1 A
ORDI7AI'CE ='O.`�_,
C7RTA.I I' A tr �U 'A CTM S'i tE7T S '. T : : I __. IE
OF __-'P CIT-T
O .0 ,CIL OF CITY OF, �rOl.�
Seetion 1. the use of t::e f ollowin-
streets within e Ii -it s i.ereir _cfinal is . _�rehy rc
'_ioitsd for _a � affic of ally ve`-icle .Y% ose uelL,lt with
lowd exceeds t:rae (3) -Clls:
(A) Oa:: Street fro-_ __;scn ^treet to t'le City
(�) 1?er4in t^ : Street fr-.. ins ir_tereection
cn Nast xountain .`.venue to Plum Street .
(C) -Iuson "tre _t fro;a its il: eraecti ,:. on
l7est -fountain. .' venue to 1--Greet, e:.ce v str-gat c.n.d
a1jey inter Se.Gtj^ns-.. on Saii s-".reetsj Nrovii.ed a v8v._icle
c.nd 10-_d t.'.:ree (3) ;onS .'ay ye or,
any one of t':i bcve �r^e s not to exceed one (1) clock
at G' ll to _XC' eu u'1 'lt (0) 11eE per .1C' T on said
one (1) block; and _ '�Vi;zcd fl ���.:er, _rat this
S`l ll not arrly to City—ov;ned Vellic1c's ueecl to care for
n! i:.cL1 ".si:1 t�l_e Stre"_ts, _ncluding 'idle City fire 'truck.
Sect ion 4. A: y r sre_n, I rsc:ls or G irT_J"ScL-
ions s".% l virl to _ i ., _ i:l :ee or any cf the
;re >f s __ n _,V ct , n oe £i.: d a sum
of not less ,--.an 'Ten (4;:1J. } Dcl'.ars nor -.ore t T'zree
e ialNrisi^ned in e
C'-~ �r County jsi'_ u: i1 c=: i ..ave
xce�,d -_`lety
a �
< a \ \m»}G 3 All «ate aGe or / o\
w:2 a, tee .: zzIk.
C«tym w Intl «G!o of VQ City 2 a=
¥ m:z wte for t ::e,c m= 1 Of Zho z=«@ . %R
£e--2 and Gty, and c:: ea :: t e J G« G
2 s ±aam;e and r 2:c%!-, _ y : :y : 2 " aut r2j
contalaed in SQcoions6 and7 2<U\ww IV 2 is City
char &r
at i %5 a.id 3,pQ4b to
° . 0 l ;n >xeof w: te ga:weo: tom City Cou w t:e
2. ? Zwsr,- r « . : . Zz3 .
-°Gt!«, A: .
. A!! slaw
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S A^:: n_r, CJ_LC' i_rO )
COT'", Y OF T ll_p j'M
i j. City Clark o: Ne Cii of
ort Cr-11inL, , .- certify and dpelwre t . t t-=e
`. e l:
^^di nand , c _ of our (4) arycticns , was auly prcj'osea
and read at _ :. u r� :..iwr rneetin2; of t:_e City Council
v_d on tine u5t:_ _.ay of June, , D. lvul, and was duly
ado-.ted ai.- in tine Fort Collins
a. daily newspare-r and t,:e official neurspa--,er of t:-.e City of
Fort Co-: lira, by t__ n...a:::cua vote of all we:.: ,ers of the
Council,' as r cy or-lance , ir: acoor_ �-..e
rovisions -of ections 8 and 7 of Article IV of t .e City
C :wrter; and t �ereaIter, and on, ' towit: t''/ie 2 6" day of
June , A. ll. 1921, nail, Crdinance .'o. / 1' was duly
pu'olis'-.ed in Fort Collins Courier, a daily ner.spe.per
r:aalis,'.ed in t :e City of Fort Colli s, Coicrado.
I IT;:FSS fir17, , I have hereunto set y hand
nd -affixed t': e seal of said City this iay of June ,
— City