HomeMy WebLinkAbout017 - 08/06/1921 - RELATING TO THE PAINTING OR MAKING OF ANY SIGNS, NOTICES OR ADVERTISEMENTS UPON THE PAVING, SIDEWALK �I 71-T �- emu., _ , 3E I O _r l::^ ' yuE CI'Y COL'_'CIL OF _33 ' Y GOLLI- 5: Section 1. i,1at `_e palntin , ...ar :l'_lo or not Ices or .i: veTt i82;ti5i1t9 u;✓o:2 the avin_ , _1a.tial s , curbs or butters w thin t;a_ e )r orate Cii _ ::rt �".01iiiis is _:-,T cruy jr _.i-�i tad. Section w. t.iis prohibi�ion ,las een violate3 prior to the passa6a : nd adeftion of this ordinauo ; , the Co:Lu:issionar of Public T xks is 'r.ereby suthorizad and wiraeted to Cause such si�z-ns, notices or Wlvartise:._ante to J.: re::ovad :)y t Ye parso.is causing the so ba , lac-,w i t_.e avin. ,, sidawalks , curbs or "utters , Ljit..,i-i -.�,'An days after Written '_:Ot ].0 , .,.nd in th, event of failure so o ccw iy with the notice of file Co., wiasion,�r of Torks, tie signs, no'icas or a-lvertisr.::. nts ra e e re.�ov d ; Dei:art::ent of Public "orks, and tee ax a t2 r _ __ r " o .a toll jct fry: the per_ section 0. Nar o;i, _ ersoiis or cor ur - lion viol tinib F:ny t:rovisio:i :%f _lic Gr"ija,Lnc2 ncr .ore tLan :'knur oll rs an. t __ o;ts of Prc ..aalinT Section 4. In the opinion of the City Council nnewer_ exists for the ;reservation of thv public !anion, safety, =L i, ie o Ain n e siall a,kt, effect Uy..On its passiLn .,._ A yU lic,..tinTl, Un:.I.T c..nd ..� virtue of authority contained in Sections 6 and 7 of Article IV. of tie City Charter . Introwuced, read at" len6th and adopted of t:.1 unani :.Cus vote of 411 t m Umbers of the City council t1:is 't`l day of August , A.� . 1owl . Co:_—Issi�__,,�£ a gin,. Q Of iris . :or . VLVy ViCil tl . COUz'i1 1 i T , A . J. ,S = .fit-, Ci-�y Clerk of the Ci�y of r'ort Coliins, - eraby Certify :--J aeclare what '' he fore oink orain_.nce, consisting of four (4) sections, w .s C:.uly proposed a..lc: read _t len6;t'. at. - re ular meet'inL: of 't:: Jay �; Ru.he City Council held on the ust , 1621, an.- •,s.s duly doz:t d ^x, or'-aced publi:s :ed in the F--rt "olline Courier, 6, aa-- ,/ iiewS &:er u.Tld t'li ;;ff':Cial neYrSI'a er of the City of Fort Collins, IDy tha un3ni"ous Vot6 of al :ile .:O=JrO of t't12 Council, 3.s uii E':iier -enCy Cr:i.irianCB, 4 n. . . . accor:Lance ,%*iti the of Sectiors O and 7 of Article IV of the City Charter; and t-,ereafter an:L on, o ait : , a Zet ay of August , 1-'Nl, said Ordinance / rVas "Illy published in whe Fort Collins Courier , In t1e City of Foi-t Colill8, i ,I'i 'ESS Til OF, I hav J ti sV'S._ Au -ust , !i:i i 1 . 61 Ml r