Section 1 For the uses specified in this ordira,nce,
an apulication rrust be made to the City Superintendent of Water
Works for a permit t¢ yap street mains forming a part of the
city water worts
If granted sucn permit shall be signed by such officer
in his oiiicial capacity shall set fortn the nave of the person
for whose benefit such perim t shall be granted the size of the
stop cock for discharging the water from the main to the service
pipe and as near as possible the point at wnich such typing
is to be done, the place to wnich the water is to be conveyed
the situation of the hydrant and the contemplated use of the
The Superintendent shall weep a record of pernats in a
booz xept for that purpose in his office, wnich record shall set
forth the substance of such permit
Section 2 The Water Superintendent snall do the tapp-
ing of the street main for service pines and shall supply the
saddle clamp, stop cock and all otner necessary materials for the
connection of such Pipes Gnd nains Tne applicant for water shall
pay the Water Superintendent at the time of receiving the permit
the sum of Five($5 00) Dollais Ahich payment shall be endorsed
upon said per-nit and no permit will entitle the aiplacant or the
holder tn the use of the water or the privilege of tapping such
main unless such 1,ayraent be endorsed thereon All labor and mat-
erial expended in con-section with laying the applicant ' s service
1 , pipe in the street incl'iadiji�g all pipe, appurtenances and exca�a- '
+ions irem the water main to+he property line of the applicant
shall, (except as hereinbefore noted) be done by the City at the
expense of the applicant and under the direction of the Superinten-
dent of Water works
Section 3 Any person permitted as aforesaid shall do all
other work by which he is to obtain water at, his own expense and
in accoraance with the provisicne of this orainance and the permit
Section 4 all service pipes and tneir unaerground fix-
tur�s connected witr, the street mains shall be of good and substan-
tial materials well and substantially made and the laying of
such pipes snall be done in a worxmanlike manner, and four (4)
feet below the street grade and it all places at least four (4)
feet belor the surfece of the ground and at all places where the
pipe is drained or under a hydrant gooseneck etc the excavation
shall be at least eighteen inches (18 in ) deep and fourteen inches
(14 in ) square and the same shall be filled with boulders
\ Section 5 No stop inserted in the street mains for the
purpose of connection with the service pipes shall have an orifice
of a greater diameter than five-eighths (5/8) of an inch, and every
stop-cock shall be of brass, and shall be connected to galvanized
iron service pipe by a malleable iron union
Section 6 The owner of any premises to which water
shall be conducted shall keep all pipes and fixtures from the pro-
perty line and on said premises tight ana in good repair, so as to
prevent waste of water and upon saia waste resulting from breakage
of such pipes or fixtures or imperfection of such pipes or fixtures
shall forthwith stop such waste by repairing effectually such
break or imperfections Upon non-compliance with the above pro-
visions the water Superi*i+endent shall at once disconnect such
pipe Trom the street main
A stop-cock witn iron stop box of a type approved by
the Superintendent of water works shall be installed at a point
on the service pipe one (1) foot inside the outer edge of the
curb line for all service pipes placed within the business dis-
trict and two (2) feet inside the outer edge of the curb line
for all service pipes placed in the residence district Saida
stop-cock and stop-box shall be furnished by the City water De-
partment and the actual cost thereof shall be paid by the owner,
and all fixtures between the main and the property line serving
such premises shall be maintained by the City at the expense of the
owners all expenses thus incurred by the City to be collected at
the same time and along with the next regular water collections
The original installation of said fixtures shall be made
by or under the airection of the Superintendent of water Works
All stop-cocks and stop-boxes irstalled prior to the passage of this
ordinance shall be inspected by the Superintendent of water works and
any that shall be founa to be out of repair shall be repaired or re-
placed by hin, and the actual cost of such repairs or replacements
in labor and materials shall be charged to the owners and collected
at the same time and in t"ie same manner as provided for collecting
the original installation of said stop-cocks, stop-boxes and appur-
tenances When anv stop-box shall have been installed as herein pro-
vided it shall be unlawful for any person to raise or lower tamper
with or in any way interfere with the same
Section 7 All work unaertaken through and under any
permit from the Superintendent shall be done with reasonable dispatch
Section 8 In any case in which a person abandoning
the use of water, takes up nis service pipe which has been connect-
ed with the main the stop ferrule stop-bcx andpipe with connec-
tions between the main and the property line shall be forfeited to
the City ana left in the ground attacned to the main
Section 9 License may oe issued to water consumers
by the City of Fort Collins for six months or one year as the
applicant may desire Payment of water license to be semi-annual,
due and payable August 1st and February 1st of each year
Each license shall be dated as of the day of its issue
and the rent charges and consideration therefor shall be paid in
advance, provided that if any license shall be issued oat any time
betzeen said regular periods said license for its term shall end
at one of the said regular terms License foi water for building
purposes shall be issued only upon the specifications of the ar-
chitect or builder of the work to be done, specifying the number
of brick perch of stone square yards of plastering and cubic
yarde of concrete, for which vtater will be required and in all
cases payment for water shall be a condition precedent to the is-
suance of the license No license shall be issued for a greater
period than one year, except for the purpose herein stated and
all licenses shall be issued at a rate corresponding to a year in
ratio of time, but no license shall be issued for less than One
Further, there shall be no rebates to the owner on account
of the owner or the tenant ceasing to use water before the ex-
piration of the time for which rental ras been paid
Section 10 Licenses and permits for the use of water
will be oranted under the provisions of this ordinance, at the
following terms and rates
CLASS 1- Private Dwellings-per anru m
4 rooms or less $10 00
Each additional room 1 50
Bath Tubs each 1 00
Saower Bathe each 1 00
Victor gashing 4Iachines each 4 00
Water Closets, each 3 00
Additional Water Closets, each 1 00
Urinals each 3 00
Steam Hestia% az * a 00
g 1 00
Hot Water heat in
r r
Class 11 - YAIBcellaneous
Water for lawns or gardens on vacant lots
For each 50' $5 QO
For each additional foot of frontage 10
Water for tr-es onik , on vacant lots 44A-I°V
For each 50' , 3 00
For e�cn additional foot of frontage 10
Water for new lawns on off days without extra
cnarge by special permit from Commissioner of
Water for building purposes
Brick per 1000 or fraction thereof 05
Plastering per 100 Sq Yds or fraction thereof 20
Stone per perch or fracti(n thereof 10
Concrete per cu yd or fraction thereof 05
Tank Wagons each 17
> > or seven for 1 00
CBarrels each 05
Class 111 - Private Stables and Barns
Each horse or mule 2 00
Each Cow 2 00
Class IV - Metered Service
All establishments or places of business not strictly
resiaential stall be placed upon meter All meters required
shall be instdled 64"40 a44 - alter the passage of this
ordinance and in no case later than Oc`ober 15th, 1919
Referring to Class 1V "lfetered Service" of water used
oy consumers falling within this class within the corporate
limits of the City of Fort Collins, rentials shall be paid month-
ly on the 1st day of the succeeding montn, and if not so paid and
the money in the nands of the City Clerk by 3 30 P M on the
loth day of the succeeding month or in the hands of the City
Clerk by 3 30 P M of the 9th providing the loth falls on
Sunday, then a penalty of $1 00 snall be charged and the water
shall be shut off by order of the Commissioner of Works, but
said penalty of $"1 00 shall be charged at the time of making up
the water assessment roll and in the event the water rent shall
be -oaid within the time above lirri+ed, the said sum of $1 00
shall be rebated to the water consumers Otherwise retaired by
the City as penalty for turrirg off and turning on water
{ The charges per month for water measured through a ireter shall
be as f ollows --
' First 10,000 gallons consumption per month per 1000 gal 20
Q Next 30,000 gal consunption per month per 1000 gal 15
N ' Next 60,000 gal consunption per month per 1000 gal 10
Next 120,000 gal consumption per month per 1000 gal 08
J Next 280,000 gal consumption per month per 1000 gal 07
Next 450 OCO gal consumption per wnth per 1000 gal 06
Next 650 000 gal consumption per month per 1000 gal 05
I For all consumpticn during the month in excess of 12600,000 gal
per 1000 gallons ,oAl
Size of Meter Mini num Monthly Guaranty
5/8 " or smaller $1 OO
3/d " or smaller 1 50
1 inch 2 00
12 inch 3 00
2 inch 4 50
3 inch 6 00
4 inch 9 00
6 inch 15 00
Larger 25 00
In computing the mcnthly cnarr,,,e for water by the meter,
the amount due on the first 10,000 gallons shall be added to the
amount due on the second 10,000 gallons and ii like manner each
additional 10,000 gallons having a different rate per 10,000
gallons, as shown by the meter reading for a period decided to
be computed
A2: continuous or mechanical flow fixtures, urinal and
toilets, (anti-freeze toilets hopper toilets)and mechanically
flushed toilets, srfall be placed on meters and payment therefor
shall be made in accordance with the schedule of rates for meter
If any meter shall fal toAre aster ii any one mcnth the
consuner shall be charged for the average monthly consumption
during the two preceaing months as sh avn by his meter All
outside toilets or water closets whether connected with private
dwellings or not, shall be placed on rreters
All meters shall be of a size type and design approved
by the City Commissioners and in conformity with the requirements
of the Public Utilities Coamission of the State of Colorado and
snall be instaled by the Water Department Each meter shall
be inspectied oy the Water Department and must be prcperly ad-
justed eerore installation Tne cost of the meter and the expense
of installation and maintenance shall be borne by the owner of
the premises
A reccra shall be made and preserved of each meter installed to-
-ether with the location of meters, service nipe or pipes, stop-
cbcLs and taps All peters shall be supplied with a stop-cock
on each side of the meter Al.L meters shall oe placed it an
easily ac essible part ox the ure ices using water ttrough such
neter Such locWtion ana placement to be a�i.;rovcd by the Com-
missirner of Works or his de uty and the sarre Tray be inspected at
any redscnable time by the cf ficer o:L the water works departn ent
cr by r--I,reser-Gatives of the Puclic Utilities Coirmissien
When a house or premises is mogul ied by , ore than
one iGmily these si all Le chs.rr-ed the regular slat rate for
eacn family usin_ the water, or la lieu of such charge a meter
s'^al l be 1 s-el l ed
Preuises %itncut service cone ecticne using water from
the Fort Collins wester syste and takirg the same from the service
pipes or anct ier prerice stall be chareed $o 00 each per annum
-q4u- n t,dert of ''gates Wcros
es g e l ea Co- kz-11,gtar^ QX--t..at departiient
u Zags
e ' 0
x �. � vJ '�JQ....n, t'''yi�� L. .�.— J, yr * �. .• any r..n Y K.. ...al�u�.
b�`t p�ie'ba ittic g`neling asa�Ger �dt�"�i `ilse
mooted wi fi"any &O&o there eb.all tie`a&eA. weep&
"Ie' for fhb fur a t ' ga on s�3►, fum a tWO e�G�e water and the cr
�t �y,� may, �4t �/� y �). y ,�yF''�
udd ae14n� * I e 9 of slow der �"r Ili ed+ tea'a to aft Ater Obamet
'a 10 to IUet ad in inns tallms*s ag-c'net on the %-A
dw of nb M w end'bttA►►�* obi ihe/APA d' of AmgRii ogee t yew, `'act
r� th all awes vhb*'b vas write* rent lea dat 'ie; saII'lris-a 9-4
b� t� e � elw ter
ftall ee �`�olUa6'ed at the ffrie Uhe dif eater rate Je cc
e$ and M a�` 'E"ott1a efts Ob-aMe, eea�fltlII eras' 0P'1 e� tne'89Ai see -
u" d-v'Ileud al the time ` has to February andl asAugwt i hivary
a9 ffid � Z: no one c 1. �.
o ra
b8 peraitted to tide
end unu a eve` ieatc�x rat an a r u ►ors eerie 47 water%94 t e e x i�
--ey er c,hL-rgss aie P-1a
Section 12 Every license shall contain the name of
the licensee, the price paid therefor the location the purpose
the length of time for which it is granted when granted and the
time of its expiration and shall be signed by she City Clerk
Section 13 Any person or persons having a water licenso
who shall use or allow to be used, the water from the hydrant
designated in nis or their license for any pur000se not specified
tnerein, or shall allow any person or persons not having a license
to use water from such hydrant or shall willfully permit water
to waste from suen hydrant, shall be desired guilty of a violation
of this ordinance
Section 14 Whoever shall by any of his family
agent employe or servant, use the water from any part of the
water works w3tnout a license or shall without lawful authcrity
open any :ire plug or hydrant or stopcocic, gate, valve or otner
fixture appertaining to said water works, or shall turn on or
off water into or frorf any pipe, without lawful authority, snall
be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
Section 15 Whoever shall throw, cast put or ae-
posit any article or thing into any streams reservoir ditch,
trench, pipe or drain used in or connected with the water works
or any part tnereof, or shall in any nasnner irterfere with or
obstruct the floor of water in any such reservoir, ditch, pipe,
trench or drain shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this
Section 16 Any person who shall bathe or swim in,
or wash cr bathe any animal,'or cause any animal to go into any
water specified in Section (ice) of this ordinance shall
be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance
Section 17, The City reserves the right to cause the
water to be shut off from street mairs when they deem it necessary
for repairing the works, making connections or extensions, it case
of fire or for the purpose of cleaning the system
Section 18 Hose used for the sprinkling of lawns or
gardens will be permitted during the following hours only
From Five O' clock A M until Nine O' clock A M and
from Three O' clock P M until Nine O' clock P M except on the
first aay of the month following a montn of 31 days it which case
those residing upon the even side of the street will have the
exclusive use of the water from Five O' clock A hi until Nine O'-
clock A M and those residing upon the odd side of the street
will have the exclusive use of the water from Three O'clock P M
until Nine O' clock P M The sprinkler or nozzle attached to said
hose shall not exceed 3/16 of one arch in diaireter and water shall
not be used through hose or pipes without a nozzle or sprinkler
attached thereto and this iegulati cn snall apply to all users of
water whether rlat or metered service
Section 1S The sum of $1 00 snall be added to the
watier rental of each consumer it making up the water rental roll
for each period provided in this ordinance and upo- the failure
of any water consumer to pay his or her water rent/On or before
3 30 O' clock P M of the lOtn aay of February and August of each
year or upon the 9th day of such month should the loth day fall
upon Sunday and the money actually in the hands of the Citv Clerk
then said sum of $1 00 shall be collected ana hela by the City \
as penalty for turning oTf and on the water, otherv,ise'saia q1 00 }1
shall be rebated to the water consumer
The owner oz every building, premise, lot or house ahal.L
be liable for all water delivered to or taken and used upon
his or her premises In case .any tenant it possession of said
premises or building shall pay the water rent or rate, it shall
relieve his or her landlord from such obligation, but the City
shall not oe required to loox to any person whatsoever other
than the owner for the payment of wester rents and rates herein
Section 20 It shall be deemed a violation of
this ordinance for any water consumer to use any water for
irrigation or sprinkling lawns during any fire, or while the
Fire Department is using water for fire purposes, and it shall
be the duty of all water consumers, whan a fire alarm is sound-
ed to at once turn off the water from his garden or lawn
Section 21 It is hereby made the duty of the
water Superintendent to put in proper water meters f or the pur-
pose of measuring the water used by any person firm company
or corporation from the city water works, outside of the cor-
porate limits of the city oz Fort Collins at the expense of the
ap-,li c ant
Anyone residing without the city limits desiring
to connect with the City water system snall petition t'ie City
Council to allow sucr connection and if granted the work shall
be done under a revocable permit and under the following re-
gulations --
Tne owner or petitioner must pay the regulation
tap fee and use 15 inch lead gooseneoa not less than 15 inches
long and kn owr as "extra strong, " in making connections
The user must purcnase s meter approved by the
Superintendent of Water Works and install the same at his own
expense under the supe.Lvision of the Superintendent of Water
Works The meter and iron stop-box of regulation size to be
located at a distance not greaser than ten feet from the main un-
less otherwise designated by the Commissioner of Works
The water user must keep the meter in repair at all times
at his own expense
All users residing without the City limits must deposit with
the City Clerk an amc.unt equal to the cost of the estimated quar-
terly consumption for the quarter ana in no case shall this amount
be less than the minimuff charge for country meters as elsewhere
stated for said quarterly period Said deposit shall be maintained
at all times while the service is continued
Payments for water received through meter without the City
limits shall be due or the let day of February May, August and
November of each year together with $1 00 additional to be added
on the wa+er assessment roll at each of1tnese payment periods and
if the water rent is nct paid and in the hands of the City Clerk
by 3 30 P M of the loth day or 3 30 P M of the 9th day, shcula
the loth day fall uppn Sunday the $1 00 shall be retained by the
City as penalty and the water shut oif by the order of the Commis-
sioner of Works and the water will not be again turned on until all
payments in arrears shall have been paid including penalty toge-
ther °vitn the regular fee for turning on water which shall be as
follows to-rit
For all meters within a radius of five miles of the City
Hall $2 50, for all meters at a greater radius distance from the
City Hall $B 50
Meters out of order ana failing to7r the owner will
be required to pay double the minimam of rrevicus registration
.rithir the annual period Theee regulaticne are to apply to
all meters new installed as well as future installations
Section 22 It shall be unlawful for any person within
the City limits of the Citv of Fort Collins when using water
from the city water works upon lawns gardens or trees
to use operate, permit or cause to be used or operated at one
and the same time, more than one nozzle or sprinkler or other me-
thod for taking water from said water works, upon his or her
premises, wi+nout first having obtained from the city a permit
so to do
Section 23 Permission tc make more than one tap to
use or operate more tnan one nozzle or sprinkler, or other method
for diverting water, by any water consumer within said city, for
one lot or more or iDarts of a lot or lots connected with a single
dwelling house, shall be granted at the request of such water con-
sumer and the consumer shall pay to the city at the time of
furnishing and setting the same the cost of such meter and setting
after which it shall be kept in repair by the city at the expense
of the owner it being understood that title to all meters in the
city of Fort Collins is vested in the city until all charges for
water and penalties in arrears are paid, and upon failure of any
cwner to pay his or her water oil! including any penalties that
may be due, the City nay aprraise the value of said meter and
deduct the amount due the city rrem the aDl raised value of said
meter, returning the balance to the owner the meter then oecom-
ing the property of the city
Section 24 The tapping of the mains shall be under
the exclusive control of the city, the tap to be inserted snall
not have an orifice of a greater diameter than five-eighths (5/8)
of an inch, and under no ccnditions shall any person or persons
be permitted to connect more tnan one tap with branch pipes by
means of a Y or other device Joining with a service pipe, for the
conducting of water from the water mains All persons now using
and conducting water froi the water mains by means of more than
one tap connected witn one service pipe or otherwise, when used
for irrigation, shall be required to have placed a water Teter
' for the purpose of measuring said water
Section 25 When water is measured to a consumer through
a water meter, the rate per tnousand gallons shall be as is now
or hereafter may be established by the City Council by resolution
or ordinance dulv passed and adopted, and such City Council shall
have power to change said rates from time to time as ni&y be deemed
exp edi ent
Section 26 Any person or persons naving two or more
tape connected with one service pipe or otherwise, for the use
of a single lawn or garden or both who fails neglects or refuses
to obtain a permit to continue the use of more than one of said taps
or fails neglects and refuses to have a water meter placed in con-
nection with said pipes as provided it this ordinance shall be de-
prived of the use of water through more than one tap, and it is
hereby made the duty of the Superintendent of water works of said
City to shut off the water from all the pipes of such person or
I,ersons except so much as is furnished by a single tap, provided that
if said taps are so arranged that the wzter cannot be shut of f
=rorr all but one thereof the, he shall shut it all off and said
water snall oe kTt shut oif until saia person or persons shall
nave complied with the terms provisions or conditions of this or-
Section 27 Superintendert of Water Works whenever used
in Ordinances shall mean Commissioner of Works in charge of that
Department under the Charter
Section 28 Any person convictea of m.,li�ting tampering
with or in any manner whatsoever interfering witn the adjustment arad-
use of any water meter used in the City of Fort Coll'1ns, shall upon
conviction be punished by a fine of not less than $10 00 or more
than $50 00 for each and every offense
Section 29 All ordinances ana parts of ordinances in corn
flirt w?tn this crdi-lance are hereby repealed, provided that
all causes of action which may have arisen or accrued to
the City of Fort Collins under any of the former water ordinances
on account of violations thereof prior to the takirg effect of
this repeal, may be prosecuted to the edme effect as if no repeal
had been made thereof, and the former ordinances shall still re-
main in force for the purpose of sustaining any and all proper
actions, suits proceedings and prosecutions for the enf orce-
ment of any penalty, forfeiture or liability, as well as for the
purpose of sustaining any judgment decree or order which can or
may be rendered, entered or made in such actions, suits, proceed-
irgs or prosecutions im-oosing, inflicting or declaring such
penalty, forfeiture or liability
Section39) Any person or persons violating any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof
be fined not less than Five ($5 00) Dollars, of more than One
Hundred ($100 00) Dollars, and costs of suit, except where the
penalty is otherwise speci=ied in tnis ordinance
Section A In the opinion of the City Council an
emergency exists for the preservation of the public health,
peace and safety and this ordinance shall take effect upon its
passage and publication, under and by virtue of the authority
contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter
Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous
vote of all the members of the City Council this 7th day of June,
A D 1919
Co missioner ox Saz y and�Ex-ef�f4
cio Mayor
6111 Citj Clerk
I, A J Rosenow, City Clerk of the City
of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the Fore-
going ordinance, consisting of Tnirty^ (36) sections, was duly
proposed and read at length at a regular meeting of the City
Council held on the 7th aay of June, A D 1919, and was uduly
adopted and ordered published in the Fort Collins Courier,
a daily newspaper, by the unanimous vote of all the rrembers of
the City Council as an emergency ordinance in accordance with
Charter of the /
the provisiors of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City
of Fort Collins and thereafter, and on, to-wit the���day
of June A D 1919, said Ordinance No /O was duly pub-
lished in the Foit Collins Courier a daily newspaper published
in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado
IN WITNESS WFEREOF I have -Ilereunto set my hand
Gnd affixed the seal of said City this /__day of June 1919
City Clerk