
(a) If any horizontal eave along a side lot line is more than
thirteen (13) feet above the surface of the lot, as measured
at the lowest point of the interior side lot line that is
opposite the eave, the floor area shall be calculated as if the
building includes a second floor regardless of whether a
second floor is physically built.
(b) If any one story portion of a street-fronting single-family
dwelling contains space that exceeds eighteen and one-half
(18 1/2) feet in height from the ground floor to the top of
the roof, such portion shall be counted as both a first and
second floor even if such second floor is not physically
built, or if such portion consists partly or wholly of attic
Figure 17.2
Volume that Counts as Floor Area
Horizontal Eave
Count as Second Floor" On Side Wall
For Over 13'Height
Floor Area Limits
Lowest Point on
Lot Line Opposite
Side Wall
Front View
Lot Line j
Side Wall I
Count as
"Second Floor" For
Floor Area Limits
18Y� 18'/'
Ground Floor NJ
(c) The following shall not be included in the computation of
the allowable floor area:
1. basements, provided that the top of the center of any
basement side wall is no more than three (3) feet higher
than the surface of the lot at the interior side lot line
opposite the wall; and further provided that this height
limitation shall not apply if a greater height is required by
the City to accommodate safe and satisfactory drainage;
2. open balconies;
3. the first two hundred fifty (250) square feet of any
detached accessory building that is larger than one hundred
twenty (120) square feet, but only if located behind the
street-fronting principal building and separated from such
principal building by at least ten (10) feet.
(3) Allowable Floor Area of Carriage Houses. Any new single-family
dwelling that is proposed to be located behind a street-fronting
principal building shall contain a maximum of eight hundred (800)
square feet of floor area unless such new single-family dwelling
contains a two-car garage, in which case it shall contain a maximum
of one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor area, including the
garage. Floor area shall include all floor space within the basement
and first floor plus that portion of the floor area of any second story
having a ceiling height of at least seven and one-half (7'/z) feet. A
new single-family dwelling may be located in any area of the rear
portion of such lot, provided that it complies with the setback
requirements of this District and there is at least a ten-foot separation
between structures. The building footprint for such single-family
dwelling shall not exceed six hundred (600) square feet.
(4) Accessory Buildings With Habitable Space (or Potential Future
Habitable Space). Any accessory building with water and/or sewer
service shall be considered to have habitable space. An applicant may
also declare an intent for an accessory building to contain habitable
space. Any such structure containing habitable space that is located
behind a street-fronting principal building shall contain a maximum of
six hundred (600) square feet of floor area. Floor area shall include
all floor space within the basement and ground floor plus that portion
of the floor area of any second story having a ceiling height of at least
seven and one-half (7%z) feet. Such accessory building may be
located in any area of the rear portion of a lot, provided that it
complies with the setback requirements of this District and there is at
least a ten-foot separation between structures.
(5) Accessory Buildings Without Habitable Space. Any accessory
building without water and/or sewer service, which has not been
declared to contain habitable space by the applicant, shall not exceed
a total floor area of six hundred (600) square feet. Floor area shall
include all floor space (including basement space) within the building
having a ceiling height of at least'seven and one-half(7'/z) feet.
(6) Floor Area Ratio of Rear Half of Lot (FAR). Lots are subject to a
maximum FAR of twenty-five hundredths (0.25) on the rear fifty (50)
percent of the lot. All principal buildings and 'detached accessory
buildings that exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet of floor
area shall be included in the calculation of FAR.
(E) Dimensional Standards.
(1) Minimum lot width shall be forty(40) feet.
(2) Minimum front yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. Setbacks from
T garage doors to the backs of public walks shall not be less than twenty
(20) feet.
(3) Minimum rear yard setback shall be five (5) feet from existing alleys
and fifteen (15) feet in all other conditions.
(4) Minimum side yard width shall be five (5) feet for all interior side
yards. Whenever any portion of a wall exceeds eighteen (18) feet in
height, as measured from the surface of the lot, at the lowest point of
the interior side lot line that is opposite the wall, such portion of the
wall shall be set back from the interior side lot line an additional one
(1) foot, beyond the minimum required, for each two (2) feet or
fraction thereof of wall height that exceeds eighteen (18) feet
Minimum side yard width shall be fifteen (15) feet on the street side
of any corner lot. Notwithstanding the foregoing, minimum side yard
width for schools and places of worship shall be twenty-five (25) feet
(for both interior and street sides).
Figure 17.3
Measurement of Side Wall Height
Lowest Height
Point Measurement
Opposite For Setback
Side Wall Purposes
(5) Maximum building height shall be two (2) stories, except in the case
of carriage houses, and accessory buildings containing habitable
space, which shall be a maximum of one and one-half(1%z) stories.
Section 3. That Sections 4.8 (D) and (E) of the Land Use Code are hereby
amended to read as follows:
Division 4.8 Neighborhood Conservation, Medium Densitv District (N-C-M)
(D) Land Use Standards.
(1) Required Lot Area. Lot area shall be at least two times the aggregate
floor area of the building(s) situated on the lot, as further provided
below, and not less than the following: five thousand (5,000) square
feet per principal building for a single-family or two-family dwelling,
and six thousand (6,000) square feet for all other uses. "Aggregate
floor area" shall mean the total gross floor area of all principal
buildings as measured along the outside walls of each finished or
unfinished floor level of such buildings, plus the total gross floor area
of the ground floor of any accessory building larger than one hundred
twenty (120) square feet, plus that portion of the floor area of any
second story having a ceiling height of at least seven and one-half
(7%) feet located within any such accessory building located on, the
(2) Allowable Floor Area of Street-Fronting Single-Family Dwellings.
The allowable floor area of a street-fronting single-family dwelling
shall not exceed forty-five (45) percent of the first three thousand
(3,000) square feet of lot area, plus twenty-five (25) percent of the
remaining lot area. For the purposes of this provision, "allowable
floor area" shall mean the aggregate floor area of the street-fronting
single-family dwelling, any garage attached to such dwelling, and any
detached accessory building larger than one hundred twenty (120)
square feet, except as provided in subsection (c) below. Additionally,
the following shall apply:
(a) If any horizontal eave along a side lot line is more than
thirteen (13) feet above the surface of the lot, as measured
at the -lowest point of the interior side lot line that is
opposite the eave, the floor area shall be calculated as if the
building includes a second floor regardless of whether a
second floor is physically built.
(b) If any one story portion of a street-fronting single-family
dwelling contains space that exceeds eighteen and one-half
(18 1/2) feet in height from the ground floor to the top of
the roof, such portion shall be counted as both a first and
second floor even if such second floor is not physically
built, or if such portion consists partly or wholly of attic
Figure 17.6
Volume that Counts as Floor Area
illillillillilllllll Horizontal Eave
Count as"5econd7Floor" On side wall
For Over IT Height
Floor Area Lim
Lowest Point on
Lot Line Opposite
Side Wall
Front View
Lot Line j
Side Wall I
Count as
"Second Floor" For
Floor Area Limits
18'/]' 18 Ys
Ground Floor NV
(c) The following shall not be included in the computation of
the allowable floor area:
1. basements, provided that the top of the center of any
basement side wall is no more than three (3) feet higher
than the surface of the lot at the interior side lot line
opposite the wall; and further provided that this height
limitation shall not apply if a greater height is required by
the City to accommodate safe and satisfactory drainage;
2. open balconies;
3. the first two hundred fifty (250) square feet of any
detached accessory building that is larger than one hundred
twenty (120) square feet, but only if located behind the
street-fronting principal building and separated from such
principal building by at least ten (10) feet.
(3) Allowable Floor Area of Carriage Houses. Any new single-family
dwelling that is proposed to be located behind a street-fronting principal
building shall contain a maximum of one thousand (1,000) square feet
of floor area. Floor area shall include all floor space within the
basement and first floor plus that portion of the floor area of any second
story having a ceiling height of at least seven and one-half(7%) feet. A
new single-family dwelling may be located in any area of the rear
portion of such lot, provided that it complies with setback requirements
of this District and there is at least a ten-foot separation between
structures. The building footprint for such single-family dwelling shall
not exceed six hundred (600) square feet.
(4) Accessory Buildings With Habitable Space (or ,Potential Future
Habitable Space). Any accessory building with water and/or sewer
service shall be considered to have habitable space. An applicant may
also declare an intent for an accessory building to contain habitable
space. Any such structure containing habitable space that is located
behind a street-fronting principal building shall contain a maximum six
hundred(600) square feet of floor area. Floor area shall include all floor
space within the basement and ground floor plus that portion of the floor
area of any second story having a ceiling height of at least seven and
one-half(7%) feet. Such accessory building may be located in any area
of the rear portion of a lot, provided that it complies with the setback
requirements of this District and there is at least a ten-foot separation
between structures.
(5) Accessory Buildings Without Habitable Space. Any accessory building
without water and/or sewer service, which has not been declared to
contain habitable space by the applicant, shall not exceed a total floor
area of six hundred (600) square feet. Floor area shall include all floor
space (including basement space) within the building having a ceiling
height of at least seven and one-half(7`h) feet.
(6) Floor Area Ratio of Rear Half of Lot (FAR). Lots are subject to a
maximum FAR of thirty-three hundredths (0.33) on the rear fifty (50)
percent of the lot. All principal buildings and detached accessory
buildings that exceed one hundred twenty (120) square feet of floor
area shall be included in the calculation of FAR.
(E) Dimensional Standards.
(1) Minimum lot width shall be forty (40) feet for each single-family and
two-family dwelling and fifty (50) feet for each other use. If more
than one (1) principal building is proposed to be constructed side-by-
side on the same lot, then each such principal building must have at
least forty(40) feet of street frontage for single-family and two-family
dwellings, and at least fifty (50) feet of street frontage for each other
(2) Minimum front yard setback shall be fifteen (15) feet. Setbacks from
garage doors to the backs of public walks shall not be less than twenty
(20) feet.
(3) Minimum rear yard setback shall be five (5) feet from existing alleys
and fifteen (15) feet in all other conditions.
(4) Minimum side yard width shall be five (5) feet for all interior side
yards. Whenever any portion of a wall exceeds eighteen (18) feet in
height, as measured from the surface of the lot at the lowest point of
the interior side lot line that is opposite the wall, such portion of the
wall shall be set back from the interior side lot line an additional one
(1) foot, beyond the minimum required, for each two (2) feet or
fraction thereof of wall height that exceeds eighteen (18) feet.
Minimum side yard width shall be fifteen (15) feet on the street side
of any corner lot. Notwithstanding the foregoing, minimum side yard
width for schools and places of worship shall be twenty-five (25) feet
(for both interior and street sides).
Figure 17.7
Measurement of Side Wall Height
Lowest Height
Point Measurement
Opposite For Setback
Side Wall Purposes
(5) Maximum building height shall be two (2) stories, except for carriage
houses and accessory buildings containing habitable space, which
shall be limited to one and one-half(1%) stories.
Section 4. That the definition "Block face" contained in Section 5.2.1 of the
Land Use Code is hereby amended to read as follows:
Block face shall mean one (1) side of a City block that abuts a street
between two (2) intersections.
Section 5. That Section 5.2.1 of the Land Use Code is hereby amended by the
addition of a new definition "Principal building" which reads in its entirety as follows:
Principal building shall mean any building except a detached accessory
Section 6. That the City Manager is hereby directed to prepare and submit to
the City Council, on or before January 31, 2013, a written report and recommendation
regarding the implementation of the provisions of this Ordinance and, in particular,
whether such implementation has, in his or her opinion, achieved the stated purposes of
ensuring the compatibility of additions, alterations and new construction with existing
structures in residential neighborhoods of the City without working an undue hardship on
affected property owners.
Section 7. That the amendments provided for in this Ordinance shall apply to
applications for development approval or for building permits that are filed with the City
on or after April 1, 2011.
Introduced, considered favorably on first reading, and ordered published this 4th
day of January, A.D. 2011, and to be presented for final passage on the 1st day of
February, A.D. 2011. ,
City Clerk
Passed and adopted on final reading on the 1 st f February, A.D. 2011
City Clerk