HomeMy WebLinkAbout007 - 01/21/1901 - RELATING TO REFUNDING WATER BONDS 1
--- -•�- ORODEANCE NO 7�m 1801
Relating to Rein water HoM
�, bs► s 0* {�, �• of the town
Of Port Oollins, Passed and adopted on November 70 18899 an indebtedness
Of Eighty-five thousand (859000) dollars Was created for the purpAee of
constructing a system of Water Works for said tow evidenoe by the issue
of Eighty-five bonds for One thousand (1000) dollars eachp and
-------------- _0"AA bit an__Dsdiaaaee. of the City of Port 00111n8, Passed
and adopted on the 88" dwr of 1OW9 1888, an additional indebtedness of
twenty thousand (809000) dollars Was created for the purpose of completing
the construction of said Plater Works, w2tich was evIdweed by twenty bonds
of the sum of One thowand (1000) dollars eaoh, and
-------------- were duly reftded by an Ordinance of
the City of Part Coliins, duly passed and adopted on the 4" day of Novem-
ber, 18869 by providing for the iesuanoe in lieu thereof of the Refunding
Water Bonds of said City amounting to One hundred and five thousand
( 105,000) dollars, being one hundred and five bonds tar tits 4= of One
thousand (1000) dollars eaoh under the provisions of the Act of the tenth
General Assembly herein after mentioned, and
--------f-----&h a sawlfti _ are all redeemmbie according
to the provisions of said Ordinance at the option of the City of Fort
Collins, and,
--------------- of the Tenth General Assembly of Colorado
approved March 250 188b, entitled "An Act to enable tcvns and Cities to
refund their bonded indebtbtednesa, oontraoted for the supply of water, and
to repeal all other aots relating thereto, Tit is provided that towns and
Cities having oreated an indebtedness and issued bonds for building Water
Works, may refuMd and extend said borAs and 1ndebtedaese not to exceed
thirty (30) years, and that aiw bonds issuO under the provisions of this
Act may be refunded, by the issue of bonds which shall be payable within
a period of thirty (30) years from the time of the issue of the bonds so
refunded therefore
Be it oftalued by the City Council of the City of Fort Collins.
B jT. 4 L TM the ReAMding Tatez V* Bonds of the City of Fort
Collide, for One hundred and five thousand (1059 000) dolly", and the In-
debtedness vhioh they swidence, daW Mated by Ordinances of Bald! City
passed in 1882, 1888 and 18859 be refunded and extended, and a new set
of One hundred and five (108) bands be issued to take the plane of the
old bondeq each of said bonds being fft the s= of One th meand (1000)
dollars, and to be called eRefunding hater BondeO the proceeds of Which
shall only be used for the purpose of redeenjW said prior issue of bonds
9ECT j^�Me said bonds shad state on the two thereot the title
of this GrAinane, and the title of the Act of the Geaml
Assembly of the State of Colorado, under and 10 Dursln 00 of Whloh they
are issued and they shall be e3gned by the Mayor and the City Clerk, affi
duly attested WIWI the corporate seal of said Olty.
SEC 0 9 The said bonds shall bear Hate May 99 10019 and shall bear
Interest at the rate of four per cent per anmo, payable
semi-anunally, the first interest being payable = the Forth day of
November 18019 and thereafter said 1nteTest being Payable upon the Fourth
day of May and Pourth day of November of each year, Which interest shall
be evidenced by interest coupons attaohed to Bald bonds, and daly signed
by the Mayor and City Clerk, and said bonds shall Rot be sold for less
than their face value and accrued interest.
sECT, Tj_0N Ar,---- The prinoipal and Interest of said bolds shall be payable
at the Office of the City TreawtvT of the City of Fort
Collins, State of Colorado In gold acing or at the Peaking house of The
First National Batik of Fort 00111ns, Colarado, the principal of said bondP
shall be redeemable at the pleaswe of the City Council OR or eftear the
rourth day of May *, but shall be absolutely due and payable on the
Fourth day of May At arW time after the Fourth day of May � the
City Counoil of the Oity of Fort Collins, may at their discretion call
In from date to time, as many of said bonds as they may wish to redeem,
by a notice painted in some Newspaper published in said Oita, stating
that certain bonds designated by their s#� will be paid on presenta-
tion at the Office of the City Tress Or. on 6 certain day, not more than
thirty (80) days Prom the date of first publication, of t1le notioe, after
which date interest on such bonds so Galled shall aease, said bonds shall
be redeemed in consecutive order beginning with MMV6 one of the series,
until the whole number of One hundred and five (105) bou3Hs are fully pe1d,
brit the 01tq 00=011 m&V IR their dlsoretUm and w1th the consent of the
holders apply MW mo8ey In the Treasury appllaable to suoh use to the
Purchase for eald Qity, suoh of said bonds as can be papohasad byre
the said Fourth day of Mw A.D. Iq I I . and whlolt shall there xwon to tMed-
lately eanoelled. `�"�'
— 15 " AMR127 her'8&nGT, sD 20M as eabr of the aforesaid bonds
shall be outstanding and unpaid, there shall be ISVIOd upon the taxable
Property Of the City of Fort 00111As, a tax suf'flolent in amount to pay
the aooruing interest unless such Interest shall be pale from the revenues
received from the Water Works of said 01ty os ftom other sources, and in
the year �, and e�11y thereafter so long as arty of the aforesaid
bonds, shall be oatetending and unpaid, there 11NOWise shall be levied
a tax upon all the taxable propqty of said Oity, suffioient in amount
+ to pelt/ On^part of the prind'ipal of said bomde or so much thereof as may
R 74
be neoessary unless the one -,/_ � - part be paid from the revannes derived
from the Water Works, which said taxes shall be levied and oolleated as
other City tares ere, but the duty Tte881UgV dttall keep a ate a000unt
thereof, so that the proceeds of suou taxes shall be exalueively used and
paid in liquidation of the interest and Principal oP said bonds, in the
manner and at the time and Vmaom as provided In said bonds, and the pro-
visions of this Ordinance, until said indebtedness shall have been fully
paid and discharged
SNQTZON do --- The revenues derived from the Water Works of said City
shall be used and applied only for the payment of the legs-
gate expenses and snPPort of the Water Works, `6d of the Prinalpal and
interest of the bonds aforesaid, until said bonds are fully paid.
SNOT ON 7 --- This Ordiaanoe or any part of it shall be irrepealable
until the indebtedness herein provIdso for shall have been
fully paid
Passed and adopted, da=SPV M0 A b 1801