Section 1. LICENSE REQUIRED . It shall be unlaw-
ful for any person, persons or corporation to engage in the
business of carrying, or conveying persons or hauling or trans-
portation of baggage, goods , merchandise , building materials or
other material , article or thing, for hire from one place to
another within the corporate limits of the City of Fort Collins
by means of any vehicle , either horse drawn or propelled by
motor power, without first having obtained a license therefor,
as hereinafter provided.
Section 2. STA,M AND CAPACITY. Any person or
corporation desiring to obtain a license under the provisions
of this ordinance shall make application therefor to the City
Clerk upon a blank furnished therefor , which said application
shall contain the following information:
(a) Name and address of applicant .
(b) Place where business is to be carried on,
and if a stand is desired upon the streets of said city, then
said application shall be approved in writing by the person or
persons occupying the premises nearest the place designated by
the applicant as his stand.
(c) The kind of vehicle to be used, whether
horse drawn or motor vehicle.
(d) A statement that applicant is worth the sum
of Three Hundred Dollars ($300. 00) , in excess of all indebted-
ness, which fact shall also be certified to by three residents
of the City of Fort Collins.
(a) A statement thatspplicant has been a resi-
dent of the City of Fort Collins for six months prior to making
application, except where applicant has acquired by purchase
the business of another person or corporation holding license.
Said application, together with required fee,
shall be filed with the City Clerk , who shall present the same
at the next meeting of the City Council for appropriate action.
Section 3. LICENSE FEE AND TERM. If the said
application shall be approved by the City Council, the City
Clerk is hereby aathorized to issue a license therefor , which
shall be signed by the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Officio
Mayor, and attested with the corporate seal by the City Clerk.
All licenses issued hereunder shall expire on December 31st of
the year for which they are issued, and the full fee shall be
charged for each license so issued without regard to the date
of issuance.
t . 'Section 4. HOW TRANSFERRED. No license issued
under this ordinance shall be transferred, except upon the writ-
ten consent of the Commissioner of Safety and Ex Officio Mayor
endorsed thereon, and said transferee shall, before the applica-
tion is made for said transfer, fill out the application blank
the same as is required for an original application for license
and it shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep a record of
the name of the person or persons to whom such license is grant-
ed or transferred, together with the date of the issue and the
number of the license, for which purpose he shall issue tag or
tags, which shall be supplied by the City therefor.
Section 5. LICENSE DISPLAYED. Each motorZro-
pelled vehicle shall bear a license plate or plates issued by
the City Clerk in a conspicuous place upon the vehicle, and each
horse or team shall have said license plate attached to the har-
ness so that the same can be seen from each side.
Section 6. FEES. The license fee to be paid for
the operation of vehicles for hire within the corporate limits
of the City of Fort Collins shall be as follows:
For operation of horse drawn vehicle , � 12.00 for
the first horse or team and �5.00 for each additional horse or
team. The license fee above mentioned shall be the same whether
operation be by single horse or by team, and shall be based upon
the number of teams used and not upon the number of vehicles
used by licensee .
For operation of motor propelled vehicles, $25. 00
for the first motor propelled vehicle and �7.50 for each addi-
tional motor propelled vehicle; provided , that in case a licensee
shall operate both motor propelled and horse drawn vehicles, the
license fee shall be $25.00 for the first motor propelled vehicle,
$7.50 for each additional motor propelled vehicle, and $5. 00 for
each horse or team.
The owner of horse drawn or motor propelled vehicles
shall not combine with other owners so as to secure the license
hereinabove mentioned at a less rate than hereinabove set forth for
each licensee.
Section 7. RATES. The prices and rates of fare to
be charged by owners or drivers of vehicles for conveyance of
passengers or for hauling of baggage and other articles or mater-
ials for hire shall not exceed that hereafter fixed by resolution
of the City Council; provided, however, that no unreasonable
charge shall be made for said service, whether a rate of charge
has been fixed by the City Council or not .
Any licensee who shall in any manner violate any
of the provisions of this ordinance of who shall make a charge
for service rendered, which shall , in the opinion of the City
Council, be deemed unreasonable, or shall in any way damage any
person or his property, who is a patron of said licensee , and
refuse to make reasonable compensation therefor, shall upon no-
tice and after being given an opportunity to appear before the
Council, have his license revoked, if sufficient cause is shown
therefor in the opinion of said City Council.
Section S. PENALTY. Any person, persons or cor-
poration who shall violate this ordinance. or any of the provi-
sions thereof , shall upon conviction thereof, be finad in a sum
not less than Five Dollars W.00) nor more than Three Hundred
Dollars (000. 00) , and may be imprisoned in the City or County
Jail until such fine andcosts have been paid, not to exceed ninety
Section 9. All ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed, except that
any cause of action existing in favor of the City of Fort Collins
prior to the taking effect of this ordinance shall not be affect-
ed by said repeal , but that the same may be prosecuted after the
taking effect of this ordinance as tho no repeal had been made of
any ordinance or parts of ordinance out of which said cause of
action arose.
Section 10. In the opinion of the City Council
an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health,
peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its
passage and publication, under and by virtue of the aut'-ority
contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter.
Introduced, read at length and adopted by the un,
animous vote of all the members of the City Council this 26th
day of larch, A.D. 1921.
Commissioner of Safety and
Ex Officio ;layor.
City Clerk.
S 'A` E Or COL^kADO }
I , A. J. ROSENOW, City Clerk of the City of
Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the foregoing
ordinance, consisting of ten (10) sections, was duly proposed
and read at length at a regular meeting of the City Council
held on the 25th day of larch, A.D . 1921, and was duly adopted
and ordered published in the Fort Collins Courier, a daily
newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins,
by the unanimous vote of all members of the Council, as an emer-
gency ordinance, in accordance with the provisions of Sections
6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; and thereafter, and
on, towit: the day of ;arch, A.D . 1921, said Ordinance
No. was duly published in the Fort Collins Courier, a
daily newspaper published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed the seal of said City this -7 0/ day of Larch, A.D .
City Clerk.