Section 1 That pursuant to a resolution of the
City Council duly passed and adopted on the 86th day of May
1919 it was ordered oy the City Council that provisions be
made for the creation and organization of a storm sewer dis-
trict to be known as Storm Sewer District No 5, and adopt-
ing map, plans and specifications prepared by the city engineer,
respecting the construction of storm sewersin said district,
also providing for the creation and organization of Storm
Sewer Sub-District go 1 within the limits of said Storm
Sewer District No 5, and adopting man plans and specifica-
tions prepared by the city engineer, respecting the const..uc-
tion of storm sewersin said Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1,
and the estimated cost thereof, together wita a schedule pre-
pared by the city engineer showing the approximate amoun+s
to be assessed upon the several lots and parcels of property
within said Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1 and ordering
notice as to Stor^ Sewer Sub-District No 1, to be published
as required by law, all in compliance with Sections 5374, 5375
and 5376 of the Revised Statutes of Colorado of 1908, which
said maps plans, specifications and estimates of cost were
duly prepared in compliance with a resolution previously
duly adopted by the City Council
And pursuant to the authority contained in Section
5376 aforesaid, there is hereby organized and created within
the limits of Storm Sewer District No 5, a storm sewer sub-
district, to be known as Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1, con-
sisting of the following lots and blocks within said Storm
Sewer District No 5, in the City of Fort Collins, towit
Blocks 124 125 126 the East half of Block 114
East half of Block 115 East half of Block 116 East half of
Block 122, East half of Block 123, West half of Block 132,
West half of Block 133, West halt of Block 134, West half of
Block 135 West half of Block 136
and that there be constructed therein the following main or
brancn line sewers
485 ft of 1211 pipe from a point 15 ft north of center
line of Myrtle Street to center line of
Mulberry on center line of Remington Street,
390 ft of 42" pipe from center line of Remington Street
to a point 30 feet east of center line of
College Avenue, on a line 15 feet north of
center line of Myrtle Street,
465 ft of 42" pipe from a point 15 ft north of center
line of Myrtle Street to center line of
Mulberry Street, on a line 30 feet east
of center line of College Avenue,
100 ft of 45" pipe from a point 30 feet east of center
line of College Avenue to west property
line of College Avenue on center line of
Mulberry Street,
100 ft of 27" pipe from a point 30 feet east of the center
line of College Avenue to west property line
of College Averue on a line 15 feet north of
center line of iyr}le Street
which saia pipe line shall consist of vitrified clay pipe,
concrete and blocks, rithnanholes and catch-basins, as
provided in the plans and specifications adopted, and that
the total estimated cost of said improvement, as shown by
the engineer's report and estimate is twelve thousand five
hundred twenty-nine ana fifty-seven hundredths dollars
($12 529 57) , which was duly adopted by Baia resolution as
the engineer' s estimate of the cost of construction of said
storm sewers and the cost of said district
Section 2 That pursuant to the requirements of
the resolution mentioned in Section 1 duly adopted on the
26th day of May, A D 1919 due notice was given to the owners
of property to be assessed in said Storm Sewer Sub-District
No 1, by due and lawful publication in the Fort Collins
Courier a daily newspaper of general circulation published
in the City of Fort Collins, for a period of twerty (20)
days, as shown by the proof of publication on file in the
office of the City Clerk, which said notice was to the owners
of property to be taxed and assessed for said improvement,
and designated the kind of improvement proposed, number of
installments and the time in which the cost will be payable
the rate of interest on unpaia and deferred installments,
the extent of the district to be improved, together with the
probable cost per square foot, as shown by the estimates of
the city engineer, and to the further effect that on the 28th
day of June, A D 1919, at ore o' clock P M , in tr e Council
Chamber of the city hall in the City of Fort Collins the
City Council woula hear and consider all complaints and ob-
jections that might be made and filed in writing concerning
the proposed improvement by the owners of any real estate to
be assessed
And in pursuance I said notice, the said City
Council did sit to hear complaints, and no complaints in
writing concerning said improvement had then and there been
duly filed with the City Clerk
Section 3 The City Council finds that all the
requirements of the statutes respecting the ordering of said
improvement and the resolution and notice required by law
to be given in respect thereto before the adoption of ai
ordinance ordering said improvement have been complied with
in all respects and it is hereby ordered that the improve-
ment in Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1, by the construction
of storm sewers therein as provided in the map plans and
specifications heretofore adapted by the City Council and
hereby approved by this ordinance be and is hereby oraered
to be constructed
Section 4 For the purpose of paying the cost of
said improvement warrants of the City of Fort Collins are
hereby authorized to be issued signed by the Commissioner
of Safety and Ex Officio Mayor and duly attested with the
corporate seal by the City Clerk and countersigned by the
Ex Officio City Treasurer which said warrants shall bear
date at such time as may be fixed by the Commissioner of
Finance and Ex Officio City Treasurer, after the wort of the
improvement has been commenced, in said Storm Sewer Sub-
District iio 1, said warrants are to be endorsed on the face
thereof, "Payable out of the assessments collected in Storm
Sewer Sub-District Igo 111 , and shall bear the name of said
storm sewer sub-district on the face thereof, and which said
warrants when issued shall be due and payable in two equal
annual installments with interest at six per cent per annum
payable semi-annually on presentation to the City Treasurer,
and shall be numbered consecutively as issued, and shall be
redeemable commencing with No 1, and payable whenever funds
are availabe to the credit of Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1
f or that purpose together with accrued interest thereon
Section 5 Whenever considered prudent by the City
Treasurer, he is hereby authorized and empowerea, whenever
funds may be in his hands to the credit of said Storm Sewer
Suo-District No 1, exceeding six months' interest on the
unpaid principal to advertise for ten days in the official
newspaper of the said City, and call in a suitable number of
warrants of said Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1, for payment,
and at the expiration of thirty (30) days from the date of
the first publication of said notice interest an the warrants
so called shall cease The notice shall specify the warrants
so called by number ana all said warrants so issued shall
be called and paid in their numerical order
Section 6 Upon the taking effect of this ordinance,
the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Officio Mayor is hereby
authorized and empowered to advertise for oids for the construc-
tion of said improvements, in accordance with the map, plans
and specifications heretofore adapted, which advertisement
shall be for fact less than ten (10) days in the official news-
paper published in the City of Fort Collins m d all bids re-
ceived under said advertisement shall be subritted to the City
Council for approval or rejection and no contract shall be
awarded in excess of the city engineer' s estimate of the cost
of said improvement After the contract is awarded for the
construction of said improvement the City Council shall re-
quire a bond for the faithful performance of same, for the
sum of not less than twenty-five per cent of the contract
price, with sufficient surety or sureties to be approved by
the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Officio Mayor And the
work of construction, when so awarded under said contract,
shall be under the general control of the Commissioner of
Public Works and the immediate control and supervision of
the city engineer whose decision in all matters of dispute,
respecting compliance with this ordinance and the contract
made thereunder shall be final and binding upon all parties
When said contract is awarded, it shall contain a
clause to the effect that it is subject to the provisions of
the City Charter and to Sub-division C of Chapter 120 of the
Revised Statutes of Colorado, of 1908, concerning improvements
in cities and towns of less than one hundred thousand in-
habitants, and the provisions of this ordinance and of all
ordinances of the City of Fort Collins, relating thereto and
that the aggregate payments shall not exceed the estimate of
the city engineer and the amount appropriated, and that upon
ten days notice the work under said contract, without cost or
claim against the City of Fort Collins may be suspended for
substantial cause, and upon complaint of any owner of real
estate to be assessed for said improvements, that the improve-
ment is not being constructed in accordance with the contract
then the City Council may consider the complaint and make such
order as may be just, and its decision shall be final The
City Council shall have the right to reject any or all bids
that may be made by any person or persons for the construction
Of said irmrovement, and when in the judgment of the City
Council it shall deem it to the best interests of the City
of Fort Collins, said City Council is hereby authorized
and empowered to provide for doing such worz. by hiring
parties by the day and to arrange for the purchasing of
the necessary material to ao such work under the direc-
tion supervision and control of the Commissioner of
Public Worls, and the city engineer acting for said City
Section 7 When said public improvement in
Storm Sewer Sub-District No 1 shall have been completed
and the same approved by the city engineer recommended
for acceptance by said officer and duly accepted by the
City Council of the City of Fort Collins the cost thereof
shall be assessed upon all the real estate in said Storm
Sewer Sub-District No 1, as the area of each piece of
real estate in said district is to the area of all the
real estate in the district, exclusive of public highways,
which said assessments when made and reported by the
Commissioner of Worlts and the city engineer and duly approved
by the City Council shall be assessed against the property
in said Storm Sewer Sub-District ado 1, bi an cr dinance to
be adopted as provided by law
Section 8 For the purpose of paying engineering
and other construction expenses and the cost of inspection
upon the approval of the City Council the Commissioner of
Safety and Ex Officio Mayor is authorized and empowered to
advertise for not less than ten days in the official news-
paper of said City and sell as many warrants as may be neces-
sary, and use the proceeds thereof for said purpose, in
accordance with the provisions of Section 5393 of the Revised
Statutes of 1908, of the State of Colorado
Section 9 This ordinance shall be irrepealable
until the indebtedness herein provided for , whenever same
shall be created shall nave beer, fully paid, satisfied and
discharged as herein provided
Section 10 In the opinion of the City Council
an emergency exists for the preservation of the public
health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take
effect upon its passage and publication, under and by
virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of
Article IV of the City Charter
Introduce4, read at length adopted and ordered
published,by the unanimous vote of all the members
of the City Council, this 329 day of June A D 1919
Commissioner of Safety
and Ex Officio Mayor
City Clerk
I, A J Rosenow, City Clerk of the City of Fort
Collins do hereby certify and aeelare that the foregoing
ordinance consisting of ten sections was duly proposed
and read at length at ) regular meeting of the City Council
held on the a29-"/'dsy of June A D 1919, and was duly adopted
and ordered published in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily
newspaper, by the unanimous vote of all the members of the
City Council as an emergency ordinance in accordance with
the pi ovisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City
Charter and thereafter and on towit the day of
, A D 1919, said ordinance No /-L-was auly pub-
lis ed in i-ne Fort Collins Courier a daily newspaper pub-
lished in the City of Fort Collins Colorado
IN WITAESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
and azfixed the seal of said City this __Z� day of
A D 1919
City Clerb