HomeMy WebLinkAbout016 - 07/16/1921 - RELATING TO THE ASSESSMENT OF COST OF CONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS IN STORM SEWER DISTRICT NO. 5 (EMERG ORDINANCE YO. f� , 1921, BEING A , MRGE2'CY ORDINA:TCE RELATING TO THE ASSESS:, E .T OF COST OF C'"S^1RUCTION OF_11PROVi'R ITTS IN STOR.1 SEti.'E DISTRICT 10. 5, OF Tim CITY OF FORT COLLINS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYIIE`,TT AND COLLECTION THEREOF. BE IT BY TH CITY COUNCIL OF T_77 CI'"Y OF TORT COL�I_?S: Section 1. That under and by virtue of theXro- visions of Ordinance No. 20 of said City of Fort Collins, duly adopted and approved on the let day of Llay, 1920s Storm Sewer District No. 5 was duly created and provisions made in said ordi- nanoe for the construction of certain improvements in said Dis- trict , consisting of storm sewer lines within the limits of said district; that the said improvements as therein provided have been duly constructed as provided by law and duly accepted by the City of Fort Collins as therein provided; that thereafter the City Engineer and the Commissioner of Works on, towit: the llth day of June, 1921, duly reported to the City Council that the cost of the construction of said improvements, includinE the cost of inspection, collection and other incidentals, and also including interest to the let day of. August , 1921, is $Ild,152.17; that in and by said report the Commissioner of Works , pursuant to report of the City Engineer, duly apportioned upon all of the lots or tracts of laird in said district in proportion as the area of each lot or tract of land is to all the area of all the exclusive of public highways lots or tracts of land so unproved,Tpur suant -to statute and the ' provisions of Ordinance 1o. 20, 1920 , which said assessment was made in accordance with the provisions of Sections 63.74, and . , 5375 of the Revised Statutes of 1908, and which said Storm Sewer f District _Io. 5 is hereinafter more particularly described by lots and blocks, together with the apportionment and rate per square foot , the said findings and report of the Commissioner of Works and City Engineer being in accordance with the re- port of the City Engineer in respect to the proposed assess_ mente on each lot in said :iistrict . Section 2. That at the regular meeting of the City Council held on the llth day of June, 1921, said report of the Commissioner of Works and City Engineer concerning the said proposed assessments for improvements in Storm Sewer Dis- trict fro. 5 was by resolution of the City Council duly adopted for the purpose of consideration and determination at a regular meeting of the City Council to be held at one o'clock in the afternoon on the 16th day of July, A.D. 1Z;21, pursuant to no- ziee of the City Clerk as provided by law; that in and by said resolution the City Clerk was instructed and directed to pub- lish notice in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Col- lins for a period of twenty days, addressed to the owners of the property to be assessed in Storm Sewer District. lo. 5, stating the whole cost of the improvement and the share appor- tionad to each lot or tract of land in su.id district , and noti- fying the owners thereof that any complaints or objections that might be made in writing by th:m to the City Clerk and filed in his office within thirty days from the publication of said notice, would be heard and determined by the City Council at a regular L:eeting thereof to be held on the loth day of July, 1921, at the hour of one o' clock in the afternoon of said day, in the Council Ch.a;iiner in the City Ball in said City; that after said hearing the said City Council would take up the hatter of the passage of an ordinance assessing the cost of said improvements; that pursuant to the authority contained in said resolution the City Clerk caused to be published said notice in the Fort Collins Courier, the official newspaper of said City of Fort Collins, for a period of twe -t y days, as provided by law, and that due proof of said publication has been duly filed in the office of the City Clerk; that at said meeting of the City Council held on the loth day of July, 1921, as aforesaid, hearing was had upon the written objections and complaints theretofore filed in the office of the City Clerk, and after consideration said objections and complaints were overruled, and the assessing ordinance for the cost of the improvements in Storm Sewer District Na 5 was ordered submitted for passage and adoption. Section 3. That the total cost of the im- prove;aente in said Storm Seger District ldo. 5, under and by virtue of said Ordinance No . 20, 1920, of said city, includ- ing the cost of inspection, collection and interest to the lst day of August , 1921, amounts to .%1d,152.17, which said sure is hereby assessed upon the real estate in said Storm Sewer District No. 5, in accordance with the provisions of Section 53:75 of the Revised Statutes of 1908, and the pro- portion of said cost assessed to each lot or tract of land in said Storm Sewer District No. 5 , couprising the follow- ing lots and blocks in said district , shall be as follows, towit: -3- LOT- NO. - pR�OP1r}'C�Y OP✓,NER A}2E4 RATE CPS';'. B[.004i 4R 64' o1 }v, 90' oSN45' of Gl}eatar B. Crandall4Ds& .0391 }sl.ls V%0 of n E. Adams 9010 .0191 17i.38 Sys- B. S. Maurer 95 .0191 18 .76 N iy2 Chess ter B. Crandall 9S00 U0 .0191 a8l.46 p$y�3 Anna Weave OU 0141 bT1k3 Nestle F. I;'g.0 18A Al,¢1 A• Sohn G. .S ord 19 00 A181 43.5 655 t''Faitcle M. 3:lextgr 19900 •d 1Li ei.b2 5 ands IT. dDexter 9+u'00 ,g01,41 �,S6jY1.7yy$$6 S�6 CpPrp�' S. xckFk 9a44 :010� 121.14 33;-3'7p. G: d�dadapi 4E$8.88 8 i of S $6 X-3' p1 3 {ber4laa Jga14ts4a 66.$8'3g$:O8 ga 1p4d i}s :y7' k•60'of 7 Ci%y Fowiler A paP ;one trawler 64�I•$J *101 12�.iK N 60'of W 125'8 it. Breniman 50 .0191 li .78 S W of W 125'8 Mildred M. Dever 61260 .0191 119.58 1 BLOCK 73 1 Nathaniel and Nancy+Thma i '2 Nathaniel and Nancy Thomas 98 0 .0191 18 .78 3 M. Ellen Zepp 9500 .0101 18 •16 4 George F. nud Ernest W. Roberta 9 6D .0191 Is-'Is 5 Anna 0. Miller 9 00 pp 91 18..76 6 Frank Manna, 9 00 .0191 181.76 7 Benjamin F. Todd 9 00 .0191 18r.16 B $30 1 Price 8 00 0191 18T.76 N yi 9 bl'ary E. Fox 9400 '001 181.76 S y� 9 Nancy Thomas 9600 .4,Y91 18},7A N Y, 30 Nancy Thomas 9590 ,a39.1 ]pt.7.6� - $ % 10 Blchard Carroll 9500 0t91 181.78 I W9G'ofN50' 11 Lon James 46o0 A681 8C.01' F46"01B50' It lamas D. Mandeville 2-250 0191 43.96 yEIT 46' 12 Tames 1). Mandeville 4504 -.0191 80.09 45'ofW90'of S50•" 0{ 11 James A. Milne 2260 .0191 p$.yy55 F645'ofW90' 12 James A. Milne 45A0 .D7.91. 3L:09 �WV50'ofE100' 11 George Alonzo James 5P00 Ai81' 9t.66 W60',ofE100' 12 3eorge Alonqzo James 6Q 0 A191 95.66 N10'ofE50' ll gone and.Gcargo A. James $00 OJ91 9.36' $$$,,90'918150' 13 Nancy and Nathaniel T44o+nas 4540 A141 $4A0 50, 12 Nancy and Nathaniel Thomas '5600 .0111 95.66� BLOCK 74 E 21011 L. Stewart 21,oap A69i ))oils Nagle 1 Thustees fit. Johns l,utb.CoagreRlon 01% .0141 j3S•§9 '1' agle 10.3' x 19.3'1nSWwor 2Trust. St. Johns Loth. Congre'tIon IU-07 Flu¢ J.§G 2 except triangglo Ip.3'xi9.3'in Sy'. car. lot 2 11 Stewart 177 a.706 p1�i 84.43 3 Ivan W. Tucker 9b�D.^tA( +07.811 U9.33 W75',ofW%Bik. P. Levitt Y2'` .0191 6SA0 0'ofW11G'of Block Jeffcraon McAµclly 3800.5 .4101 '72.71 G0;8'oYW176.6' qF W y� Block Jane Worthing 8700 .0191 1156.46 ,¢Il of Lot 5 $ of Ditcq Abb,ie Frampton 11814.745 .OSAi yC2$.0/ 8 b� 'ofW272.7'of Yy � Block Mamie A. 1.lodeaeder $u37� 4}91 Iffi$g,gs, 11b' Block .George and Jo n d. 705e ,0103 .11.22 20'afE138'$#ik. Sophls and John er Llndena7.eler 4260 .0lot S1.22 O'ofN193'Bllt. Qopllio j.indonmeier 7864 ,.0103 138R2 aa.Btc# 7¢ 1 TA1ert&h#a SWh reader 9yg0900� .019y1y 1 "18' 2 Tri-3ri 4W1 grown .VV :pSi93 t�Y� 4 Edna aB. Larao1, ''J000 0191 6 TY G@al' o j)1 jptwsou 000 0191 $'. �'' _9000 0191 3� 8 erg'ails 1 $. 7{}a-R'son _9009 0191 - •L 8 9 0¢IJ4 T PiWe1Pi' ObQd Vall .0z18i t1Qij� 12Al J 9500 .0L91 ;,.1 4h 13 torD li 84Y1 Crad 9500 .Owl 1614 ornelia ,el. Croea 9640. 0 8 15 BLOCK :a 4 SAily�rgaet '7•¢-vlor .. .ff5 4o A �$},yqqqqqq to 5A 411f81n C4* not, a.a 2 A3ide Bra Alien93U Ya Ale L. Gray '95'V $ rq& 14 60�3.4g$io Mc#k$11 95'44 1 }}}4�, •7l8 Rosa /.. Rap4&'Wa 0' U 1? Q 15 }? a 16 pp J. Feff�' 17 i''�rpon C. Nonirey I prev 18 L'TR.n C. Con}'sY 19FTW21 Y raiaM TeFN03 ®4l 1' .4 23 14 9500 .414 31.74;3 ]*,W A7 5167 2' 1 Leonidas pleafay 8360 4191 16 A6. N 501.1 J. 11 Paypyyl,q� "000 44i14- S 147.2' 2 44arry i,. Nugelpan '88360 .uty1 l m8 N 507 y J. A. Paya4in 1u800 .U19 98 3 gglly 00 E. Adams Y ]p{�ga6' L. Wpo ySf 10860 0191 7p A � +lij!alE'gr U. p4: 0pIa111N,et F SacJ6C4t lu360 .0191 2p7. 8 W 40' G alter G. 4'cbj lk4.a' a'. py.�)cEtt 8660 0191 36. E 1 G VCpI{mla fl. ,�: 31 172 u191 a. . W4 otliltV 7' N;OWinie li. Cor 6 UO 0191 1 86 to+pfSl 6' 7 (i.{race W. {{i1re¢' - 1560 .0191 d9 60 {{p.1 5A' 7 Y. A C. XIssoG A, A,.E war$19 '2uQo- .U191' ✓<'$' 27 5A' 8 J. A. C. lS.iYsock & At /}. 'lj�lq'�(.¢lt 2,09 .0191 47.93� n 1;5' 8 Grace W. Wltprow _ 7750 ,U391 a4tl.a4I Apbo 1h �a 1 Jefferson McAnelly 19000 .0191 363.51 Anale R. q?armrud 06" .ui81 i8,i m Q 3 evilo 1.evelan0 9600 .0191 181.7E ' 3 Clarence V. BenaoU 9500 Olul -181.76 N 3 Ella M Van Eurxn ULLW. .. ,p i "1yydo S ;y 4 - k*te W. •Lunn - 95UJ1 8yj}N0 111IR N 4.t 4 IL W. Y'lRmxaN s500 A}'J} 101.2b W 98' 5 bertha Until R9cllair9 240p1 i {� W 48, 8 Itertna Me..ud Efeilpu'a .4UA 9GA1 45,42 E47y5'otW95'f�' 5Oeorge M. ClamUler 87 ,.449i L6.f# W47' 'afE955y' Alta E M.andull W47f•oLE04y0'.5 Alta E. Crandall W97 i/j oY1jU4'p1'b Alta L. Crandall 2375 .40 9.444' E 47'fi' 5 EOWatd :"I10PPLtg 2360 .0191 114.D6 NO2 f3G 7 OMw.tl 1. 'Hcrrm�g 9 ' Q F .iley 6475 .U3'J3 i1n:3#i S 17%' 7 Allan C. Abbott 334E 0191 63.631 N 25' 8 Allan C. Abbott 9950 0J91 80.481 9 20 8 ' MVY Prepddgrgast 4qq U Alai 90,88 N 1L'fi' 8 Mary Prepdergast $SG 9 91 95:g4 d0371 ' 9 H¢eIt f• 1}aln 'i1G Z1 1NEI } 1$3'11 p7.cept U690 UlUl 1>fi.7S {�0 x 44' Mary R. Jell 5711.0 01y 1 109.24', j0 x 44, 13 Vllgima Nlac Douaid 440 01�1 '•8:472 i6,67' 11 Mary I:.. Coovor $3k0 E44'otW171'12 'Wigiola Mac Donald L300 0101 4 0 jVlg$oEE ).§ {�,�iy t. Is17. 4AA A19L IIA6 E 87' 12 Miry Lr. Coover a,'Lt 0 .pill .g64A0 �V 67' 1$ 5',lary 1.. Esi). . 33U0- .�i�01 S}A0 6U'oewYAA3' 1. ]�Anpie�b`�}5�aofn 4G• 7 1 Y1 Q$;,4 60+oPL1$0' 1 a,1$�� "' ,{� 'kA 76 # a0'oYEl$U' tfAYti_aVr A �$F7s!fin. 760 i4 9 ary161 9 7p} 19 0, 3 apy W� 61 0.'L45 0 a8 . 80. 3 -Mary t/aikins 3"00 .OIYl 6I.2'2 149.31 E151.fN EBllt. MdMfllap Transfer & Storage Co. $930 .0191 168.04 tlW9l'ofNE- tl';7#.�75' 5' Blk. Adpin E, McM1}lau 8370 ,019t 180.14 oYL'f Ql6t Greta, W. Black 754U Ul 1 4 5 Wand $of W1,VFk Yiepry C. I redr lc kson 57'28.9 .0191. 109.51 Ut, 'g90-otWi 1 O ' WaYD M.a Akln R14qq r.S9.6 4„3:: .0191 8U:9T yyt iN"fa Rluck C. P. Cornell 4503 .0191 87.86' yil9'a7'Otdi96.. John C. Dayis 5019.9 .0191 97.17 Blk.$54'oLW13'2.8' Lillian L. Metter (Bond fw' Deed) 4u.6 .0191 Michael & Bridget Conners vR W'fa }floc$ (Board for dae4 to S. V, ,(FaaubW 025.945 .0I91 88.61 Entire 31k. Betlool District N,O, 6 18A000 .9191 30813$ BLOVK bs ,. E 130. 1 Dollfe Mae We.tl'all 600 0 91 n4.38� W 59, L Eliza A, Littlefield 1600 AM 47.83 $25'uYWdO' 3 Elea A. Littiegelll 1'd39 �191 ,64,08. l9$O'ofE1$0'_2 DOW . Mae W estfall 3 6 y g6' 2 8teglwp A. W then 9� p 91191 so. 9, i 3 ytephe'n A. W4then 90 U 0194 1721 4 lbhn H. Crowfoot - 909'qy 019t 47E 1 5 Arthur L Andrew 9000 0191 i72.1a88 6 P. 13 1 intald and Mary It.hrceld 0000 0191 17$.,4Q' 7 ELte May. Lida Pearl & Oraatt A. E 130' a Decker - 00@0 .OS 991 'p. W 50, 8 Jennie Decker, Trustee g5g0 .0181 }2 8 Orange A. Decker { 00 ]] 10 Anna Paige $640 - .0191 1 i.9t Y} Wilanaa NV..Taylor 9500 .0}9l P1.76 J. C. Ngrrls 4Agraaa9aad to st4d i2 - te C. 8.-CIeBa.as) YSOY 0 pi i81,4;:, Llzzte Garrick, Estate 9500 0 1 181_.16 li P Iwo Prank A. Collamcr 8600 .0 91 181,76 S6 Emil Fredrickson .0 91 181.76 16 Emil Fredrickson BLOCK 86 600 19-j.0 % 181.4 John A. Conroy .0 181,711 9 dlargp E. Farrar 2500 0]1O6 181.76 Marlin E. Farrar 9500 .Ot4 181.76. Harry J. Coley 9600 lls 1$1,76 Leoja J. Herripgton 9500 .019 191.76 40 hfargg99i'Pt as St. Clair $600 .010 391.7,6 Godrrey . 43auder 9509 ,019 191.76 llagj4f�l Hec art 960�Q .OlOd 18 L4A. ,g TeUttle E.�ptchinga 9500 .Olo1 187.qq,,&& 89 of nitc6}7 Apop"t.us C. 1€luvcr, 46;$6 .o1ot $6.57 '9I I?�,t011 d� t,"n & M'R,Cearm dy1?b .Ol@gd 95.1$ 19 An9ustu. C. Yi'AUN r 9 .010 181.76 Maym� E. Wolfe fi00 .010 181,7,E 120 A6ayola Fi. Wolfe 9500 .01/ is1.A yF. E. roi4h 96AD .01® 181.78 4i P'rtR G. Orpsch 500 019 153.?¢, pp}�� rpda $tabbins 9600 0191 18i: 24 tlapRj F. Doke e604 AS 1813{ BLOCK 87 1 4irglnla H: Corbett 10860 .0 207.701 2 ylrgipla-H. Corbett 10860 .0 - 207.79 9 Mabel M. Collins 10860 ,0 207.$0 4 Emily T. Adams 10860 .01 207.78 5 Annie D. Winter 10860 Al 207.78 W 10'8 Annie D. Winter s 2772 .0 4Lio E Aq-.6 Hoary 10, �Sr=Yrei 9688 oa 166.21 4 enry S. WOOa Ynif 10860 01 20R.yA 8 Apple R- yrenkjlo 1086A .01, 207:Y$ BLOCK 00 p1R'0' i p6a4�0 G. f4 avorgy A750 .0lod 167.41 vt^j64.9' 1 ChrjOting 7.a b XaMillan 6445 ,O1011 123.09 F14N6A712'ot W 8. J. D. Carey 9473.8 .0191 181.2E 8381of W404.8' 2Christine Lamb McMillan 3241.4 .Olo1 62.02 3 J. Wesley Dcaly 10215 .01 1 195.gg IS`15' 4 J. Wesley Dealy 2577 01y1 49.3 N 35' 4 W. E. Bryson 5138 .01.91 9$,30 •6' W. 5;. Bryson - 93 8.245 .O l.ol 159.93 JJ'u11a R. Aa4rsw. 4.4225 Olgq1 1.68,84 N66'&W85'Blk C C. Stone 5 10 ..0191 107.33 7 _ igia 7go0,256 .0101 149,05 S part 8 Julia He Andrews 6882,245 .0191 131.67 Triangle 194 x 194 8 Clara . Swop 180.5 .0191 3.46 9 Clara E, Swope 8214.5 .ol9l 151.16 NE 201 10 Clara Be Swope 3157. .0191 6o.40 BE 301 10 J. H. Meier 4735.5 .0191 90.6o NE part 11 J. H. Meier 2767.219 .ol9l 52.95 SW part 11 Clarista N. Harris 6057.4025 .0191 115.89 \ BLOCK B3 1 Albert X. Wpwaell 0500 .0101 181.76 �!Illiam L!. !Antes -95.00 ,0191 1 "7 S On'.3 k. W. Hathaway '7690 .0191 1 /0P N 10' 3 to Pratt 1900 .0191 H 4� Ila Pr*U 060,pp ,01g 1 iir76 6 lia 4. Browpa11 9604 •0131 18}1.9 6 m el AOPehelaR 960g .01 1 191.RR6 tt PUFeA. 9380 .0191 1t1.76• 1'a9i Pl4cp 9600 .0191 01$0 a0'&fl50' of yy$5 pjS6D' 0 $abray Parry 10750 .0191 20¢.66 $50'e cept E50' _ .. gf S26'ofs50.9 yens, Simmons !� ' eZ!5b .0 1 167.8 N W to 7Prapk y7. Vller 90ov •01 1 18J.74g; 8 60. 10 ,YOho McCarty 9600 .Oi l iS1:76 aA' 11 ff,, M. DeppW 86ee0 .0 1 191.78 ¢0! ix Lzab Yh A. 4vatus 95A�0 a1 1 18116 P' 19 $$yolli"AR Ada{ne 93Ap .dl 1 1,81.14 9 4.13 Iryymouth Cougregattonal Church 850A :Oltll 1$1.75 FLOCK 9} 8 So' 1 PFanlf R Cook & Replies 14. Cook 9500 .01 1 18,1. 66 N so, 1 jj('aqlpveetmept Cp. 1600 •91A1 181:70 N 60' 2 tzab Caldwell -Nee' 9500 1 1 ToeoOa Rua5el ' 950o .01y1 1SL76 9 50' 3 Leiural Mae Meyer 9500 .0161 153.0 N 50' 8 - Saphia Kellyy 4500 ,01p1 1.,,8 j7j 8 b9' 4 Cpeneilus Ilyekman 9600 .0191 1 1.A N 60, 4 An na Chrl9Fenson 9600 ,0191 191:f XxWell Loan 4500 .0111 86. o1V!14 :i Mabel p4. HLyt 4600 01'pq1 4,00 9'uf14i10' S Mary E. Calloway 5000 .0191 95.66 8501ofW109'"5 Ma bel C. Whitney 5000 .01?1 95.46 N 6A!6 vVm. Enock Crim & Maggie A. Crim 9500 .01?1 IsL76 S so, 6 NjcV4 Au�req,q - 9500 .01 1 121.4�5 1 coca Petty 19 O3 1 3F3:69 so, 8 T.Slbie Hoffman 5000 too 0 1 :7 4yAAA8AA 50' 8 W. P. Withrow 9600 .0191 181161.76' BLOCK 95 $60' 1 A;en ¢ipe�ell 9500 .0191 113.70, p69' } T�oma6 11. �'revithJc Jc 9600 .01 j lit 76 C*the no Lauterback! 9600 :Oi l 191.46 3Q 6W 9 6rRce Rtddpll 9$p,'a 0}yy1 181.16 a.1W 6 16pry 3R00 DiP �}}}.76 Ni 60' 8 Rpb Roy McGregor 00 •adB 1!8t 76' �5D' f A 4 tLu:e N 50' 4 Carrie J. Straub 0 .018 4yt.16 b .Isabelle Cl;gppell 1�000 :01p1 A {a j� 0. 5 'Kp.therine Xyle, 600 $ As. 6 J,A R, White 96o0 .0191 �.7$: N 64, 7 Minhi L. Zeigler 9690 .01{1� 6 �p� I} Grundy 96pp0 :0 01, 04y Lfarry 13. McCreary t 'a 0 I91.76 9$k'p�Bs30' Q Hprry U. McCreary 6750 atlIy�� OG',pFSbO'.$ Mary 4. Wallaep & Nathan Wallace 6750 .01,p WkOO C. 80 } Cgiorado Delta Asmo. of Sigma Alpha Ebsllon 19600 01 363.50 S 5m 8 Jae. C. & Lillian Whe4bee 051" ,01t 181.76 N 60, 2 Maude # Siaueeleo 9500 .01 181.76 8 60, 7 Fred W. Stow 9500 011 1 181.76 N 60, 6 Jas. 1~ Aeasey 9500 ,0d94 181.76 8 60, 4 1161iin E. Adams 0590 .914L 181.76 N 59' J. S. Stanley '9500 .p161 181.76 S 51Y a Jerome M.` randenburg ..4600 9 18L76- N 6A' S M9.rgat',ei. otter A Ap .01q 18176 8 'l6! 6 Mprgarpt A mifpr $ .01 l 58d6 &yR'vf)`1St. 6 G. 8. vr}•je & John B. 4 44bar 3 •U101 162.67 PI48'6 Alpry M Dexter oro }j i 7 - Colorado ODpella Aeep. of Slgipa Aipl; 69 { - .M,'b E ol lW,00 t K,er ¢0 :0 181.946 N s 8 ry p N 50' 8 Apna Meyers66o .sit OF .0141 181.^.6 3 60' 0 I cy A. Kinpison 9500 .01 191.76 N 60, 10 S a M. Fia14y' 9500 .010 181.7b so, 10, 1'a.nnle Mosman O'y4U0 .01 181.76' kJV 50, 11 Alfred IL Parkny' 9a00 .01 1 181,76 3 GO' 11 Rache3 �ilayer Grovcly 9a00 .01 4 181.76' N 50' 13 Ily A. No le 9b00 .01 1 181.76 8 60, 12 F, oiler end Dollla E. ,Cooper 96U0 :01'g9 181.76 i6 IlrabRty.Qpp1As k05b 20 0191 115.84 16 Atzabeth Colpne 6066 0 115.87 , 17 Margate-t C. Rose 6066:2 0 115.87 L8 14argaret C. Rosa 606§.)9§ u1" 115.87 E Go, 1 Mary R. Ish 2"0 .Ol -47.83 W4610fB901 I 4A.. M W l ]]11l!,.90 3a¢0 .Ol 43.U6 W 9y t L1ewt5 3¢, .ge1'(Flo(,f 4/s0 - 0 gg4p' 6 MM4l�vey g, ds9 20bo Ol 38.38 SN 09 W4�b'ot Aez e0. - 6b <Coptrpctl iPA 010 low 9 A. M. WWps 2116 .01" 40.46 , E86noo W46'o1 -a ''llgez K. Bob (¢ppptraot) 33,m� .010}} W .>15' ^� 1,,pwis 9, 13A,XI ? 41 5P :Qx p9.r a E 93':3 lgee M. ,Babb (Contract 67$ 0} l0 ,,,,qqii. W 96"3 Lgwis K 18crglofl 6700 .01'4 1 .q8 4 lidma A. Galladay y5p;0 0 d I6 J3ba S11aXter( dr. 7000 Si6 '9g 6 A�Me Shadier 20y.$ 0 --38.74 .0 Pjetpr alp erpgn UO 0 97.$2 10 Peter Am�er"n R pyy 143.01 N l0' 1} P- A�,gy�aon 1490 .b'1 36. 6 �B dN It - 13 b0' �76pp0U ,U lfe. 1. 112 Oraa �Y�V r e�9 :u Al, 6 N �gg 17 ! o r0 1803 .0 -34. 3 S l00' 17 as Glasgow 4'S0 U a6, 9. N 6g� i8 MoorB i B Ul 34 3 10V' Lg A> EiJ a&91o..' iF a .ot 09.48 0= let 3$rrniman 8648 .010 125:42 rh . Littler 95n5 :u191 12c..4z BLOCK 104 EW 4' i Jena Jensen Ockerman '233316 .01 i 45.44• W495d 8 96' 2 C�.io lqe 3yJleaAor Armstrong 67b6 :01t4. '00.9g E 47'Fr' 7 JF,ns SmuamR ci}mrrnnn 23 U 1 .46. M 09'471F•'nfL9a' 7 Emma $ K04.9 =8 t1���ppll W 95T 4 Cgroline Eleanor.Armstrong 476 a19 9U. 8 E 41'Fi' 6 Sens Jensen Ockprman 'L3T6 0 {e:%} fll�j��Ofj-;95' 6 E'l S Kelso $375 0 45:44C4rolhm Eleanor Armstrong �7 64644Jena Jensen Oeherman •yt37b 0 45.4444 Emma'S. Relso L 75 0 90.886Caroline l/leanpr Armstrong }QQu0 . 9U.88u 6 Henry P. Thorn 11 8000 .0 3o3.0'L 9 W. R. Stuart 9500 .0 I 181.76'.{ N 50, 10 Jennie 1 & Gla.d>a Edwards (Agree- { S 6W. 0went to sell to Mattie A. Lewis) ^9500 .Olpi 181.76 N 60, 11 Lilly S. Good Win -9600 .019 ISLW S 59' 1} J. I Loyd Snook -9 90 .01 181.701 12 Wilhelmina & 11. Erna Douglas 10 QO - .01 3030'l x$$ U. McClure 6 8'f 5 � .oa 1s :71, 14 s D. Mercer 9 7 6 .:O1 131.77 i t$ C. Richards 66qq .6 01 1J1.77' '16 . le Oshplue &. lielen M. Kel14r �B687.5 .01 131.77 E 130' 1T Iloyd ¢tn J. Ralph 5600 01 1tl7.14Rr 50' 11 Snook Poo U1 38.'L6 U1.0CM 105 E 50, 1 Alvin U. Fry.& Armenda ;4. Fry 0300 :Ol$$ 181.76 W 50, 1 igmes W. Lagionce '9600 01 } 181..16 E 46, 2 Sarah N. Lowery U50 01 { 163.59 W 46' $mma L. Jones $5,50 01A1 163.68 E 67.! 3y Lewis F. Martin 12350 01 "36.28 W 35" 3 Beryl M. Dawley gg'0a0 .0Ly1 127.23 10 50' 4 Viola Knt fia 9b00 01 4 18r.76 W ,}0' ..4 Howard E. Anderson 7600 Ol$l 145,41 9 EQ41thh C. P•1,4pg 96Q00q .01 1 1U1:78 N 10, 10 E,411th C. a•rker 99,00 01 I 39.26 S to, 10 Alice P Bristol 7600 01 1 145.41 Z4 jo, 3x A1ue k grisrp4 F9a9 D1 ; 36.35 S 40, 11 J'. L, oasis 7b00 .0J91 145.41 N 6. 12 J. L. Rouser 950 .Oxa1 18.17 ,$ 45' 12 Oliver P. Pennock 8550 .0191 '163.57 13 Emelihe D. Post 9500 .0191 181.76 14 Cp4e& May AlddQ 9500 .0191 181.76 16 T751otppY T3 'v1 9500 .0191 181.76 }6 Cbrlstlau tpllAppi WO .0191 191.76 • pt.ocK 106 E5O':o(QgQ' } AJ*le R. Vag'gett $500 .0191 105.23 E45'oT0964,of Silo' 1 Cattle I. Edward$_ 4950 .0191 94.71 850' of N100' of E9N 1 LADRA coolwr 4750 .0191 90.88 N y0',o(N9Y 1 JQhu D. Mc Carroll 4750 .0101 90.89 4V S. I $$obert E. Trimble 1060 .0191 20.09 1: 46' Y $ot4nr; E. Trllnble 9450 .0191 280.80 W ; 2 a ail Ugorg - 94 0 .0191 190.80, S 6!Q a yy}fj a $. Read 9b00 .0191 181.76 N GQ' 3 8¢ed Told.0*ark 19609 .0191. 191.76 4 Cpp@iys g $4;Isbury 180g0 .0191 363.50 R-95 5 GeoreA J. Ppnk 12a6A .0191 236.29 W 35, 6 Berthe.Douglas $650 .0191 127.23 E $0' b Bertpa Dpu" 700 .0191 109.06 W 60' 9 Gepo. W. & Laurel B. frel�et'11 1 400 .0195 218.11 N 7Fi 7 MaM4ra H. Ford 09 .0191 181.76 S 36 7 3,WY 0. Cushing 96A9 .0191 181.76 N 3<r ; 1 H. SIlriber 9$09 .0191 181.76 S JA 9 Pester Loan."& 14veatmenl. Cqo. 'g9 AR .0191 181.76 �i 9 An0g��. 14*pW'Ond 9$90 .0191 181.76 9 SFFrr 9 If. >;�p*Ards gacRn 9509 .0191 181.76 N ?4 x0 2Mry A. Mecondelt 98p9 .0191 181.76 6 19 C, . lyeyp $b69 .0191 181.75 E yr 11 ry N. 3heyherdaon quo .0191 191.79 f4o; J.} Woali.ce 969A .0191 181.76 1Rary N. Sha berdAon 0500 .0191 y01.76 ofWJ pan4760 .019x 90.88 oft9 'of 5W`12 Harry D1mmilt 20W .0191 38.26 W55 opsir 12 Virginia H. Corbatt 2750 .0191 63.61 E'40' of W 94' of 13 Harry Dimmitt 1690 .0191 30.61 W 55, 13 Virginia H. Corbett .224" A191 4109 E 1h is Mary N. S7lepherdgon 3800 .0191 72.70 BLOCK 113 W 130' 16 William P.'Headden 6600 '0191 124.39 - W 130' 36 gV1431pm P. Headdmr 6500 .0191 124.36 W 120' 14 Wiilliam P. Headden 6500 .0191 124.36 W 130' 13 William P. Headdenacre 6500 .0191 00 0191 324.36 F. 60' 10 GeorB•9 F',9$$.r reenacts 40 Gegrge 7rl ay eenacre IS60 .0191 34.44 6 ' lI Gegr A ar renpaere 1800 .0191 34.44 1$ G6w•,,gge dgar.Grcnpacre MOO .0191 34.44 'E'60'ofN20' 13 William P. Headden 1200 .0191 22.96 BLOCK 114 -8 Anna B. CCptt 9500 .009.46 80.38 N is, 7 Anna B. Scott 34°0 00846 28.94 S 32' 7 B3euben It. Brenimon 640 .00846 51.45 N 34, 6 Reuben R. Breniman 6460 oos46 54.66 1 Wile Timberlake Stover a0. 0 .00846 25.72 634 U ,Nle Timberlake Stover 95i3 .00848 80.38 Mary T. Welch SOOli9 .00846 84.61 Mary T. Welch 100Lao A084fi 84.61 4Jary T. Welch 10090 .00846 84.61 1 Mary T. Welch 10000 .q0846 84.61 13 Mary T. R'etch �,p .901 181.75 14 ',04gry T. Welch '99I - 181.76` 1' yaKy T. Welch 9@.9D .0191� 181.76. q1'6 y T Welch 900 0101 181.76 4;'• 17 Wdolph Brenimall 2Y`.0 10191 41.13 N 187' 17 L 6.ollins 8ggp .Od§1 131.06 1; a IJ hnearl 9000 0191 172.19 1#E 2` 9 TJ Enearl 380A 0191 68.99 W3, 0 y0' 19 V Cbiire 1 0,0 ol91 34.44 0 I2V 19 ljYno Nessel Keneh 3600 0191 68.88 s $DN $0 '! Y ChilAs 100 .019,1 45.92 pi 12W:.a4 20 a4}#arlow ]$ealyGl }{wjb A80 .0191 91.84 BLOCK 115 tip. ` B 86. t Unity Church of For¢ Collins 1�pyg0 00846 35.86 8 ,rp, j.. 5y, WeJ{:II1 6a0 AQ846 44.92 N251F ,y ;tntty Chµrcb of Fart Collins $ 26 .00846 17.98 pa P. Beoct iy2b .00846 17ss �V SO •• M;a. 1. W. Welch wo .00866 44.42 B �6.nha B. dSott 06" ,00846 80.39 jlla P. Adams 9aa4 „r4ese ".r0 55 4 PAN,µ ydaiW 419" .0081*6 4t.20 G,{ 1$egjant n F. gettsl }7$9 ,00816 40.20 151 $ea7aa{lrt P, Hottel 9500 .00846 80AS 2 Trµq}Aoa ,,PFyeabyterlan ,Church 'O6A9 00846 80.38 1 T anteso freabytertan 4ihureii 95g0 .0846 80.3E E ¢6' g _ Z73 OtQ (Contract) S664 .0191 163.59 ?W 45• 9 Emma M. 4-0130well 8550 9191 163.58 E33 3-3' }0 Rut$ q. Dixon 6330 4191 121.16 E88 1.8'gf1V46 W•330-J Mary E. go 8833 .0181 "1.16 30 Henrietta L'pley 6333 ,06,91 131.18 li August Kluver 9 to .,0191 327.16 E G4' 12'•• LgWs Ann $eats 9690 .0101 181.76 I1394c' N. Chatnold 9500 .0191 181.76 BLOCK lie 8 The Bishop and Chanter oe tae cathe- dral of St.. John 'tue .0itiaaage4lu. of N IS` 0 T;Denver. CQlotydo 19000 A0846 380.77 Pµa It,,{{at 8170 .00646 89.18 fl 5a' u C. J. F)izalthons 10830 .00846 91.64 N 50' y 5�1;.'td�}g6.A,. lti 'tugatmt 9$00 OUSa6 SP.38 S 4 harRaa W${yeq 9509 'A0646 80.28 N 5' 3 �wtc+��w R44an G. �Vlyret) 9aD .418846 8.04 S80'n1N95' of - S 35' $ V19W Hall - 15200 ,0046 128.62 Jai "I 3 �M�ff�y LoR'rW - '860 ,4Q846 24.13 $ 60' 2 ""`"ty B, Lowell 9b00 .0946 80.38 N 0, 1 JA.cob M. Fisher 0600 ,00g46 80,38 S 75' 1 Jaoob M. Fisher 4760 ,0Q946 40.19 Empla }tarry 14260 00g46 129.58 4 `E4pms Barry 7600 '.008 6 64.31 W 5,8$ H..�C. Lighter Estate 8b60 .0191} 162.58 F. 6 8 Wilton Walker 8550 0191 163.58 W 50, 9 'Wtlliatti F. Hall 8600 .019A 181.75 N, �' 30 Fgnvle Garnick yy5''QQ0 ,01911 181.75 DR}l11akk9'60q U}9d 181.76}l131.7,5'o[S50' 30 W3111am 8eldman $12 N{'10 Elisabeth D. Fie ett t326 .0191 136.33 N1.l 2€' 11 11 213 .0191 45.44 N37t/�'oI57� it Elizabeth'^D. Fickett 47.e .0191 90.88 S37ay' 11 'He32ytetta:Al. Young ,,,is Helen .0191 336.32 #970,0¢E46, 13 Melillo n Sheridan 71¢¢ Illa E, dUreeamyre antsianH4e .019E 135.32 A. a it;.&7 3160 .0191 60.27 444104§' !3 J+qu{an it;. $rung 63 o .0191 120.63 E50'&N70'of _Helen E. Gieenam}:r0 9450 .0191 180.80 W50' 13 :Mrs. Isab(N Teeny (Estate) 14000 :0191 26736 8140'ofW50' 13 A. r.. Rosa 7000 .0191 133.93 BLOCK 122 1 Ailaa , 2 11�ta KAllgore 7000 .00846 59.23 Aliza All'dd. Kilgore 700 ,008(8 59.23 161d1 Pa 4 Charles 11tt11 lutosh 7000 ;0$46 59.22 g & 7000 dosA6 6).23 8 :.s,444 yr 3'kie 7000 oo8A64 69.23 la 10' 7 Pills. S. 133ark�}ey - 69,2a 1G1 Lilts S. B8rkltlley 1400 .0ys,6 11:86 U2'ufNSO' 7 Lou N.,Wga43", SOBn ,OOBA6 84.63 Wd39* 9 0' 7 Stover Invelltment Company o .g0846 12.86 1, 38'-8 Stover.lnveptareni Company 1900 .00846 16.08. >0 302' 8 Lou E. Wallace §100 ,UU846 43.15 BLOCK 123 19 ruskaFa 91eth. Hosesp a! ,Charck '7000 ,0191 133:93 1 - !'NBtCce J?tia, l6 coppal Church 7000 .0191 ldi.93 13 rustees Meth, HLlsAop81 C,¢u4uyt 7900 ,019} 183.93 Verner U. WOIf 7 U0 ,419 133.9t Ada L..Baker ki EIYzibetli Quinn 70D0 .0191 122.93 N 10' Sb Ida Harrod 7 0 .0191 107.14 8 10' is Christine Miller6,600 ,0191 126.18 it Ohyt qx 4gg0 ,0191 33.93 ss��ii0�J 0 3 NOq .Uiat IL3.9:t The"t'4'dtatt !i..Evan. Emanuel Church 7000 00a45 60.23 6 The Gorman Evan. Emanuel C49urch 7000 00016 69,23 5 John hct2er _ 7 QQd ,0055'yy6 59.23 N 10' 4 L&Toltne Eica.nor Maptz 7 Q'0 ,00846 69.za LLrollnb Eleanor Mants ; DQ -Og816 11.84 0 }0'./. pp,,.;7, Roseiiow 6 Do ,06846 11.84 Davis E. Barkley T 8 33 1-3' 1 38 Charles 6t ID)ad90 E.§parka y 6,68 .00646 38.99. N 33 1.3' L F:'P. Willett A . 66 .00,946 39.49 N SG 1-3' 1 J`°,tl. Xxuft . 2 . 6 16 2.3 SS. Iiratl - d.66 .00846 18.16 S 1 1-a'otZiti 23;'3.33 ,00646 19.74 N 16 2-3' 1 G:'B. Rrwiu '46.66 .00046 1.67 BLOCK L24 1 - jet,. C111'1.1e33, 2 } 6 59.23 N is, 2 i1% ,(;urrie TAW Ua p6 411.46 8 45' 3 N. Clark.. p N 5' 3 N. Clark 9 .00g846 53.31 4 !l-ICt , do E Tedman p0 :00 16, 682 5 ,I}W3 :C. Tedman 740 ,b0 j8 69 23 5 ll am A. Drake 7 Wtlf ate A..Drake 70A6 .008 6 $9.2d 5 IC(: A1 and Mary L. Sargent 70 0 .00 6 69.23 C. .O and Micry L. Sargent 7000 .00 6 59.23 to U First( ht ktlan Church of Ft. Collins 701) .008g' 6 59.23 11 1 tt'st Cht lcUan Ch urGl( of Ft. Collins -7000 ,00$ 6 69.23 f rank A Smtlt 7000 00 6 60.23 12 Frlanic A Soµlt 7000 Ads 6 69.23 13 $impel C. 1lallny' 7000 ;003' a 9.23 N 4u' lA T.4uptas M..Nth ton 63010 .00 6 53.31 S :i 11 Lill a S. Barkley 700 0088kb 5.91 IS LAU S. llat'kley 7000 60846 69.23 16 i The Alpha P1 Lambda Fraternity Hoffe 46-sociatlon 7000 .00846 59.23 ' RW4r�F 1'fq 1py;;A{, Turk 7000 .00$06. 69.28 744a1e Lafdjsw 7000 .00846 60.23 a EIIa.C. Sc66tt 7000 .00 48 69.23 4 Herter C. Cow4a 7000' . t. 46 59.23 M. J. Allttan- 70 .00 6 69.23 S 5' 6 J. Mitten. 700 .00 6 5.92 N 45' 6 Great Western Sugar Company 6300 .00 6 53.31 7 ;qua .qk L. JWhiing 70" .00 6 69.23 8 An gap it Rowing 7000 .00 6 69.23 aa J o A. BrVwn 706 .00 ¢6 69.J3 A. srcwn. �0p .00 6 59.23 11 Emma LmAht Case 100 .Op 6 6"'1z A�cel Erlokson 7 h .06 6 59.p8 23 14 Afergaret'Jane Hoffman Estate 78�0 .0 6 69.22 .Tames H. Orr &-Martha C, Orr 7000 00;{}6 69,23 N 40' 15 Ella S.Ickes 6800 .00$46 47.38 S 10, 15 George A. Webb 1400 .00s46 11.94 16 _.5"j.4pr e. q.'Nyepp 7000 .004B.'' 50.23 1ppopg Ago B 67' 1 Effie Golding Dwyer 9380 *0'340 70-M S60'ofN70'.I Harry B. McCrcary 8/p0 ,OO,Sg6 7 .07- N 10, 1 E. Alice Ralph 3 ,008 6 1 ,8866 48 so, 2 E. Alice Ralph 4230 .00846 :G4 850'ofN70' 2 Trustees First Baptist CkWch 70QQ 23 N 20, 2 JullaeM. Morrill 28 0 8 S 40' S Tujl'a M. Morrill- 66 .00846 1 98 N 60' 8 C. K Gould` 5400 ,008 U."V S tfi 4 Jacobi D. KUAgOne 700,0 :9R84$ 69.2gg; N % 4 Katherine S. Morrill 7000 U9846 6 .22 6 - Cvlen #ludo•]ph I*w .J1Y§fig- 1}gyg6 - S 40' 6 e ceept Tx22' in NW 00r. 49reat Western Sugax Goaipany 5534 .00846 46.83, N69'Gand3'x „ - 22' In NW €cr. .,..✓.- ,r.._ .. -_ 7 .vise Schafer 8486 .00846 18.45 N 30' 8 eline E. Post 140gq0p .00846 136.54 N60'ofS70' 3 ice lneC. E. Post 8400 .00840 71.07 S 10, 8 tee C. Neand 1400 .00846 11.86 N 38, 9 Averott A. and Mary E. Atherly 6320 .00846 46.02 N38'ofS62' 9 Sv.rett A. 11 Mary E. At1lerjy 6320_ .00846 45.02 atali A Ball 5820 .00346 28.43 S 20 9 Emelsne E. Post 3aS0 '00846 59.23 S 50' 30 W. D. a E. Post 70,g11 .00846 69.2E "S 60'10 Ha D. Poor - 4000 .00846 69.2E N 60' 11 Harriet Fortune' 00 .00896 69.23 S 50' 11 Sanderson C. Holr*ard Estate 7009 .00346 69.23 N 42' 12 Mary F. Bruce 5890 .00846 4KN N46'ofS95' 12 Edith M. Hansen 6309 .00846 53.91: S 50' 12 George S. Daulg 7000 .00846 69.23 ; BLOCJ4 132 1 John H. Gault 7000 .0191 183.93' 2 John Reeve 7000 .0191 132.03 S 12' 3 John Reeve 1680 .01.91 32.14' N 38, 3 3obn H. Gault gaze .0191 101.78 1John H. ult 7000 .0191 133.03 5 W. H. Chlpps 7000 .0191 133.93 i 6 - John Nelson, Jr. 7p00 .0191 IS3.0S 7 - C¢r,0line Lindenmeler 000 .0191 133.95 9 E. A, Riddle 7000 .0191 133.93 / q Mayhew P. Tilton 700,0 .00846 59.22 W.1.05'&S49'4lnches of E as, 10 Nora R. and Mary Jane Miller 6976.67 .00846 59.02 N8"ofE35'30 Lerah G. McHugh _ 23.33 .00846 .20 11 Horace M. Balgier 7000 .00846 59.23 13 Frank M. Nelson 7000 .00946 50.2 13 Emma T. Wilkins 7000 846 0.2 14 Mary K. Lee 7000 . 0 6 A9.23 16 Mary Webster 7000 .00846 59.23 16 Lula M. Abbott 4000 .408 f6 60:28 BLOCK 183 4k 300'0XW140'NIL - Hlo.O'ofW140' k School iDistrict No. 6 42040 .0054$ Sy 6,Sp 1 Trustees of First Baptist Church- 14000 .00846 118.45 Trustees of 1st Presbyterian Church 7000 •0191 133.9E ' S y� 2 Trustees of 1st Presbyterian Church 3500 .0191 66.051 N a/i 2 Mary E. Risen 3.590 .0131 .6.0.96 4 Mary E. Rison 7000 .oil ]a8.9a; Nettle J. Hatch a 7000 .0191 1233.93 5 Mrs. Nancy M. Middleton 7000 .0191 133.$a 6 John C. Davis 700.0 .0191 133.92� 7 Charles 13, Natljan .C.. Thomas J. ' - Warren 7000 .0191 13$183.03 3 Elizabeth Quinn' 70g0 .OSA6 .88- ,BLOC$ 134 1 Viand E. Sobureman 7000 A191 133.98 2 Bert A. 6eoan 7000 .0bol 133.93 E Mrs.. Mary b4. Jperwxpl 7900 .0191 138.93 4 John Greenwald We .6191 1gg3,99 5 Herman W. Schroeder 7000 ,0"1 38'8.b3 2 William Whitlock 709 0yygg} 133.93 7 Edward A. Maxwell 7000 .010a 283.a:3 9 John E. Coy 70gq .019il 183.13 Colorado Gamma.C(�of Sigma Phi Ep- d stlon Idense Co Si 7000 .00846 59.22 10 Colorado Gamma gfV419ma. Phn Ep- 11 sllon Iingv Carpoxatipu 7000 .00846 59.22 N 44' 12 70mma A. Kissock -. 7.090 00g46 69.22 8 6' 12 Cecile B. Hopper 6160 .00846 52.12 N 36' 13 Alma A. Ridenour 640 .09846 S.lyl3 Alma A. Ridenour 4900 .06846 41.g9: S 1:i 13 G. B. Irwin 2109 0Q W 87.yy71 N 22%' 14 G. B. Irwin 3110 .U0846 26.66 S 27t/,i' 14 H. $$. MjAgn " 38,U .0084.6 32.5$ N 10' " H. I$ tton 1g00 .00846 11.86 S 40 lu George I.aLLerp7an - $60,0 ,0,0SA6 16 Claud. C. Patrick '7004 00646 59.25 BLOCK 135 N 6 I E4laman44 L•'. Edle* Alexander Edie 7000 .0191 13303 8 55, 2 f6a.rah-Brown & Lizz4e'Brugger 7000 ;O1Ni 128.93 Earl W. Miner SN L 6�2 Indianna G. H 7700 141.32ice 0800 .0191 120.5.3 875'OEN9'u' 3 I illia. a G. His 7*0 .0191 ".so N 20. 3 William M. Otis 10Soo .0191 200.80 S 30.4 Augusta Evans N 70; 4 Augusta Evans 420D 019991 11 .8 5 Emily H. Miner. 9800 .0191 18750- 6 Lena T. Malcpur_p�ino, ( 7000 00840 E0.L31 7 Lena T,.Malcoug�,gym�e - 7:000 .008g6 59 L8' Samuel B, N'ublc'BIs & Winona W. 8 DaNaoa111s _ 7000 .00946 59.23 9 Thoma�s,4YA adehaw- 7000 ,00846 "69.23' 10 7000 00846 69.2311 ' Jessie M. Bradshaw 7000 OOS46 59.23 12 -James C G W mans SDgas Com,",oy ppDO A .p gg8��q.6 ggU3 70b0 .48:466, 69113 BLOCK 139 S 78' 1 H. C. Howard J0920 .0191 208.93 'Of y57. 1 Robert L. Lewis 4060 .0191 77.67 N B 2 2 W. E. Hurdle 3920 .0191 75.00 R. L. Lewis 7000 ,OI91 133.93 S 34 2 Jessie S. Thornton 7000 .0191 183.93 S 'fa 3 F. H. Church 7000 .0191, 133.92 8 5 a Alvena Smith 7000 .0191 138.93 S 85' 4 Ross W. Morrish 4900 - .0191 93.25 8851ofN65' 4 Edith C. Parker 4900 .0191 9yy.pb N 30, 4 Etta Lawrence 4200 ,Olfrd 8,38 S % 5 John Stroh 700U .0I91 138.36 N 'A5 _ T. R. Montgomery 98 7000 .0191 188 82 6 M. C. Horner 14000 ,0191 269E N 90• 7 Luella M. Rhodes 11200 .00946 94.76 S 20' 7 Fred Schreiner 2800 .00846 L'18a N 60' 8 Rred Schreiner 7000 .00848 69.23 8 50' 8 Rosa B. $lner 7000 .00846 59.23 r4 oC s areµ u. ber0on 700g0 .6V0gg46 69.23 S 50, 3 Amelta L. Hager 700b" ".0D840 69.•.8 N 50' 1Q Fred I. Watson 7000 .00846 59.23 S 50, 10 Ottie Reese 7000 ,00846 59.23 N 50, LL W. A. Dodson & Mottle V. Dodson 7000 ,00846 59.23 S so, it Sarah A. Earl - 7000 .00846 59.23 'N so, 12 Eunice C. Etnry - - 70118- 00848 W 28 S 87' 12 June S. Rohling 12180 .00846 103.06 BLOCK 141 S47y�' 1 Guy W. and Mabel Hinamon 2375 .019] 45,44 N47'/a'ofS9n' 1 Thomas J. Lawmju 2375 .O1.91 $5.04 S47%*ofN9� 1 L Bisbee 23375 .0191 6.44 S f71 Edwin E. Hialop 37b .0}91 96.p} }5' Guy W.and Mabel Hinamon 2375 .Od9d 45.44 N47?§'Of835' 2 Thomas J. Law , 2375 .0191 95.49 547%'OfNO5' 2 L. Bisbee 287E 0191 15.64 N 47%' 2 Edwin E. HisloD 2375 0181 146.44 a William conopr - VSAQ } y1:7$'' 4 Peter Ander0on . 8.590 pJ91 184.7D 6 Davi41 C. Threik04d 191 dg1:7,Q 6 Christian Philippi 4750 .U191 90.88. 7 Christian I'HiliDBl 47419 .U793 9p;$$. 9 Grant S. Smith '4750 :0191 90.881 9 Grant S. Smith 4750 .0191 90.88- E 16, of 10 Grant S. Smith 2850 .0181 54.52� W to' 10 Christiana Sauqr 80 .0191 36,34 E 15' At Christiana Sauer 2860 .0191 54.52,,ii 30' Tl J. We�eY �a�al 1,96Q0 0191 a6.34� 1'4 J. Wesley Dealy 4750 .0191 90.89' 14 d. Wesley Dealy 4750 .0191 90.88 18 I LAW" A. 11"iya Estate 4740 .1091 "Spy I 17 Nora R.,R. aan4 Mary Jane Miller 9500 .9i91 i8i.98'� 18 r BQ,ary.Jong l4W 9599 :OI91 1$g1.76 19 Frank A. Mathews 9569 .4419I 181.98 20 ED Os Gp .l IChurcJi }} 21 ChaTle<s F. BI.ulak 8500 ,0$91 _ $0i:76 22 Robert J. Andrews I7.. Marion.T. Ftun��,Ah 8500 A19d W-1106 W V2 23 Harman W. Schroader 4750 .019Y g0,gg Ey :9 Catnerine M, Bem tt _ o A191 yU.y7 24 Catherine M Bennett 950Q Olpl i'81.79 26 Bessie E 73re1Jgr -9ip,0 .9181 181.78 JILOC* If; Entire 731oe$ City of Fort Collins 200,000 ,0191 g82g,4@ BLOGg W 1 Louis Christensen 3 Louis Christensen g9500. .U191 181.75 3 Minnie E. Poily b� .0191 181.75 4 John W. Walker Sin ' .6191 181.75 ' ICatI G,gqryyoobonjr - 95 .0191 181.76 R Bre (man _ �'U 9191¢ 76 8d "1.74 Bqu�90 .pO1�9p99 J1t8pp1.70', 9 6. . WebstcP. "8600" .Olpl 1B1.78 YO S. 1. Wo�F,+�srr H p,} yy11.qqgg W i4 11 C-.0-G^. vel,apn Ms :Oi4i .V8 lA �i4 41 C. F. calyllaw a.Rd Mary Jap4 CW�er too 0yygg1 11 q7 W 'h t2' F. ls, 8re+dmaa 4500 ig E 3h 1.. Jessie E. Marshall 8590 4 1 18l':t7@5' W % 13 7Lae W.Orthirg ".019A 181n4 % 13 Henry N. Shafer - 96A0 @1 6 14 A Scuka and Henrietta Smtila 9600 .0191 ;@i,76- A. C.3iluver (Agreement to sell fy Mods "D01 38A46' % 16 Freidman) 9500 .0191 181.N A11ce.L`,...Nalsoa...&.Jv" $, 'Wahstar ,..95DA A181 „1 d.78 }S 15 George Samgeon. 9500 .4194 4L764 BLOCK 144 1 n'1�}•((yy $. CrrQas 1900y ',A1 1 sc,%, $$ % 8 N,rgjlk Elaf yaiDO 1 1 �,BL s 1N 'Fi 8 Augu�C. over - b600 .11�1 -1141. e 3 A. C. uver agAa. .alai 181.76 i5-8 A.. t, Mover 96 .0191 181.76 4 Lula Pfeifer and George W. F;*,fgr }��GY' .0191 181.76 y,� 4 Alice C. Nelson 7i .0101 191.76. 1Fi 5 0162aader Nelson P.p�pp .0191 181.76 O:i oYW zS Mpr¢4.L)ily,k Hospital Assoclat49,g 4y59 .0191 9Y.&C 95'ofw G Rai tuondd'L. Henry 3375DD .alai 96 i8 Edward R. Baker 19000 .0191 363.51 E i9 7 'kR19S otne^F&tEF W{ - 0 0F9�1 N A B.>na �40S Dal 2#1:�� tar 26' 9 Mary A. Bennett 47,0 .0191 90.88 E 75' 8 Henry Felt 14250 .0191 272.63 0 - Ieanes B. rtbur £ptste i4800 .9i0i - 'db6.5} 'nt6t oryoratioa 19000 .013I 363.53 BR gm Alf - I - August Jr. and WllheingllA��.ppg�d�p 10Q00 .0191 36p�1 E % 2 " Dwight M. & For] B. Ward;8'eii�AA��B'. V,pyrtxW sr1d Echad Catnir}Bck 9500 0}}91 181,75 W'% 2 J. 73. '.Cr12•iur so 9500 � :0191 181,75 E % 3 Mary Westin 0500 .0191 181.76 W 'A C: E, 7i7ofr{ppn 05A& .0191 1881.76 Merle I{, Latpmore (Agreemehit to 4e11 to Carl"M. Lawrence) 9500 .0"1 1 .76 W 3S�a Clair O. Seott 9(p0 - .0101 1 1}.76 5 United Presbyterian Chy h 19pop .0181 .7�q.51 4 96 { Job Okgt{e 95A0 91 }B1111.76 i, a Katherine Hoff anq John Hoff 9500 ,o191 18 .76 W 7 Carl Andereon 9600 .0101 181.76 E i 7 Richard F. Bourne '95pp0 4 .AIR _181.76 W ty 8 Margaret G. Devine 95bp ,01]90 18pp.76 E 8 +Jessle L. Laidlaw 9500 .0191 161.76 W yi 9 Charles N. Laidlaw 0606 .6181 191.76 E �/� 9 John A. Leiby 61500 .0101 1,81.76 30 Sarah C. Butler 19900 .plel 303.53 BLOCK 146 N"°f 3 S. Oldfleld 9.07 .0101 .1'7 S yy 4 Sylvanua Oldfield 1173.2E .A191 22.45 N y5 4 D. J. and Nettle F. Briggs 14}.75 .0191 so.11 $ i9 5 Wllli= F. Pfeifer 14. .0191 116.00 N 'h 5 Millard F. Sims pg94.5 ,0191 116.pq E160'ofs%6 Jacob Pitach �j415 F ,0191 90.21 E150'QfN3* and - W 90' 6 Thomas C. Halverson 45344 91 293.64 7 - Catharine R. Slockptt 2gq00 ,0191 '409.111 N % 8 Delva Lenoria McGuire 12000 .D3.0191 229.61 S % 8 George M, Krug 12000 .0101 229.69 N % 9 Chris Anderson';5 10009 .0181 229.68 " 9 9 j Jacob Dolts l AA0 Alel 299.59 N 45. 10 Flora F. Fuller 10719.35 .0191 2,04.9 S40'ofN85. 10 Francis N. Jordon 7937 .0191 151.9 S 15, is Ella G. Burger 2864.18 .0191 54. 11 E11a G. Burger 1466''// .0yy91 278. ' 12 Christine Miller 717¢.25 .0391 137.28 BOOM 101 yy W 46' 9 S. P. C. Nugent " 0?& .019{7 117�. ^ F. 4' 9 S. F. Coulson P y3} 11 S. F. Coulson 8+00 '.019ii i81.46 18 A. W MoTTlsh 0500 0191 181.76 Jane Worthing 04p0 .at11 Jal.'tp W 2�f§'' 13 Jane �yWWVVorthing 17.50 .A191 90.88, 12 �34 John Welt�zel 475s .019 90.88, 37G .0191l!G.49 E 37+/j' 14 F. W. McGuire and H. L•ilcGuirp 12G '.alai ;186.a2 15 John M. Hoffman 95b0 .0191 161. 6, 16 Tohn M. Hoffman 9427.8'' .0191 191.29 17 A. Straight Estate 5922.7 191 143.38� 18 A. Straight Estate 6358.7 .0191 181.68 20 Luculx and Sarah H. Brunton 6643.8 .0191 197.10 Adella C. Nugent 7000 .0191 - 133.93 21 DeWitt C.Armitage (Bond for Deed) 6"0 0{{9'1- 120.53, 22 Hattie B. Shaffer p ,A1at 1p0.53 BLOCK 132 1 S % 3 Jacob Ruit 9500 .alai 1p .76 N 1Fi 1 John R. White ggyy0�pp gg S S6 2 ((i.rragb Western Sugp.r Co. 95P9.. .0191 16 .75' N 7h 2 WSllam J. and Ellen Moonsy 96 6 Vqet 10 .7fi S % 8 Jeanie Algee 050o, .Qlei 100.76 S 1h 48 , J psi A HatriS5 950b .0191 18}.76 N 1,1 4 9J{7�h H. Meffor(7 9600 .0191 111 .76 GGGG 'Eya,(1-¢i1car,Congregational95 yQ AA C. Chaffee 181.7 Y5p0 a181 1AL76' 6 Anna C. Chaffee 9g b0 .0191 101.76 7 Sal"AA4.A. Bush 6660 .0191 1p1.76 8 - R.'8renlman (Bond for dead to J. A. - IW p50p .019} 191.76 9 Lilly d4, McCarty OSOA .01991 10 .781 30 Christine Miller 9500 .alai 18 .78 11 William.Engelhardt 0600 .0191 1pp 76! 12 Erryesl Fischer 95D0 .0101 181.76 1H,B43* 166 S 3h I H. R. Pierpont 0600 '0191 181.76 % 8 Johp F. Consigny 05.00 .0191 1pL75i 421¢e M. Colton "00 �0191 1p1.75j �{ 8 11��gqa�ry L. Miller 95.00 .0191 11�8a1.75- i6 ' ) 46ar'k D. and Effie E. Miller 4500 .0191 181 76 #5 43 J. 11.. Wilkins 9v00 .0191 181 76, N % 4 �ID•aMt{leyr 0500 .0191 101.76 R. 05AA .,0191 1p 1.70 Lpcirida Welch Me .0191 1@g1.79 "N t,4 6 J F, Spangler 0600 ':0191 1B1.76 S )5 6 Minnie E. Beerman. 9500 .alai 1bpp 1:76 N yj 6 Minuie LI,essenden BG4dg1 ,0191 1 1.76 Sr 7 W L. Gault 95g0 .A191 111.76 -N 7 Ellen A, Ballard _ 9600 ,019L 1�1.76 �S 8 . Olive 9. White Man .0101 1gg1.76 'A Is Jay Inselman and Hy1gh Jnselmaa 9Gg0 .9191 1p1.76 BLOC1i 1174�/ S afi 1 7Tho s tonal Bank p Fort CR,o seln Y500 .01 Yi 161.76 8 y1 2 Thomas Charles Walker (Agrae1i18nt to ael1 to Charles A. Dtunabec}c) 9500' .0191p 181.76 N 1,(1 2 E. D.m Culler 95000 .0191 1gg}.qq S 'Ft 2 Thomas J. Soden . 9500 .0191 131.71 N. v. 3 - - R. A. Atherf}4 5000 .019i. 1gg5.65 E 50' 4 - E Alice Atherly and George J, penig .6000 .0191 05.65 W60' ,K7+0'4 Alice Rentsch GOQO .0191 95.g$ Foe o:1A'pU' T, yROR!},B- 4400-. ,019i 38.09 N tt 1 Br 9 Rag 5 N 00 .0191 68.09 SS ` Bertha A. Hurdle 9500 10191 1$1.78 S % 5 E. Bronstein 9500 .0191 1g1.76' N % 6 L. D. Brown 9500 .0191 181.7 S % 6 Frederick E. Bwnes 9500 .019 131.71 N % 7 William S. Hilt 9500 . -O19S11 1{{1.76 S °� 7 Anna Thomson 9500 .019{ lyi.7S N $ $ H. Peasiey 0500 .01" 1$1.76 S 3/1 8 Grace M. Gregory 0500 ,019} 1$1,76. BLOCK 153' 1 Joseph J. YerStraton 19000 0191 3$3.51 S Ft 2 kr8,nk D. Giddings 9500 po191 1g11.76`` H h 0 Rogs T. Nlght"gale 9k00 .0191 1j1.76 SEfj 3 Claude C, Spiddings 9a00 .0191 181.16 �T'fs a �34ary E. rqyddlet0n 9500 .0191 181.76 , 550'oH8140' 4 Harvey C. Yew 7000 .0191 183.93, N50'efEI40' 4 'Corn B. Siberell 7000 .0191 18$.83' W GO' 4 E. E. and Ida B. Smith 5000 .0191 01.1 5 5 JamI$s S. Arthur.Estate 19000 .0191 363.52. J¢rinlp J IWkedt1t 19900 .U391 3$3J2' N 7 A. Jam'es, S vWbusou ek p e)r... 10 5E11 l0 9500 .0191 191.75. S ;5 7 Sarah E. Whitton 9500 ,0191 1g1.7b 8 Nellie Bryan 19000 ,0731 383.5� BLOCK W7 d Ellen T. I{ano 9500 .0191 1$1,78, 2 Lorenzo D. Law 9500 .0191 18I'M Lorenzo D. Law 9500 .019 111.16 2%'k4 Ellen T. 4750 019 0.29i Charics G.- ant. 4750 0191 SU.lig; 5 Charles G. Mgutz 9500 .0191 1 A41 Fran J. Shantz 9500 10191 1 1.T6 9500 .0191 1 1.7'6 $9 Thomas J. It no 9500 •0191 7 1.Tg Susanna Dietz 9500 .0191 1$1.7 10 Frank J. Shantz 9500 .019.1 1$1.0 1 Halsey L. and GraF,e HaWit4pa 1500 .0191 1 1. 0 J� Corns J rrspn e500 .U191 1 �. G }$ Sophia �!. RWdle $500 ,0191 1 a. 5I t4 Halsey L.and Grace Hawkins 9500 .019} 1 1.75 Raise y .ap.d Cyrus $A®kipi }379.4 .011) i L6 _... SODhla b1�70(�Jp.. .. . 670.1 f SECiIO,1d 4. All assessments herein provided for shall be due and payable within t"iirty days from the final passage and publication of this ordinance, without de- mand, provided that all assessments may at the election of the owners of the property assessed be paid in twenty (20) annual installments beginning August 20th, 10-21, and payable annually on said last mentioned date thereafter, until the full amount thereof has been paid, with interest on the un- paid principal payable semi-annually at the rate of five and one-half per cent per annum. Section 5. Failure to pay the whole of the assessment within the said period of thirty (30) days ,shall be conclusively considered and held an election on the part of all persons interested, whether under disability or other- wise , to ply in such installments. Section S. Failure to pay any installment , whether of principal or interest , when due, shall cause the whole of the unpaid principal to become due and payable i-zLe- diately, and the whole amount of the unpaid principal and accrued interest shall thereafter draN interest at the rate of one (1) per cent per month, or fraction of a month, until the day of sale as hereinafter provided, but at any time prior to the day of sale the owner may pay the amount of all unpaid installments, with interest at one (1) per cent per month, or fraction of a month, and all penalties accrued, and shall thereupon be restored to the right to pay the installments in ,f w the same manner as if default had not been suffered. The owner of any property not in default as to any installments or payments may at any time pay the whole of the unpaid principal, with the interest accrued to the maturity of the next installment of in- terest or principal. Section 7. Payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time within thirty (30) days of the final passage and publication of this ordinance and an allowance of five (5) per cent discount shall be made on all payments made during such period only. Section B. In case of default in the payment of any installment of principal and interest when due, any and all property concerning which such default is suffered shall be ad- vertised by the County Treasurer and sold for the payment of the whole of the unpaid assessment thereon at the same time or times and in the same manner, under all the same conditions and pen- alties and with the same effects as are provided by law for sales of real estate in default of the payment of ; enaral taxes. Section 19. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to prepare the foregoing assessment roll in said Storm Sewer Dis- trict :Jo. 5 in proper form, showing in suitable columns each piece of real estate assessed, the total amount of the assessr,,ent, the a:_.ount of each installment of principal and interest, and the date when each installment will become due , with suitable columns f or use in case of payment of the whole mount or of any installment or penalty, and :"eliver the same to the City Treasurer and there_ I y after payments may be made to the City Treasurer at any time vvithin thirty (30) days after the passage of this assessment ordinance, and the taking effect thereof. Upon the expiration of the thirty (3o) days, the City Treasurer shall return to the City Clerk the assessment roll showing all payments rsiade there- on, with the date of each payment , end thereupon the City Clerk shall prepaxe a permanent local assessment roll in book form, showing ✓in suitable columns each piece of real estate or pro- perty upon which the assessment is unpaid, the whole amount of the assessment unpaid, the date to which the same was computed , the amount of each installment of principal and interest , to- gether with two (2) per cent additional thereon as collection charges of the County Treasurer, and the date when the same will become Sue, with suitable columns for use in case of the payment of any installments or penalties. Said roll shall be certified by the City Clerk under the seal of the City, and by him delivered to the County Treasurer of Lari:,ier . County, with his warrant for the collection of the same. Section 10. All collections wade by the County Treasurer on said assessment roll in any calendar �,onth shall be accounted for and paid over to the City Treasurer on or be- fore the tenth day of the next succeeding calendar month, with separate statements for all such collections for each month. Section 11. The owner of any divided or undivided interest may pay his share of any assese;Lent upon producing evi- dence of the extent of his interest satisfactory to the officers :::_.vine; the roll in charge. i Section 12. in the opinion of the City Council an emergency exists for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and publication un :er and by virtue of the authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Chwrter . Introduced, read at length and adopted by the unanimous vote of all the rae:cbers of the City Council t'nis 18th day of July, lySl. 7 � Commissioner of Safety and A Z T z ST %x Orficio Mayor . City Clerk. loft STATE OF COLORADO ) SS. COU 1T Z OF LARIMER } I , A. J. ROSE.•?OTe , City Clerk of the City of Fort Collins, do hereby certify and declare that the fore- goin ordinance , consisting of twelve (12) sections , was duly proposed and read at length at a regular ;eetin of the City Council held on the 16th day of July, A.L . 1921, a4d was duly adopted and ordered published in the Fort Col- lins Courier, a daily newspaper and the official newspaper of the City of Fort Collins, by the unanimous vote of all me:4bers of the Council, as an e,:.ergency ordinance, in aeoor- dance with the provisions of Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; and thereafter , on towit: t'_.e -4 day of July, A.D . 1921, said Ordinance No. 16 was duly published in the Fort Collins Courier , a daily newsr:,per published in the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. I?I lr'Ti' ,ESS 1"HEREOF, I have hereunt set my hand and affixed the seal of said City this 'day of July, A . 12121. City Clerk.